2,986 research outputs found

    Discreteness effects in a reacting system of particles with finite interaction radius

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    An autocatalytic reacting system with particles interacting at a finite distance is studied. We investigate the effects of the discrete-particle character of the model on properties like reaction rate, quenching phenomenon and front propagation, focusing on differences with respect to the continuous case. We introduce a renormalized reaction rate depending both on the interaction radius and the particle density, and we relate it to macroscopic observables (e.g., front speed and front thickness) of the system.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Small scale statistics of viscoelastic turbulence

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    The small scale statistics of homogeneous isotropic turbulence of dilute polymer solutions is investigated by means of direct numerical simulations of a simplified viscoelastic fluid model. It is found that polymers only partially suppress the turbulent cascade below the Lumley scale, leaving a remnant energy flux even for large elasticity. As a consequence, fluid acceleration in viscoelastic flows is reduced with respect to Newtonian turbulence, whereas its rescaled probability density is left unchanged. At large scales the velocity field is found to be unaffected by the presence of polymers.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Combustion dynamics in steady compressible flows

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    We study the evolution of a reactive field advected by a one-dimensional compressible velocity field and subject to an ignition-type nonlinearity. In the limit of small molecular diffusivity the problem can be described by a spatially discretized system, and this allows for an efficient numerical simulation. If the initial field profile is supported in a region of size l < lc one has quenching, i.e., flame extinction, where lc is a characteristic length-scale depending on the system parameters (reacting time, molecular diffusivity and velocity field). We derive an expression for lc in terms of these parameters and relate our results to those obtained by other authors for different flow settings.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains

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    We present a numerical study of mixing and reaction efficiency in closed domains. In particular we focus our attention on laminar flows. In the case of inert transport the mixing properties of the flows strongly depend on the details of the Lagrangian transport. We also study the reaction efficiency. Starting with a little spot of product we compute the time needed to complete the reaction in the container. We found that the reaction efficiency is not strictly related to the mixing properties of the flow. In particular, reaction acts as a "dynamical regulator".Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Ground state of excitons and charged excitons in a quantum well

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    A variational calculation of the ground state of a neutral exciton and of positively and negatively charged excitons (trions) in single quantum well is presented. We study the dependance of the correlation energy and of the binding energy on the well width and on the hole mass. Our results are are compared with previous theoretical results and with avalaible experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures presented to OECS

    Acute and cumulative effects of rTMS on behavioural and EMG parameters in Focal Hand Dystonia

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    Previous studies suggest that low-frequency repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) over contralateral premotor cortex (PMC) might ameliorate Focal Hand Dystonia (FHD) symptoms. In the present study behavioral and muscle activity outcomes were explored in a patient with FHD following a single and multiple sessions of rTMS. The patient's behavior was assessed on handwriting tasks, while surface EMG signals were recorded. In Experiment 1 evaluations were performed before and after one session of active and sham 1Hz rTMS over contralateral PMC. In Experiment 2, evaluations were performed before and after six sessions of the same treatment. In Experiment 1 active rTMS improved the patient's performance, although the EMG amplitude did not change. In Experiment 2, the patient showed an improvement of performance along with a decrease of 20% in the EMG amplitude. These results demonstrated that a single session of rTMS ameliorated the patient's performance, while multiple sessions were necessary to reduce muscles activity

    LISA observations of massive black hole mergers: event rates and issues in waveform modelling

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    The observability of gravitational waves from supermassive and intermediate-mass black holes by the forecoming Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), and the physics we can learn from the observations, will depend on two basic factors: the event rates for massive black hole mergers occurring in the LISA best sensitivity window, and our theoretical knowledge of the gravitational waveforms. We first provide a concise review of the literature on LISA event rates for massive black hole mergers, as predicted by different formation scenarios. Then we discuss what (in our view) are the most urgent issues to address in terms of waveform modelling. For massive black hole binary inspiral these include spin precession, eccentricity, the effect of high-order Post-Newtonian terms in the amplitude and phase, and an accurate prediction of the transition from inspiral to plunge. For black hole ringdown, numerical relativity will ultimately be required to determine the relative quasinormal mode excitation, and to reduce the dimensionality of the template space in matched filtering.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Added section with conclusions and outlook. Matches version to appear in the proceedings of 10th Annual Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Workshop (GWDAW 10), Brownsville, Texas, 14-17 Dec 200

    Reconstructing the massive black hole cosmic history through gravitational waves

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    The massive black holes we observe in galaxies today are the natural end-product of a complex evolutionary path, in which black holes seeded in proto-galaxies at high redshift grow through cosmic history via a sequence of mergers and accretion episodes. Electromagnetic observations probe a small subset of the population of massive black holes (namely, those that are active or those that are very close to us), but planned space-based gravitational-wave observatories such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) can measure the parameters of ``electromagnetically invisible'' massive black holes out to high redshift. In this paper we introduce a Bayesian framework to analyze the information that can be gathered from a set of such measurements. Our goal is to connect a set of massive black hole binary merger observations to the underlying model of massive black hole formation. In other words, given a set of observed massive black hole coalescences, we assess what information can be extracted about the underlying massive black hole population model. For concreteness we consider ten specific models of massive black hole formation, chosen to probe four important (and largely unconstrained) aspects of the input physics used in structure formation simulations: seed formation, metallicity ``feedback'', accretion efficiency and accretion geometry. For the first time we allow for the possibility of ``model mixing'', by drawing the observed population from some combination of the ``pure'' models that have been simulated. A Bayesian analysis allows us to recover a posterior probability distribution for the ``mixing parameters'' that characterize the fractions of each model represented in the observed distribution. Our work shows that LISA has enormous potential to probe the underlying physics of structure formation.Comment: 24 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.