56 research outputs found

    A large sample analysis of European rivers on seasonal river flow correlation and its physical drivers

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    The geophysical and hydrological processes governing river flow formation exhibit persistence at several timescales, which may manifest itself with the presence of positive seasonal correlation of streamflow at several different time lags. We investigate here how persistence propagates along subsequent seasons and affects low and high flows. We define the high-flow season (HFS) and the low-flow season (LFS) as the 3-month and the 1-month periods which usually exhibit the higher and lower river flows, respectively. A dataset of 224 rivers from six European countries spanning more than 50 years of daily flow data is exploited. We compute the lagged seasonal correlation between selected river flow signatures, in HFS and LFS, and the average river flow in the antecedent months. Signatures are peak and average river flow for HFS and LFS, respectively. We investigate the links between seasonal streamflow correlation and various physiographic catchment characteristics and hydro-climatic properties. We find persistence to be more intense for LFS signatures than HFS. To exploit the seasonal correlation in the frequency estimation of high and low flows, we fit a bi-variate meta-Gaussian probability distribution to the selected flow signatures and average flow in the antecedent months in order to condition the distribution of high and low flows in the HFS and LFS, respectively, upon river flow observations in the previous months. The benefit of the suggested methodology is demonstrated by updating the frequency distribution of high and low flows one season in advance in a real-world case. Our findings suggest that there is a traceable physical basis for river memory which, in turn, can be statistically assimilated into high- and low-flow frequency estimation to reduce uncertainty and improve predictions for technical purposes

    Characterization of magnetic Czochralski silicon devices with aluminium oxide field insulator : effect of oxygen precursor on electrical properties and radiation hardness

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    Aluminium oxide (Al2O3) has been proposed as an alternative to thermal silicon dioxide (SiO2) as field insulator and surface passivation for silicon detectors, where it could substitute p-stop/p-spray insulation implants between pixels due to its negative oxide charge, and enable capacitive coupling of segments by means of its higher dielectric constant. Al2O3 is commonly grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD), which allows the deposition of thin layers with excellent precision. In this work, we report the electrical characterization of single pad detectors (diodes) and MOS capacitors fabricated on magnetic Czochralski silicon substrates and using Al2O3 as field insulator. Devices are studied by capacitance-voltage, current-voltage, and transient current technique measurements. We evaluate the influence of the oxygen precursors in the ALD process, as well as the effect of gamma irradiation, on the properties of these devices. We observe that leakage currents in diodes before the onset of breakdown are low for all studied ALD processes. Charge collection as measured by transient current technique (TCT) is also independent of the choice of oxygen precursor. The Al2O3 films deposited with O-3 possess a higher negative oxide charge than films deposited by H2O, However, in diodes a higher oxide charge is linked to earlier breakdown, as has been predicted by simulation studies. A combination of H2O and O-3 precursors results in a good compromise between the beneficial properties provided by the respective individual precursors.Peer reviewe

    Psg22 null mouse embryos develop normally under normoxic and hypoxic conditions of pregnancy

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    Pregnancy-specific glycoproteins are secreted immunoglobulin superfamily members encoded by multigene families in eutherian mammals with haemochorial placentation. They are expressed predominantly in placental trophoblast and exhibits immunomodulatory, anti-platelet and pro-angiogenic functions. An inversion of Psg22 in the mouse locus is associated with relatively high Psg22 expression in the first half of the pregnancy. Bioinformatic analysis of seventeen mouse strains indicated that the Psg22 inversion arose at least 1.7 MYA. We used CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis to generate Psg22 null mutants, two of which were analysed in detail (Psg22Δ10 and Psg22Δ16). Both mutants contain frame-shifting deletions in exon 2, resulting in premature stop codons, and Psg22 mRNA was virtually undetectable. Both mutants are fertile and there was no distortion of Mendelian ratios in heterozygous crosses. Housing of pregnant females in a hypoxic (11% O2) environment for five (E5 - E10) or ten (E5 - E15) days did not induce differential growth or survival of Psg22 wildtype and null mutant genotypes. Our results indicate that Psg22 is dispensable for embryonic development and reproduction under laboratory conditions. As PSGs are secreted into maternal blood, future work will focus on whether Psg22 deficiency alters maternal physiology

    Assessment of flatness and symmetry of megavoltage x-ray beam with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID)

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    Copyright © 2002 ACPSEM. All rights reserved. The document attached has been archived with permission from the publisher.The input/output characteristics of the Wellhofer BIS 710 electronic portal imaging device (EPID) have been investigated to establish its efficacy for periodic quality assurance (QA) applications. Calibration curves have been determined for the energy fluence incident on the detector versus the pixel values. The effect of the charge coupled device (CCD) camera sampling time and beam parameters (such as beam field size, dose rate, photon energy) on the calibration have been investigated for a region of interest (ROI) around the central beam axis. The results demonstrate that the pixel output is a linear function of the incident exposure, as expected for a video-based electronic portal imaging system. The field size effects of the BIS 710 are similar to that of an ion chamber for smaller field sizes up to 10 x 10 cm2. However, for larger field sizes the pixel value increases more rapidly. Furthermore, the system is slightly sensitive to dose rate and is also energy dependent. The BIS 710 has been used in the current study to develop a QA procedure for measurements of flatness and symmetry of a linac x-ray beam. As a two-dimensional image of the radiation field is obtained from a single exposure of the BIS 710, a technique has been developed to calculate flatness and symmetry from a defined radiation area. The flatness and symmetry values obtained are different from those calculated conventionally from major axes only (inplane, crossplane). This demonstrates that the technique can pick up the "cold" and "hot" spots in the analysed area, providing thus more information about the radiation beam. When calibrated against the water tank measurements, the BIS 710 can be used as a secondary device to monitor the x-ray beam flatness and symmetry.G. Liu, T. van Doorn and E. Beza

    An integrated 1D–2D hydraulic modelling approach to assess the sensitivity of a coastal region to compound flooding hazard under climate change

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    Coastal regions are dynamic areas that often lie at the junction of different natural hazards. Extreme events such as storm surges and high precipitation are significant sources of concern for flood management. As climatic changes and sea-level rise put further pressure on these vulnerable systems, there is a need for a better understanding of the implications of compounding hazards. Recent computational advances in hydraulic modelling offer new opportunities to support decision-making and adaptation. Our research makes use of recently released features in the HEC-RAS version 5.0 software to develop an integrated 1D–2D hydrodynamic model. Using extreme value analysis with the Peaks-Over-Threshold method to define extreme scenarios, the model was applied to the eastern coast of the UK. The sensitivity of the protected wetland known as the Broads to a combination of fluvial, tidal and coastal sources of flooding was assessed, accounting for different rates of twenty-first century sea-level rise up to the year 2100. The 1D–2D approach led to a more detailed representation of inundation in coastal urban areas, while allowing for interactions with more fluvially dominated inland areas to be captured. While flooding was primarily driven by increased sea levels, combined events exacerbated flooded area by 5–40% and average depth by 10–32%, affecting different locations depending on the scenario. The results emphasise the importance of catchment-scale strategies that account for potentially interacting sources of flooding

    EUSEDcollab: a network of data from European catchments to monitor net soil erosion by water

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    As a network of researchers we release an open-access database (EUSEDcollab) of water discharge and suspended sediment yield time series records collected in small to medium sized catchments in Europe. EUSEDcollab is compiled to overcome the scarcity of open-access data at relevant spatial scales for studies on runoff, soil loss by water erosion and sediment delivery. Multi-source measurement data from numerous researchers and institutions were harmonised into a common time series and metadata structure. Data reuse is facilitated through accompanying metadata descriptors providing background technical information for each monitoring station setup. Across ten European countries, EUSEDcollab covers over 1600 catchment years of data from 245 catchments at event (11 catchments), daily (22 catchments) and monthly (212 catchments) temporal resolution, and is unique in its focus on small to medium catchment drainage areas (median = 43 km(2), min = 0.04 km(2), max = 817 km(2)) with applicability for soil erosion research. We release this database with the aim of uniting people, knowledge and data through the European Union Soil Observatory (EUSO)

    Soil erosion modelling: A bibliometric analysis

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    Soil erosion can present a major threat to agriculture due to loss of soil, nutrients, and organic carbon. Therefore, soil erosion modelling is one of the steps used to plan suitable soil protection measures and detect erosion hotspots. A bibliometric analysis of this topic can reveal research patterns and soil erosion modelling characteristics that can help identify steps needed to enhance the research conducted in this field. Therefore, a detailed bibliometric analysis, including investigation of collaboration networks and citation patterns, should be conducted. The updated version of the Global Applications of Soil Erosion Modelling Tracker (GASEMT) database contains information about citation characteristics and publication type. Here, we investigated the impact of the number of authors, the publication type and the selected journal on the number of citations. Generalized boosted regression tree (BRT) modelling was used to evaluate the most relevant variables related to soil erosion modelling. Additionally, bibliometric networks were analysed and visualized. This study revealed that the selection of the soil erosion model has the largest impact on the number of publication citations, followed by the modelling scale and the publication\u27s CiteScore. Some of the other GASEMT database attributes such as model calibration and validation have negligible influence on the number of citations according to the BRT model. Although it is true that studies that conduct calibration, on average, received around 30% more citations, than studies where calibration was not performed. Moreover, the bibliographic coupling and citation networks show a clear continental pattern, although the co-authorship network does not show the same characteristics. Therefore, soil erosion modellers should conduct even more comprehensive review of past studies and focus not just on the research conducted in the same country or continent. Moreover, when evaluating soil erosion models, an additional focus should be given to field measurements, model calibration, performance assessment and uncertainty of modelling results. The results of this study indicate that these GASEMT database attributes had smaller impact on the number of citations, according to the BRT model, than anticipated, which could suggest that these attributes should be given additional attention by the soil erosion modelling community. This study provides a kind of bibliographic benchmark for soil erosion modelling research papers as modellers can estimate the influence of their paper

    Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis

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    To gain a better understanding of the global application of soil erosion prediction models, we comprehensivelyreviewed relevant peer-reviewed research literature on soil-erosion modelling published between 1994 and2017. We aimed to identify (i) the processes and models most frequently addressed in the literature, (ii) the re-gions within which models are primarily applied, (iii) the regions which remain unaddressed and why, and (iv)how frequently studies are conducted to validate/evaluate model outcomes relative to measured data. To per-form this task, we combined the collective knowledge of 67 soil-erosion scientists from 25 countries. Theresulting database, named‘Global Applications of Soil Erosion Modelling Tracker (GASEMT)’, includes 3030 indi-vidual modelling records from 126 countries, encompassing all continents (except Antarctica). Out of the 8471articles identified as potentially relevant, we reviewed 1697 appropriate articles and systematically evaluatedand transferred 42 relevant attributes into the database. This GASEMT database provides comprehensive insightsinto the state-of-the-art of soil- erosion models and model applications worldwide. This database intends to sup-port the upcoming country-based United Nations global soil-erosion assessment in addition to helping to informsoil erosion research priorities by building a foundation for future targeted, in-depth analyses. GASEMT is anopen-source database available to the entire user-community to develop research, rectify errors, andmakefutureexpansion

    Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis

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    To gain a better understanding of the global application of soil erosion prediction models, we comprehensively reviewed relevant peer-reviewed research literature on soil-erosion modelling published between 1994 and 2017.We aimed to identify (i) the processes and models most frequently addressed in the literature, (ii) the regions within which models are primarily applied, (iii) the regions which remain unaddressed and why, and (iv) how frequently studies are conducted to validate/evaluate model outcomes relative to measured data. To perform this task, we combined the collective knowledge of 67 soil-erosion scientists from 25 countries. The resulting database, named ‘Global Applications of Soil ErosionModelling Tracker (GASEMT)’, includes 3030 individual modelling records from 126 countries, encompassing all continents (except Antarctica). Out of the 8471 articles identified as potentially relevant, we reviewed 1697 appropriate articles and systematically evaluated and transferred 42 relevant attributes into the database. This GASEMT database provides comprehensive insights into the state-of-the-art of soil- erosionmodels and model applicationsworldwide. This database intends to support the upcoming country-based United Nations global soil-erosion assessment in addition to helping to inform soil erosion research priorities by building a foundation for future targeted, in-depth analyses. GASEMT is an open-source database available to the entire user-community to develop research, rectify errors, andmake future expansions

    The IAHS Science for Solutions decade, with Hydrology Engaging Local People IN one Global world (HELPING)

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    The new scientific decade (2023-2032) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) aims at searching for sustainable solutions to undesired water conditions – whether it be too little, too much or too polluted. Many of the current issues originate from global change, while solutions to problems must embrace local understanding and context. The decade will explore the current water crises by searching for actionable knowledge within three themes: global and local interactions, sustainable solutions and innovative cross-cutting methods. We capitalise on previous IAHS Scientific Decades shaping a trilogy; from Hydrological Predictions (PUB) to Change and Interdisciplinarity (Panta Rhei) to Solutions (HELPING). The vision is to solve fundamental water-related environmental and societal problems by engaging with other disciplines and local stakeholders. The decade endorses mutual learning and co-creation to progress towards UN sustainable development goals. Hence, HELPING is a vehicle for putting science in action, driven by scientists working on local hydrology in coordination with local, regional, and global processes
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