23 research outputs found

    Analisis Kesediaan Membayar Wtp (Willingness To Pay) dalam Upaya Pengelolaan Obyek Wisata Taman Alun Kapuas Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat

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    Berbagai fungsi yang terkait dengan sumber daya alam (fungsi ekologis, sosial, ekonomi, dan arsitektural) dannilai estetika yang dimilikinya (obyek dan lingkungan) dapat meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan dan untukkelangsungan kehidupan perkotaan juga dapat menjadi nilai kebanggaan dan identitas kota. Sebagai obyekwisata alam, Taman Alunalun Kapuas belum tertata dengan baik, pelaksanaan upaya pengelolaan objek wisataTaman Alun Kapuas membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Untuk itu diharapkan bagi pengunjung untukmembayar dalam pengelolaan Taman Alun Kapuas. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi logistik dalammenganalisis faktor-faktor kesediaan pengunjung untuk membayar. Sedangkan metode CVM (ContingenValuation Method) digunakan untuk mengestimasi biaya yang akan dikeluarkan oleh pengunjung, dan metoderegresi berganda digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi besar kesediaanmembayar pengunjung. Program yang dapat membantu dalam penelitian ini yaitu Microsoft Excel 2007 danMinitab For Windows Realise 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 84% responden bersediamembayar dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan obyek wisata Taman Alun Kapuas. Faktor-faktor yangmempengaruhi kesediaan membayar responden pengunjung dalam upaya pengelolaan lingkungan obyekwisata Taman Alun Kapuas antara lain pendapatan (PNDPTN3) dan pengetahuan (PNGTHUAN). Nilai rata-rataWTP responden pengunjung adalah sebesar Rp 3360,00/orang. Faktor yang mempengaruhi nilai WTPresponden yaitu usia (U)

    Balancing selection maintains diversity in a cold tolerance gene in broadly distributed Live Oaks

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    Cold poses major physiological challenges to plants, especially long lived trees. In trees occurring along variable temperature clines, the expected direction and consequences of selection on cold acclimation ability and freezing tolerance are not straightforward. Here we estimated selection in cold acclimation genes at two evolutionary timescales in all seven species of the American live oaks (Quercus subsection Virentes). Two cold response candidate genes were chosen: ICE1, a key gene in the cold acclimation pathway, and HOS1, which modulates cold response by negatively regulating ICE1. Two housekeeping genes, GAPDB and CHR11, were also analyzed. At the shallow evolution- ary timescale, we demonstrate that HOS1 experienced recent balancing selection in the two most broadly distributed species, Q. virginiana and Q. oleoides. At a deeper evolutionary scale, a codon based model of evolution revealed the signature of negative selection in ICE1. In contrast, three positively selected codons have been identified in HOS1, possibly a signature of the diversification of Virentes into warmer climates from a freezing adapted lineage of oaks. Our findings indicate that evolution has favored diversity in cold tolerance modulation through balancing selection in HOS1 while maintaining core cold acclimation ability, as evidenced by purifying selection in ICE1.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Genetic parentage reveals the (un)natural history of Central Valley hatchery steelhead

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    Goetz LC, Nuetzel H, Vendrami D, et al. Genetic parentage reveals the (un)natural history of Central Valley hatchery steelhead. Evolutionary Applications. 2024;17(3): e13681.Populations composed of individuals descended from multiple distinct genetic lineages often feature significant differences in phenotypic frequencies. We considered hatchery production of steelhead, the migratory anadromous form of the salmonid species Oncorhynchus mykiss, and investigated how differences among genetic lineages and environmental variation impacted life history traits. We genotyped 23,670 steelhead returning to the four California Central Valley hatcheries over 9 years from 2011 to 2019, confidently assigning parentage to 13,576 individuals to determine age and date of spawning and rates of iteroparity and repeat spawning within each year. We found steelhead from different genetic lineages showed significant differences in adult life history traits despite inhabiting similar environments. Differences between coastal and Central Valley steelhead lineages contributed to significant differences in age at return, timing of spawning, and rates of iteroparity among programs. In addition, adaptive genomic variation associated with life history development in this species varied among hatchery programs and was associated with the age of steelhead spawners only in the coastal lineage population. Environmental variation likely contributed to variations in phenotypic patterns observed over time, as our study period spanned both a marine heatwave and a serious drought in California. Our results highlight evidence of a strong genetic component underlying known phenotypic differences in life history traits between two steelhead lineages

    Data from: Phylogeny and biogeography of the American live oaks (Quercus subsection Virentes): a genomic and population genetics approach

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    The nature and timing of evolution of niche differentiation among closely related species remains an important question in ecology and evolution. The American live oak clade, Virentes, which spans the unglaciated temperate and tropical regions of North America and Mesoamerica, provides an instructive system in which to examine speciation and niche evolution. We generated a fossil-calibrated phylogeny of Virentes using RADseq data to estimate divergence times and used nuclear microsatellites, chloroplast sequences and an intron region of nitrate reductase (NIA-i3) to examine genetic diversity within species, rates of gene flow among species and ancestral population size of disjunct sister species. Transitions in functional and morphological traits associated with ecological and climatic niche axes were examined across the phylogeny. We found the Virentes to be monophyletic with three subclades, including a southwest clade, a southeastern US clade and a Central American/Cuban clade. Despite high leaf morphological variation within species and transpecific chloroplast haplotypes, RADseq and nuclear SSR data showed genetic coherence of species. We estimated a crown date for Virentes of 11 Ma and implicated the formation of the Sea of Cortés in a speciation event ~5 Ma. Tree height at maturity, associated with fire tolerance, differs among the sympatric species, while freezing tolerance appears to have diverged repeatedly across the tropical–temperate divide. Sympatric species thus show evidence of ecological niche differentiation but share climatic niches, while allopatric and parapatric species conserve ecological niches, but diverge in climatic niches. The mode of speciation and/or degree of co-occurrence may thus influence which niche axis plants diverge along