116 research outputs found

    Integrated Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Systems through Multiple Paradigms

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    Complex systems typically have many different parts and facets, with different characteristics. In a multi-paradigm approach to modeling, formalisms with different natures are used in combination to describe complementary parts and aspects of the system. This can have a beneficial impact on the modeling activity, as different paradigms an be better suited to describe different aspects of the system. While each paradigm provides a different view on the many facets of the system, it is of paramount importance that a coherent comprehensive model emerges from the combination of the various partial descriptions. In this paper we present a technique to model different aspects of the same system with different formalisms, while keeping the various models tightly integrated with one another. In addition, our approach leverages the flexibility provided by a bounded satisfiability checker to encode the verification problem of the integrated model in the propositional satisfiability (SAT) problem; this allows users to carry out formal verification activities both on the whole model and on parts thereof. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through the example of a monitoring system.Comment: 27 page

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    Water disinfection by orifice-induced hydrodynamic cavitation

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    Abstract Hydrodynamic Cavitation (HC) is considered as a promising water-disinfection technique. Due to the enormous complexity of the physical and chemical processes at play, research on HC reactors is usually carried out following an empirical approach. Surprisingly, past experimental studies have never been designed on dimensional-analysis principles, which makes it difficult to identify the key processes controlling the problem, isolate their effects and scale up the results from laboratory to full-scale scenarios. The present paper overcomes this issue and applies the principles of dimensional analysis to identify the major non-dimensional parameters controlling disinfection efficacy in classical HC reactors, namely orifice plates. On the basis of this analysis, it presents results from a new set of experiments, which were designed to isolate mainly the effects of the so-called cavitation number ( σ v ). Experimental data confirm that the disinfection efficacy of orifice plates increases with decreasing σ v . Finally, in order to discuss the significance of the results presented herein and frame the scope of future research, the present paper provides an overview of the drawbacks associated with dimensional analysis within the context of HC

    Effetti di tipologie di suolo e colture foraggere sulle perdite per ruscellamento di azoto, fosforo e potassio in differenti areali italiani

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    Le colture foraggere svolgono un ruolo importante in molti areali italiani. Per una corretta pianificazione del territorio agricolo è necessario approfondire la conoscenza non solo delle caratteristiche produttive di queste colture, ma anche dei loro rapporti con l'ambiente. Questo lavoro prende in considerazione le perdite di azoto, fosforo e potassio dovute al ruscellamento in colture foraggere a diverso livello di intensificazione (dal pascolo alla coltura di erba medica, dal mais al doppio ciclo di mais e loiessa) in tre ambienti italiani: la Pianura Padana nord-occidentale, l'Appennino Toscano e la pianura sarda, con suoli varianti da franco-sabbioso a franco-argilloso. Il monitoraggio quanti-qualitativo del ruscellamento è stato fatto per periodi variabili da due a sei anni. La pendenza era dello 0,5% per gli appezzamenti in Piemonte e Sardegna e del 10% in Toscana. Per quanto riguarda l'azoto i rilasci sono risultati più bassi nei terreni più pianeggianti, anche per i ridotti volumi di ruscellamento registrati, non superando mai 15 kg di N ha -1 anno -1. Nei terreni in pendenza si sono invece registrati valori più elevati, con un massimo annuale di circa 30 kg ha -1 anno -1 di azoto, in relazione anche all'elevato ruscellamento ed erosione di un evento eccezionale. Per il fosforo solo in pochi casi si sono raggiunte perdite di 5 kg ha -1 anno -1, mentre nella maggior parte dei casi non sono stati superati 2 kg ha -1 anno -1. In Sardegna i rilasci di tale elemento sono da considerarsi pressoché trascurabili. Le perdite di potassio sono risultate minime in Sardegna e massime in Piemonte, dove si sono registrati valori dell' ordine di 10 kg ha -1 anno -1. Ove era possibile il confronto, si è verificato che le colture prative riducono il rilascio di elementi nutritivi rispetto alla coltura del mais e che la qualità delle acque di superficie appare legata piuttosto alle tecniche colturali che alla tipologia di suolo. Fodder crops play an important role in many Italian environments. The knowledge of the main productive characteristics of these crops is as important as their relationships with the environment, expecially for a proper territorial management. This paper compares nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium contents in runoff of some forage crops of different intensity (pasture, lucerne, silage maize, Italian ryegrass/maize double cropping) in different ltalian environments (north-western plain of Piemonte, Apennines hills of Tuscany and Mediterranean plain of Sardegna) on different typology of soils. Runoff data have been collected for periods ranging between two and six year, from plots of different extension and slope (0,5% in the plains, 10% in Apennine hills). Nitrogen losses, for the small amount of runoff, have been qui te low from ilat fields, being always less than 15 kg ha -1 year-1. Losses from slope fields have been higher, with a maximum of 30 kg ha -1 year-1, due to very high level of runoff and erosion in a conspicuous episode. Phosphorous losses only in a few cases were higher than 5 kg ha -I year -I, while mostly they have b>!en less than 2 kg ha -1 year-1. In the Mediterranean plain such losses have been quite insignificant. Minimum potassium 10sses were recorded in the Mediterranean plain, while in north-western plain they reached about 10 kg-1 year-1. Maize was, on average, the crop with highest nutrient losses, while quality of the runoff water was more related to agricultural practices than to soil types

    Dendritic cell viability is decreased after phagocytosis of apoptotic tumor cells induced by staurosporine or vaccinia virus infection

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    Background and Objectives. Dendritic cells (DC) primed with tumor antigens can effectively mediate the regression of a variety of established solid malignancies in both murine and human models. Several experimental studies indicate that apoptotic bodies are an optimal source of tumor antigens for ex vivo priming of DC. However, the clinical use of killed tumor cells as a source of antigens will require an optimal methodology to induce effective tumor cell apoptosis. Design and Methods. The goal of this study was to compare the efficiency of three agents for inducing neoplastic B lymphocyte apoptosis; staurosporine, infection by modified vaccinia (MVA) viral particles and ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation. Results. The three methods were finely tuned to induce apoptosis in more than 90% of tumor cells after 24 hours of exposure. However, the viability of monocyte-derived DC, loaded with B-cell tumor apoptotic bodies induced by staurosporine or MVA viral particles, decreased dramatically within 48 hours after phagocytosis of the killed neoplastic cells. The persistence of the apoptosis-inducing agents in the apoptotic bodies and not in the tumor supernatant, was responsible for the observed damage to DC viability. In contrast, DC viability was not affected after uptake of tumor cells killed through UVC-irradiation. Furthermore, B-lymphoblastic cell line (LCL)-specific T cells were reactivated by DC loaded with apoptotic bodies induced by UVC-rays. Interpretation and Conclusions. Since the method used to induce tumor cell apoptosis might be detrimental to DC viability, these findings should be considered when designing anticancer vaccination programs

    Validation of techniques to mitigate copper surface contamination in CUORE

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    In this article we describe the background challenges for the CUORE experiment posed by surface contamination of inert detector materials such as copper, and present three techniques explored to mitigate these backgrounds. Using data from a dedicated test apparatus constructed to validate and compare these techniques we demonstrate that copper surface contamination levels better than 10E-07 - 10E-08 Bq/cm2 are achieved for 238U and 232Th. If these levels are reproduced in the final CUORE apparatus the projected 90% C.L. upper limit on the number of background counts in the region of interest is 0.02-0.03 counts/keV/kg/y depending on the adopted mitigation technique.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 6 table