10,804 research outputs found

    Imaging and manipulating electrons in a 1D quantum dot with Coulomb blockade microscopy

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    Motivated by the recent experiments by the Westervelt group using a mobile tip to probe the electronic state of quantum dots formed on a segmented nanowire, we study the shifts in Coulomb blockade peak positions as a function of the spatial variation of the tip potential, which can be termed "Coulomb blockade microscopy". We show that if the tip can be brought sufficiently close to the nanowire, one can distinguish a high density electronic liquid state from a Wigner crystal state by microscopy with a weak tip potential. In the opposite limit of a strongly negative tip potential, the potential depletes the electronic density under it and divides the quantum wire into two partitions. There the tip can push individual electrons from one partition to the other, and the Coulomb blockade micrograph can clearly track such transitions. We show that this phenomenon can be used to qualitatively estimate the relative importance of the electron interaction compared to one particle potential and kinetic energies. Finally, we propose that a weak tip Coulomb blockade micrograph focusing on the transition between electron number N=0 and N=1 states may be used to experimentally map the one-particle potential landscape produced by impurities and inhomogeneities.Comment: 4 pages 7 figure

    Hybridization gap and anisotropic far-infrared optical conductivity of URu2Si2

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    We performed far-infrared optical spectroscopy measurements on the heavy fermion compound URu 2 Si 2 as a function of temperature. The light's electric-field was applied along the a-axis or the c-axis of the tetragonal structure. We show that in addition to a pronounced anisotropy, the optical conductivity exhibits for both axis a partial suppression of spectral weight around 12 meV and below 30 K. We attribute these observations to a change in the bandstructure below 30 K. However, since these changes have no noticeable impact on the entropy nor on the DC transport properties, we suggest that this is a crossover phenomenon rather than a thermodynamic phase transition.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes strains of clinical and food chain origins in Belgium between 1985 and 2014

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    Listeriosis is a rare but severe disease, mainly caused by Listeria monocytogenes. This study shows the results of the laboratory-based surveillance of Listeriosis in Belgium over the period 1985-2014. Besides the incidence and some demographic data we present also more detailed microbiological and molecular characteristics of human strains isolated since 2000. The strains from the latter period were compared to food and animal strains from the same period. Our study shows that different food matrices were commonly contaminated with L. monocytogenes presenting the same PFGE profile as in patient's isolates. Since 1985, we observed a significant decrease in incidence of the Materno-Neonatal cases (from 0.15 to 0.04 cases /100,000 inhabitants-year), which is probably to be attributed to active prevention campaigns targeting pregnant women. Despite the strengthening of different control measures by the food industry, the incidence of non-Materno-Neonatal listeriosis increased in Belgium (from 0.3 to 0.7 cases /100,000 inhabitants-year), probably due to the rise of highly susceptible patients in an aging population. This significant increase found in non-Materno-Neonatal cases (slope coefficient 7.42%/year, P< 0.0001) can be attributed to significant increase in incidence of isolates belonging to serovars 1/2a (n = 393, slope coefficient 6.62%/year, P< 0.0001). Although resistance to antimicrobials is rare among L. monocytogenes isolates, a trend to increasing MIC values is evident with chloramphenicol, amoxicillin, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin. We show that fluoroquinolone resistance is not linked to chromosomal mutations, but caused by a variety of efflux pumps. Our study also shows that huge majority of known underlying pathologies (426 out of 785 cases) were cancers (185/426, 43.1%) and haematological malignancies (75/185, 40.5%). Moreover the risk population is susceptible to low levels of contamination in food stressing the need of prevention campaigns specifically targeting these persons

    Magnetoconductance oscillations in quasiballistic multimode nanowires

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    We calculate the conductance of quasi-one-dimensional nanowires with electronic states confined to a surface charge layer, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field. Two-terminal magnetoconductance (MC) between two leads deposited on the nanowire via tunnel barriers is dominated by density-of-states (DOS) singularities, when the leads are well apart. There is also a mesoscopic correction due to a higher-order coherent tunneling between the leads for small lead separation. The corresponding MC structure depends on the interference between electron propagation via different channels connecting the leads, which in the simplest case, for the magnetic field along the wire axis, can be crudely characterized by relative winding numbers of paths enclosing the magnetic flux. In general, the MC oscillations are aperiodic, due to the Zeeman splitting, field misalignment with the wire axis, and a finite extent of electron distribution across the wire cross section, and are affected by spin-orbit coupling. The quantum-interference MC traces contain a wealth of information about the electronic structure of multichannel wires, which would be complimentary to the DOS measurements. We propose a four-terminal configuration to enhance the relative contribution of the higher-order tunneling processes and apply our results to realistic InAs nanowires carrying several quantum channels in the surface charge-accumulation layer.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Theory of momentum resolved tunneling into a short quantum wire

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    Motivated by recent tunneling experiments in the parallel wire geometry, we calculate results for momentum resolved tunneling into a short one-dimensional wire, containing a small number of electrons. We derive some general theorems about the momentum dependence, and we carry out exact calculations for up to N=4 electrons in the final state, for a system with screened Coulomb interactions that models the situation of the experiments. We also investigate the limit of large NN using a Luttinger-liquid type analysis. We consider the low-density regime, where the system is close to the Wigner crystal limit, and where the energy scale for spin excitations can be much lower than for charge excitations, and we consider temperatures intermediate between the relevant spin energies and charge excitations, as well as temperatures below both energy scales.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, clarified text in a few points, added 1 figure, updated reference

    Stellar Double Coronagraph: a multistage coronagraphic platform at Palomar observatory

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    We present a new instrument, the "Stellar Double Coronagraph" (SDC), a flexible coronagraphic platform. Designed for Palomar Observatory's 200" Hale telescope, its two focal and pupil planes allow for a number of different observing configurations, including multiple vortex coronagraphs in series for improved contrast at small angles. We describe the motivation, design, observing modes, wavefront control approaches, data reduction pipeline, and early science results. We also discuss future directions for the instrument.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures. Correspondence welcome. The published work is open access and differs trivially from the version posted here. The published version may be found at http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1538-3873/128/965/075003/met

    On calculating the mean values of quantum observables in the optical tomography representation

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    Given a density operator ρ^\hat \rho the optical tomography map defines a one-parameter set of probability distributions wρ^(X,ϕ), ϕ[0,2π),w_{\hat \rho}(X,\phi),\ \phi \in [0,2\pi), on the real line allowing to reconstruct ρ^\hat \rho . We introduce a dual map from the special class A\mathcal A of quantum observables a^\hat a to a special class of generalized functions a(X,ϕ)a(X,\phi) such that the mean value ρ^=Tr(ρ^a^)_{\hat \rho} =Tr(\hat \rho\hat a) is given by the formula ρ^=02π+wρ^(X,ϕ)a(X,ϕ)dXdϕ_{\hat \rho}= \int \limits_{0}^{2\pi}\int \limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty}w_{\hat \rho}(X,\phi)a(X,\phi)dXd\phi. The class A\mathcal A includes all the symmetrized polynomials of canonical variables q^\hat q and p^\hat p.Comment: 8 page

    Gauge Invariant Factorisation and Canonical Quantisation of Topologically Massive Gauge Theories in Any Dimension

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    Abelian topologically massive gauge theories (TMGT) provide a topological mechanism to generate mass for a bosonic p-tensor field in any spacetime dimension. These theories include the 2+1 dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons and 3+1 dimensional Cremmer-Scherk actions as particular cases. Within the Hamiltonian formulation, the embedded topological field theory (TFT) sector related to the topological mass term is not manifest in the original phase space. However through an appropriate canonical transformation, a gauge invariant factorisation of phase space into two orthogonal sectors is feasible. The first of these sectors includes canonically conjugate gauge invariant variables with free massive excitations. The second sector, which decouples from the total Hamiltonian, is equivalent to the phase space description of the associated non dynamical pure TFT. Within canonical quantisation, a likewise factorisation of quantum states thus arises for the full spectrum of TMGT in any dimension. This new factorisation scheme also enables a definition of the usual projection from TMGT onto topological quantum field theories in a most natural and transparent way. None of these results rely on any gauge fixing procedure whatsoever.Comment: 1+25 pages, no figure

    General framework of the non-perturbative renormalization group for non-equilibrium steady states

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    This paper is devoted to presenting in detail the non-perturbative renormalization group (NPRG) formalism to investigate out-of-equilibrium systems and critical dynamics in statistical physics. The general NPRG framework for studying non-equilibrium steady states in stochastic models is expounded and fundamental technicalities are stressed, mainly regarding the role of causality and of Ito's discretization. We analyze the consequences of Ito's prescription in the NPRG framework and eventually provide an adequate regularization to encode them automatically. Besides, we show how to build a supersymmetric NPRG formalism with emphasis on time-reversal symmetric problems, whose supersymmetric structure allows for a particularly simple implementation of NPRG in which causality issues are transparent. We illustrate the two approaches on the example of Model A within the derivative expansion approximation at order two, and check that they yield identical results.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections prior to publicatio