353 research outputs found

    Modified bacterial reaction centers

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    Global forestation and deforestation affect remote climate via adjusted atmosphere and ocean circulation.

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    Forests can store large amounts of carbon and provide essential ecosystem services. Massive tree planting is thus sometimes portrayed as a panacea to mitigate climate change and related impacts. Recent controversies about the potential benefits and drawbacks of forestation have centered on the carbon storage potential of forests and the local or global thermodynamic impacts. Here we discuss how global-scale forestation and deforestation change the Earth's energy balance, thereby affect the global atmospheric circulation and even have profound effects on the ocean circulation. We perform multicentury coupled climate model simulations in which preindustrial vegetation cover is either completely forested or deforested and carbon dioxide mixing ratio is kept constant. We show that global-scale forestation leads to a weakening and poleward shift of the Northern mid-latitude circulation, slows-down the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, and affects the strength of the Hadley cell, whereas deforestation leads to reversed changes. Consequently, both land surface changes substantially affect regional precipitation, temperature, clouds, and surface wind patterns across the globe. The design process of large-scale forestation projects thus needs to take into account global circulation adjustments and their influence on remote climate

    First results from the GPS atmosphere sounding experiment TOR aboard the TerraSAR-X satellite

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    GPS radio occultation events observed between 24 July and 17 November 2008 by the IGOR occultation receiver aboard the TerraSAR-X satellite are processed and analyzed. The comparison of 15 327 refractivity profiles with collocated ECMWF data yield a mean bias between zero and −0.30 % at altitudes between 5 and 30 km. Standard deviations decrease from about 1.4 % at 5 km to about 0.6 % at 10 km altitude, however, increase significantly in the upper stratosphere. At low latitudes mean biases and standard deviations are larger, in particular in the lower troposphere. The results are consistent with 15 159 refractivity observations collected during the same time period by the BlackJack receiver aboard GRACE-A and processed by GFZ's operational processing system. The main difference between the two occultation instruments is the implementation of open-loop signal tracking in the IGOR (TerraSAR-X) receiver which improves the tropospheric penetration depth in terms of ray height by about 2 km compared to the conventional closed-loop data acquired by BlackJack (GRACE-A)

    Citizens, bribery and the propensity to protest

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    It is widely assumed that the more one experiences corruption the more likely one is to want to protest about it. Yet empirical evidence illustrating this is thin on the ground. This paper fills that gap by focusing on the extent to which self-reported experience of bribery affects the willingness to engage in protests against corruption in Africa. We find that the more one experiences bribery the more one is likely to support anti-corruption protests. A further unexpected finding is that the personal experience of corruption also increases the willingness to rely on bribes to solve public administration problems

    Low-frequency optical phonon modes and carrier mobility in the halide perovskite CH_3NH_3PbBr_3 using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

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    As a light absorber in photovoltaic applications, hybrid organic-inorganic halide perovskites should have long and balanced diffusion lengths for both the separated electrons and holes before recombination, which necessitates high carrier mobility. In polar semiconductors, the room-temperature carrier mobility is often limited by the scattering between carriers and the lowest-frequency optical phonon modes. Using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, we examine the temperature evolution of these phonon modes in CH_3NH_3PbBr_3 and obtained high carrier mobility values using Feynman's polaron theory. This method allows us to estimate the upper limit of carrier mobilities without the need to create photogenerated free carriers, and can be applied to other heteropolar semiconductor systems with large polarons

    Tracers as Essential Tools for the Investigation of Physical and Chemical Processes in Groundwater Systems

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    In complex environmental systems, tracers are indispensable tools for the investigation of various physical, chemical, and biological processes. From the large variety of tracers employed by EAWAG in the aquatic environment, we present some examples relevant to groundwater research. Some tracers (e.g., 222Rn, 3H/3He, chlorofluorocarbons) allow the time since groundwater infiltration to be determined; this information can be used to quantify process rates such as flow velocities, recharge and reaction rates. Other tracers (e.g., conductivity, isotopes of oxygen or boron) can be used to quantify mixing ratios between waters of different origin, for instance, to study the admixture of leachate from a landfill to an aquifer. In contrast to these inert tracers, chemically reactive tracers (e.g., nitroaromatic compounds) can be used to study subsurface biogeochemical transformation processes, e.g. the reduction of contaminants under anaerobic conditions. The successful use of tracers in the study of environmental systems requires highly developed analytical facilities for a broad palette of tracer measurements and a careful choice of appropriate tracers for each specific problem

    ESR, ENDOR and TRIPLE resonance studies of the primary donor radical cation P960+ in the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis

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    The light-induced radical cation of the primary electron donor P960+‱ in photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas viridis has been investigated by ESR, ENDOR and TRIPLE techniques. Both the comparison with the cation radical of monomeric bacteriochlorophyll b (BChl b) and with molecular-orbital calculations performed on P960+‱ using the results of an X-ray structure analysis, consistently show an asymmetric distribution of the unpaired electron over the two BChl b molecules which constitute P960+‱. The possible relevance of this result for the primary electron transfer step in the reaction center is briefly discussed

    Therapeutic and educational objectives in robot assisted play for children with autism

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    “This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder." “Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.” DOI: 10.1109/ROMAN.2009.5326251This article is a methodological paper that describes the therapeutic and educational objectives that were identified during the design process of a robot aimed at robot assisted play. The work described in this paper is part of the IROMEC project (Interactive Robotic Social Mediators as Companions) that recognizes the important role of play in child development and targets children who are prevented from or inhibited in playing. The project investigates the role of an interactive, autonomous robotic toy in therapy and education for children with special needs. This paper specifically addresses the therapeutic and educational objectives related to children with autism. In recent years, robots have already been used to teach basic social interaction skills to children with autism. The added value of the IROMEC robot is that play scenarios have been developed taking children's specific strengths and needs into consideration and covering a wide range of objectives in children's development areas (sensory, communicational and interaction, motor, cognitive and social and emotional). The paper describes children's developmental areas and illustrates how different experiences and interactions with the IROMEC robot are designed to target objectives in these areas.Final Published versio

    Dissolved noble gases and stable isotopes as tracers of preferential fluid flow along faults in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany

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    Groundwater in shallow unconsolidated sedimentary aquifers close to the Bornheim fault in the Lower Rhine Embayment (LRE), Germany, has relatively low ÎŽ2H and ÎŽ18O values in comparison to regional modern groundwater recharge, and 4He concentrations up to 1.7 × 10−4 cm3 (STP) g–1 ± 2.2 % which is approximately four orders of magnitude higher than expected due to solubility equilibrium with the atmosphere. Groundwater age dating based on estimated in situ production and terrigenic flux of helium provides a groundwater residence time of ∌107 years. Although fluid exchange between the deep basal aquifer system and the upper aquifer layers is generally impeded by confining clay layers and lignite, this study’s geochemical data suggest, for the first time, that deep circulating fluids penetrate shallow aquifers in the locality of fault zones, implying  that sub-vertical fluid flow occurs along faults in the LRE. However, large hydraulic-head gradients observed across many faults suggest that they act as barriers to lateral groundwater flow. Therefore, the geochemical data reported here also substantiate a conduit-barrier model of fault-zone hydrogeology in unconsolidated sedimentary deposits, as well as corroborating the concept that faults in unconsolidated aquifer systems can act as loci for hydraulic connectivity between deep and shallow aquifers. The implications of fluid flow along faults in sedimentary basins worldwide are far reaching and of particular concern for carbon capture and storage (CCS) programmes, impacts of deep shale gas recovery for shallow groundwater aquifers, and nuclear waste storage sites where fault zones could act as potential leakage pathways for hazardous fluids
