461 research outputs found

    Highly efficient methods for the one-pot synthesis of b-substituted enones

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    A mild and practically-convenient one-pot procedure for the direct b-substitution of enones has been developed using a conjugate addition–oxidation strategy with a full range of copper-based reagents and N-tert-butylphenylsulfinimidoyl chloride; alkyl- and aryl-substituted enones are delivered in good to excellent yields

    Tricyclo­[,7]nonane-3,7-diyl bis­(methane­sulfonate)

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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C11H18O6S2, was determined to investigate the effect of the eclipsed mesyl groups on the bond length of the vicinal quaternary C atoms. The two quaternary C atoms of the noradamantane skeleton and the two O atoms to which they are connected all located essentially in the same plane [maximum deviation 0.01 Å], resulting in an eclipsing conformation of the C—O bonds. The C—C bond of the quaternary C atoms is 1.597 (3) Å is considerably longer than the other C—C bonds of the mol­ecule

    Di-tert-butyl N,N′-(octa­hydro­penta­lene-2,5-di­yl)dicarbamate

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    In the molecule of the title compound, C18H32N2O4, the central bicyclo­[3.3.0]octane (octa­hydro­penta­lene) has a rigid ring junction. Both rings of the bicyclo­[3.3.0]octane unit adopt an envelope conformation, and the flexible tert-butyl­carbamoyl side chains each have an extended conformation. Such a constrained bicyclo­[3.3.0]octane aliphatic template is of inter­est with respect to the design of novel self-assembling motifs. Mol­ecules related by c-glide symmetry are linked via inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming a two-dimensional layer structure. Neighboring layers are weakly associated along the a axis due to the close approach of the tert-butyl­carbamoyl groups (2.55 Å)

    Caprin-1, a novel Cyr61-interacting protein, promotes osteosarcoma tumor growth and lung metastasis in mice

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    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common primary bone malignancy in children and adolescents. More than 30% of patients develop lung metastasis, which is the leading cause of mortality. Recently, the extracellular matrix protein Cyr61 has been recognized as a malignancy promoting protein in OS mouse model with prognostic potential in human OS. In this study, we aimed at the identification of novel Cyr61-interacting proteins. Here we report that Cyr61 associates with Caprin-1, and confocal microscopy showed that stable ectopic expression of Caprin-1 leads to the formation of stress granules containing Caprin-1 and Cyr61, confers resistance to cisplatin-induced apoptosis, and resulted in constitutive phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/2. Importantly, ectopic expression of Caprin-1 dramatically enhanced primary tumor growth, remarkably increased lung metastatic load in a SCID intratibial OS mouse model, and decreased significantly (p<0.0018) the survival of the mice. Although Caprin-1 expression, evaluated with a tissue microarray including samples from 59 OS patients, failed to be an independent predictor for the patients' outcome in this limited cohort of patients, increased Caprin-1 expression indicated a tendency to shortened overall survival, and more strikingly, Cyr61/Caprin-1 co-expression was associated with worse survival than that observed for patients with tumors expressing either Cyr61 or Caprin-1 alone or none of these proteins. The findings imply that Caprin-1 may have a metastasis promoting role in OS and show that through resistance to apoptosis and via the activation of Akt and ERK1/2 pathways, Caprin-1 is significantly involved in the development of OS metastasis

    Information inequalities and Generalized Graph Entropies

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    In this article, we discuss the problem of establishing relations between information measures assessed for network structures. Two types of entropy based measures namely, the Shannon entropy and its generalization, the R\'{e}nyi entropy have been considered for this study. Our main results involve establishing formal relationship, in the form of implicit inequalities, between these two kinds of measures when defined for graphs. Further, we also state and prove inequalities connecting the classical partition-based graph entropies and the functional-based entropy measures. In addition, several explicit inequalities are derived for special classes of graphs.Comment: A preliminary version. To be submitted to a journa

    German cancer statistics 2004

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    Background: For years the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has been annually pooling and reviewing the data from the German population-based cancer registries and evaluating them together with the cause-of-death statistics provided by the statistical offices. Traditionally, the RKI periodically estimates the number of new cancer cases in Germany on the basis of the available data from the regional cancer registries in which registration is complete; this figure, in turn, forms the basis for further important indicators. Methods: This article gives a brief overview of current indicators - such as incidence, prevalence, mortality, survival rates - on the most common types of cancer, as well as important ratios on the risks of developing and dying of cancer in Germany. Results: According to the latest estimate, there were a total of 436,500 new cancer cases in Germany in 2004. The most common cancer in men is prostate cancer with over 58,000 new cases per annum, followed by colorectal and lung cancer. In women, breast cancer remains the most common cancer with an estimated 57,000 new cases every year, also followed by colorectal cancer. These and further findings on selected cancer sites can be found in the current brochure on “Cancer in Germany”, which is regularly published by the RKI together with the Association of Population-based Cancer Registries in Germany (GEKID). In addition, the RKI made cancer-prevalence estimates and calculated current morbidity and mortality risks at the federal level for the first time. According to these figures, the 5-year partial prevalence - i.e. the total number of cancer patients diagnosed over the past five years who are currently still living - exceeds 600,000 in men; the figure is about the same among women. Here, too, the most common cancers are prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. The lifetime risk of developing cancer, which is more related to the individual, is estimated to be higher among men (48.5%) than among women (40.3%). In roughly rounded figures, therefore, about every second person in Germany develops cancer in the course of their lives. One in four men and one in five women die of cancer. Conclusions: In recent years, population-based cancer registration in Germany has come significantly closer to the aim of the complete, nationwide coverage of cancer. The continuous improvements in the data situation help describe cancer development in Germany

    Adverse performance effects of acute lorazepam administration in elderly long-term users: pharmacokinetic and clinical predictors.

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    BACKGROUND: The benzodiazepine lorazepam is widely utilized in the treatment of elderly individuals with anxiety disorders and related conditions. Negative effects of acute lorazepam administration on cognitive performance, especially memory, have been reported in both previously untreated elderly and in individuals who have received short term (up to three weeks) treatment with therapeutic doses. However, it remains unclear if these adverse cognitive effects also persist after long-term use, which is frequently found in clinical practice. METHODS: Cognitively intact elderly individuals (n=37) on long-term (at least three months) daily treatment with lorazepam were studied using a double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over study design. Subjects were administered their highest daily unit dose of lorazepam (0.25-3.00 mg) or placebo on different days, approximately 1 week apart in a random order, and were assessed on memory, psychomotor speed, and subjective mood states. RESULTS: Subjects had significantly poorer recall and slowed psychomotor performance following acute lorazepam administration. There were no significant effects on self-ratings of mood, sedation, or anxiety in the whole group, but secondary analyses suggested a differential response in subjects with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. CONCLUSIONS: The reduced recall and psychomotor slowing that we observed, along with an absence of significant therapeutic benefits, following acute lorazepam administration in elderly long-term users reinforces the importance of cognitive toxicity as a clinical factor in benzodiazepine use, especially in this population

    Extraction of Accurate Biomolecular Parameters from Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Experiments

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    The atomic force microscope (AFM) is able to manipulate biomolecules and their complexes with exquisite force sensitivity and distance resolution. This capability, complemented by theoretical models, has greatly improved our understanding of the determinants of mechanical strength in proteins and revealed the diverse effects of directional forces on the energy landscape of biomolecules. In unbinding experiments, the interacting partners are usually immobilized on their respective substrates via extensible linkers. These linkers affect both the force and contour length (Lc) of the complex at rupture. Surprisingly, while the former effect is well understood, the latter is largely neglected, leading to incorrect estimations of Lc, a parameter that is often used as evidence for the detection of specific interactions and remodeling events and for the inference of interaction regions. To address this problem, a model that predicts contour length measurements from single-molecule forced-dissociation experiments is presented that considers attachment position on the AFM tip, geometric effects, and polymer dynamics of the linkers. Modeled data are compared with measured contour length distributions from several different experimental systems, revealing that current methods underestimate contour lengths. The model enables nonspecific interactions to be identified unequivocally, allows accurate determination of Lc, and, by comparing experimental and modeled distributions, enables partial unfolding events before rupture to be identified unequivocally

    Quantitative real-time RT-PCR of CD24 mRNA in the detection of prostate cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Gene expression profiling has recently shown that the mRNA for CD24 is overexpressed in prostate carcinomas (Pca) compared to benign or normal prostate epithelial tissues. Immunohistochemical studies have reported the usefulness of anti-CD24 for detecting prostate cancer over the full range of prostate specimens encountered in surgical pathology, e.g. needle biopsies, transurethral resection of prostate chips, or prostatectomies. It is a small mucin-like cell surface protein and thus promises to become at least a standard adjunctive stain for atypical prostate biopsies. We tested the usefulness of real-time RT-PCR for specific and sensitive detection of CD24 transcripts as a supplementary measure for discriminating between malignant and benign lesions in prostatic tissues. METHODS: Total RNA was isolated from snap-frozen chips in 55 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and from frozen sections in 59 prostatectomy cases. The latter contain at least 50% malignant epithelia. Relative quantification of CD24 transcripts was performed on the LightCycler instrument using hybridization probes for detection and porphobilinogen deaminase transcripts (PBGD) for normalization. RESULTS: Normalized CD24 transcript levels showed an average 2.69-fold increase in 59 Pca-cases (mean 0.21) when compared to 55 cases of BPH (mean 0.08). This difference was highly significant (p < 0.0001). The method has a moderate specificity (47.3%) but a high sensitivity (86.4%) if the cutoff is set at 0.0498. CD24 expression levels among Pca cases were not statistically associated with the tumor and lymph-node stage, the grading (WHO), the surgical margins, or the Gleason score. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates the feasibility of quantitative CD24 RNA transcript detection in prostatic tissues even without previous laser microdissection