480 research outputs found

    Adición a Internet o uso problemático de Internet: ¿Qué término usar?

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    O uso da internet tem aumentado exponencialmente a nível mundial. Ainda que ele não seja por si só negativo, já que integra benefícios vários, alguns indivíduos parecem exibir problemas relacionados com o seu uso excessivo, descontrolado e disfuncional. Consequentemente, tem sido crescente, particularmente nas últimas duas décadas, o interesse dos investigadores em explorar este uso, quando excessivo e pouco saudável. Porém, e sendo um tema/constructo tratado por diferentes autores com quadros teóricos também diferentes, são vários os termos usados na literatura para descrever este fenómeno. Neste sentido, este artigo propõe-se a apresentar o trabalho uma revisão de literatura de dois dos conceitos mais usados e espartilhados na literatura científica, ou seja, adição à internet e uso problemático da internet.L’utilisation d’ Internet a augmenté de manière exponentielle dans le monde. Bien que l’utilisation d’ Internet ne soit pas négative en soi, étant donné qu’elle intègre plusieurs avantages, certaines personnes semblent présenter des problèmes liés à son utilisation excessive, incontrôlée et dysfonctionnelle. En conséquence, l’intérêt des chercheurs pour exploiter cet usage, qu’il soit excessif ou malsain, a augmenté, particulièrement au cours des deux dernières décennies. Cependant, étant un thème/construit traité par différents auteurs avec différents cadres théoriques, plusieurs termes sont utilisés dans la littérature pour décrire ce phénomène. En ce sens, nous proposons de présenter dans cet ouvrage une analyse de deux des concepts les plus utilisés et les plus partagés dans la littérature scientifique, à savoir l’addition à internet et son utilisation problématique.El uso de Internet ha aumentado exponencialmente a nivel mundial. Aunque esto no es por sí solo negativo ya que integra diversos beneficios, algunos individuos parecen presentar problemas relacionados con su uso excesivo, descontrolado y disfuncional. En consecuencia, en las últimas dos décadas ha aumentado cada vez más el interés de los investigadores en estudiar este uso, cuando es excesivo o poco saludable. Sin embargo, y siendo un tema/constructo tratado por diferentes autores con cuadros teóricos también diferentes, son varios los términos usados ​​en la literatura para describir este fenómeno. En este sentido, nos proponemos presentar en este trabajo una revisión de dos de los conceptos más usados y más divididos en la literatura científica, es decir, adición a Internet y uso problemático de Internet.Internet use has increased exponentially worldwide. Although the use itself is not negative, since it integrates several benefits, some individuals seem to show problems related to its excessive, uncontrolled, and dysfunctional use. Therefore, the interest of researchers in exploring this use, when it is excessive and unhealthy, has been growing, especially in the last two decades. However, being a subject/construct treated by different authors with different theoretical frameworks, several terms are used in the literature to describe this phenomenon. Regarding this, this article proposes to present a literature review of two of the most used and shared concepts in the scientific literature, that is, internet addiction and problematic internet use


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    Este artigo aborda a qualidade de vida do profissional docente, sobretudo os aspectos relacionados à saúde física e mental. É um recorte de uma pesquisa de mestrado, realizada com 37 professores que atuam na educação básica da rede estadual da Bahia, em que foi respondido questionário World Health Organization Quality of life – Qualidade de vida da Organização Mundial da Saúde – versão abreviada (WHOQOL-bref). Trata-se de uma investigação que demonstra a relação existente entre saúde e qualidade de vida, de modo que quanto mais satisfeito com a saúde, melhor será considerada a qualidade de vida. Fica comprovada a boa percepção que esses profissionais possuem acerca da sua qualidade de vida, sobretudo nos aspectos subjetivos. Não obstante, pretende-se trazer para o debate o quanto essa percepção proporciona para a vítima o risco da culpabilização.This article addresses the quality of life of teaching professionals, especially aspects related to physical and mental health. It is an excerpt of a master's research, carried out with 37 teachers who work in basic education in the state network of Bahia, in which the WHOQOL-bref questionnaire (World Health Organization Quality of life - abbreviated version). This is an investigation that demonstrates the relationship between health and quality of life, and it shows that the more satisfied with health, the better the quality of life will be considered. It is proven the good perception that these professionals have about their quality of life, especially in the subjective aspects. Nevertheless, it is intended to bring to the debate how much this perception provides the victim with the risk of blame.Este artículo aborda la calidad de vida de los profesionales de la enseñanza, especialmente los aspectos relacionados con la salud física y mental. Se trata de un extracto de una investigación de maestría, realizada con 37 docentes que actúan en la educación básica en la red estatal de Bahia, en la que se utilizó el cuestionario WHOQOL-bref (Organización Mundial de la Salud Calidad de vida- versión abreviada). Esta es una investigación que demuestra la relación entre la salud y la calidad de vida, y que cuanto más satisfecho con la salud, se considerará mejor su calidad de vida. Se comprueba la buena percepción que estos profesionales tienen sobre su calidad de vida, especialmente en los aspectos subjetivos. No obstante, se pretende traer al debate cuánto esta percepción proporciona a la víctima el riesgo de culpabilización

    Multidimensional assessment study of the elderly living alone in the county of Alfândega da Fé – Northeast of Portugal

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    Indexada ao LatindexEm Portugal a taxa de idosos que vive na comunidade é cerca de 96%. A taxa de idosos que vivem sós é cerca de 16%. Importa conhecer a situação destes idosos para desenvolver estratégias que visem o seu bem-estar. O estudo teve como objetivo efetuar a avaliação multidimensional dos idosos que vivem sós no concelho de Alfândega da Fé (dados sociodemográficos; situação socioeconómica; situação habitacional; avaliação funcional; risco geriátrico; avaliação de violência e maus-tratos). O concelho de Alfandega da Fé tem 1661 idosos (INE, 2012) destes 260 vivem sozinhos. A amostra deste estudo é de 208 idosos. O instrumento de avaliação foi aplicado através de entrevista presencial. O tratamento estatístico dos dados inclui: indicadores de estatística descritiva (médias e frequências) de todas as variáveis estudadas; em função dos dados obtidos, foi considerado pertinente fazer um estudo do nível de depressão geriátrica, da avaliação do estado mental e do nível de dependência segundo o género e o grupo etário (jovens idosos, idosos e muito idosos) do idoso. O estudo confirma a importâncias dos familiares, vizinhos e amigos no enquadramento social dos idosos. Foram identificados níveis elevados de alteração da saúde mental (depressão sobretudo) e níveis igualmente elevados de dependência. De uma forma geral as mulheres idosas apresentam indicadores mais desfavoráveis.In Portugal the rate of elderly living in the community is about 96%. The rate of older people living alone is about 20%. Therefore it is important to know the situation of the elderly in order to develop strategies to improve their support and well-being. The aim of the study was to carry out the multidimensional assessment of the elderly living alone in the county of Alfândega da Fé – Northeast of Portugal: demographic data; socio-economic situation; housing; functional evaluation; geriatric risk; assessment on violence and physical abuse. The county of Alfândega da Fé has 1661 elderly people (INE, 2012), and about 16% (260) live alone. The sample is 208 elderly. The inquiry was applied by a direct interview. Statistical analysis includes descriptive and inferential statistics. The geriatric depression, mental state and dependency level were studied according to gender and age. The study confirms the importance of family, neighbors and friends for the support of the elderly. High levels of mental disorders were identified (depression mostly) and also high levels of dependency. In general, women have more unfavorable indicators

    Treatment of winery wastewater by combined almond skin coagulant and sulfate radicals: assessment of HSO5− activators

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    The large production of wine and almonds leads to the generation of sub-products, such as winery wastewater (WW) and almond skin. WW is characterized by its high content of recalcitrant organic matter (biodegradability index < 0.30). Therefore, the aim of this work was to (1) apply the coagulation–flocculation–decantation (CFD) process with an organic coagulant based on almond skin extract (ASE), (2) treat the organic recalcitrant matter through sulfate radical advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) and (3) evaluate the efficiency of combined CFD with UV-A, UV-C and ultrasound (US) reactors. The CFD process was applied with variation in the ASE concentration vs. pH, with results showing a chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal of 61.2% (0.5 g/L ASE, pH = 3.0). After CFD, the germination index (GI) of cucumber and corn seeds was ≥80%; thus, the sludge can be recycled as fertilizer. The SR-AOP initial conditions were achieved by the application of a Box–Behnken response surface methodology, which described the relationship between three independent variables (peroxymonosulfate (PMS) concentration, cobalt (Co2+) concentration and UV-A radiation intensity). Afterwards, the SR-AOPs were optimized by varying the pH, temperature, catalyst type and reagent addition manner. With the application of CFD as a pre-treatment followed by SR-AOP under optimal conditions (pH = 6.0, [PMS] = 5.88 mM, [Co2+] = 5 mM, T = 343 K, reaction time 240 min), the COD removal increased to 85.9, 82.6 and 80.2%, respectively, for UV-A, UV-C and US reactors. All treated wastewater met the Portuguese legislation for discharge in a municipal sewage network (COD ≤ 1000 mg O2/L). As a final remark, the combination of CFD with SR-AOPs is a sustainable, safe and clean strategy for WW treatment and subproduct valorization.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/00616/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UI/BD/150847/2020CCRN - Comissão de Coordenação da Região Norte | Ref. NORTE-01- 0145-FEDER-00004

    Green manure legumes affect seasonal soil and leaf CO2 exchange rates in an olive rainfed orchard

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    Management methods that decrease requirement for agricultural chemicals are needed to reduce adverse environmental impacts. Moreover, they can play an important role in atmospheric C02 emission and fixation. We propose green manure legumes to reduce erosion, soil compaction and nitrate pollution, to improve biodiversity, soil carbon sink and fertility, to save fossil fuels and to increase yield and the nutritional value of food products. The research was carried out near Mirandela, Northeast Portugal, on a 15- year commercial olive orchard (Olea europaea L. cv. Cobrançosa), grown under rainfed conditions

    Spatially-resolved spectrophotometric analysis and modelling of the Superantennae

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    We have performed spatially-resolved spectroscopy of the double-nucleated Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxy IRAS 19254-7245, ``the Superantennae'', along the line connecting the two nuclei. These data are analysed with a spectral synthesis code, to derive the star formation and extinction properties of the galaxy. The star formation history (SFH) of the two nuclei is similarly characterized by two different main episodes: a recent burst, responsible of the observed emission lines, and an older one, occurred roughly 1 Gyr ago. We tentatively associate this bimodal SFH with a double encounter in the dynamical history of the merger. We have complemented our study with a detailed analysis of the broad band spectral energy distribution of the Superantennae, built from published photometry, providing the separate optical-to-mm SEDs of the two nuclei. Our analysis shows that: a) the southern nucleus is responsible for about 80% of the total infrared luminosity of the system, b) the L-band luminosity in the southern nucleus is dominated by the emission from an obscured AGN, providing about 40 to 50% of the bolometric flux between 8 and 1000 microns; c) the northern nucleus does not show evidence for AGN emission and appears to be in a post-starburst phase. As for the relative strengths of the AGN and starburst components, we find that, while they are comparable at FIR and sub-mm wavelengths, in the radio the Sy2 emission dominates by an order of magnitude the starburst.Comment: 18 pages. Accepted for publication on A&

    Realistic simulation in nursing education: Testing two scenario‐based models

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    Aim: To evaluate students' self- perceived pedagogical outcomes when using a digital scenario- based tool compared to traditional scenarios printed on paper. Design: This study used a within- subjects experiment. Method: A digital platform for scenario development was developed, focusing on patients' regaining independence and returning home after an acute event. Students participated in two simulation activities, differing only in the type of scenario used and completed a questionnaire to evaluate their learning experience. Results: Students considered that the new scenario template provided a clearer understanding of the situation under analysis, allowing them to recognize the focuses of attention to be prioritized when formulating the intervention plan. No Patient or Public Contribution: A digital platform for a standardized process of scenario writing to help realistic simulation in nursing education is a novelty in this study and will likely contribute to substantial learning gains.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Mixed Methods Design to Detect Adolescent and Young Adults' Impulsiveness on Decision-Making and Motor Performance

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    Impulsiveness in adolescents and young adults is an important aspect of psychological research. However, there still is lack of research that relates impulsiveness and motor performance in those. Thus, we aim to detect the levels of impulsiveness related to motor skills, motor laterality, spatial orientation, and individual interaction on the decision-making of adolescents and young adults across three staggered workouts. The study had 71 participants (53 males and 18 females), ranging in age from 17 to 24 years old (Mage = 18.5 years; SD = 1.72) and classified as non-impulsiveness (n = 47), impulsiveness (n = 17), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (n = 7). A Mixed Methods research was conducted throughout four research tools (a) The Observational System of Motor Skills (OSMOS) was used to observe and detect the movement sequences patterns; (b) The Spanish version of Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS-P) was administered to obtain the impulsiveness profiles; (c) The Precision and Agility Tapping over Hoops (PATHoops) was carried out to observe the decision-making and temporal-spatial over movement effectiveness; (d) Motor Laterality Inventory (MOTORLAT) was applied to obtain the laterality profiles related to motor skills performance. This Mixed Methods approach has obtained useful results for impulsiveness in motor situations as the results from the different tools converge to established three clear profiles of impulsiveness. Participants with ADHD showed lack of interpersonal interaction, non-resolute decision-making, and lesser richness of motor skills patterns than non-impulsiveness and impulsiveness subjects. Additionally, impulsiveness participants also showed rich motor patterns, dyadic interactions, good decision making in spatial orientation tasks, and more versatile laterality in the lower limbs