113 research outputs found

    Inflation and non-minimal scalar-curvature coupling in gravity and supergravity

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    Inflationary slow-roll dynamics in Einstein gravity with a non-minimal scalar-curvature coupling can be equivalent to that in the certain f(R) gravity theory. We review the correspondence and extend it to N=1 supergravity. The non-minimal coupling in supergravity is rewritten in terms of the standard (`minimal') N=1 matter-coupled supergravity by using curved superspace. The established equivalence between two different inflationary theories means the same inflaton scalar potential, and does not imply the same post-inflationary dynamics and reheating.Comment: 18 pages, no figures, LaTeX. minor changes, references added, the version published in JCAP. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1201.2239, arXiv:1011.024

    On initial conditions for the Hot Big Bang

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    We analyse the process of reheating the Universe in the electroweak theory where the Higgs field plays a role of the inflaton. We estimate the maximal temperature of the Universe and fix the initial conditions for radiation-dominated phase of the Universe expansion in the framework of the Standard Model (SM) and of the nuMSM -- the minimal extension of the SM by three right-handed singlet fermions. We show that the inflationary epoch is followed by a matter dominated stage related to the Higgs field oscillations. We investigate the energy transfer from Higgs-inflaton to the SM particles and show that the radiation dominated phase of the Universe expansion starts at temperature T_r~(3-15)*10^{13} GeV, where the upper bound depends on the Higgs boson mass. We estimate the production rate of singlet fermions at preheating and find that their concentrations at T_r are negligibly small. This suggests that the sterile neutrino Dark Matter (DM) production and baryogenesis in the nuMSM with Higgs-driven inflation are low energy phenomena, having nothing to do with inflation. We study then a modification of the nuMSM, adding to its Lagrangian higher dimensional operators suppressed by the Planck scale. The role of these operators in Higgs-driven inflation is clarified. We find that these operators do not contribute to the production of Warm Dark Matter (WDM) and to baryogenesis. We also demonstrate that the sterile neutrino with mass exceeding 100 keV (a Cold Dark Matter (CDM) candidate) can be created during the reheating stage of the Universe in necessary amounts. We argue that the mass of DM sterile neutrino should not exceed few MeV in order not to overclose the Universe.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figures. Journal version accepted in JCA

    Cosmological Perturbations from the Standard Model Higgs

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    We propose that the Standard Model (SM) Higgs is responsible for generating the cosmological perturbations of the universe by acting as an isocurvature mode during a de Sitter inflationary stage. In view of the recent ATLAS and CMS results for the Higgs mass, this can happen if the Hubble rate during inflation is in the range (10101014)(10^{10}- 10^{14}) GeV (depending on the SM parameters). Implications for the detection of primordial tensor perturbations through the BB-mode of CMB polarization via the PLANCK satellite are discussed. For example, if the Higgs mass value is confirmed to be mh=125.5m_h=125.5 GeV and mt,αsm_t, \alpha_s are at their central values, our mechanism predicts tensor perturbations too small to be detected in the near future. On the other hand, if tensor perturbations will be detected by PLANCK through the BB-mode of CMB, then there is a definite relation between the Higgs and top masses, making the mechanism predictive and falsifiable.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections and references added to match published versio

    Pinning down the kaon form factors in K^+ -> mu^+ nu_mu gamma decay

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    We find that the normal muon polarization in the decay K->mu nu_mu gamma is very sensitive to the values of the kaon vector F_V and axial-vector F_A form factors. It is shown that the ongoing KEK-E246 experiment can definitely determine the signs of the sum of the form factors if their difference is fixed from other considerations. This method can also verify the form factor values and signs obtained from the K^+ -> l^+ nu_l e^+ e^- decays. A new experiment with sensitivity to the normal and transverse muon polarizations of about 10^-4 will provide a unique possibility to determine the F_V and F_A values with a few percent accuracy.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 2 figures. Minor corrections made for the journal version of the pape

    The optical module of the Baikal deep underwater neutrino telescope

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    A deep underwater Cherenkov telescope has been operating since 1993 in stages of growing size at 1.1 km depth in Lake Baikal. The key component of the telescope is the Optical Module (OM) which houses the highly sensitive phototube QUASAR-370. We describe design and parameters of the QUASAR-370, the layout of the optical module, the front-end electronics and the calibration procedures, and present selected results from the five-year operation underwater. Also, future developments with respect to a telescope consisting from several thousand OMs are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 24 figure

    Registration of atmospheric neutrinos with the Baikal neutrino telescope

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    We present first neutrino induced events observed with a deep underwater neutrino telescope. Data from 70 days effective life time of the BAIKAL prototype telescope NT-96 have been analyzed with two different methods. With the standard track reconstruction method, 9 clear upward muon candidates have been identified, in good agreement with 8.7 events expected from Monte Carlo calculations for atmospheric neutrinos. The second analysis is tailored to muons coming from close to the opposite zenith. It yields 4 events, compared to 3.5 from Monte Carlo expectations. From this we derive a 90 % upper flux limit of 1.1 * 10^-13 cm^-2 sec^-1 for muons in excess of those expected from atmospheric neutrinos with zenith angle > 150 degrees and energy > 10GeV.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Highly Productive C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>4</sub>/C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>6</sub> Trace Separation by a Packing Polymorph of a Layered Hybrid Ultramicroporous Material

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    Ultramicroporous materials can be highly effective at trace gas separations when they offer a high density of selective binding sites. Herein, we report that sql-NbOFFIVE-bpe-Cu, a new variant of a previously reported ultramicroporous square lattice, sql, topology material, sql-SIFSIX-bpe-Zn, can exist in two polymorphs. These polymorphs, sql-NbOFFIVE-bpe-Cu-AA (AA) and sql-NbOFFIVE-bpe-Cu-AB (AB), exhibit AAAA and ABAB packing of the sql layers, respectively. Whereas NbOFFIVE-bpe-Cu-AA (AA) is isostructural with sql-SIFSIX-bpe-Zn, each exhibiting intrinsic 1D channels, sql-NbOFFIVE-bpe-Cu-AB (AB) has two types of channels, the intrinsic channels and extrinsic channels between the sql networks. Gas and temperature induced transformations of the two polymorphs of sql-NbOFFIVE-bpe-Cu were investigated by pure gas sorption, single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SCXRD), variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction (VT-PXRD), and synchrotron PXRD. We observed that the extrinsic pore structure of AB resulted in properties with potential for selective C3H4/C3H6 separation. Subsequent dynamic gas breakthrough measurements revealed exceptional experimental C3H4/C3H6 selectivity (270) and a new benchmark for productivity (118 mmol g-1) of polymer grade C3H6 (purity &gt;99.99%) from a 1:99 C3H4/C3H6 mixture. Structural analysis, gas sorption studies, and gas adsorption kinetics enabled us to determine that a binding "sweet spot"for C3H4 in the extrinsic pores is behind the benchmark separation performance. Density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and Canonical Monte Carlo (CMC) simulations provided further insight into the binding sites of C3H4 and C3H6 molecules within these two hybrid ultramicroporous materials, HUMs. These results highlight, to our knowledge for the first time, how pore engineering through the study of packing polymorphism in layered materials can dramatically change the separation performance of a physisorbent.</p

    Semiclassical Study of Baryon and Lepton Number Violation in High-Energy Electroweak Collisions

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    We make use of a semiclassical method for calculating the suppression exponent for topology changing transitions in high-energy electroweak collisions. In the Standard Model these processes are accompanied by violation of baryon and lepton number. By using a suitable computational technique we obtain results for s-wave scattering in a large region of initial data. Our results show that baryon and lepton number violation remains exponentially suppressed up to very high energies of at least 30 sphaleron masses (250 TeV). We also conclude that the known analytic approaches inferred from low energy expansion provide reasonably good approximations up to the sphaleron energy (8 TeV) only.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures. Phys.Rev.D journal version (two references added