369 research outputs found

    Evidence that the a0(980) and f0(980) are not elementary particles

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    We study the interesting problem of whether it is possible to distinguish composite from elementary particles. In particular we generalize a model-independent approach of S. Weinberg to the case of unstable particles. This allows us to apply our formalism to the case of the a0(980) and f0(980) resonances and to address the question whether these particles are predominantly genuine, confined quark states (of qˉq\bar q q or qqqˉqˉqq\bar q\bar q structure) or governed by mesonic components.Comment: 15 pages, 4 Figure

    Resonant tunnelling features in the transport spectroscopy of quantum dots

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    We present a review of features due to resonant tunnelling in transport spectroscopy experiments on quantum dots and single donors. The review covers features attributable to intrinsic properties of the dot as well as extrinsic effects, with a focus on the most common operating conditions. We describe several phenomena that can lead to apparently identical signatures in a bias spectroscopy measurement, with the aim of providing experimental methods to distinguish between their different physical origins. The correct classification of the resonant tunnelling features is an essential requirement to understand the details of the confining potential or predict the performance of the dot for quantum information processing.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Short review article submitted to Nanotechnology, special issue on 'Quantum Science and Technology at the Nanoscale

    Study of K0(1430)K^*_0(1430) and a0(980)a_0(980) from BK0(1430)πB\to K^*_0(1430)\pi and Ba0(980)KB\to a_0(980)K Decays

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    We use the decay modes BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi and Ba0(980)KB \to a_0(980) K to study the scalar mesons K0(1430)K^*_0(1430) and a0(980)a_0(980) within perturbative QCD framework. For BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi, we perform our calculation in two scenarios of the scalar meson spectrum. The results indicate that scenario II is more favored by experimental data than scenario I. The important contribution from annihilation diagrams can enhance the branching ratios about 50% in scenario I, and about 30% in scenario II. The predicted branching ratio of Ba0(980)KB \to a_0(980) K in scenario I is also less favored by the experiments. The direct CP asymmetries in BK0(1430)πB \to K^*_0(1430) \pi are small, which are consistent with the present experiments.Comment: More references are added. Published Versio

    Embedded software developments in KM3NeT phase I

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    TheKM3NeT collaboration has already produced more than one thousand acquisition boards, used for building two deep-sea neutrino detectors at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, with the aim of instrumenting a volume of several cubic kilometers with light sensors to detect the Cherenkov radiation produced in neutrino interactions. The so-called digital optical modules, house the PMTs and the acquisition and control electronics of the module, the central logic board, which includes a Xilinx FPGA and embedded soft processor. The present work presents the architecture and functionalities of the software embedded in the soft processor of the central logic board

    Estimating sigma-meson couplings from D \to 3\pi decays

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    Using recent experimental evidence from E791 on the sigma meson in D \to 3\pi decays, we study the relevant couplings in D \to \sigma \pi and \sigma \to \pi\ pi within the accepted theoretical framework for non leptonic D decays. We also review the linear sigma model, finding that it gives a description which is consistent with the experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, no figures. Final version accepted for publication as a Brief Report in Physical Review

    Phase transformation-induced superconducting aluminium-silicon alloy rings

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    The development of a materials platform that exhibits both superconducting and semiconducting properties is an important endeavour for a range of emerging quantum technologies. We investigate the formation of superconductivity in nanowires fabricated with silicon-on-insulator (SOI). Aluminium from deposited contact electrodes is found to interdiffuses with the Si nanowire structures to form an Al-Si alloy along the entire length of the predefined nanowire device over micron length scales at temperatures well below that of the Al-Si eutectic. The resultant transformed nanowire structures are layered in geometry with a continuous Al-Si alloy wire sitting on the buried oxide of the SOI and a residual Si cap sitting on top of the wire. The phase transformed material is conformal with any predefined device patterns and the resultant structures are exceptionally smooth-walled compared to similar nanowire devices formed by silicidation processes. The superconducting properties of a mesoscopic AlSi ring formed on a SOI platform are investigated. Low temperature magnetoresistance oscillations, quantized in units of the fluxoid, h/2e, are observed.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Observation of the Higgs Boson of strong interaction via Compton scattering by the nucleon

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    It is shown that the Quark-Level Linear σ\sigma Model (QLLσ\sigmaM) leads to a prediction for the diamagnetic term of the polarizabilities of the nucleon which is in excellent agreement with the experimental data. The bare mass of the σ\sigma meson is predicted to be mσ=666m_\sigma=666 MeV and the two-photon width Γ(σγγ)=(2.6±0.3)\Gamma(\sigma\to\gamma\gamma)=(2.6\pm 0.3) keV. It is argued that the mass predicted by the QLLσ\sigmaM corresponds to the γγσNN\gamma\gamma\to\sigma\to NN reaction, i.e. to a tt-channel pole of the γNNγ\gamma N\to N\gamma reaction. Large -angle Compton scattering experiments revealing effects of the σ\sigma meson in the differential cross section are discussed. Arguments are presented that these findings may be understood as an observation of the Higgs boson of strong interaction while being part of the constituent quark.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Mechanism for a next-to-lowest lying scalar meson nonet

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    Recent work suggests the existence of a non-conventional lowest-lying scalar nonet containing the a0(980). Then the a0(1450) and also the K0*(1430) are likely candidates to belong to a conventional p-wave qqˉq \bar q nonet. However a comparison of their properties with those expected on this basis reveals a number of puzzling features. It is pointed out that these puzzles can be resolved in a natural and robust way by assuming a ``bare'' conventional p-wave scalar qqˉq \bar q nonet to mix with a lighter four quark qqqˉqˉqq \bar q \bar q scalar nonet to form new ``physical'' states. The essential mechanism is driven by the fact that the isospinor is lighter than the isovector in the unmixed qqqˉqˉqq \bar q \bar q multiplet.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Scalar Particles in Lattice QCD

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    We report a project to study scalar particles by lattice QCD simulations. After a brief introduction of the current situation of lattice study of the sigma meson, we describe our numerical simulations of scalar mesons, σ\sigma and κ\kappa. We observe a low sigma mass, mπ<mσmρm_\pi<m_\sigma\le m_\rho, for which the disconnected diagram plays an important role. For the kappa meson, we obtain higher mass than the experimental value, i.e., mκ2mKm_\kappa\sim 2m_{K^*}.Comment: 4 figures, to be published in Proceedings of `International Symposium on Hadron Spectroscopy, Chiral Symmetry and Relativistic Description of Bound Systems' (in a series of KEK proceedings

    Radiative open charm decay of the Y(3940), Z(3930), X(4160) resonances

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    We determine the radiative decay amplitudes for decay into DD^* and Dˉγ\bar{D} \gamma, or DsD^*_s and Dˉsγ\bar{D}_s \gamma of some of the charmonium like states classified as X,Y,Z resonances, plus some other hidden charm states which are dynamically generated from the interaction of vector mesons with charm. The mass distributions as a function of the Dˉγ\bar{D} \gamma or Dˉsγ\bar{D}_s \gamma invariant mass show a peculiar behavior as a consequence of the DDˉD^* \bar{D}^* nature of these states. The experimental search of these magnitudes can shed light on the nature of these states.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure