1,088 research outputs found

    How crucial is it to account for the antecedent moisture conditions in flood forecasting? Comparison of event-based and continuous approaches on 178 catchments

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    This paper compares event-based and continuous hydrological modelling approaches for real-time forecasting of river flows. Both approaches are compared using a lumped hydrologic model (whose structure includes a soil moisture accounting (SMA) store and a routing store) on a data set of 178 French catchments. The main focus of this study was to investigate the actual impact of soil moisture initial conditions on the performance of flood forecasting models and the possible compensations with updating techniques. The rainfall-runoff model assimilation technique we used does not impact the SMA component of the model but only its routing part. Tests were made by running the SMA store continuously or on event basis, everything else being equal. The results show that the continuous approach remains the reference to ensure good forecasting performances. We show, however, that the possibility to assimilate the last observed flow considerably reduces the differences in performance. Last, we present a robust alternative to initialize the SMA store where continuous approaches are impossible because of data availability problems

    Dynamin-related protein 1 is required for normal mitochondrial bioenergetic and synaptic function in CA1 hippocampal neurons.

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    Disrupting particular mitochondrial fission and fusion proteins leads to the death of specific neuronal populations; however, the normal functions of mitochondrial fission in neurons are poorly understood, especially in vivo, which limits the understanding of mitochondrial changes in disease. Altered activity of the central mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) may contribute to the pathophysiology of several neurologic diseases. To study Drp1 in a neuronal population affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD), stroke, and seizure disorders, we postnatally deleted Drp1 from CA1 and other forebrain neurons in mice (CamKII-Cre, Drp1lox/lox (Drp1cKO)). Although most CA1 neurons survived for more than 1 year, their synaptic transmission was impaired, and Drp1cKO mice had impaired memory. In Drp1cKO cell bodies, we observed marked mitochondrial swelling but no change in the number of mitochondria in individual synaptic terminals. Using ATP FRET sensors, we found that cultured neurons lacking Drp1 (Drp1KO) could not maintain normal levels of mitochondrial-derived ATP when energy consumption was increased by neural activity. These deficits occurred specifically at the nerve terminal, but not the cell body, and were sufficient to impair synaptic vesicle cycling. Although Drp1KO increased the distance between axonal mitochondria, mitochondrial-derived ATP still decreased similarly in Drp1KO boutons with and without mitochondria. This indicates that mitochondrial-derived ATP is rapidly dispersed in Drp1KO axons, and that the deficits in axonal bioenergetics and function are not caused by regional energy gradients. Instead, loss of Drp1 compromises the intrinsic bioenergetic function of axonal mitochondria, thus revealing a mechanism by which disrupting mitochondrial dynamics can cause dysfunction of axons

    Non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers for estimating the onset time of permanent cerebral ischemia.

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    The treatments for ischemic stroke can only be administered in a narrow time-window. However, the ischemia onset time is unknown in ~30% of stroke patients (wake-up strokes). The objective of this study was to determine whether MR spectra of ischemic brains might allow the precise estimation of cerebral ischemia onset time. We modeled ischemic stroke in male ICR-CD1 mice using a permanent middle cerebral artery filament occlusion model with laser Doppler control of the regional cerebral blood flow. Mice were then subjected to repeated MRS measurements of ipsilateral striatum at 14.1 T. A striking initial increase in γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and no increase in glutamine were observed. A steady decline was observed for taurine (Tau), N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) and similarly for the sum of NAA+Tau+glutamate that mimicked an exponential function. The estimation of the time of onset of permanent ischemia within 6 hours in a blinded experiment with mice showed an accuracy of 33±10 minutes. A plot of GABA, Tau, and neuronal marker concentrations against the ratio of acetate/NAA allowed precise separation of mice whose ischemia onset lay within arbitrarily chosen time-windows. We conclude that (1)H-MRS has the potential to detect the clinically relevant time of onset of ischemic stroke

    Loss of α-Synuclein Does Not Affect Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Rodent Neurons.

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    Increased α-synuclein (αsyn) and mitochondrial dysfunction play central roles in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), and lowering αsyn is under intensive investigation as a therapeutic strategy for PD. Increased αsyn levels disrupt mitochondria and impair respiration, while reduced αsyn protects against mitochondrial toxins, suggesting that interactions between αsyn and mitochondria influences the pathologic and physiologic functions of αsyn. However, we do not know if αsyn affects normal mitochondrial function or if lowering αsyn levels impacts bioenergetic function, especially at the nerve terminal where αsyn is enriched. To determine if αsyn is required for normal mitochondrial function in neurons, we comprehensively evaluated how lowering αsyn affects mitochondrial function. We found that αsyn knockout (KO) does not affect the respiration of cultured hippocampal neurons or cortical and dopaminergic synaptosomes, and that neither loss of αsyn nor all three (α, β and γ) syn isoforms decreased mitochondria-derived ATP levels at the synapse. Similarly, neither αsyn KO nor knockdown altered the capacity of synaptic mitochondria to meet the energy requirements of synaptic vesicle cycling or influenced the localization of mitochondria to dopamine (DA) synapses in vivo. Finally, αsyn KO did not affect overall energy metabolism in mice assessed with a Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System. These studies suggest either that αsyn has little or no significant physiological effect on mitochondrial bioenergetic function, or that any such functions are fully compensated for when lost. These results implicate that αsyn levels can be reduced in neurons without impairing (or improving) mitochondrial bioenergetics or distribution

    Observation of the algebraic localization-delocalization transition in a 1D disordered potential with a bias force

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    In a one-dimensional (1D) disordered potential, quantum interferences leading to Anderson lo-calization are ubiquitous, such that all wave-functions are exponentially localized. Moreover, no phase transition toward delocalization is expected in 1D. This behavior is strongly modified in the presence of a bias force. We experimentally study this case, launching a non-interacting 39 K Bose-Einstein condensate in a 1D disordered potential induced by a far-off-resonance laser speckle, while controlling a bias force. In agreement with theoretical predictions, we observe a transition between algebraic localization and delocalization as a function of our control parameter that is the relative strength of the disorder against the bias force. We also demonstrate that the initial velocity of the wave-packet only plays a role through an effective disorder strength due to the correlation of the disorder. Adding a bias force is a quite natural way to probe the transport properties of quantum systems, a subject of broad interest that can be in particular addressed with atomic quantum gases thanks to their high degree of control and versatility [1]. For example, Bloch oscillations has been measured through the addition of a constant force to atoms in periodic potential induced by an optical lattice [2]. A force applied to a harmonic trap is equivalent to a trap displacement. The response to such a displacement permits to reveal the fluid or insulating behavior of atomic systems. In 1D interacting Bose gases, the pinning transition by an optical lattice [3] or the insulating transition in quasi-disordered optical lattice [4, 5] have been studied in this manner. More recently, transport in quantum gases is also studied in junction-type setup more analogous to condensed-matter systems: two reservoirs with different chemical potentials are connected through a constriction. For example, in a gas of fermions, the quantization of conductance through a quantum point contact [6] and the superfluid to normal transition in a disordered thin film have been observed [7]. In our work, we focus on the transport of non-interacting particles in disordered media. Without a bias force, quantum interferences between multiple paths lead to Anderson localization [8] whose signature is an exponential decay in space of single particle wave-function [9]. This phenomenon is ubiquitous in wave/quantum physics and it has been observed in many physical contexts [10] including condensed-matter [11] and ultra-cold atoms [12-14]. One-dimensional truly disordered systems are always localized [15], contrary to the 3D case where a phase transition between localized and extended single particle wave-functions takes place as a function of the disorder strength [16-18]. The localization properties of 1D disordered systems are modified in the presence of a bias force. Theoretical studies predict a transition from algebraic localization to delocalization as a function of a single control non-dimensional parameter α which is the ratio of the force to the disorder strength [19, 20]. Physically, α is the relative energy gain ∆E/E of a particle of energy E when moving over a localization length. Interestingly, in a 1D white noise disorder, this quantity is independent of E as the localization length is proportional to E. If α is small, the force does not considerably change the localization behavior of the particle while for large α its dynamics is severely affected leading to delocalization. This localization-delocalization transition is predicted in the infinite time limit for white noise disorder [20]. In a correlated disorder, as the one produced from a far-off-resonance laser speckle [21], the situation is more complicated. Speckles have no Fourier component beyond a spatial frequency 2k c. As a consequence, back-scattering and localization are not expected in the framework of Born approximation for atoms with wavevectors k > k c [12, 22]. Since localized wave-functions always have a small fraction at long distance corresponding to large energies and momenta in the presence of a bias force, we thus expect correlation-induced delocalization at infinite time. However, signatures of the algebraic localization-delocalization transition are predicted to be observable at transient times [20]. In this paper, we report on the observation of the algebraic localization-delocalization transition with cold-atoms propagating in a one dimensional disordered potential in the presence of a controlled bias force. We experimentally show that the non-dimensional parameter α is the only relevant parameter to describe the transition. We notice that the initial velocity of the quantum wave packet only plays a role through the correlation of the disordered potential, showing that the transition is in-trinsically energy independent. In the localized regime, we demonstrate an algebraic decay of the density and measure the corresponding decay exponent as a function of α. At large disorder strength, a saturation of the exp

    Comment passer d'un modèle hydrologique à un système de prévision des crues? Ecueils liés à la structure des modèles et aux échelles d'espace et de temps

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    Les modèles hydrologiques Pluie Débit sont des outils très utiles pour la prévision des crues. À l'heure actuelle, il n'est pas possible d'utiliser directement les modèles de simulation pour effectuer une bonne prévision. Nous explorons ici les différences entre modèles de simulation et modèles de prévision. Puis nous examinons l'importance relative des informations apportées au modèle : dans le passé, les forçages climatiques et les dernières observations de débit ; dans le futur, les prévisions de précipitations. La question des échelles spatiales est ensuite abordée et les limites d'une approche globale sont discutées dans une perspective opérationnelle. / Rainfall Runoff models are very useful tools for flood forecasting. As of today, the direct use of simulation models is not possible to get accurate predictions especially when it concerns short-term forecasting. In this paper, we explore the main differences between simulation and forecasting models. Then we assess the relative importance of every information provided to the model: the past climatic forcing and the last observed discharges; the future precipitation scenarios. Spatial scales are also examined and the limits of a global forecasting approach for operational purposes are discussed

    Nonlinear oscillator with parametric colored noise: some analytical results

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    The asymptotic behavior of a nonlinear oscillator subject to a multiplicative Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise is investigated. When the dynamics is expressed in terms of energy-angle coordinates, it is observed that the angle is a fast variable as compared to the energy. Thus, an effective stochastic dynamics for the energy can be derived if the angular variable is averaged out. However, the standard elimination procedure, performed earlier for a Gaussian white noise, fails when the noise is colored because of correlations between the noise and the fast angular variable. We develop here a specific averaging scheme that retains these correlations. This allows us to calculate the probability distribution function (P.D.F.) of the system and to derive the behavior of physical observables in the long time limit

    Beyond production and consumption: using throughflows to untangle the virtual trade of externalities

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    Understanding how countries contribute to the generation of externalities globally is important for designing sustainable policies aimed at reducing negative externalities such as carbon emissions. Commonly used approaches focus on either producers or consumers, thereby neglecting the role of intermediates. We here introduce the concept of throughflow to comprehensively quantify upstream externalities generated by the supply chains originating from, passing through or ending in a given country. We define the Throughflow Based Accounting (TBA) framework as the decomposition of the throughflow into local, imported, exported and traversing externalities. We illustrate the strength of the TBA by identifying the CO2 emissions caused by supply chains involving the German economy. We show that Germany could use its position in global value chains to help reduce two times more CO2 emissions than measured with usual production- or consumption-based accounting frameworks.Industrial Ecolog

    Estimating cortical thickness trajectories in children across different scanners using transfer learning from normative models

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    This work illustrates the use of normative models in a longitudinal neuroimaging study of children aged 6–17 years and demonstrates how such models can be used to make meaningful comparisons in longitudinal studies, even when individuals are scanned with different scanners across successive study waves. More specifically, we first estimated a large-scale reference normative model using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression from N = 42,993 individuals across the lifespan and from dozens of sites. We then transfer these models to a longitudinal developmental cohort (N = 6285) with three measurement waves acquired on two different scanners that were unseen during estimation of the reference models. We show that the use of normative models provides individual deviation scores that are independent of scanner effects and efficiently accommodate inter-site variations. Moreover, we provide empirical evidence to guide the optimization of sample size for the transfer of prior knowledge about the distribution of regional cortical thicknesses. We show that a transfer set containing as few as 25 samples per site can lead to good performance metrics on the test set. Finally, we demonstrate the clinical utility of this approach by showing that deviation scores obtained from the transferred normative models are able to detect and chart morphological heterogeneity in individuals born preterm.</p

    Estimating cortical thickness trajectories in children across different scanners using transfer learning from normative models

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    This work illustrates the use of normative models in a longitudinal neuroimaging study of children aged 6–17 years and demonstrates how such models can be used to make meaningful comparisons in longitudinal studies, even when individuals are scanned with different scanners across successive study waves. More specifically, we first estimated a large-scale reference normative model using Hierarchical Bayesian Regression from N = 42,993 individuals across the lifespan and from dozens of sites. We then transfer these models to a longitudinal developmental cohort (N = 6285) with three measurement waves acquired on two different scanners that were unseen during estimation of the reference models. We show that the use of normative models provides individual deviation scores that are independent of scanner effects and efficiently accommodate inter-site variations. Moreover, we provide empirical evidence to guide the optimization of sample size for the transfer of prior knowledge about the distribution of regional cortical thicknesses. We show that a transfer set containing as few as 25 samples per site can lead to good performance metrics on the test set. Finally, we demonstrate the clinical utility of this approach by showing that deviation scores obtained from the transferred normative models are able to detect and chart morphological heterogeneity in individuals born preterm.</p