130 research outputs found

    Twitter as a political tool

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    References 1. Матковська О. Перспективи лінгвістичних досліджень блога / Олена Матковська // Humanity, Computers and Communication (HCC’2015), 22–24 April 2015, Lviv. — С. 128–131. 2. Alonso-Muňoz L. Political Leaders in (inter)Action. Twitter As a Strategic Communication Tool in Electoral Campaigns / L. AlonsoMuňoz, S. Marcos-García, A. Casero-Ripollés // Tripodos. – 2016. – Número 39. – pp. 71–90. 3. Buggisch Ch. Social Media und Messenger-Nutzerzahlen in Deutschland 2018 / Christian Buggisch. Retrieved from https://buggisch.wordpress.com/2018/01/02/social-media-und-messengernutzerzahlen-in-deutschland-2018/ 4. Twitter-Account of Angela Merkel. Retrieved from https://mobile.twitter.com/angelamerkeicdu 5. Twitter-Account of Sigmar Gabriel. Retrieved from https://mobile.twitter.com/sigmargabriel 6. Twitter-Account of Alexander Van der Bellen. Retrieved from https://mobile.twitter.com/vanderbellenCommunication is a fundamental component of human life. The increase of the role of new communication forms both in the professional activity and everyday life influences the formation, worldview, and socialization of personality under the conditions of sustainable development of electronic communication. Electronic communication is the object of studying of different humanitarian sciences within the scientific paradigm that is defined by its multidisciplinary status

    Human and mouse homologs of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD54 DNA repair gene: evidence for functional conservation.

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    BACKGROUND: Homologous recombination is of eminent importance both in germ cells, to generate genetic diversity during meiosis, and in somatic cells, to safeguard DNA from genotoxic damage. The genetically well-defined RAD52 pathway is required for these processes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genes similar to those in the RAD52 group have been identified in mammals. It is not known whether this conservation of primary sequence extends to conservation of function. RESULTS: Here we report the isolation of cDNAs encoding a human and a mouse homolog of RAD54. The human (hHR54) and mouse (mHR54) proteins were 48% identical to Rad54 and belonged to the SNF2/SW12 family, which is characterized by amino-acid motifs found in DNA-dependent ATPases. The hHR54 gene was mapped to chromosome 1p32, and the hHR54 protein was located in the nucleus. We found that the levels of hHR54 mRNA increased in late G1 phase, as has been found for RAD54 mRNA. The level of mHR54 mRNA was e

    Legitimation of University in Modern Culture

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    The authors propose to consider university as a significant cultural topos. The significance of the topos is provided by the narrative integrated in it. It reflects the values and inscribes the university into the current cultural situation. The authors give several historical examples to support their thesis that this narrative is a response to external cultural challenges. The current situation is rife with such challenges, and therefore, the creation of a legitimizing narrative for the university turns out to be quite problematic. The authors study the influence of such factors as massification of education, media communication, social, demographic changes, etc. Examples of modern Russian and foreign universities demonstrate self-legitimization process of the university and show its visual part. The universities represent their own position, history and current values by creating their own visual code. The authors adduce as examples modern universities’ websites with the visual images that are presented on their title pages. Based on this material, the authors draw a conclusion about the main modern strategies of self-legitimation of the university as positioning on the scales: tradition and innovation, loyalty to the government and independence from it, history and community

    Activation-Induced Cytidine Deaminase Initiates Immunoglobulin Gene Conversion and Hypermutation by a Common Intermediate

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    Depending on the species and the lymphoid organ, activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) expression triggers diversification of the rearranged immunoglobulin (Ig) genes by pseudo V (ψV) gene- templated gene conversion or somatic hypermutation. To investigate how AID can alternatively induce recombination or hypermutation, ψV gene deletions were introduced into the rearranged light chain locus of the DT40 B-cell line. We show that the stepwise removal of the ψV donors not only reduces and eventually abolishes Ig gene conversion, but also activates AID-dependent Ig hypermutation. This strongly supports a model in which AID induces a common modification in the rearranged V(D)J segment, leading to a conversion tract in the presence of nearby donor sequences and to a point mutation in their absence

    Disruption of mouse RAD54 reduces ionizing radiation resistance and homologous recombination.

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    Double-strand DNA break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination occurs through the RAD52 pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its biological importance is underscored by the conservation of many RAD52 pathway genes, including RAD54, from fungi to humans. We have analyzed the phenotype of mouse RAD54-/- (mRAD54-/-) cells. Consistent with a DSB repair defect

    DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Inhibits AID-Induced Antibody Gene Conversion

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    Affinity maturation and class switching of antibodies requires activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)-dependent hypermutation of Ig V(D)J rearrangements and Ig S regions, respectively, in activated B cells. AID deaminates deoxycytidine bases in Ig genes, converting them into deoxyuridines. In V(D)J regions, subsequent excision of the deaminated bases by uracil-DNA glycosylase, or by mismatch repair, leads to further point mutation or gene conversion, depending on the species. In Ig S regions, nicking at the abasic sites produced by AID and uracil-DNA glycosylases results in staggered double-strand breaks, whose repair by nonhomologous end joining mediates Ig class switching. We have tested whether nonhomologous end joining also plays a role in V(D)J hypermutation using chicken DT40 cells deficient for Ku70 or the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). Inactivation of the Ku70 or DNA-PKcs genes in DT40 cells elevated the rate of AID-induced gene conversion as much as 5-fold. Furthermore, DNA-PKcs-deficiency appeared to reduce point mutation. The data provide strong evidence that double-strand DNA ends capable of recruiting the DNA-dependent protein kinase complex are important intermediates in Ig V gene conversion


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    The purpose. To assess the impact of the three-month supervised and home-based physical trainings in the outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program on exercise tolerance and double product in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).Material and methods: 114 male patients of working age with coronary artery disease (CAD) who have undergone CABG were examined. Patients were enrolled into three groups: Group 1 − patients undergoing supervised cycling trainings (SCT) (n = 36), Group 2 − patients undergoing home-based trainings (HBT) (n = 36) and the control group without any exercise trainings (n = 42). The following parameters were assessed: the six-minute walk test (6MWT) value, exercise tolerance (ET) and double product (DP), determined by the cycle ergometer test (CET) prior to surgery, 1, 4 months and 1 year after CABG.Results: The 6MWT value increased by 9% in the SCT group, by 6% in the HBT group, and by 1% in the control group during the outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program. ET significantly increased in all study groups according to the analysis of exercise tolerance by the CET 4 months after CABG. However, the improvement was more pronounced in patients with SCT compared to other groups. One year after CABG, this difference balanced between the study groups. DP, assessed by the CET, significantly increased in patients undergoing SCT (p = 0.01), compared to other groups. There were no significant differences found in the rate of cardiovascular events between the study groups.Conclusion: Home-based trainings are inferior to SCT in the outpatient settings, but they are safe and may improve significantly the 6MWT values compared to patients in the control group. Therefore, home-based trainings may be recommended to patients, if they cannot visit the rehabilitation center.Цель. Оценить влияние трехмесячного курса контролируемых и домашних физических тренировок (ФТ) амбулаторного этапа реабилитации на толерантность к физической нагрузке, показатель «двойного произведения» у пациентов, подвергшихся операции коронарного шунтирования (КШ). Материалы и методы. Обследовано 114 мужчин трудоспособного возраста с ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС), перенесших КШ. Пациенты были разделены на три группы: группа пациентов с контролируемыми велотренировками (ВТ) (n=36), группа пациентов с домашними тренировками ДТ (n=36) и группа сравнения, наблюдающаяся в поликлинике по месту жительства, без ФТ (n=42). Оценивали показатели теста шестиминутной ходьбы (ТШХ), толерантность к физической нагрузке (ТФН) и двойное произведение (ДП) по результатам велоэргометрии (ВЭМ) до операции, через 1 месяц, 4 месяца и через год после КШ. Результаты. За время тренировок показатели ТШХ возросли в группе ВТ на 9%, в группе ДТ – на 6%, в группе без ФТ – на 1%. При анализе переносимости физической нагрузки по данным ВЭМ, через 4 месяца после КШ ТФН достоверно увеличилась во всех сравниваемых группах, но более выраженно это увеличение отмечалось у пациентов с ВТ в сравнении с двумя другими группами. Однако через год после КШ это преимущество утрачивалось. ДП, оцененное при ВЭМ, на фоне тренировок достоверно увеличилось только у пациентов в группе с ВТ (р=0,01). В двух других группах достоверного прироста данного показателя не отмечалось. По количеству развития сердечно-сосудистых событий сравниваемые группы не различались. Заключение. Домашние физические тренировки уступают в эффективности ВТ в условиях лечебного учреждения, однако безопасны и значимо улучшают показатели ТФН в сравнении с пациентами без ФТ, а потому могут быть рекомендованы пациентам при невозможности посещения ими реабилитационного центра

    FANCJ coordinates two pathways that maintain epigenetic stability at G-quadruplex DNA

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    We have previously reported that DT40 cells deficient in the Y-family polymerase REV1 are defective in replicating G-quadruplex DNA. In vivo this leads to uncoupling of DNA synthesis from redeposition of histones displaced ahead of the replication fork, which in turn leads to loss of transcriptional repression due to failure to recycle pre-existing repressive histone post-translational modifications. Here we report that a similar process can also affect transcriptionally active genes, leading to their deactivation. We use this finding to develop an assay based on loss of expression of a cell surface marker to monitor epigenetic instability at the level of single cells. This assay allows us to demonstrate G4 DNA motif-associated epigenetic instability in mutants of three helicases previously implicated in the unwinding of G-quadruplex structures, FANCJ, WRN and BLM. Transcriptional profiling of DT40 mutants reveals that FANCJ coordinates two independent mechanisms to maintain epigenetic stability near G4 DNA motifs that are dependent on either REV1 or on the WRN and BLM helicases, suggesting a model in which efficient in vivo replication of G-quadruplexes often requires the established 5′–3′-helicase activity of FANCJ acting in concert with either a specialized polymerase or helicase operating in the opposite polarity

    Rad51 Inhibits Translocation Formation by Non-Conservative Homologous Recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Chromosomal translocations are a primary biological response to ionizing radiation (IR) exposure, and are likely to result from the inappropriate repair of the DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that are created. An abundance of repetitive sequences in eukaryotic genomes provides ample opportunity for such breaks to be repaired by homologous recombination (HR) between non-allelic repeats. Interestingly, in the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae the central strand exchange protein, Rad51 that is required for DSB repair by gene conversion between unlinked repeats that conserves genomic structure also suppresses translocation formation by several HR mechanisms. In particular, Rad51 suppresses translocation formation by single-strand annealing (SSA), perhaps the most efficient mechanism for translocation formation by HR in both yeast and mammalian cells. Further, the enhanced translocation formation that emerges in the absence of Rad51 displays a distinct pattern of genetic control, suggesting that this occurs by a separate mechanism. Since hypomorphic mutations in RAD51 in mammalian cells also reduce DSB repair by conservative gene conversion and stimulate non-conservative repair by SSA, this mechanism may also operate in humans and, perhaps contribute to the genome instability that propels the development of cancer