243 research outputs found

    Development of an ELISA test using different antigens of Trypanosoma cruzi for the diagnosis of Chagas' disease

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Insights on innovation management practices at T-Systems. Analysis of a new business model for identity services on public computer network systems

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb T-Systems International GmbHCatalà: Aquesta monografia identifica elements de gestió de la innovació en una coneguda companyia alemanya del sector TIC (T-Systems International GmbH) i exerceix un anàlisi crític sobre ells a partir de l'estudi d'una iniciativa de negoci denominada Projecte CifraH (Citizen Interoperability Folder for Relationships based on Avatar Hosting per les seves sigles en anglès) originada en T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU, una unitat internacional de la companyia.Castellà: Esta monografía identifica elementos de gestión de la innovación en una conocida compañía alemana del sector TIC (T-Systems International GmbH) y los somete a un análisis crítico a partir del estudio de una iniciativa de negocio denominada Proyecto CifraH (Citizen Interoperability Folder for Relationships based on Avatar Hosting por sus siglas en inglés) llevada a cabo en T-Systems ITC Iberia SAU, una unidad internacional de la compañía.English: This monographic identifies innovation management elements at a major German IT services firm (T-Systems International GmbH) and subjects them to critical analysis through the study of a corporate business initiative known as Project CifraH (Citizen Interoperability Folder for Relationships based on Avatar Hosting) undertaken at an international subsidiary of the company

    La igualdad como ejercicio político de la democracia bolivariana

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      The arrival of Hugo Chavez to the Presidency of Venezuela brought a review of the very concept of democracy for the country, based on the political ideas of Simón Bolívar. The exercise of this policy has been based on the participation of all sectors of the public thing society. In this work the philosophical and political proposal behind the action of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela to ensure equality in citizenship is reviewed.   Keywords: Chávez, Venezuela, Democracy, equality, constitution  La llegada de Hugo Chávez a la Presidencia de Venezuela trajo una revisión del concepto mismo de democracia para el país, fundamentado en las ideas políticas de Simón Bolívar. El ejercicio de esta política se ha basado en la participación de todos los sectores de la sociedad de la cosa pública. En este trabajo se revisa la propuesta filosófica y política detrás de la acción de Hugo Chávez en Venezuela para procurar la igualdad en la ciudadanía.   Palabras clave: Chávez, Venezuela, Democracia, igualdad, constitución

    Pseudopowers and primality proving

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    It has been known since the 1930s that so-called pseudosquares yield a very powerful machinery for the primality testing of large integers N. In fact, assuming reasonable heuristics (which have been confirmed for numbers to 2^80) this gives a deterministic primality test in time O((lg N)^(3+o(1))), which many believe to be best possible. In the 1980s D.H. Lehmer posed a question tantamount to whether this could be extended to pseudo r-th powers. Very recently, this was accomplished for r=3. In fact, the results obtained indicate that r=3 might lead to an even more powerful algorithm than r=2. This naturally leads to the challenge if and how anything can be achieved for r>3. The extension from r = 2 to r = 3 relied on properties of the arithmetic of the Eisenstein ring of integers Z[\zeta_3], including the Law of Cubic Reciprocity. In this paper we present a generalization of our result for any odd prime r. The generalization is obtained by studying the properties of Gaussian and Jacobi sums in cyclotomic ring of integers, which are tools from which the r-th power Eisenstein Reciprocity Law is derived, rather than from the law itself. While r=3 seems to lead to a more efficient algorithm than r=2, we show that extending to any r>3 does not appear to lead to any further improvements

    Diversidad de murciélagos (Mammalia, Chiroptera) en la ciudad de Lules, Tucumán

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    Se identificaron las especies de murciélagos y sus refugios en el área urbana de Lules, Tucumán. Es el primer estudio sistemático en Argentina en un área urbana. Se colectaron siete especies refugiadas principalmente en techos, entre las cuales es importante mencionar la captura de ejemplares de Eumops glaucinus, que representan el segundo registro para la provincia. Eumops glaucinus, que representan el segundo registro para la provincia.Fil: Lopez Berrizbeitia, Maria Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Prog.de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina;Fil: Díaz, María Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales E Instituto Miguel Lillo. Prog.de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina

    Quadratic forms representing pth terms of Lucas sequences

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.We prove that if {An}n≥0 is any Lucas sequence and p is any prime, then 4Ap admits a representation by one of two quadratic forms according to the residue class of p modulo 4.We thank the referee for comments which improved the quality of this paper. F. L. was partially supported by grant CPRR160325161141 and an A-rated scientist award both from the NRF of South Africa and by grant no. 17-02804S of the Czech Granting Agency

    Siphonaptera associated with small mammals (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera, and Rodentia) from northwestern Argentina

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    Northwestern Argentina (NOA) is one of the least studied areas in Argentina with respect to ectoparasites of the order Siphonaptera; previous investigations, until this study, were scarce and specific. The objective of this study was to contribute to the knowledge of the diversity of siphonaptera that parasitize small mammals from the NOA, emphasizing in their systematics and distribution. Specimens of fleas collected in several localities of NOA, and stored in the ?Annexes? of the Colección Mamíferos Lillo, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman, Argentina, were studied. Fleas were manually removed from the host pelage, fixed in alcohol 70 % and prepared following conventional techniques for later observation under microscope. For specimen identification, the original descriptions of species and subspecies were reviewed and compared with specimens stored in systematic collections. Nine families, 22 genera, 53 species, and eight subspecies were recorded. A new family, a new genus, and three new species are recorded for the first time in Argentina; five species are new for NOA and nine are new to science. The distribution of 11 species and two subspecies are extended in the NOA, new records are added to different provinces and new flea-hosts associations are reported. The greatest diversity of fleas in the Yungas is the reflection of one of the areas with the highest biodiversity in the Neotropical region, such as the Yungas forests, which also includes mammals, as sigmodontine rodents and bats among them. The similarity analysis among eco-regions showed a major faunistic congruence between the Yungas and the Dry Chaco. The greatest differentiation was given by the High Andes and Puna compared with the other eco-regions, probably because these areas are the least surveyed and with the lowest richness and abundance of small mammal species. From the total of 82 new flea-host associations, 81 belong to sigmodontine rodent hosts and one to a marsupial.Fil: Lopez Berrizbeitia, Maria Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Díaz, María Mónica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; Argentin

    Bigarren Hezkuntzarako iturri berrien bila. Karlismo herrikoira hurbilpen bat bertsolaritzatik

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    Lan honen helburua bertsoek Bigarren Hezkuntzan iturri historiko bezala izan dezaketen potentzialitate didaktikoa aztertzea da. Bertsolaritza euskal kultura herrikoiaren manifestazio bat dira. Ezaugarri honek bertsoak herri mentalitateak aztertzeko tresna egokiak egiten ditu, eta horregatik uste dugu Bigarren Hezkuntzan erabiltzeko iturri aproposak direla, gure ustez bertan, maizegi alboratzen baitira klase apalenen esperientzia historikoak. Uste dugu honelako iturriek ikasleei Historia aberatsago bat irakastea erraztuko luketela. Honez gain, bertsoak lehen mailako iturriak dira, eta, hainbat adituk diotenez, hauen erabilpen egoki bat oso onuragarria izan daiteke ikasleentzat. Besteak beste, lehen mailako iturriekin lan egitean, ikasleek Historiaren kontzepzio interpretatibo bat eta, oro har, jarrera kritikoago bat garatu dezakete. Bertsoen balizko potentzialitate hau aztertzeko ezinbestekoa izan da gai bat aukeratzea berau bertsoen bidez eta galdetegi batzuen laguntzaz ikasleekin landu ahal izateko. Guk aukeratu dugun gaia lehen karlismo herrikoiaren motibazioena izan da. Hau historialarien artean gaur egun eztabaida sortzen duen gai bat da, ez baitago adostasunik karlista izateko hainbat pertsonek izan zituzten arrazoiei buruz. Beraz, iturri berezi batzuen potentzialitatea aztertzeaz gain, lan honek gaur egun ikertzaileen artean irekita dagoen gai bat ikasgeletara eramango du, ikertzaileen eta ikasleen munduak hurbilduz.Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraBigarren Hezkuntzako Irakasletzako Unibertsitate Masterra Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Ética de la responsabilidad para un cine de la desconfianza.

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    Vivimos! en! un! mundo! poblado! de! imagen.! Es! una! notable! consecuencia! entre las! muchas! producidas! por! la! exponenciación! de los “avances” tecnológicos que! tuvieron! lugar el!pasado!siglo,!en!el!que!se!desarrollaron!!las!tardías!invenciones!decimonónicas!del! cine! y! la! fotografía,! seguidas! luego! por los fenómenos de! masificación! mediática,! la! digitalización! de! los! formatos y! su! reproductibilidad. Nos! encontramos! así frente! a! una! vertiente!de!la!técnica!que!ha!sido,!al!menos,!transformadora!en!cuanto!a!las!maneras!de! comunicarse,! de! producir! conocimiento,! de! plasmar! la! memoria… entre! otras! consecuencias!quizá!menos!evidentes.