387 research outputs found

    Interplay between autophagy and the NLRP3 inflammasome in microglia

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    openMicroglia are a type of glial cells that protect the nervous system from pathogens and toxic molecules, contributing to the maintenance of the brain’s homeostasis. Microglia are part of our innate immune system. Pathogen infection and misfolded protein aggregates can induce inflammasome activation in microglia. Inflammasomes are multi-protein complexes that assemble to promote the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β. Evidence from the literature suggests that inflammasome overactivation contributes to neuroinflammation, which is an established hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroinflammation is an inflammatory response, triggered by reactive microglia, aimed at restoring homeostasis in damaged nervous tissue. However, dysregulation of inflammasome signaling can result in a chronic neuroinflammatory state, with detrimental consequences for the neuronal tissue. Since inflammasomes are mainly degraded through autophagy, which is known to be downregulated during aging and in neurodegenerative disease, an impairment of this process in microglia may result in a state of chronic neuroinflammation. Therefore, the project aims to investigate the interplay between autophagy and the NLRP3 inflammasome in microglia by monitoring the autophagic flux in the BV2 murine microglial cell line under basal and inflammatory conditions and assessing how impaired autophagy affects the degradation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and cytokines release.Microglia are a type of glial cells that protect the nervous system from pathogens and toxic molecules, contributing to the maintenance of the brain’s homeostasis. Microglia are part of our innate immune system. Pathogen infection and misfolded protein aggregates can induce inflammasome activation in microglia. Inflammasomes are multi-protein complexes that assemble to promote the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β. Evidence from the literature suggests that inflammasome overactivation contributes to neuroinflammation, which is an established hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases. Neuroinflammation is an inflammatory response, triggered by reactive microglia, aimed at restoring homeostasis in damaged nervous tissue. However, dysregulation of inflammasome signaling can result in a chronic neuroinflammatory state, with detrimental consequences for the neuronal tissue. Since inflammasomes are mainly degraded through autophagy, which is known to be downregulated during aging and in neurodegenerative disease, an impairment of this process in microglia may result in a state of chronic neuroinflammation. Therefore, the project aims to investigate the interplay between autophagy and the NLRP3 inflammasome in microglia by monitoring the autophagic flux in the BV2 murine microglial cell line under basal and inflammatory conditions and assessing how impaired autophagy affects the degradation of the NLRP3 inflammasome and cytokines release

    Decreased Erythrocyte CCS Content is a Biomarker of Copper Overload in Rats

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    Copper (Cu) is an essential trace metal that is toxic in excess. It is therefore important to be able to accurately assess Cu deficiency or overload. Cu chaperone for Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (CCS) protein expression is elevated in tissues of Cu-deficient animals. Increased CCS content in erythrocytes is particularly sensitive to decreased Cu status. Given the lack of a non-invasive, sensitive and specific biomarker for the assessment of Cu excess, we investigated whether CCS expression in erythrocytes reflects Cu overload. Rats were fed diets containing normal or high levels of Cu for 13 weeks. Diets contained 6.3 ± 0.6 (Cu-N), 985 ± 14 (Cu-1000) or 1944 ± 19 (Cu-2000) mg Cu/kg diet. Rats showed a variable response to the high Cu diets. Some rats showed severe Cu toxicity, while other rats showed no visible signs of toxicity and grew normally. Also, some rats had high levels of Cu in liver, whereas others had liver Cu concentrations within the normal range. Erythrocyte CCS protein expression was 30% lower in Cu-2000 rats compared to Cu-N rats (P < 0.05). Notably, only rats that accumulated high levels of Cu in liver had lower erythrocyte CCS (47% reduction, P < 0.05) compared to rats fed normal levels of Cu. Together, these data indicate that decreased erythrocyte CCS content is associated with Cu overload in rats and should be evaluated further as a potential biomarker for assessing Cu excess in humans

    La régulation du comportement d’exercice et les raisons de l’activité physique: la validation italienne des questionnaires BREQ et MPAM-R

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    Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of the present study was to provide the first Italian validation of two different instrument to assess the exercise behaviour: the Mullan et al.'s (1997) BREQ which measures external, introjected, identified and intrinsic forms of regulation and Ryan et al.'s (1997) MPAM-R, which assesses five distinct motives for physical activity (appearance, health and fitness, social, competence, and enjoyment). Confirmatory factor analysis conducted on data collected from 1995 students attending three different secondary schools empirically supported respectively the four-factor structure of behavioural regulation and the five-factor structure of motives for physical activity, supporting convergent and discriminant validity of both scales. Furthermore, multi-group confirmatory factor analysis showed the invariance of the factor structures, structural parameters and correlations of the two scales across gender. Criterion-related validity of the scales also received partial empirical support. Finally, the factor structure of behavioural regulation and motives for physical activity was empirically supported when both constructs were included in a single measurement model.Sur la base de la théorie de l’auto-détermination, le but de cette étude est de proposer la validation de deux instruments différents pour l’évaluation du comportement d’exercice : le BREQ de Mullan et a. (1997), qui mesure les formes externe, introjectée, identifiée, et intrinsèque de la régulation, et le MPAM-R de Ryan et al. (1997), qui évalue cinq raisons distingués de l’activité physique (apparence, santé et forme physique, sociale, compétence, et amusement). L’analyse factorielle confirmatoire, conduite auprès de 1995 étudiants inscrits à trois lycées différents, a soutenu empiriquement la structure à quatre facteurs de la régulation du comportement ainsi que la structure à cinq facteurs des raisons de l’activité physique. De plus, l’analyse confirmatoire multi-groupe a montré l’invariance des structures factorielles, des paramètres structuraux, et des corrélations des deux échelles en relation au genre sexuel. La validité critériée des échelles a aussi reçu un soutien empirique partiel. Enfin, la structure factorielle de la régulation du comportement et des raisons de l’activité physique a été soutenue empiriquement lorsque les deux construits ont été inclus dans le même modèle de mesure

    On the Topic of Motion Integrals

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    An integral of motion is a function of the states of a dynamical system that is constant along the system’s trajectories. Integrals are known for their utility as a means of reducing the dimension of a system, effectively leaving only one differential – or in some cases algebraic – equation to be solved. Invariants of dynamical systems have also proven useful in other contexts, such as in estimation, numerical integration and optimal control. Regardless of the manner in which an integral is employed, finding an analytic form for the integrals of a system generally requires solution of a system of non-linear partial differential equations, with the exception of cases in which certain symmetries of the system are apparent. The objective of this work is to investigate a generalized method for determining motion integrals for non-linear dynamical systems. This method will not work for all nonlinear systems. Indeed, it is expected that the results will test the limitations of this method. In this we consider a method for determining integrals of motion for a small class of dynamical systems akin to the traditional series expansion method for solving partial differential equations. This method involves posing a candidate integral of motion as a series expansion in terms of some set of polynomials. The coefficients of the candidate polynomial are treated as the unknowns in a system of equations. The system of equations is constructed by sampling simulated trajectories of the dynamical system in question. Then the coefficients are solved for using singular value decomposition. There are a number of parameters that can potentially affect this method’s ability to generate an integral of motion that effectively approximates the phase space of the full nonlinear dynamical system. Part of this thesis proposes what some of these parameters might be and investigates how they affect the outcome. A couple of well-known systems are used to conduct these tests: the simple pendulum and the rotating rigid body. The simple pendulum is one of the simplest examples of a non-linear system, and examples of the rotating rigid body in aerospace engineering are ubiquitous

    Próspero: A Study of Success from the Mexican Middle Class in San Antonio, Texas

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    Immigration is a topic that has experienced an evolution of social importance across centuries. While the United States has welcomed individuals seeking lives of promise and opportunity, its neighboring border with Mexico has also encouraged significant migration into the United States Therefore, immigration into Texas was not a new and unusual development. However, the flood of Mexican citizens trying to escape the regime of Porfirio Diaz was noteworthy and left San Antonio residents struggling to accept their new neighbors. The purpose of this dissertation is to study a historically Mexican middle class neighborhood in San Antonio, in order to identify factors that made it possible for some residents to experience socioeconomic prosperity while others were less successful. I believe that positive socioeconomic success resulted from two important factors: high levels of human and social capital and the synergistic interactions of sociopolitical elements. I begin by presenting an overview of the shared turbulent history between Mexico and the United States, the rise and fall of President Porfirio Diaz, and the role that the Mexican Revolution played in San Antonio's 1910 immigration flux. Since this research focuses on the Mexican middle class, I explore the literature pertaining to racial/ethnic definitions, the middle class, and human/social capital, as well as the relevance of each concept within the context of my research question. This research utilizes comparative/historical, qualitative, and quantitative methodologies. I present a quantitative analysis of Prospect Hill's residents, particularly those of an anomalous nature. Of the cases identified, I discuss the case of Romulo Munguia, a native-born Mexican who presented as the third anomalous Mexican resident. Munguia moved to the U.S. in 1926 and established himself as a successful, middle class printer who became heavily involved with San Antonio's Mexican community. Ultimately, Munguia's success indicates a dependency on two specific factors. First, he possessed considerable human and social capital that afforded him social, economic, and political advantages. Secondly, he settled into a community that desperately needed his skills and expertise. Munguia's case supports the hypothesis that immigrant prosperity requires both human/social capital and specific synergistic interactions to achieve success

    Da fotografia analogica a imagem digitalizada : uma contribuição da computação grafica para o estudo do padrão de coloração animal como estrategia de defesa contra predadores

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    Orientadores: Marcius Soares Freire, João Vasconcellos NetoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: Desde sua invenção a fotografia caminha de mão dadas com a ciência. Podemos mesmo dizer que a primeira foi gerada no ventre da segunda e que, desde então, a evolução de um implica quase que necessariamente no aprimoramento da outra. Muitas das inovações tecnológicas por que passou o aparato fotográfico são oriundas de demandas de campos científicos que vão da biologia a física, da medicina a astronomia. No entanto, a imensa maioria dessas inovações dizia mais a respeito a periféricos e acessórios que refinavam, dirigiam e/ou corrigiam o olhar da câmera para objetos específico do que propriamente aos mecanismos internos desse olhar.da câmera para objetos específicos do que propriamente aos mecanismos internos desse olhar. Em outras palavras acoplando a microscópios ou telescópios, recebendo luz natural ou infravermelha, dotado de lentes grande angulares ou tele-objetivas, o órgão sobre o qual a imagem era fixada continuava sendo a velha câmara obscura guarnecida da não tão velha, mas já idosa, película fotossensível. Apenas nos últimos dez anos começamos a ver nascer um novo procedimento que vem modificar radicalmente esse sistema: a tecnologia digital. Gerada dentro de computadores a partir de cálculos matemáticos, captada através de câmeras que já não utilizam películas mas recursos eletrônicos, ou originada pelos aparelhos tradicionais mais introduzida no computador eletronicamente e, conseqüentemente, transformada em estrutura numérica, estamos na presença de um imagem a que chamamos imagem digital...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digitalAbstract: Photography is progressing alongside science sisnce its invention. It can be said that the former has been conceived in the womb of the latter and since then one improves the other as both pursue development. The technological innovations of photography devices have been demanded by the science, from Biology to Physicis, from Medicine to Astronomy. However most of these innovations addresses the perifericals of the process, which have the function of refining viewing or correcting the look into the subject matter. In order words, despite whatever accessories like microscope or telescopes or whichever wavelengh of light, it all delivered the image to the dark chamber where an old fashioned photo sensitive film stood. Only recently along the last ten years has there been a new development which brings a radical new system: that of digital technology. We now are looking at a situation which the image is generated through eletronic light sensitive devices, or inside a computer or again through conventional methods but later transformed in to a eletronic signal ordered in numerical structures. Thus, digital imaging is a reality that allows an immense new freedom to work with, as opposed to the old silver grains glued to a surface....Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic digital thesis or dissertationsMestradoMestre em Multimeio

    Sistemas orbitais e geoprocessamento: informação para uma integração sinergética.

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    Apesar da expansão do mercado de geoprocessamento no Brasil, ainda são marcantes as carências de informação sobre temas específicos, tais como os sistemas orbitais mais utilizados em aplicações para a agricultura e o meio ambiente. Em língua portuguesa, as fontes de dados são ainda mais raras. Com o objetivo de apresentar as características das principais famílias de satélites ou plataformas orbitais, operacionais ou previstos para os próximos anos, a Embrapa-NMA estruturou uma base de dados acessível pela Internet. As páginas foram montadas visando um público usuário de geoprocessamento e da cartografia digital, que tem ou poderá ter no sensoriamento remoto uma importante ferramenta para o seu trabalho. Até o momento, já estão disponíveis informações sobre 36 sistemas orbitais, seus usos e aplicações, efemérides, glossário e links de interesse. Para cada sistema são apresentadas as seguintes características: órbita, país/região, missão, instrumento, status operacional, principais aplicações, Pesquisa na Embrapa-NMA e, imagens. Com essa iniciativa, a equipe do Núcleo contribuiu para o conhecimento de satélites, sensores e plataformas mais utilizadas em aplicações ambientais, assim como para manter uma atualização dos dados disponíveis

    O conflito entre tradição moral e individualismo em Marcoré

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    Este artigo se propõe a analisar como Marcoré (1991), romance de Antônio Olavo Pereira publicado originalmente em 1957, encena um conflito de ordem moral entre seu narrador-protagonista e seu meio. Partindo dos estudos da moralidade de John Kekes (1989, 1993) e de Jonathan Haidt (2012), argumenta-se que a obra de Olavo Pereira constrói uma identificação entre a moralidade individualista do protagonista e os processos de modernização do espaço em que a ação de passa, enquanto a moralidade predominante em seu meio se caracteriza pela preservação de valores “sóciocêntricos” tradicionais. Em seguida, a recepção crítica da obra, publicada em jornais e periódicos da época, é revisitada a fim de estabelecer quão divergentes poderiam ser sua interpretação, dependendo do lado do conflito com o qual o crítico se solidarizasse. O artigo se encerra com a sugestão de que a interpretação exclusivamente solidária à tradição moral se tornaria cada vez mais difícil a partir das décadas seguintes, quando uma vertente católica (que entre as décadas de 1930 e de 1960 competia em importância com a crítica de esquerda) começou a perder espaço na crítica literária brasileira