809 research outputs found

    Plasmon-exciton polaritons in 2D semiconductor/metal interfaces

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    The realization and control of polaritons is of paramount importance in the prospect of novel photonic devices. Here, we investigate the emergence of plasmon-exciton polaritons in hybrid structures consisting of a two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) deposited onto a metal substrate or coating a metallic thin-film. We determine the polaritonic spectrum and show that, in the former case, the addition of a top dielectric layer, and, in the latter, the thickness of the metal film,can be used to tune and promote plasmon-exciton interactions well within the strong coupling regime. Our results demonstrate that Rabi splittings exceeding 100 meV can be readily achieved in planar dielectric/TMDC/metal structures under ambient conditions. We thus believe that this work provides a simple and intuitive picture to tailor strong coupling in plexcitonics, with potential applications for engineering compact photonic devices with tunable optical properties.Comment: 6 pages, including 5 figures and reference

    Periodic orbit analysis of an elastodynamic resonator using shape deformation

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    We report the first definitive experimental observation of periodic orbits (POs) in the spectral properties of an elastodynamic system. The Fourier transform of the density of flexural modes show peaks that correspond to stable and unstable POs of a clover shaped quartz plate. We change the shape of the plate and find that the peaks corresponding to the POs that hit only the unperturbed sides are unchanged proving the correspondence. However, an exact match to the length of the main POs could be made only after a small rescaling of the experimental results. Statistical analysis of the level dynamics also shows the effect of the stable POs.Comment: submitted to Europhysics Letter

    CO ro-vibrational lines in HD100546: A search for disc asymmetries and the role of fluorescence

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    We have studied the emission of CO ro-vibrational lines in the disc around the Herbig Be star HD100546 with the final goal of using these lines as a diagnostic to understand inner disc structure in the context of planet formation. High-resolution IR spectra of CO ro-vibrational emission at eight different position angles were taken with CRIRES at the VLT. From these spectra flux tables, CO ro-vibrational line profiles, and population diagrams were produced. We have investigated variations in the line profile shapes and line strengths as a function of slit position angle. We used the thermochemical disc modelling code ProDiMo based on the chemistry, radiation field, and temperature structure of a previously published model for HD100546. Comparing observations and the model, we investigated the possibility of disc asymmetries, the excitation mechanism (UV fluorescence), the geometry, and physical conditions of the inner disc. The observed CO ro-vibrational lines are largely emitted from the inner rim of the outer disc at 10-13 AU. The line shapes are similar for all v levels and line fluxes from all vibrational levels vary only within one order of magnitude. All line profile asymmetries and variations can be explained with a symmetric disc model to which a slit correction and pointing offset is applied. Because the angular size of the CO emitting region (10-13 AU) and the slit width are comparable the line profiles are very sensitive to the placing of the slit. The model reproduces the line shapes and the fluxes of the v=1-0 lines as well as the spatial extent of the CO ro-vibrational emission. It does not reproduce the observed band ratios of 0.5-0.2 with higher vibrational bands. We find that lower gas volume densities at the surface of the inner rim of the outer disc can make the fluorescence pumping more effcient and reproduce the observed band ratios.Comment: 20 pages, 21 figure

    Synaptotagmin-7 Is an Asynchronous Calcium Sensor for Synaptic Transmission in Neurons Expressing SNAP-23

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    Synchronization of neurotransmitter release with the presynaptic action potential is essential for maintaining fidelity of information transfer in the central nervous system. However, synchronous release is frequently accompanied by an asynchronous release component that builds up during repetitive stimulation, and can even play a dominant role in some synapses. Here, we show that substitution of SNAP-23 for SNAP-25 in mouse autaptic glutamatergic hippocampal neurons results in asynchronous release and a higher frequency of spontaneous release events (mEPSCs). Use of neurons from double-knock-out (SNAP-25, synaptotagmin-7) mice in combination with viral transduction showed that SNAP-23-driven release is triggered by endogenous synaptotagmin-7. In the absence of synaptotagmin-7 release became even more asynchronous, and the spontaneous release rate increased even more, indicating that synaptotagmin-7 acts to synchronize release and suppress spontaneous release. However, compared to synaptotagmin-1, synaptotagmin-7 is a both leaky and asynchronous calcium sensor. In the presence of SNAP-25, consequences of the elimination of synaptotagmin-7 were small or absent, indicating that the protein pairs SNAP-25/synaptotagmin-1 and SNAP-23/synaptotagmin-7 might act as mutually exclusive calcium sensors. Expression of fusion proteins between pHluorin (pH-sensitive GFP) and synaptotagmin-1 or -7 showed that vesicles that fuse using the SNAP-23/synaptotagmin-7 combination contained synaptotagmin-1, while synaptotagmin-7 barely displayed activity-dependent trafficking between vesicle and plasma membrane, implying that it acts as a plasma membrane calcium sensor. Overall, these findings support the idea of alternative syt∶SNARE combinations driving release with different kinetics and fidelity

    Magnetic ground state and magnon-phonon interaction in multiferroic h-YMnO3_3

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    Inelastic neutron scattering has been used to study the magneto-elastic excitations in the multiferroic manganite hexagonal YMnO3_3. An avoided crossing is found between magnon and phonon modes close to the Brillouin zone boundary in the (a,b)(a,b)-plane. Neutron polarization analysis reveals that this mode has mixed magnon-phonon character. An external magnetic field along the cc-axis is observed to cause a linear field-induced splitting of one of the spin wave branches. A theoretical description is performed, using a Heisenberg model of localized spins, acoustic phonon modes and a magneto-elastic coupling via the single-ion magnetostriction. The model quantitatively reproduces the dispersion and intensities of all modes in the full Brillouin zone, describes the observed magnon-phonon hybridized modes, and quantifies the magneto-elastic coupling. The combined information, including the field-induced magnon splitting, allows us to exclude several of the earlier proposed models and point to the correct magnetic ground state symmetry, and provides an effective dynamic model relevant for the multiferroic hexagonal manganites.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Gaussian random waves in elastic media

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    Similar to the Berry conjecture of quantum chaos we consider elastic analogue which incorporates longitudinal and transverse elastic displacements with corresponding wave vectors. Based on that we derive the correlation functions for amplitudes and intensities of elastic displacements. Comparison to numerics in a quarter Bunimovich stadium demonstrates excellent agreement.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A proposed new diagnostic for Herbig disc geometry : FWHM versus J of CO ro-vibrational lines

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    I.K.,W.F.T., and P.W. acknowledge funding from the EU FP7-2011 under Grant Agreement No. 284405. G.v.d.p. acknowledges support from the Millennium Science Initiative (Chilean Ministry of Economy) through grant Nucleus P10-022-F and also acknowledges financial support provided by FONDECYT following grant 3140393.Aims. The CO ro-vibrational lines observed from Herbig group II discs are often seen to be broad, while the same lines observed from group I discs are often narrow. This difference is not well understood. In this paper we explore the underlying cause for this difference and provide a pathway for a better understanding of the geometry and structure of the inner discs around Herbig Ae/Be stars. Methods. High spectral resolution infrared spectra of CO ro-vibrational emission from six Herbig Ae/Be candidate stars were taken with the CRyogenic high-resolution InfraRed Echelle Spectrograph (CRIRES) at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). From these spectra, we produce individual and co-added CO ro-vibrational line profiles. We investigate line profile shape differences, and we explore the full width at half maximum (FWHM) variations with J quantum number in the context of disc geometry. Furthermore, we put our new sources into the context of earlier observed sources to study a large sample. For comparison, we also investigate the FWHM variations with J of modelled CO ro-vibrational lines from two typical disc geometries produced with the thermochemical disc modelling code ProDiMo. Results. For our new observations of CO ro-vibrational lines, we find that the FWHM of individual lines are in the range of 10–60 km s-1. We find both narrow and broad single-peaked emission lines, but only Hen 2-80 displays double-peaked emission lines. For HD 250550, the FWHM of the CO lines increases with J value, indicating a radially extended emitting region, while Hen 2-80 shows a constant FWHM versus J behaviour, indicating a narrow emitting region. This qualitatively agrees with the two different modelled disc geometries. Comparing dust and gas inner disc geometries (inferred by the spectral energy distribution (SED) and CO ro-vibrational emission) for the expanded sample of observed Herbig discs, we find no clear correspondence between the SED (spectral energy distribution) groups of the sources and their inner CO radius. Conclusions. The FWHM versus J is a potential new gas diagnostic for the inner disc with, for example, a constant FWHM versus J indicating the presence of a large gas hole or gap. Models and observations both indicate the potential of this new diagnostic. Our extended sample does not fully support the previous trend where group I discs have CO ro-vibrational emission lines with small FWHM. Instead, our CO ro-vibrational data from a handful of sources indicates different inner disc geometries for the gas and dust of these sources.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Models and metaphors: complexity theory and through-life management in the built environment

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    Complexity thinking may have both modelling and metaphorical applications in the through-life management of the built environment. These two distinct approaches are examined and compared. In the first instance, some of the sources of complexity in the design, construction and maintenance of the built environment are identified. The metaphorical use of complexity in management thinking and its application in the built environment are briefly examined. This is followed by an exploration of modelling techniques relevant to built environment concerns. Non-linear and complex mathematical techniques such as fuzzy logic, cellular automata and attractors, may be applicable to their analysis. Existing software tools are identified and examples of successful built environment applications of complexity modelling are given. Some issues that arise include the definition of phenomena in a mathematically usable way, the functionality of available software and the possibility of going beyond representational modelling. Further questions arising from the application of complexity thinking are discussed, including the possibilities for confusion that arise from the use of metaphor. The metaphor of a 'commentary machine' is suggested as a possible way forward and it is suggested that an appropriate linguistic analysis can in certain situations reduce perceived complexity
