213 research outputs found

    Os fóruns de alto nível da organização para a cooperação e o desenvolvimento econômico (OCDE) : limites e perspectivas da posição brasileira na agenda sobre efetividade da ajuda internacional

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    O presente artigo se propõe a explorar os limites e perspectivas da posição brasileira na agenda sobre efetividade da ajuda internacional a partir dos Fóruns de Alto Nível sobre Efetividade da Ajuda promovidos pela OCDE e de iniciativas internas que possibilitem configurar a inserção adequada do país na nova arquitetura da ajuda internacional em discussão

    Cardiovascular Effects of the Essential Oil of Croton argyrophylloides

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    Cardiovascular effects of the essential oil of Croton argyrophylloides Muell. Arg. (EOCA) were investigated in normotensive rats. In saline-pretreated anesthetized or conscious rats, intravenous (i.v.) injection of the EOCA induced dose-dependent hypotension. Dose-dependent tachycardia was observed only in conscious rats. In anesthetized rats, cervical bivagotomy failed to enhance EOCA-induced hypotension but unmasked significant bradycardia. In conscious rats, i.v. pretreatment with methylatropine, but not with atenolol or L-NAME, reduced both hypotensive and tachycardiac responses to EOCA. However, hexamethonium pretreatment reverted the EOCA-induced tachycardia into significant bradycardia without affecting the hypotension. In aortic ring preparations precontracted with phenylephrine, EOCA induced a concentration-dependent relaxation that was significantly reduced by vascular endothelium removal and pretreatment with atropine, indomethacin, or glibenclamide but remained unaffected by pretreatment with L-NAME or TEA. It is concluded that i.v. treatment with EOAC decreased blood pressure probably through an active vascular relaxation rather than withdrawal of sympathetic tone. Muscarinic receptor stimulation, liberation of the endothelium-derived prostacyclin, and opening KATP channels are partially involved in the aortic relaxation induced by EOCA and in turn in the mediation of EOCA-induced hypotension. EOCA-induced tachycardia in conscious rats appears to be mediated reflexly through inhibition of vagal drive to the heart


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    Trata-se o presente artigo de pesquisa qualitativa, realizada por meio de método dedutivo e de procedimento técnico bibliográfico e documental, que visa levantar um breve debate sobre a vedação ao non liquet, previsto no art. 4º, da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro, e o princípio da reserva legal no âmbito criminal. Para isso, parte-se de uma análise dos seus conceitos até seus entrelaçamentos e aplicações próprias da vedação ao non liquet e a reserva legal – confrontando-os à decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal que criminalizou a prática da homofobia e transfobia com base numa expansão conceitual da expressão racismo. O presente artigo científico objetiva demonstrar que é vedado ao judiciário, em seus préstimos judiciais, criar ou expandir condutas a tipos penais, sejam inexistentes ou limitados, com o fim de criminalizá-las em inobservância à reserva legal em seu sentido formal. Dessa feita, a importância deste trabalho se dá devido a necessidade de reflexão atual quanto aos limites das decisões judiciais e a possibilidade de se relegar a reserva legal em favor de um suposto bem maior. Diante desse cenário, concluiu-se que ao judiciário não compete criminalizar condutas não previstas expressamente no tipo penal nem alargar seus conceitos ou significados à margem da reserva legal

    Sistema de bombeamento sustentável: aperfeiçoamento do sistema carneiro hidráulico e bomba volumétrica para o meio urbano na cidade de Boa Vista-RR / Sustainable pumping system: improvement of the hydraulic ram and volumetric pump system for the urban environment in the city of Boa Vista-RR

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    Objetivo geral desse trabalho foi aperfeiçoar um sistema de bombeamento que possa substituir uma bomba elétrica em residência unifamiliar no município de Boa Vista/RR. O equipamento é uma alternativa de bombeamento sustentável, tendo em vista que pode substituir bombas industriais que demandam o uso de energia elétrica ou combustíveis fósseis. Teve por metodologia abordagem qualitativa, exploratório de caráter bibliográfico e de campo. Os testes realizados mostraram que o tamanho do tambor não influencia na capacidade de geração de pressão. Assim foi possível observar que tambores com volume acima de 50 litros não são interessantes para o meio urbano devido aumento do gasto com água. Então foi escolhido para este sistema o tambor de 30litros. Também foi possível resolver o problema de desperdício de água do carneiro hidráulico, colocando um recipiente para coletar água e enviar por gravidade para a cisterna. A tubulação que atendeu ao sistema de escoamento foi a de 20mm e o carneiro hidráulico ficou com um diâmetro de 25mm

    Brucella ovis in sheep : seropositivity and risk factors

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    Realizou-se um levantamento sorológico de Brucella ovis em ovinos do Estado de Sergipe, com o objetivo de determinar a positividade e a distribuição da infecção em propriedades rurais e analisar os possíveis fatores associados à infecção. Foram analisadas 54 propriedades criadoras de ovinos, das quais foram colhidas 932 amostras de soro sanguíneo de animais com idade superior a seis meses, nas três regiões do Estado. Todos os soros foram examinados por Imunodifusão em Gel de Agar (IDGA). De acordo com o teste realizado, 46,30% (25/54) das propriedades apresentaram evidência sorológica de infecção por B. ovis, com uma positividade de 4,40% (41/932) dos animais. Como fatores associados à infecção por B. ovis, observaram-se a presença de tratador de ovinos (OR=2,31) e propriedades com área superior a 50 ha (OR=1,98) e como fator de proteção, a utilização de cabanha (OR=0,37). Assim, verificou-se a presença de anticorpos contra Brucella ovis nos ovinos do Estado e salienta-se a importância de estudos complementares para determinação de medidas sanitárias específicas para prevenir os rebanhos desta enfermidade.Seroepidemiological study of Brucella ovis in sheep from Sergipe State was carried out to determine the seropositivity and infection distribution in rural properties and possible factors associated with infection. A total of 54 sheep properties were studied and 932 blood serum samples from animals older than six months were collected in the three regions of Sergipe State. All sera samples were examined by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). According to the serological tests, 46.30% (25/54) of the properties had serologic evidence of infection by B. ovis, with 4.40% of positive animals (41/932). Presence of sheep handler (OR=2.31) and properties with an area bigger than 50 ha (OR=1.98) were observed as factors associated with B. ovis infection, whereas the use of stall (OR=0.37) worked as a protective factor (OR=0.40). Thus, the presence of antibodies against B. ovis in Sergipe State was confirmed, and it highlights the importance of complementary studies to determine the specific health measures in herds to prevent this disease


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    The present study aims to evaluate the influence of mineral fertilization on the allocation of biomass in the roots, culm and leaves of bamboo plants cultivated in green house. The soil is classified as Quartzipsamment, and it was fertilized with the doses equivalent to 0, 20, 40, 80, and 120 kg ha-1 of nitrogen and 0, 10, 40, 80, and 100 kg ha-1 of phosphorus and potassium. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications. Bamboo plants were grown for 120 days in green house. After this period the plants were harvested and the total biomass was determined as well the biomass allocation in leaves, culm and roots. The highest total dry weight biomass was achieved by the dose of 120, 10 e 100 kg ha-1 of NPK. The highest biomass production in leaves, was obtained with the dose equivalent to 80, 10 and 100 kg ha-1 NPK. The highest culm biomass biomass production was with the doses equivalent to 120, 40 and 100 kg ha-1 NPK. And the highest production in the root was achieved respectively by the doses of 80, 10 and 100 kg ha-1 of NPK. The fertilization whit N and K provided increase in the production of the total biomass of the bamboo plants.O presente estudo teve como o objetivo avaliar a influência da adubação mineral na alocação de biomassa nas raízes, colmo e folhas de bambu cultivadas em casa de vegetação. O solo é classificado como Neossolo Quartzarenico, foi adubado com as doses equivalentes a 0, 20, 40, 80 e 120 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio e 0, 10, 40, 80 e 100 kg ha-1 de fósforo e potássio, respectivamente. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em um esquema fatorial com quatro repetições. As plantas de bambu foram cultivadas durante 120 dias em casa de vegetação. Após este período as plantas foram coletadas e determinadas a biomassa das folhas, colmo, raízes e biomassa total. A maior produção de biomassa seca total foi obtida nas doses equivalentes a 120, 10 e 100 kg ha-1 de NPK. A maior produção da biomassa seca das folhas foi obtida com as doses equivalentes a 80, 10 e 100 kg ha-1 NPK, respectivamente. No colmo com as doses equivalentes a 120, 40 e 100 kg ha-1 NPK, respectivamente. E a maior produção nas raízes foi obtida respectivamente com as doses equivalente a e 80, 10 e 100 kg ha-1 de NPK. A adubação com N e K proporcionou aumento na produção da biomassa total das plantas de bambu

    Academic development in technical high school courses in the north region of Brazil: overcoming obstacles and promoting engagement

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    Continuous development in academic learning can be hindered by rigid rules, resulting in a disconnection between students and the learning process. Promoting socialization and a sense of belonging in the academic environment contributes to student satisfaction. The ability to manage emotions is crucial when facing social challenges, preventing the emergence of emotional instabilities. This article presents a literature review that addresses the teaching and learning process. Based on this review, a structured questionnaire was developed and administered to 108 students from the integrated technical courses at the Tarauacá campus of IFAC, with the purpose of collecting relevant data on their perceptions, opinions, and experiences. Through this process, the psychological consequences of these aspects and their impact on academic performance and learning were aimed to be understood. Upon analyzing the selected studies and the questionnaire results, it is evident that there are practical, cognitive, and emotional challenges that affect students' learning process. To overcome these obstacles, it is important to address issues such as social pressure, differences in learning pace, and inappropriate practices, creating a positive learning environment and adapting pedagogical approaches to students' needs. The constructive approaches proposed in the reviewed studies positively influence students' academic performance, stimulating essential skills and promoting a holistic education. However, it is necessary to rethink the structure of education to keep students motivated, considering issues such as school dropout caused by challenges like remote campus location and financial limitations.Continuous development in academic learning can be hindered by rigid rules, resulting in a disconnection between students and the learning process. Promoting socialization and a sense of belonging in the academic environment contributes to student satisfaction. The ability to manage emotions is crucial when facing social challenges, preventing the emergence of emotional instabilities. This article presents a literature review that addresses the teaching and learning process. Based on this review, a structured questionnaire was developed and administered to 108 students from the integrated technical courses at the Tarauacá campus of IFAC, with the purpose of collecting relevant data on their perceptions, opinions, and experiences. Through this process, the psychological consequences of these aspects and their impact on academic performance and learning were aimed to be understood. Upon analyzing the selected studies and the questionnaire results, it is evident that there are practical, cognitive, and emotional challenges that affect students' learning process. To overcome these obstacles, it is important to address issues such as social pressure, differences in learning pace, and inappropriate practices, creating a positive learning environment and adapting pedagogical approaches to students' needs. The constructive approaches proposed in the reviewed studies positively influence students' academic performance, stimulating essential skills and promoting a holistic education. However, it is necessary to rethink the structure of education to keep students motivated, considering issues such as school dropout caused by challenges like remote campus location and financial limitations

    Exploring Cluster Analysis in Nelore Cattle Visual Score Attribution

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    Assessing the biotype of cattle through human visual inspection is a very common and important practice in precision cattle breeding. This paper presents the results of a correlation analysis between scores produced by humans for Nelore cattle and a variety of measurements that can be derived from images or other instruments. It also presents a study using the k-means algorithm to generate new ways of clustering a batch of cattle using the measurements that most correlate with the animal's body weight and visual scores