631 research outputs found

    Bats in a restinga area in Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil

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    There is little known about the bats of the Brazilian restinga as most studies have concentrated on the country’s south and southeast regions. In Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil, the only study previously carried out registered 17 species in different restinga habitats. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the bat community in a restinga area in Sergipe and update the list of species that occur in the area. The study was carried out in the Caju Private Natural Heritage Reserve, on the south coast of the state of Sergipe. Monthly campaigns were carried out from October 2016 to September 2017 over two consecutive nights and alternating between two sites to capture the bats. We captured Bats using 10 mist nets that remained open between 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. We determined the abundance and trophic guilds of the captured species. In addition, we obtained the occurrence frequency degree through the Constancy Index. We captured 457 individuals distributed over 13 species and two families, where three species represented a new record for the locality. The family Phyllostomidae was the richest and most abundant. Most species were frugivorous (61.5%). According to the Constancy Index, only four species were considered common. Using Jackknife 1 estimator, we estimated 14.83 species for the area, indicating that the richness obtained in this study corresponds to 87.6% of this estimate. This study resulted in an 17.6% increase in bat richness known for the area. The high representativeness of the Phyllostomidae family may be related to the capture method used. The predominance of frugivores bats in this study may be associated with the presence of many fruit trees in the area. The low occurrence of species considered common is often reported and can be explained by the species’ trophic specializations and by the sampling methods. Considering the scarcity of studies in restinga areas in Northeastern Brazil, this work becomes important for the knowledge of the bats in this environment, especially for Sergipe

    Fixos da saúde e fluxos na difusão e atendimento de pacientes com Covid-19 em São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil

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    Este trabalho discute a dinâmica de difusão da Covid-19 no Maranhão a partir dos fluxos desencadeados durante a pandemia, por pessoas buscando atendimento em São Luís. Discute também a seletividade com que o território maranhense é usado por empresas de saúde, resultando em zonas de densidade, como São Luís, e zonas de rarefação, como a maior parte dos demais centros do estado. Na pandemia, essa particularidade regional gerou fluxos de pessoas em busca de diagnóstico e tratamento, ampliando áreas de contágio e fragilizando o sistema de saúde. Metodologicamente, o trabalho analisa a distribuição de equipamentos médico-hospitalares e de fixos da saúde para discutir a mobilidade de pessoas, agravada pela pandemia. Os dados advêm sobretudo do Sistema de Informações de Saúde e do Cadastro Nacional dos Estabelecimentos de Saúde do Brasil (ambos do Datasus, Ministério da Saúde) e da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde do Maranhão. Os resultados indicam que a Covid-19 intensificou fluxo de pessoas para São Luís, ampliando a área de contágio e o número de óbitos na capital.This work aims to discuss the dynamics of the spread of covid-19 in Maranhão from the flows triggered, during the pandemic, by people seeking care in São Luís. density, like São Luís, and rarefaction zones, like most of the other centers of the state. In the pandemic, this regional particularity generated flows of people in search of diagnosis and treatment, expanding areas of contagion and weakening the health system. Methodologically, the work analyzes the distribution of medical and hospital equipment and fixed health equipment to discuss the mobility of people, aggravated by the pandemic. The data come mainly from the Health Information System and the National Registry of Health Establishments in Brazil (both from Datasus, Ministry of Health) and from the State Department of Health of Maranhão.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo discutir la dinámica de propagación de Covid-19 en Maranhão a partir de los flujos desencadenados, durante la pandemia, por personas que buscan atención en São Luís: densidad, como São Luís, y zonas de rarefacción, como la mayoría de los otros centros de el estado. En la pandemia, esta particularidad regional generó flujos de personas en busca de diagnóstico y tratamiento, ampliando las áreas de contagio y debilitando el sistema de salud. Metodológicamente, el trabajo analiza la distribución de equipos médicos y hospitalarios y equipos fijos de salud para discutir la movilidad de las personas, agravada por la pandemia. Los datos provienen principalmente del Sistema de Información en Salud y del Registro Nacional de Establecimientos de Salud de Brasil (ambos del Datasus, Ministerio de Salud) y de la Secretaría de Estado de Salud de Maranhão. Los resultados indican que la Covid-19 intensificó el flujo de personas hacia São Luís, ampliando el área de contagio y el número de muertos en la capital

    Imobilismo a Garantir a Permanência Oligárquica no Poder

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    Esta dissertação consiste no estudo da história político-partidária do Brasil, associado ao passado historicamente oligárquico da estrutura política do país, tomando como referência a necessidade de uma Reforma Política cada vez mais urgente. A intenção é demonstrar que, desde sua colonização por Portugal, o Brasil é comandado por uma pequena elite, uma minoria que se perpetua no poder até os dias atuais, e não deseja a Reforma Política por terem consciência que a consequência será a perda de seu poder. Este trabalho foi realizado através de pesquisas bibliográficas baseadas em legislações, novas e antigas, e textos de autores que já trataram direta ou indiretamento do tema, utilizando o pensamento destes autores como base de reflexão. Este estudo procura criar um pensamento crítico sobre como foram formadas as estruturas político-partidária e institucional do país, e mostrar quão necessária é a Reforma Política num sentido amplo, para o melhoramento da democracia no Brasil.This dissertation consists of studying the political and party history of Brazil, associated with the historically oligarchic past of the country's political structure, taking as reference the need for an increasingly urgent Political Reform. The intention is to demonstrate that, since its colonization by Portugal, Brazil has been commanded by a small elite, a minority that perpetuates itself in power until today, and does not want Political Reform because they are aware that the consequence will be the loss of their power. This work was carried out through bibliographic research based on legislation, new and old, and texts by authors who have dealt directly or indirectly with the theme, using the thoughts of these authors as a basis for reflection. This study seeks to create critical thinking about how the country's political-party and institutional structures were formed, and to show how necessary Political Reform is in a broad sense, for the improvement of democracy in Brazil

    Evaluation of Antioxidant Parameters in Rats Treated with Sevoflurane

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    SummaryBackground and objectivesSevoflurane is a halogenated fluorinated ether that undergoes hepatic biotransformation through cytochrome P4502E1. Halogenated ethers undergoing biotransformation by P4502E1 can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), weakening the antioxidant defense mechanism. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between the activity of erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes and sevoflurane.MethodsAnimals were divided in four groups: Group 1 – control: 100% oxygen (1 L.min-1 for 60 min during five consecutive days); Group 2 – 4.0% sevoflurane in 100% oxygen (1 L.min-1 for 60 minutes during five consecutive days); Group 3 – isoniazid (i.p.), 50 mg.kg-1/day for four consecutive days, followed by 100% oxygen (1 L.min-1 for 60 minutes during four consecutive days); Group 4 – intraperitoneal isoniazid, 50 mg.kg-1 daily for four days, followed by 4.0% sevoflurane in 100% oxygen (1 L.min-1 for 60 minutes during five days). Twelve hours after the last exposure to sevoflurane, animals were sacrificed and their blood was collected through the portal vein for analysis of antioxidant enzymes.ResultsAn increase in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and a decrease in the activity of catalase were observed, especially in the group of animals pre-treated with isoniazid. Changes in the activity of glutathione peroxidase were not observed.ConclusionsThe interaction between sevoflurane and cytochrome P450 2E1 with enzymatic inducers can lead to oxidative stress with prolonged and repetitive exposure

    Degree of association between the body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI) in physically active older adults

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    Background: Aging is the main factor in the eventual development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) the prevalence of which is increasing progressively along with life expectancy. Therefore, it is essential to identify the most effective indicators for predicting the possible development of CVD. Anthropometric indices provide useful information for CVD risk evaluation. These are widely used for the simplicity of their estimates and their high correlation in the positive identification of CVD. The most used in the general population are the body mass index (BMI), the waist to hip ratio (WHR) and waist to height ratio (WHtR), body adiposity index (BAI) and conicity index (CI). However, the behavior and association of such indices in physically active people over 65 years of age is not well established. Purpose: To analyze the behavior and association of the BMI, WHR, WHtR, BAI and CI in a group of active people over 65 years of age. Methods: A group of 608 European participants with a mean age of 68.05 ± 5.43yrs, composed of 74.2% female and 28.5% male, was randomly selected and evaluated for anthropometric parameters and body composition by a bio-impedance measuring device with four electrode sensor systems. A descriptive analysis was completed via measures of central tendency (mean and standard deviation) and percentage analysis. As the distribution of the sample was normal (parametric), an association analysis was carried out through the Pearson correlation coefficient (r), in order to determine the relationship between anthropometric and body composition indices. A P value of <0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance. Results: The results show that BMI, BAI and WHtR are significantly related to % body fat (Fat %), with BMI reaching the highest correlation (r ¼ 0.612), followed by BAI (r ¼ 0.556) and WHtR (r ¼ 0.521). When the association between indices is considered, the WHtR and BAI and WHtR and BMI are those with the highest significant correlation (r ¼ 0.981 and r ¼ 0,789, respectively). As for the effects of gender, good to strong correlations were found between the BMI and the WHtR (r ¼ 0.731 for female, r ¼ 0.568 for male) and between the WHtR and the BAI (r ¼ 0.989 for female, r ¼ 0.985 for male). Conclusion: The most accurate anthropometric index for indicating the level of body fat present in an active population of 65 years of age or over seems to be the BMI, followed by the BAI and WHtR. However, the degree of association between body fat and anthropometric parameters seems to be conditioned by gender.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Reflexões sobre o welfare state e sua construção no Brasil

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    This study aims to analyze the literature on the welfare state and ascertain to what extent the Brazilian state approaches its features. Through a theoretical and conceptual approach, we want to understand it has been constructed by the Welfare State Public Management in Brazil, in which dimensions we have advanced and the factors that limit their development. For this work historically redeem the emergence of the welfare state, identify its main features by the literature in order to understand how these are presented in Brazilian public policy.NenhumaO presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar a literatura sobre o Welfare State e verificar em que medida o Estado brasileiro se aproxima das suas características. Através de uma abordagem teórica e conceitual, queremos entender como vem sendo construído o Welfare State pela Gestão Pública no Brasil,em quais dimensões temos avançado e os aspectos que limitam seu desenvolvimento. Para a realização deste trabalho resgataremos historicamente o surgimento do Welfare State, identificaremos suas características principais apontadas pela literatura, a fim de perceber como estas se apresentam nas políticas públicas brasileiras

    Feelings experienced by the man before the pregnancy of the partner affected by hypertensive syndromes

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    Objective: To identify the feelings experienced by the man before the pregnancy of the partner affected by hypertensive syndromes. Method: This is an exploratory and descriptive study, with a qualitative nature, which was developed in two maternities at the city of Natal-RN/Brazil, with 20 men whose partners were admitted with a diagnosis of hypertensive syndromes. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews during the period from May 2008 to January 2009, after approval by the Research Ethics Committee from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under the opinion nº 81/07. The statements were treated in line with the content analysis, according to Bardin. Results: The feelings of fear and concern were prevalent, which were related to the possibility of loss of the wife and of the child, which is a fact aggravated by the lack of information about the health status of health of them both. Conclusion: There is the need of health care professionals to conduct the welcoming of the man in the context of a humanized obstetric care

    Tratamento conservador na instabilidade de ombro pós- luxação anterior traumática

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    A luxação de ombro é de fácil ocorrência devido à instabilidade dessa articulação. Entretanto não são muitos os artigos encontrados com detalhamento do tratamento conservador para esse tipo de lesão. Mesmo detectando dois tipos de tratamento para luxação, não foi encontrada uma concordância entre os autores sobre o melhor procedimento na abordagem conservadora. Assim nota-se a importância de estudos sobre esse assunto. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os estudos que pesquisaram a eficácia do tratamento conservador como estratégia de intervenção primária para a instabilidade do ombro. A busca pelos artigos realizou-se entre setembro e outubro de 2008 nas seguintes bases de dados: Pubmed, Scielo, PEDro, HighWire Press, EBSCO, Lilacs e nas referências dos artigos selecionados, obedecendo aos critérios de inclusão. Selecionaram-se seis artigos sendo quatro ensaios clínicos randomizados onde concluiuse que a intervenção cirúrgica é o tratamento de escolha para instabilidade de ombro pós luxação anterior em jovens atletas; e, em dois estudos experimentais não controlados os autores concluíram que o tratamento conservador pode ser uma alternativa eficaz quando o objetivo é o retorno rápido ao esporte para completar a temporada ou quando os pacientes são submetidos a um criterioso protocolo de reabilitação. Apesar dos resultados apresentarem recidivas no tratamento conservador, este procedimento possui bons resultados para aqueles que não voltaram plenamente aos esporte

    Manifestações neuropsiquiátricas do hiperparatiroidismo primário no idoso: relato de casos e revisão da literatura

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    Osteoporosis and neuropsychiatric disorders occur more frequently in elderly than in young people. When they appear together there is a possibility of a common etiology. We report two cases of elderly women at the ages of 75 and 80y with established osteoporosis and neuropsychiatric manifestations (apathy, weakness, depression and loss of memory) caused by hypercalcemia (ionic calcium of 1.43mmol/L and 1.65mmol/L, respectively) due to primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Other laboratory results showed normal levels of the intact fraction of parathormone (iPTH), i.e. 64 and 63pg/ml, respectively. They were submitted to parathyroidectomy and only one tumoral mass was removed from each woman. Pathologic examination showed parathyroid adenoma. Shortly after the surgery they got better of the neuropsychiatric signs and symptoms. Six months later the bone mineral density (BMD) of the second patient increased whereas the other one was unable to have her BMD evaluated due to thoracic deformities. The possibility of PHPT must be always considered, especially in patients with normal but not suppresible parathormone levels. The reason is that some parathyroid adenomas present an abnormal set point to calcium and no significantly increase in parathormone production. It should be emphasized that there is no satisfactory medical treatment for parathyroid adenoma except for surgical excision, which is effective in the majority of cases. We conclude that ionic calcium must be measured in all elderly patients who present neuropsychiatric disorders and/ or osteoporosis.A osteoporose e os distúrbios neuropsiquiátricos surgem com maior freqüência entre os pacientes idosos, quando comparados com as demais faixas etárias. Manifestações concomitantes destas síndromes podem apresentar causas comuns. Neste artigo, nós descrevemos os casos de duas mulheres com osteoporose estabelecida e idades de 75 e 80 anos, que desenvolveram sinais e sintomas neuropsiquiátricos (apatia, fraqueza, depressão e perda de memória) associados a hipercalcemia [cálcio iônico de 1,43mmol/L e 1,65mmol/L (1,14 - 1,30mmol/L), respectivamente]. Na investigação laboratorial foi observado que os níveis da fração intacta do paratormônio (PTHi) estavam dentro dos limites da normalidade (64 e 63pg/ml, respectivamente) ou não suprimidos. Após exploração cirúrgica cervical foram removidas, de cada paciente, massas tumorais únicas, cujo anátomo-patológico revelou adenoma de paratireóide. As duas pacientes apresentaram melhora dos sintomas e sinais neuropsiquiátricos após a cirurgia e a segunda paciente obteve ganho de massa óssea significativo, sem uso de qualquer droga anti-reabsortiva. A outra paciente não pode ser avaliada através da densitometria óssea, devido às deformidades na coluna torácica. A possibilidade de HPTP deve ser sempre considerada, principalmente em pacientes com níveis de paratormônio dentro da faixa de normalidade, ou não suprimidos apesar de cálcio ionizado elevado. Isso ocorre devido a alguns tumores de paratireóide apresentarem set point alterado em relação aos níveis de cálcio mas sem aumento significativo da produção de paratormônio. Outra correlação observada é que quanto menor forem os adenomas, maior a chance de serem hipersecretores e autônomos. Em conclusão, a aferição do cálcio iônico em pacientes idosos com osteoporose e ou sintomas e sinais neuropsiquiátricos deve ser feita de rotina com o objetivo de se excluir doenças que possam ser tratadas prontamente e com bons resultados.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL