27 research outputs found
Ocean tidal heating in icy satellites with solid shells
As a long-term energy source, tidal heating in subsurface oceans of icy
satellites can influence their thermal, rotational, and orbital evolution, and
the sustainability of oceans. We present a new theoretical treatment for tidal
heating in thin subsurface oceans with overlying incompressible elastic shells
of arbitrary thickness. The stabilizing effect of an overlying shell damps
ocean tides, reducing tidal heating. This effect is more pronounced on
Enceladus than on Europa because the effective rigidity on a small body like
Enceladus is larger. For the range of likely shell and ocean thicknesses of
Enceladus and Europa, the thin shell approximation of Beuthe (2016) is
generally accurate to less than about 4%.The time-averaged surface distribution
of ocean tidal heating is distinct from that due to dissipation in the solid
shell, with higher dissipation near the equator and poles for eccentricity and
obliquity forcing respectively. This can lead to unique horizontal shell
thickness variations if the shell is conductive. The surface displacement
driven by eccentricity and obliquity forcing can have a phase lag relative to
the forcing tidal potential due to the delayed ocean response. For Europa and
Enceladus, eccentricity forcing generally produces greater tidal amplitudes due
to the large eccentricity values relative to the obliquity values. Despite the
small obliquity values, obliquity forcing generally produces larger phase lags
due to the generation of Rossby-Haurwitz waves. If Europa's shell and ocean are
respectively 10 and 100 km thick, the tide amplitude and phase lag are 26.5 m
and degree for eccentricity forcing, and m and degrees for
obliquity forcing. Measurement of the obliquity phase lag (e.g. by Europa
Clipper) would provide a probe of ocean thicknessComment: Icarus, accepted for publicatio
Oscillations of neutrinos and mesons in quantum field theory
This report deals with the quantum field theory of particle oscillations in
vacuum. We first review the various controversies regarding quantum-mechanical
derivations of the oscillation formula, as well as the different
field-theoretical approaches proposed to settle them. We then clear up the
contradictions between the existing field-theoretical treatments by a thorough
study of the external wave packet model. In particular, we show that the latter
includes stationary models as a subcase. In addition, we explicitly compute
decoherence terms, which destroy interferences, in order to prove that the
coherence length can be increased without bound by more accurate energy
measurements. We show that decoherence originates not only in the width and in
the separation of wave packets, but also in their spreading through space-time.
In this review, we neither assume the relativistic limit nor the stability of
oscillating particles, so that the oscillation formula derived with
field-theoretical methods can be applied not only to neutrinos but also to
neutral K and B mesons. Finally, we discuss oscillations of correlated
particles in the same framework.Comment: v2, 124 pages, 10 figures (7 more); updated review of the literature;
complete derivation of the oscillation probability at short and large
distance; more details on the influence of the spreading of the amplitude on
decoherence; submitted to Physics Report
Propagation and oscillations in field theory
After a review of the problems associated with the conventional treatment of
particle oscillations, an oscillation formula is derived within the framework
of quantum field theory. The oscillating particle is represented by its
propagator and the initial and final states by wave packets. It is obviously
relativistic from the start and moreover applies both to stable (neutrinos) and
unstable particles (K and B mesons, unstable neutrinos). CPLEAR and DAFNE
experiments are studied as examples, with special attention directed to CP
violation. The problems resulting from equal energies/momentum/velocities
prescriptions are analyzed and solved. Oscillations of associated particles are
found to be nonexistent. The relativistic generalization of the
Wigner-Weisskopf equation is also derived.
Comment: in French, 160 pages, 7 figures, PhD thesi