52 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a composite material law for crash simulations

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    International audienceMore and more structural parts are building using organic matrix composite materials in order to reduce the weight of aircraft structures. In order to reduce the number of tests required at the different scale of the building block approach, an increase of the knowledge regarding strain rate dependency of such materials is still a topic of interest. Particularly most of the strain rate dependent material laws are based on or validated with tests performed on split Hopkinson bars [1,2]. Few results are available in the literature concerning the intermediate strain rate, typically ranging between 10-3 s-1 and 100 s-1. Consequently, this study is first dedicated to the experimental characterisation of the rate effect for this specific range of strain rate. For that purpose, tensile tests have been performed on a servo-hydraulic jack on off-axis specimens. Various off-axis angles have been considered: 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75° and 90°. The geometry of the coupon for each angle has been defined thanks to a numerical study in order to reduce stress concentration near to the tabs and maximise the stress field homogeneity within the specimens. Three different loading speeds with at least three specimens were tested in order to evaluate discrepancy. A Photron SA-X high speed camera has been used to evaluate strain using a Digital Image Correlation software (Aramis GOM). Moreover, as multiple failure locations are observed for high loading rate tests, high speed imaging allow the localisation of the first failure.These results have been used in order to include rate dependency in an advanced material law initially proposed by ONERA for quasi-static loadings. This model written at the ply scale is based on a visco-elastic behaviour law until a ply failure criterion is reached. A Hashin like failure criterion is used and two failure modes are considered: fibre failure and matrix failure. The degradation of the ply properties is obtained with 2 damage variables: d1 for fibre failure and d2 for matrix failure. Improvements regarding rate dependency of this material law have been studied for its three main aspects: the visco-elastic behaviour, the failure criterion and the damage evolution law. Regarding the visco-elastic behaviour, previous works [3] have shown that a bi-spectral visco-elastic model is required in order to take into account the short relaxation times required to accurately described rate dependency for high strain rate tests and long relaxation times for low strain rate tests. The main drawback of this model is its computational cost due to the important number of viscous mechanisms that have to be considered. As full-scale crash simulation is the targeted application case, a modified version of this model has been proposed. It still has an accurate prediction of the different modulus evolutions with the loading rate but it has a reduce computational cost. Concerning the loading speed dependency of the failure criterion, dynamic off-axis tensile tests will be used as input data to analyse and improve the failure criterion. Finally, improvements of the different damage evolution laws will be based on results available in the literature [4]. Finally, this material law has been implemented in an explicit finite element code in order to validate it on more complex coupons

    Drone impact on human beings : Experimental investigation with sUAS

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    International audienceBeyond some application related to military and civilian operations [1], the major part of the financial market is related to the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) by casual customers without specific training. This requires to solve a technological and legislative challenge to ensure the safety of the population regarding the use of an aeronautical system potentially near buildings and apt to fall over people on ground. For almost 10 years and even more recently, regulatory institutions at the global scale have performed a significant work to classify UAS regarding their lethal potential in a case of an impact with people on the ground [2, 3, 4, 5]. Nevertheless, the establishment of a consensus remains a challenging task given the lack of specific and exploitable experimental data on the problematic. Hence, the purpose of the study is twofold. It first aims at providing qualitative findings on the legal and scientific framework regarding the assessment of lethal injury thresholds related to UAS impacts on human-beings. Based on this framework, the study then relies on an experimental investigation. A dedicated protocol is developed in order to minimize the sources of discrepancy previously identified and in order to conduct representative impact test cases using commercially-availables UAS. The range of drones masses considered in this study is about 900 grams with respect to the open category defined by EASA

    Static and dynamic bearing failure of carbon/epoxy composite joints

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    International audienceMechanical fastening is a common method used to join composite materials in aeronautical industry. Various studies have been performed dedicated to the behaviour of composite bolted joints under quasi-static loadings, but only few studies deal with the dynamic behaviour (crash or impacts). The aim of this work is to study the loading rate influence on the bearing response of a carbon/epoxy laminate loaded by a pin. For that purpose, a double shear test fixture has been specially designed to measure the global behaviour and the local response around the pin. Infrared thermography and Digital Image Correlation techniques have been used to detect, map and characterize dissipative phenomena evolution. The tests have been performed on a servo-hydraulic jack with a loading rate ranging from 10 −4 m/s to 1 m/s. An increase of the peak bearing load of more than 20% is observed with the loading rate increase. A decrease of the load plateau of more than 60% is obtained. Simultaneous measurements of thermal and kinematic fields in this work give access to the evolution of the damage-related dissipative phenomena close to the pin. These dissipative phenomena were found to be significantly dependent on the loading rate

    L'utilisation de l'Ă©mission acoustique pour le suivi d'essais dynamiques

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    International audienceThe use of composite material in industry is more and more important especially in the aeronautical field. The use of these materials needs an understanding of their mechanical behavior and in particular the damage mechanisms. Usually the mechanical testing performed on this material is instrumented with different techniques like acoustic emission in order to get the maximum information. Acoustic Emission is very efficient for quasi-static and low frequency fatigue mechanical testing to determine the appearance of the first damage. Nevertheless, when the strain rate is increasing, acquisition of transient signal becomes difficult. In this paper we propose a method based on AE streaming acquisition. This acquisition mode allows us to obtain only one great time sampling without threshold effect. This signal is then “cut” and new genuine features are processed. The use of this method allowed us to study the behavior of epoxy carbon composite specimen during dynamic testing (5 mm/min to 500 mm/min). Two criteria based on the energy have been identified and studied in function the loading rate.L’utilisation de matĂ©riau composite dans l’industrie est de plus en plus importante notamment dans le domaine aĂ©ronautique. L’utilisation de ces matĂ©riaux nĂ©cessite une comprĂ©hension de leur comportement mĂ©canique et de leur mode d’endommagement. Habituellement les tests mĂ©caniques rĂ©alisĂ©s sont instrumentĂ©s par diffĂ©rentes techniques afin d’en tirer le maximum d’information et notamment l’émission acoustique (EA). Cette technique est trĂšs adaptĂ©e aux essais mĂ©caniques quasi-statique et de fatigue Ă  faible frĂ©quence pour dĂ©terminer l’apparition des premiers endommagements. Cependant lorsque les vitesses de sollicitation augmentent, l’acquisition sous forme de signaux transitoires devient compliquĂ©e. La technique proposĂ©e dans l’article repose sur la fonction streaming. Cette fonction enregistre un seul intervalle de temps sans tenir compte d’un seuil d’acquisition. Celui-ci est ensuite « redĂ©coupĂ© » et de nouveaux paramĂštres sont alors calculĂ©s. L’utilisation de ce traitement nous a permis d’étudier le comportement d’éprouvette en carbone Ă©poxy pour des vitesses de sollicitation allant de 5 mm/min Ă  500 mm/min. Deux seuils d’endommagement ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©finis et leurs Ă©volutions en fonction des vitesses de sollicitation ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s

    Comportement thermo-visco-Ă©lastique des composites CMO De la statique Ă  la dynamique grande vitesse

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    Les matériaux composites à matrice organique sont de plus en plus utilisés par l'industrie des transports pour la réalisation d'éléments structuraux. Afin de permettre un dimensionnement optimal de ces structures, il est nécessaire d'améliorer la compréhension et la modélisation du comportement de ces matériaux sur une large gamme de vitesses de sollicitation et de températures d'environnement. Pour cela, plusieurs campagnes expérimentales ont été réalisées sur le T700GC/M21, un composite stratifié à matrice organique, dans le cadre de ces travaux. Tout d'abord, des essais dynamiques sur un vérin hydraulique, ainsi que des essais de fluage, ont été menés afin de caractériser la dépendance à la vitesse du comportement de ce matériau. Ensuite, la dépendance à la température a été mise en évidence à l'aide d'essais à basse température sur vérin hydraulique, complétés d'essais DMA.Les résultats de ces essais ont été utilisés afin de justifier physiquement le développement d'un modÚle visco-élastique bi-spectral pour la description de la dépendance à la vitesse du T700GC/M21 sur une large gamme de vitesses de déformation. L'influence de la température d'environnement sur le comportement a quant à elle été introduite à l'aide d'une loi d'Arrhénius. Ce modÚle thermo-visco-élastique permet finalement de rendre compte du comportement du stratifié T700GC/M21 sur une large gamme de vitesses et de températuresOrganic matrix composite materials are more and more used in the transportation industry to design strutural components. In order to reach an optimal design, improvements in the understanding and the modelling of the behaviour of these materials under various strain rates and temperatures conditions are required.Therefore, a campaign of various mechanical tests has been performed on the T700GC/M21 organic matrix composite laminate in this work. On one hand, dynamic tests have been performed using hydraulic jacks, as well as creep tests, to characterise the material strain rate dependency. On the other hand, low temperatures and DMA tests have been performed to exhibit the temperature effect.Experimental results have been used to physically justify a bi-spectral visco-elactic model which describes the strain rate dependency of T700GC/M21 on a large range of strain rates. Introducing an Arrhenius like law for the viscous mechanisms, the temperature dependency has also been taken into account. The obtained thermo-visco-elastic model finally describes the behaviour of the T700GC/M21 laminate on a large range of strain rates and temperaturesVILLENEUVE D'ASCQ-ECLI (590092307) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mesure par thermographie infrarouge de l'influence de la vitesse sur l'endommagement diffus dans les matériaux composites

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    International audienceDans la gamme des vitesses lentes et quasi-statiques, la mesure de la densitĂ© de fissuration dans les matĂ©riaux composites stratifiĂ©s croisĂ©s Ă  fait l’objet de nombreuses Ă©tudes. La plupart de ces techniques ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es dans le cadre de sollicitations cyclĂ©es oĂč l’interruption de l’essai permet d’observer et de mesurer les mĂ©canismes de dĂ©gradation du matĂ©riau au cours du chargement. Dans la gamme des vitesses dynamiques, le recours Ă  de tels protocoles reste toutefois limitĂ© Ă  cause de l’asservissement en boucle ouverte des moyens dynamiques. Dans ces travaux, afin de mesurer l’influence sur la cinĂ©tique de fissuration de l’augmentation de la vitesse vers des plages dynamiques, une technique de mesure non-intrusive par thermographie infrarouge (IR) est utilisĂ©e. Cette approche a notamment pu ĂȘtre utilisĂ©e pour mesurer l’évolution du dommage dans les composites soumis Ă  des chargements statiques [1], de fatigues [2] et plus rĂ©cemment Ă  des chargements aux vitesses dynamiques intermĂ©diaires [3]. NĂ©anmoins, la dĂ©tection et la quantification par thermographie IR de fissures transverses pour des chargements dynamiques restent encore peu Ă©tudiĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature du fait des limitations liĂ©es Ă  la frĂ©quence d’acquisition des camĂ©ras IR d’ancienne gĂ©nĂ©ration. Ces travaux proposent ainsi d’étendre l’analyse rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  basses vitesses dans les travaux de [4] Ă  des vitesses de sollicitations dynamiques, par le biais de l’utilisation d’une camĂ©ra IR haute cadence (Telops FAST M3K). L’intĂ©rĂȘt de la dĂ©marche prĂ©sentĂ©e est double. Suivant un large spectre de vitesses de dĂ©formation, l’objectif est d’étudier l’évolution de la densitĂ© et de la dissipation calorifique du phĂ©nomĂšne de fissuration transverse en fonction de l’augmentation de la vitesse de sollicitation et de l’épaisseur des Ă©chantillons. Le matĂ©riau de l’étude est un composite stratifiĂ© croisĂ© carbone epoxy T700/M21 pour lequel l’influence de l’épaisseur sur la sensibilitĂ© Ă  la vitesse est Ă©tudiĂ©e en faisant varier la sĂ©quence d’empilement ([0/90]s, [0/902]s et [0/903]s). L’ensemble des essais est rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  l’aide d’un vĂ©rin servohydraulique, sur des Ă©chantillons d’une longueur utile dĂ©finie Ă  40 mm permettant de solliciter le matĂ©riau Ă  des vitesses de dĂ©formation situĂ©es entre = 10-3 s-1et 101 s-1. Afin de minimiser la rĂ©solution spatiale et de maximiser la frĂ©quence d’acquisition pour les hautes vitesses, le suivi de l’apparition du phĂ©nomĂšne de fissuration transverse est rĂ©alisĂ© uniquement suivant la tranche des Ă©chantillons testĂ©s. L’hypothĂšse associĂ©e Ă  l’instantanĂ©itĂ© de la propagation de fissure au travers de l’échantillon a pour cela Ă©tĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’une mĂ©thode quantitative de suivi de la tempĂ©rature suivant la largeur des Ă©prouvettes (Figure 1(a)). Les premiĂšres tendances expĂ©rimentales prĂ©figurent d’une relative insensibilitĂ© Ă  la vitesse de la densitĂ© et de la cinĂ©tique de fissuration dans la gamme des basses vitesses pour la configuration [0/903]s(Figure 1(b)). Les analyses sont en cours de rĂ©alisation concernant les plus hautes vitesses et les diffĂ©rentes stratifications

    Global monitoring of antimicrobial resistance based on metagenomics analyses of urban sewage

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious threat to global public health, but obtaining representative data on AMR for healthy human populations is difficult. Here, we use meta-genomic analysis of untreated sewage to characterize the bacterial resistome from 79 sites in 60 countries. We find systematic differences in abundance and diversity of AMR genes between Europe/North-America/Oceania and Africa/Asia/South-America. Antimicrobial use data and bacterial taxonomy only explains a minor part of the AMR variation that we observe. We find no evidence for cross-selection between antimicrobial classes, or for effect of air travel between sites. However, AMR gene abundance strongly correlates with socio-economic, health and environmental factors, which we use to predict AMR gene abundances in all countries in the world. Our findings suggest that global AMR gene diversity and abundance vary by region, and that improving sanitation and health could potentially limit the global burden of AMR. We propose metagenomic analysis of sewage as an ethically acceptable and economically feasible approach for continuous global surveillance and prediction of AMR.Peer reviewe

    Setting a baseline for global urban virome surveillance in sewage

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    The rapid development of megacities, and their growing connectedness across the world is becoming a distinct driver for emerging disease outbreaks. Early detection of unusual disease emergence and spread should therefore include such cities as part of risk-based surveillance. A catch-all metagenomic sequencing approach of urban sewage could potentially provide an unbiased insight into the dynamics of viral pathogens circulating in a community irrespective of access to care, a potential which already has been proven for the surveillance of poliovirus. Here, we present a detailed characterization of sewage viromes from a snapshot of 81 high density urban areas across the globe, including in-depth assessment of potential biases, as a proof of concept for catch-all viral pathogen surveillance. We show the ability to detect a wide range of viruses and geographical and seasonal differences for specific viral groups. Our findings offer a cross-sectional baseline for further research in viral surveillance from urban sewage samples and place previous studies in a global perspective

    Comportement thermo-visco-Ă©lastique des composites CMO – De la statique Ă  la dynamique grande vitesse

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    Organic matrix composite materials are more and more used in the transportation industry to design strutural components. In order to reach an optimal design, improvements in the understanding and the modelling of the behaviour of these materials under various strain rates and temperatures conditions are required.Therefore, a campaign of various mechanical tests has been performed on the T700GC/M21 organic matrix composite laminate in this work. On one hand, dynamic tests have been performed using hydraulic jacks, as well as creep tests, to characterise the material strain rate dependency. On the other hand, low temperatures and DMA tests have been performed to exhibit the temperature effect.Experimental results have been used to physically justify a bi-spectral visco-elactic model which describes the strain rate dependency of T700GC/M21 on a large range of strain rates. Introducing an Arrhenius like law for the viscous mechanisms, the temperature dependency has also been taken into account. The obtained thermo-visco-elastic model finally describes the behaviour of the T700GC/M21 laminate on a large range of strain rates and temperaturesLes matériaux composites à matrice organique sont de plus en plus utilisés par l'industrie des transports pour la réalisation d'éléments structuraux. Afin de permettre un dimensionnement optimal de ces structures, il est nécessaire d'améliorer la compréhension et la modélisation du comportement de ces matériaux sur une large gamme de vitesses de sollicitation et de températures d'environnement. Pour cela, plusieurs campagnes expérimentales ont été réalisées sur le T700GC/M21, un composite stratifié à matrice organique, dans le cadre de ces travaux. Tout d'abord, des essais dynamiques sur un vérin hydraulique, ainsi que des essais de fluage, ont été menés afin de caractériser la dépendance à la vitesse du comportement de ce matériau. Ensuite, la dépendance à la température a été mise en évidence à l'aide d'essais à basse température sur vérin hydraulique, complétés d'essais DMA.Les résultats de ces essais ont été utilisés afin de justifier physiquement le développement d'un modÚle visco-élastique bi-spectral pour la description de la dépendance à la vitesse du T700GC/M21 sur une large gamme de vitesses de déformation. L'influence de la température d'environnement sur le comportement a quant à elle été introduite à l'aide d'une loi d'Arrhénius. Ce modÚle thermo-visco-élastique permet finalement de rendre compte du comportement du stratifié T700GC/M21 sur une large gamme de vitesses et de température
