46 research outputs found

    Competence, specificity and outsourcing: impact on the complexity of the contract

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    This paper focuses on the link between the three types of specificity and the complexity of outsourcing contracts because specificity is generally considered as the most important transaction cost attribute. It also integrates external uncertainty in the model. External uncertainty is a multidimensional concept that reflects the lack of knowledge about events that may take place in the environmentoutsourcing; transaction cost economics; resource-based view; contracts; partial least squares

    Some conjectures on the two main power indices

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a structural specification of the Shapley- Shubik and Banzhaf power indices in a weighted voting rule. We compare them in term of the cardinality of the sets of power vectors (PV). This is done in different situations where the quota or the number of seats are fixed or not.Shapley-Shubik, Banzhaf, power index, power vectors.

    Intranasal sufentanil versus intravenous morphine for acute severe trauma pain: A double-blind randomized non-inferiority study.

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    BACKGROUND: Intravenous morphine (IVM) is the most common strong analgesic used in trauma, but is associated with a clear time limitation related to the need to obtain an access route. The intranasal (IN) route provides easy administration with a fast peak action time due to high vascularization and the absence of first-pass metabolism. We aimed to determine whether IN sufentanil (INS) for patients presenting to an emergency department with acute severe traumatic pain results in a reduction in pain intensity non-inferior to IVM. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In a prospective, randomized, multicenter non-inferiority trial conducted in the emergency departments of 6 hospitals across France, patients were randomized 1:1 to INS titration (0.3 ÎŒg/kg and additional doses of 0.15 ÎŒg/kg at 10 minutes and 20 minutes if numerical pain rating scale [NRS] > 3) and intravenous placebo, or to IVM (0.1 mg/kg and additional doses of 0.05 mg/kg at 10 minutes and 20 minutes if NRS > 3) and IN placebo. Patients, clinical staff, and research staff were blinded to the treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was the total decrease on NRS at 30 minutes after first administration. The prespecified non-inferiority margin was -1.3 on the NRS. The primary outcome was analyzed per protocol. Adverse events were prospectively recorded during 4 hours. Among the 194 patients enrolled in the emergency department cohort between November 4, 2013, and April 10, 2016, 157 were randomized, and the protocol was correctly administered in 136 (69 IVM group, 67 INS group, per protocol population, 76% men, median age 40 [IQR 29 to 54] years). The mean difference between NRS at first administration and NRS at 30 minutes was -4.1 (97.5% CI -4.6 to -3.6) in the IVM group and -5.2 (97.5% CI -5.7 to -4.6) in the INS group. Non-inferiority was demonstrated (p < 0.001 with 1-sided mean-equivalence t test), as the lower 97.5% confidence interval of 0.29 (97.5% CI 0.29 to 1.93) was above the prespecified margin of -1.3. INS was superior to IVM (intention to treat analysis: p = 0.034), but without a clinically significant difference in mean NRS between groups. Six severe adverse events were observed in the INS group and 2 in the IVM group (number needed to harm: 17), including an apparent imbalance for hypoxemia (3 in the INS group versus 1 in the IVM group) and for bradypnea (2 in the INS group versus 0 in the IVM group). The main limitation of the study was that the choice of concomitant analgesics, when they were used, was left to the discretion of the physician in charge, and co-analgesia was more often used in the IVM group. Moreover, the size of the study did not allow us to conclude with certainty about the safety of INS in emergency settings. CONCLUSIONS: We confirm the non-inferiority of INS compared to IVM for pain reduction at 30 minutes after administration in patients with severe traumatic pain presenting to an emergency department. The IN route, with no need to obtain a venous route, may allow early and effective analgesia in emergency settings and in difficult situations. Confirmation of the safety profile of INS will require further larger studies. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02095366. EudraCT 2013-001665-16

    SynthÚse d ondes électriques picosecondes de puissance par commutation optoélectronique (application aux radars à bande spectrale ultralarge)

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    Le but de cette thĂšse a Ă©tĂ© la rĂ©alisation d un dĂ©monstrateur de radar ultralarge bande multi-sources. Ce radar repose sur la rĂ©alisation de gĂ©nĂ©rateurs optoĂ©lectroniques dĂ©livrant des impulsions Ă©lectriques de forte puissance Ă  spectre ultralarge et parfaitement synchronisables. Cela a Ă©tĂ© rendu possible par le transfert d une technologie issue du CEA vers notre laboratoire. Les travaux rĂ©alisĂ©s ont conduit vers une architecture permettant d obtenir des impulsions avec des performances accrues (<300ps pour 11kV crĂȘte). Ils ont permis de dĂ©gager un modĂšle comportemental hyperfrĂ©quence des gĂ©nĂ©rateurs et leurs rĂ©actions aux paramĂštres des commandes optiques et Ă©lectriques. Une technique innovante de diminution de la durĂ©e des impulsions optiques issues d une source laser nanoseconde a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. La dĂ©monstration du concept multi-sources permettant la validation du concept d agilitĂ© en terme de basculement du front d onde fait de ce systĂšme un outil unique et innovant.This thesis was dedicated to the realisation of ultra wide band antenna array radar. This detection system is based on the use of optoelectronic generators. These generators must be able to deliver high power electrical synchronised pulses with an ultra wide band spectrum. This work was based on transfer of Atomic Energy Commission's technology to our laboratory. Temporal and power improvements were the main results ofthis research (<300ps duration for 11kV of peak voltage). AlI these studies led to the development of a propagation behaviour model ofgenerators and a better understanding ofoptical and electrical command's implications on generated signaIs. The coherent combination of the output power emitted by a one dimension antenna array was demonstrated. Moreover, a new optical picosecond source based on pulse chapping process was demonstrated and patented.LIMOGES-BU Sciences (870852109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Observatoire Hommes-Milieux Vallée du RhÎne (OHM)

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    Fiches de prĂ©sentation (FR/ENG) de l'OHM VallĂ©e du RhĂŽneThe Rhone Valley OHM corresponds with the riverscape that extends from Geneva to the Mediterranean, including the main channel and all surrounding water bodies and riparian areas, some of which are prone to flooding. The study area is subject to the influence of numerous alterations all along the river course. The immediate consequence of the flood of 2003 was the signing of the Rhone Masterplan by the Frenchstate and key river managers in 2004. This interregional agreement constitutes a major event; it is now a matter of reconciling the different expectations while achieving “sustainable development”. The OHM proposes studying this new period to provide knowledge to fuel the public debate.L’emprise gĂ©ographique de l’OHM VallĂ©e du RhĂŽne correspond Ă  l’axe fluvial du LĂ©man Ă  la MĂ©diterranĂ©e, au fleuve lui-mĂȘme, Ă  ses milieux aquatiques annexes et aux zones riveraines, inondables pour certaines. Les territoires Ă©tudiĂ©s sont ainsi soumis Ă  l’influence de nombreux amĂ©nagements prĂ©sents sur tout le cours du fleuve. ConsĂ©quence immĂ©diate de la crue de 2003, l’État et les grands gestionnaires du fleuve ont signĂ© en 2004 le Plan RhĂŽne. Ce contrat de projet interrĂ©gional constitue un Ă©vĂ©nement majeur : il s’agit dĂ©sormais de concilier les diffĂ©rentes attentes, en essayant notamment de rĂ©ussir un « dĂ©veloppement durable ». L’OHM propose de suivre cette nouvelle pĂ©riode en produisant des connaissances pour alimenter le dĂ©bat public

    Selecting surface treatments: "ready-made" strategies. Examples for the power industry.

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    Because of tremendous developments of surface treatments, databases and expert systems are necessary to help the designers. Several approaches are reviewed in this article, mainly for mono-treatments. The “EXPESURF” software for multi-layers is also introduced and illustrated in the case of power production devices.Les dĂ©veloppements de traitements de surface ont conduit Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de bases de donnĂ©es et de systĂšmes experts pour guider les concepteurs. Plusieurs dĂ©marches possibles sont dĂ©crites dans cet article, essentiellement dans le cas des mono-couches, ainsi que le logiciel de sĂ©lection des multicouches « EXPESURF », qui est illustrĂ© dans le cas de dispositifs de production d’énergie.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Influence of a Double-Lumen Extension Tube on Drug Delivery: Examples of Isosorbide Dinitrate and Diazepam

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    International audiencePURPOSE: Plastic materials such as polyurethane (PUR), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are widely used in double-lumen extension tubing. The purposes of our study were to 1) compare in vitro drug delivery through the double extension tubes available on the market 2) assess the plastic properties of PUR in infusion devices and their impact on drug delivery.METHODS: The study compared eight double-lumen extension tubes in PUR, co-extruded (PE/PVC) plastic and plasticised PVC from different manufacturers. Isosorbide dinitrate and diazepam were used as model compounds to evaluate their sorption on the internal surface of the infusion device. Control experiments were performed using norepinephrine known not to absorb to plastics. Drug concentrations delivered at the egress of extension tubes were determined over time by an analytical spectrophotometric UV-Vis method. The main characteristics of plastics were also determined.RESULTS: Significant differences in the sorption phenomenon were observed among the eight double-lumen extension tubes and between pairs of extension tubes. Mean concentrations of isosorbide dinitrate delivered at the egress of double-lumen extension tubes after a 150-minute infusion (mean values ± standard deviation in percentage of the initial concentrations in the prepared syringes) ranged between 80.53 ± 1.66 (one of the PUR tubes) and 92.84 ± 2.73 (PE/PVC tube). The same parameters measured during diazepam infusion ranged between 48.58 ± 2.88 (one of the PUR tubes) and 85.06 ± 3.94 (PE/PVC tube). The double-lumen extension tubes in PUR were either thermosetting (resin) or thermoplastic according to reference.CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians must be aware of potential drug interactions with extension tube materials and so must consider their nature as well as the sterilisation method used before selecting an infusion device

    Investigating the relationship between drought and clay-shrinkage-induced subsidence damage at the town scale over France

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    International audienceClay shrink-swell consists in volume changes of clayey, smectite-rich soils as a function of their soil water content. Building foundations can be affected by soil shrinkage during droughts, entailing what is called subsidence damage. This is the second costliest peril covered by the French national natural disaster compensation scheme, the losses amounting to more than 16B&#8364; between 1989 and 2021 (CCR, 2021). As illustrated by the 2022 drought in France, these costs are likely to increase as a result of climate change and of the related amplification of annual soil moisture cycles.In this context, we investigate the relationship between drought and subsidence damage, using the ISBA land surface model developed by the French meteorological service (M&#233;t&#233;o-France), geotechnical data from the French geological survey (BRGM) and data from a national claim database operated by the French state-owned national reinsurance company (CCR). We compute several yearly drought indices based on multi-layer soil moisture time series simulated by the ISBA model. Different configurations of the indices are considered, varying in particular the ISBA model settings, and the soil drought definition through a threshold value accounting for a given temporal frequency, for each model soil layer. We assess a large range of configurations by using the Kendall rank correlation of the indices with yearly town-scale insurance claim data from 2000 to 2018, processed using the geotechnical data. The analysis is repeated for five sets of four towns with an important damage history distributed throughout France, in contrasting climate conditions.Highest rank correlation coefficients are obtained for soil layers deeper than 60 cm, and with temporal frequency threshold values corresponding to intense droughts. Under these conditions, the indices are able to fairly represent the occurrence of damages. The relationship between drought indices and the number of claims is non-linear. This study benefits from the latest improvements in land surface modeling and is a step forwards in climate risk modeling since the indices investigated can be considered as new predictors for subsidence damage. Climate change impact studies will be conducted in a next phase.[References] CCR: Les Catastrophes naturelles en France, Bilan 1982-2021, 2021