341 research outputs found

    Influência dos comitês no gerenciamento de resultados

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    The objective of this article was to verify whether the presence of the Audit Committee and the Board of Auditors encourages a migration from accrual-based earnings management to the management of real activities. The methodology used for the study development was empirical, quantitative and descriptive research. The data comprise Brazilian companies listed on B3 in the period from 2010 to 2017. The models were estimated by the ordinary least squares method - OLS - with panel data, controlled by year dummy and ADR. There is no evidence to indicate the presence of a trade-off. When there are audit committees and Board of Auditors, there is a decrease in both types of earnings management.O objetivo desse artigo foi verificar se a presença do Comitê de Auditoria e do Conselho Fiscal incentiva uma migração do gerenciamento de resultado por accruals para gerenciamento de atividades reais. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do estudo foi a pesquisa empírica, quantitativa e de caráter descritiva. Os dados compreendem as empresas brasileiras listadas na B3 no período de 2010 a 2017. Os modelos foram estimados pelo método dos mínimos quadrados ordinários - MQO - com dados em painel, controlados por dummy de ano e ADR. Não há evidência que indique a presença de trade-off. Quando existem os comitês de auditoria e conselho fiscal, ocorre uma diminuição de ambos os tipos de gerenciamento de resultados

    Theoretical impact of insecticide-impregnated school uniforms on dengue incidence in Thai children.

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    BACKGROUND: Children carry the main burden of morbidity and mortality caused by dengue. Children spend a considerable amount of their day at school; hence strategies that reduce human-mosquito contact to protect against the day-biting habits of Aedes mosquitoes at schools, such as insecticide-impregnated uniforms, could be an effective prevention strategy. METHODOLOGY: We used mathematical models to calculate the risk of dengue infection based on force of infection taking into account the estimated proportion of mosquito bites that occur in school and the proportion of school time that children wear the impregnated uniforms. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The use of insecticide-impregnated uniforms has efficacy varying from around 6% in the most pessimistic estimations, to 55% in the most optimistic scenarios simulated. CONCLUSIONS: Reducing contact between mosquito bites and human hosts via insecticide-treated uniforms during school time is theoretically effective in reducing dengue incidence and may be a valuable additional tool for dengue control in school-aged children. The efficacy of this strategy, however, is dependent on the compliance of the target population in terms of proper and consistent wearing of uniforms and, perhaps more importantly, the proportion of bites inflicted by the Aedes population during school time

    Timely loss recognition in Brazilian firms under corruption investigation

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    A Note on the Risk of Infections Invading Unaffected Regions.

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    We present two probabilistic models to estimate the risk of introducing infectious diseases into previously unaffected countries/regions by infective travellers. We analyse two distinct situations, one dealing with a directly transmitted infection (measles in Italy in 2017) and one dealing with a vector-borne infection (Zika virus in Rio de Janeiro, which may happen in the future). To calculate the risk in the first scenario, we used a simple, nonhomogeneous birth process. The second model proposed in this paper provides a way to calculate the probability that local mosquitoes become infected by the arrival of a single infective traveller during his/her infectiousness period. The result of the risk of measles invasion of Italy was of 93% and the result of the risk of Zika virus invasion of Rio de Janeiro was of 22%

    Vectorial capacity, basic reproduction number, force of infection and all that: formal notation to complete and adjust their classical concepts and equations

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    A dimensional analysis of the classical equations related to the dynamics of vector-borne infections is presented. It is provided a formal notation to complete the expressions for the Ross' threshold theorem, the Macdonald's basic reproduction "rate" and sporozoite "rate", Garret-Jones' vectorial capacity and Dietz-Molineaux-Thomas' force of infection. The analysis was intended to provide a formal notation that complete the classical equations proposed by these authors.European Union [282589]European UnionLIM01 HCFMUSPLIM01 HCFMUSPCNPqCNP

    Agressividade tributária nas empresas de capital aberto que atuam em mercado regulado

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    Objetivo: A pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar se o mercado regulado por intermédio de suas agências é fator determinante para uma postura de menor agressividade tributária nas empresas. Metodologia: A BTD (Book-Tax Differences), a ETRc (Current Effective Tax Rate) e a CashETR (Cash Effective Tax Rate) foram os indicadores usados neste estudo para mensurar o nível de agressividade tributária. A amostra correspondeu a todas as empresas que negociaram suas ações na B3, no período de 2010 a 2018. Resultados: Os resultados deste estudo mostram que empresas que atuam em mercado regulado são menos agressivas tributariamente do que empresas que atuam no mercado livre. Notou-se assim que a regulação de mercados atua como fator que desestimula a implementação de estratégias tributárias mais agressivas. Contribuições do Estudo: A contribuição prática deste estudo foi avaliar o modelo de regulação setorial vigente no país, sob a ótica dos benefícios fiscais e do controle da agressividade tributária. Este estudo traz de contribuição teórica a necessidade de uma participação mais efetiva dos contribuintes para um modelo regulatório mais pautado na contribuição mútua entre a administração pública e as companhias. Ainda sob o aspecto teórico, o trabalho contribui na avaliação da regulação setorial como um mecanismo de controle da elisão fiscal e redução da agressividade tributária, além de fornecer material de estudo inicial para futuras pesquisas sobre o comportamento do mercado regulado frente à agressividade tributária

    Tax aggressiveness in publicly traded companies operating in a regulated market

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    Purpose: The research aims to identify whether the regulated market through its agencies is a determining factor for a posture of less tax aggressiveness in companies. Methodology: BTD (Book-Tax Differences), ETRc (Current Effective Tax Rate) and CashETR (Cash Effective Tax Rate) were the indicators used in this study to measure the level of tax aggressiveness. The sample corresponded to all companies that traded their shares in B3, from 2010 to 2018. Results: The results of this study show that companies that operate in a regulated market are less tax aggressive than companies that operate in the free market. It was thus noted that market regulation acts as a factor that discourages the implementation of more aggressive tax strategies. Contributions of the Study: The practical contribution of this study was to evaluate the sectorial regulation model in force in the country, from the perspective of tax benefits and the control of tax aggressiveness. This study brings from theoretical contribution the need for a more effective participation of taxpayers for a regulatory model more guided by the mutual contribution between public administration and companies. Still under the theoretical aspect, the work contributes to the evaluation of sectorial regulation as a mechanism to control tax avoidance and reduce tax aggressiveness, in addition to providing initial study material for future research on the behavior of the regulated market in the face of tax aggressiveness

    Gerenciamento de resultados nos diferentes níveis de governança corporativa

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    The article investigates the correlation between adherence to different levels of Bovespa corporate governance and earnings management. We take the hypothesis that firms with higher standard of corporate governance have lower earnings management. After a review of the literature on conceptual aspects of accruals, discretionary and non-discretionary accruals, earnings management and its relationship to the levels of Bovespa corporate governance, a research is promoted by applying the model developed by Kang and Silvaramkrishnan (1995) to identify discretionary accruals at different levels of corporate governance. The survey is characterized as descriptive and documentary, with a quantitative approach. We analyzed the companies listed on Bovespa in different governance levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Novo Mercado, in the period between 2000 and 2007. Unlike the results reported in international studies, mercaresearch has not allowed us to infer that a higher level of governance necessarily mean a lower degree of earnings management. It is also concluded that the behavior of firms in earnings management is similar between the different levels of governance of the Bovespa, especially those found in two groups of positive profitability described in this study. This suggests that the level of governance does not interfere in such behavior of managers.O artigo objetiva investigar a correlação entre a adesão a segmentos diferenciados de governança da Bovespa e as práticas de Gerenciamento de Resultados (GR). Tem-se por hipótese que empresas com padrão superior de Governança Corporativa (GC) apresentam menor GR. Após uma revisão da literatura dos aspectos conceituais sobre accruals, accruals discricionários e não-discricionários, de gerenciamento de resultados e sua relação com os níveis de governança corporativa da Bovespa, promove-se uma pesquisa por meio da aplicação do modelo desenvolvido por Kang e Silvaramkrishnan (1995) visando identificar accruals discricionários nos diferentes níveis de governança corporativa. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como estudo descritivo e documental com abordagem quantitativa. Foram analisadas as empresas listadas na Bovespa nos diferentes níveis de governança: Nível 1, Nível 2 e Novo Mercado, no período de 2000 a 2007. Diferente dos resultados apresentados nos estudos internacionais, a pesquisa não permitiu inferir que um maior nível de governança significa necessariamente um menor grau de gerenciamento de resultados. Conclui-se, ainda, que o comportamento das empresas no gerenciamento dos lucros é semelhante entre os diferentes níveis de governança da Bovespa, em especial, naquelas que se encontram nos dois grupos de lucratividade positiva descritos neste estudo. Isso sugere, também, que o nível de governança não interfere em tal comportamento dos gestores