38 research outputs found

    Les enjeux du vandalisme sur les œuvres d'art dans les musées depuis 1985

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    Cette recherche questionne les enjeux du vandalisme sur les œuvres d'art - notamment à travers l'étude d'un corpus de gestes de vandalisme perpétrés dans les musées depuis 1985 - partant de l'idée qu'étant rarement porteurs d'intérêt économique, ces actes semblent chargés de sens. Ce phénomène peut agir comme un révélateur et éclairer sur le rapport aux œuvres d'art qu'entretient une société. C'est ce que ce travail entreprend d'étudier, à travers le prisme de la transgression. L'étude du corpus met en avant le fait que les individus qui agressent des œuvres d'art sont souvent des acteurs du monde de l'art. S'ouvre ainsi un éventail de questionnements sur le fonctionnement de cet univers composé d'individus exerçant une activité artistique ou en lien avec l'art, ces gestes suscitant par ailleurs des réactions de la part de différents acteurs liés à ce monde.This research aims to examine the complex issue of vandalism on works of art, specifically vandalism on works of art in art galleries since 1985. Whilst these incidents are often nominal in economic value, it is hoped that a closer examination of this transgressive phenomenon can help to further illuminate the complex relationships surrounding works of art that are prevalent in our society. The study reveals that generally the individuals who attack works of art have some prior relation to the art domain as either artists, art students or museum guardians. This then raises further questions about the functioning of this universe and how it's own relationships respond to these acts of vandalism

    Bernard Lahire, Ceci n'est pas un tableau. Essai sur l'art, la domination, la magie et le sacré

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    L'objet de cet ouvrage, partant de l'étude de controverses scientifiques autour du caractère original de différentes versions du tableau La fuite en Égypte, de Nicolas Poussin, est d'examiner en quoi les rapports entretenus avec les objets d'art nous renseignent sur la structure de nos sociétés, ainsi que sur les rapports de domination et les actes de magie sociale qui s'y déploient. Prenant comme point d'appui l'étude d'une polémique qui opposa quatre grands experts (Anthony Blunt et Denis M..

    Analyse du trafic intracellulaire d'adénovirus chimériques dans des lymphocytes B humains normaux et une lignée plasmocytaire

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    D'année en année, plusieurs études rapportent de nouvelles utilisations aux immunoglobulines intraveineuses (IglV). La constante augmentation de la demande pour ce produit pourrait mener à une pénurie. Afin de pouvoir produire des IglV in vitro à partir de lymphocytes B humains, l'étude des gènes impliqués dans la prolifération et la différenciation de ces cellules à l'aide d'un vecteur adenoviral s'avère pertinente. Cependant, des variations dans l'efficacité de transduction chez les lymphocytes B humains de sang périphérique et les cellules de la lignée plasmocytaire U266 ont été observées. Afin de comprendre cette différence, une étude de l'entrée et du cheminement du vecteur adenoviral chimérique Ad5/F35 à l'intérieur des cellules lymphocytaires a été entreprise. Des différences de liaison virus-cellule ont été observées entre les lymphocytes B et les cellules de la lignée U266, suggérant que certaines de ces protéines seraient impliquées dans le trafic intracellulaire d'Ad5/F35 et l'efficacité de transduction

    Experiments and 3D simulations of flow structures in junctions and their influence on location of flowmeters

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    International audienceOpen-channel junctions are common occurrences in sewer networks and flow rate measurement often occurs near these singularities. Local flow structures are 3-dimensional, impact on the representativeness of the local flow measurements and thus lead to deviations in the flow rate estimation. The present study aims i) to measure and simulate the flow pattern in a junction flow, ii) to analyze the impact of the junction on the velocity distribution according to the distance from the junction and thus iii) to evaluate the typical error derived from the computation of the flow rate close to the junction

    Niraparib maintenance treatment improves time without symptoms or toxicity (TWiST) versus routine surveillance in recurrent ovarian cancer: a TWiST analysis of the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA trial

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    Purpose: this study estimated time without symptoms or toxicity (TWiST) with niraparib compared with routine surveillance (RS) in the maintenance treatment of patients with recurrent ovarian cancer. Patients and methods: mean progression-free survival (PFS) was estimated for niraparib and RS by fitting parametric survival distributions to Kaplan-Meier data for 553 patients with recurrent ovarian cancer who were enrolled in the phase III ENGOT-OV16/NOVA trial. Patients were categorized according to the presence or absence of a germline BRCA mutation-gBRCAmut and non-gBRCAmut cohorts. Mean time with toxicity was estimated based on the area under the Kaplan-Meier curve for symptomatic grade 2 or greater fatigue, nausea, and vomiting adverse events (AEs). Time with toxicity was the number of days a patient experienced an AE post-random assignment and before disease progression. TWiST was estimated as the difference between mean PFS and time with toxicity. Uncertainty was explored using alternative PFS estimates and considering all symptomatic grade 2 or greater AEs. Results: in the gBRCAmut and non-gBRCAmut cohorts, niraparib treatment resulted in a mean PFS benefit of 3.23 years and 1.44 years, respectively, and a mean time with toxicity of 0.28 years and 0.10 years, respectively, compared with RS. Hence, niraparib treatment resulted in a mean TWiST benefit of 2.95 years and 1.34 years, respectively, compared with RS, which is equivalent to more than four-fold and two-fold increases in mean TWiST between niraparib and RS in the gBRCAmut and non-gBRCAmut cohorts, respectively. This TWiST benefit was consistent across all sensitivity analyses, including modeling PFS over 5-, 10-, and 15-year time horizons. Conclusion: patients who were treated with niraparib compared with RS experienced increased mean TWiST. Thus, patients who were treated with niraparib in the ENGOT-OV16/NOVA trial experienced more time without symptoms or symptomatic toxicities compared with control

    Clinical Relevance of Tumor Cells with Stem-Like Properties in Pediatric Brain Tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Primitive brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related death in children. Tumor cells with stem-like properties (TSCs), thought to account for tumorigenesis and therapeutic resistance, have been isolated from high-grade gliomas in adults. Whether TSCs are a common component of pediatric brain tumors and are of clinical relevance remains to be determined. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Tumor cells with self-renewal properties were isolated with cell biology techniques from a majority of 55 pediatric brain tumors samples, regardless of their histopathologies and grades of malignancy (57% of embryonal tumors, 57% of low-grade gliomas and neuro-glial tumors, 70% of ependymomas, 91% of high-grade gliomas). Most high-grade glioma-derived oncospheres (10/12) sustained long-term self-renewal akin to neural stem cells (>7 self-renewals), whereas cells with limited renewing abilities akin to neural progenitors dominated in all other tumors. Regardless of tumor entities, the young age group was associated with self-renewal properties akin to neural stem cells (P = 0.05, chi-square test). Survival analysis of the cohort showed an association between isolation of cells with long-term self-renewal abilities and a higher patient mortality rate (P = 0.013, log-rank test). Sampling of low- and high-grade glioma cultures showed that self-renewing cells forming oncospheres shared a molecular profile comprising embryonic and neural stem cell markers. Further characterization performed on subsets of high-grade gliomas and one low-grade glioma culture showed combination of this profile with mesenchymal markers, the radio-chemoresistance of the cells and the formation of aggressive tumors after intracerebral grafting. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In brain tumors affecting adult patients, TSCs have been isolated only from high-grade gliomas. In contrast, our data show that tumor cells with stem cell-like or progenitor-like properties can be isolated from a wide range of histological sub-types and grades of pediatric brain tumors. They suggest that cellular mechanisms fueling tumor development differ between adult and pediatric brain tumors

    Identifying flares in rheumatoid arthritis: Reliability and construct validation of the OMERACT RA Flare Core Domain Set

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    Objective: To evaluate the reliability of concurrent flare identification using 3 methods (patient, rheumatologist and Disease Activity Score (DAS)28 criteria), and construct validity of candidate items representing the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology Clinical Trials (OMERACT) RA Flare Core Domain Set. Methods: Candidate flare questions and legacy measures were administered at consecutive visits to Canadian Early Arthritis Cohort (CATCH) patients between November 2011 and November 2014. The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) core set indicators were recorded. Concordance to identify flares was assessed using the agreement coefficient. Construct validity of flare questions was examined: convergent (Spearman's r); discriminant (mean differences between flaring/non-flaring patients); and consequential (proportions with prior treatment reductions and intended therapeutic change postflare). Results: The 849 patients were 75% female, 81% white, 42% were in remission/low disease activity (R/LDA), and 16-32% were flaring at the second visit. Agreement of flare status was low-strong (κ's 0.17-0.88) and inversely related to RA disease activity level. Flare domains correlated highly (r's≥0.70) with each other, patient global (r's≥0.66) and corresponding measures (r's 0.49-0.92); and moderately highly with MD and patient-reported joint counts (r's 0.29-0.62). When MD/patients agreed the patient was flaring, mean flare domain between-group differences were 2.1-3.0; 36% had treatment reductions prior to flare, with escalation planned in 61%. Conclusions: Flares are common in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are often preceded by treatment reductions. Patient/MD/DAS agreement of flare status is highest in patients worsening from R/LDA. OMERACT RA flare questions can discriminate between patients with/without flare and have strong evidence of construct and consequential validity. Ongoing work will identify optimal scoring and cut points to identify RA flares

    Clinical management of molecular alterations identified by high throughput sequencing in patients with advanced solid tumors in treatment failure: Real-world data from a French hospital

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    BackgroundIn the context of personalized medicine, screening patients to identify targetable molecular alterations is essential for therapeutic decisions such as inclusion in clinical trials, early access to therapies, or compassionate treatment. The objective of this study was to determine the real-world impact of routine incorporation of FoundationOne analysis in cancers with a poor prognosis and limited treatment options, or in those progressing after at least one course of standard therapy.MethodsA FoundationOneCDx panel for solid tumor or liquid biopsy samples was offered to 204 eligible patients.ResultsSamples from 150 patients were processed for genomic testing, with a data acquisition success rate of 93%. The analysis identified 2419 gene alterations, with a median of 11 alterations per tumor (range, 0–86). The most common or likely pathogenic variants were on TP53, TERT, PI3KCA, CDKN2A/B, KRAS, CCDN1, FGF19, FGF3, and SMAD4. The median tumor mutation burden was three mutations/Mb (range, 0–117) in 143 patients with available data. Of 150 patients with known or likely pathogenic actionable alterations, 13 (8.6%) received matched targeted therapy. Sixty-nine patients underwent Molecular Tumor Board, which resulted in recommendations in 60 cases. Treatment with genotype-directed therapy had no impact on overall survival (13 months vs. 14 months; p = 0.95; hazard ratio = 1.04 (95% confidence interval, 0.48–2.26)].ConclusionsThis study highlights that an organized center with a Multidisciplinary Molecular Tumor Board and an NGS screening system can obtain satisfactory results comparable with those of large centers for including patients in clinical trials

    Reliability and validity of functional health status and health-related quality of life questionnaires in children with recurrent acute otitis media

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    Evaluating Public School Funding In Michigan And The Impact Of Proposal A

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    “The scope of reductions under consideration by the Grand Rapids Public School Board should be a wake-up call for the entire community. We can no longer expect business as usual—what was once unimaginable now becomes reality.” - Grand Rapids Education Reform Initiative. While it is a national trend that public schools are struggling financially, each state has a unique situation due to different funding practices. The budget problems are often blamed on poor money management: too many administrators, too high levels of salaries, extra cost in working with unions, excessive benefits. As for Grand Rapids Public Schools, there are four reasons for the financial crisis: State funding, declining enrollment, high needs student population, and increasing costs of employee benefits which are mandated by the State. This paper analyzes the funding issues of the Grand Rapids Public Schools by looking at the history of how school funding has changed with the creation of Proposal A—how revenues are collected and distributed, and how Proposal A has been modified since inception. In analyzing the issues surrounding what seems to be an unfixable budget problem, two questions arise: Is state funding meeting the needs of the students in Michigan? And, is there need for a policy change