27 research outputs found

    Topical Administration of Somatostatin Prevents Retinal Neurodegeneration in Experimental Diabetes

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    Retinal neurodegeneration is an early event in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR). Somatostatin (SST) is an endogenous neuroprotective peptide that is downregulated in the diabetic eye. The aim of the study was to test the usefulness of topical administration of SST in preventing retinal neurodegeneration. For this purpose, rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (STZ-DM) were treated with either SST eye drops or vehicle for 15 days. Nondiabetic rats treated with vehicle served as a control group. Functional abnormalities were assessed by electroretinography (ERG), and neurodegeneration was assessed by measuring glial activation and the apoptotic rate. In addition, proapoptotic (FasL, Bid, and activation of caspase-8 and caspase-3) and survival signaling pathways (BclxL) were examined. Intraretinal concentrations of glutamate and its main transporter glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) were also determined. Treatment with SST eye drops prevented ERG abnormalities, glial activation, apoptosis, and the misbalance between proapoptotic and survival signaling detected in STZ-DM rats. In addition, SST eye drops inhibited glutamate accumulation in the retina and GLAST downregulation induced by diabetes mellitus. We conclude that topical administration of SST has a potent effect in preventing retinal neurodegeneration induced by diabetes mellitus. In addition, our findings open up a new preventive pharmacological strategy targeted to early stages of DR

    Structure-based design of a Cortistatin analogue with immunomodulatory activity in models of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease whose incidence and prevalence are increasing worldwide. These diseases lead to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of an abnormal response of the immune system. Recent studies positioned Cortistatin, which shows low stability in plasma, as a candidate for IBD treatment. Here, using NMR structural information, we design five Cortistatin analogues adopting selected native Cortistatin conformations in solution. One of them, A5, preserves the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Cortistatin in vitro and in mouse models of the disease. Additionally, A5 displays an increased half-life in serum and a unique receptor binding profile, thereby overcoming the limitations of the native Cortistatin as a therapeutic agent. This study provides an efficient approach to the rational design of Cortistatin analogues and opens up new possibilities for the treatment of patients that fail to respond to other therapies.A.Rol was a recipient of a PhD fellowship from the Generalitat de Catalunya (FI) and A.E. and E.P. were recipients of PhD fellowships granted by the Severo Ochoa Program(FPI). T.T. was a postdoctoral fellow co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-CurieCOFUND actions (IRB Barcelona Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme). This work wassupported by the following grants: CTQ2014-56361-P and CTQ2017-87840-P (A.Riera)and RTI2018-100700-B-100 (M.D.) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industryand Competitiveness (MINECO); and by AGAUR (SGR-50). We also acknowledge institutional funding from MINECO through the Centers of Excellence Severo OchoaAward given to IRB Barcelona, as well as from the CERCA Program of the Generalitat deCatalunya. M.J.M. is an ICREA Programme Investigator

    Insights into Structure-Activity Relationships of Somatostatin Analogs Containing Mesitylalanine.

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    The non-natural amino acid mesitylalanine (2,4,6-trimethyl-L-phenylalanine; Msa) has an electron-richer and a more conformationally restricted side-chain than that of its natural phenylalanine counterpart. Taking these properties into account, we have synthesized ten somatostatin analogs containing Msa residues in different key positions to modify the intrinsic conformational flexibility of the natural hormone. We have measured the binding affinity of these analogs and correlated it with the main conformations they populate in solution. NMR and computational analysis revealed that analogs containing one Msa residue were conformationally more restricted than somatostatin under similar experimental conditions. Furthermore, we were able to characterize the presence of a hairpin at the pharmacophore region and a non-covalent interaction between aromatic residues 6 and 11. In all cases, the inclusion of a D-Trp in the eighth position further stabilized the main conformation. Some of these peptides bound selectively to one or two somatostatin receptors with similar or even higher affinity than the natural hormone. However, we also found that multiple incorporations of Msa residues increased the life span of the peptides in serum but with a loss of conformational rigidity and binding affinity

    Structure-based design of a Cortistatin analogue with immunomodulatory activity in models of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are forms of inflammatory bowel disease whose incidence and prevalence are increasing worldwide. These diseases lead to chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of an abnormal response of the immune system. Recent studies positioned Cortistatin, which shows low stability in plasma, as a candidate for IBD treatment. Here, using NMR structural information, we design five Cortistatin analogs adopting selected native Cortistatin conformations in soln. One of them, A5, preserves the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities of Cortistatin in vitro and in mouse models of the disease. Addnl., A5 displays an increased half-life in serum and a unique receptor binding profile, thereby overcoming the limitations of the native Cortistatin as a therapeutic agent. This study provides an efficient approach to the rational design of Cortistatin analogs and opens up new possibilities for the treatment of patients that fail to respond to other therapies

    Peptide aromatic interactions modulated by fluorinated residues: Synthesis, structure and biological activity of Somatostatin analogs containing 3-(3',5'difluorophenyl)-alanine

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    Somatostatin is a 14-residue peptide hormone that regulates the endocrine system by binding to five G-protein-coupled receptors (SSTR1-5). We have designed six new Somatostatin analogs with L-3-(3',5'-difluorophenyl)-alanine (Dfp) as a substitute of Phe and studied the effect of an electron-poor arom. ring in the network of arom. interactions present in Somatostatin. Replacement of each of the Phe residues (positions 6, 7 and 11) by Dfp and use of a D-Trp8 yielded peptides whose main conformations could be characterized in aq. soln. by NMR. Receptor binding studies revealed that the analog with Dfp at position 7 displayed a remarkable affinity to SSTR2 and SSTR3. Analogs with Dfp at positions 6 or 11 displayed a π-π interaction with the Phe present at 11 or 6, resp. Interestingly, these analogs, particularly [D-Trp8,L-Dfp11]-SRIF, showed high selectivity towards SSTR2, with a higher value than that of Octreotide and a similar one to that of native Somatostatin

    Functional and structural findings of neurodegeneration in early stages of diabetic retinopathy:cross-sectional analyses of baseline data of the EUROCONDOR project

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    Cross-sectional study evaluating the relationship between: a) functional and structural measurements of neurodegeneration in initial stages of diabetic retinopathy (DR); and b) presence of neurodegeneration and early microvascular impairment. We analyzed baseline data of patients with type 2 diabetes (n=449) enrolled in the EUROCONDOR study (NCT01726075). Functional studies by multifocal ERG (mfERG) evaluated neurodysfunction and structural measurements using spectral domain optical-coherence tomography (SD-OCT) evaluated neurodegeneration. The mfERG P1 amplitude was more sensitive than the P1 implicit time (IT), and was lower in patients with ETDRS 20-35 than in patients with ETDRS <20 (p=0.005). In 58% of cases, mfERG abnormalities were present in the absence of visible retinopathy. Correspondence between SD-OCT thinning and mfERG abnormalities was shown in 67% of the eyes with ETDRS <20 and in 83% of the eyes with ETDRS 20-35. Notably, 32% of patients with ETDRS 20-35 presented no abnormalities in mfERG or SD-OCT. We conclude that there is a link between mfERG and SD-OCT measurements which increases with the presence of microvascular impairment. However, in our particular study population (ETDRS ≤ 35) a significant proportion of patients had normal GC-IPL thickness and normal mfERG findings. We raise the hypothesis that neurodegeneration may play a role in the pathogenesis of DR in many, but not in all type 2 diabetic patients

    Effects of Topically Administered Neuroprotective Drugs in Early Stages of Diabetic Retinopathy:Results of the EUROCONDOR Clinical Trial

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    The primary objective of this study was to assess whether the topical administration of two neuroprotective drugs (brimonidine and somatostatin) could prevent or arrest retinal neurodysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes. For this purpose, adults aged between 45 and 75 years with a diabetes duration ≥5 years and an Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) level of ≤35 were randomly assigned to one of three arms: placebo, somatostatin, or brimonidine. The primary outcome was the change in implicit time (IT) assessed by multifocal electroretinography between baseline and at the end of follow-up (96 weeks). There were 449 eligible patients allocated to brimonidine (n = 152), somatostatin (n = 145), or placebo (n = 152). When the primary end point was evaluated in the whole population, we did not find any neuroprotective effect of brimonidine or somatostatin. However, in the subset of patients (34.7%) with preexisting retinal neurodysfunction, IT worsened in the placebo group (P < 0.001) but remained unchanged in the brimonidine and somatostatin groups. In conclusion, the topical administration of the selected neuroprotective agents appears useful in preventing the worsening of preexisting retinal neurodysfunction. This finding points to screening retinal neurodysfunction as a critical issue to identify a subset of patients in whom neuroprotective treatment might be of benefit

    Topical treatment with brimonidine and somatostatin causes retinal vascular dilation in patients with early diabetic retinopathy from the EUROCONDOR

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    Diabetic retinopathy; Brimonidine; Vascular dilationRetinopatia diabètica; Brimonidina; Dilatació vascularRetinopatía diabética; Brimonidina; Dilatación vascularStructural retinal microvascular changes have been identified as risk markers of diabetic retinopathy (DR). In order to estimate the retinal response of neuroprotective eye drops, we aimed to evaluate the effect of topical retinal neuroprotection on retinal microvascular changes in early DR. METHODS: Patients with type 2 diabetes with no or early DR were randomized 1:1:1 to topical treatment with placebo, brimonidine, or somatostatin in a 96-week prospective, phase II to III, European multicenter trial. Retinal vascular calibers were measured semiautomatically in digital fundus images by certified graders at baseline and follow-up and summarized as central retinal arteriolar and venular equivalent (CRAE and CRVE). RESULTS: Of 449 patients originally included, 297 completed the study with gradable retinal images. Median age and duration of diabetes was 64.5 and 9.9 years, and 65.7% were male. At baseline, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study levels were 10 (no DR, 42.8%), 20 (minimal DR, 28.3%), and 35 (mild DR, 29.0%), and CRAE and CRVE did not differ between groups. As opposed to patients with no or minimal DR at baseline, patients with mild DR in the active groups developed a larger retinal arteriolar (brimonidine: +6.2 μm, P = 0.006; somatostatin: +7.2 μm, P = 0.006) and venular (brimonidine: +13.9 μm, P = 0.01; somatostatin: +14.3 μm, P = 0.0001) caliber in contrast to those in the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: Topical treatment with brimonidine and somatostatin causes retinal arteriolar and venular dilation in patients with type 2 diabetes and preexisting early DR. Upcoming studies should elaborate on the potential of these findings in arresting early DR

    Quantification of Microvascular Lesions in the Central Retinal Field: Could It Predict the Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy?

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    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by the presence of microcirculatory lesions. Among them, microaneurysms (MAs) are the first observable hallmark of early ophthalmological changes. The present work aims to study whether the quantification of MAs, hemorrhages (Hmas) and hard exudates (HEs) in the central retinal field could have a predictive value on DR severity. These retinal lesions were quantified in a single field NM-1 of 160 retinographies of diabetic patients from the IOBA’s reading center. Samples included different disease severity levels and excluded proliferating forms: no DR (n = 30), mild non-proliferative (n = 30), moderate (n = 50) and severe (n = 50). Quantification of MAs, Hmas, and HEs revealed an increasing trend as DR severity progresses. Differences between severity levels were statistically significant, suggesting that the analysis of the central field provides valuable information on severity level and could be used as a clinical tool to assess DR grading in the eyecare routine. Even though further validation is needed, counting microvascular lesions in a single retinal field can be proposed as a rapid screening system to classify DR patients with different stages of severity according to the international classification