278 research outputs found

    Utjecaj parenja na lomljenje oraha (Juglans regia L.)

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    The influence of hot steam vaporization of the walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivar \u27Franquette\u27 on the required force for deformation (breaking) and the energy required to fracture the shell with the centrifugal breaking machine was studied under the laboratory conditions. The maximum force (248.04 N) was used for breaking nuts, which were vaporized for 5 minutes and 171.35 N for 15 minutes vaporized samples of nuts. The shortest deformation (1.3 mm) was measured for breaking 0 minute vaporized nuts, and the maximum deformation (4.15 mm) for 15 minutes vaporization samples. The largest percent of the whole kernels (74.62 %), was measured on 15 minutes vaporized nuts and the lowest on 0 minutes vaporized sample (28.47 %).U pokusu usporedbe morfoloških i fizikalnih svojstava ploda oraha (Juglans regia L.) sorte \u27Franquette\u27 proučavan je utjecaj parenja vručom parom na potrebnu silu za deformaciju (lomljenje) ploda te potrebnu energiju za lom ljuske ploda pomoću centrifugalnog stroja za lomljenja. Maksimalna sila (248,04 N) za lomljenje oraha izmjerena je kod 5 minuta parenih uzoraka, a najmanja kod 15 minuta parenja (171,35 N). Najmanja deformacija (1,3 mm) izmjerena je kod lomljenja suhih oraha, a najveća kod 15 minuta parenih (4,15 mm). Najveći dio celih jezgri (74,62 %), dobiven je kod lomljenja 15 minuta parenih oraha a najmanji kod 0 minuta parenja (28,47 %.)

    Endophenotypes and serotonergic polymorphisms associated with treatment response in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    OBJECTIVES: Approximately 40-60% of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients are nonresponsive to serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Genetic markers associated with treatment response remain largely unknown. We aimed (1) to investigate a possible association of serotonergic polymorphisms in obsessive-compulsive disorder patients and therapeutic response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and (2) to examine the relationship between these polymorphisms and endocrine response to intravenous citalopram challenge in responders and non-responders to serotonin reuptake inhibitors and in healthy volunteers. METHODS: Patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder were classified as either responders or non-responders after long-term treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors, and both groups were compared with a control group of healthy volunteers. The investigated genetic markers were the G861C polymorphism of the serotonin receptor 1D&#946; gene and the T102C and C516T polymorphisms of the serotonin receptor subtype 2A gene. RESULTS: The T allele of the serotonin receptor subtype 2A T102C polymorphism was more frequent among obsessive-compulsive disorder patients (responders and non-responders) than in the controls (p<0.01). The CC genotype of the serotonin receptor subtype 2A C516T polymorphism was more frequent among the non-responders than in the responders (p<0.01). The CC genotype of the serotonin receptor subtype 1D&#946; G681C polymorphism was associated with higher cortisol and prolactin responses to citalopram (p<0.01 and p<0.001, respectively) and with a higher platelet-rich plasma serotonin concentration among the controls (p<0.05). However, this pattern was not observed in the non-responders with the same CC genotype after chronic treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors. This CC homozygosity was not observed in the responders

    Вплив магнітного поля на енергетичний спектр та локалізацію електрона у багатошарових сферичних наноструктурах

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    The effect of magnetic field on electron energy spectrum, wave functions and probability densities in multilayered spherical quantum-dot-quantum-well (QDQW) CdSe/ZnS/CdSe/ZnS is studied in order to clear the question if the quasi-particle can tunnel through potential barrier under the influence of the external field. Computations are performed in the framework of the effective mass approximation and rectangular potential barriers model. It is used the method of the wave functions expansion over the complete basis of functions obtained as an exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation for the electron in QDQW without the magnetic field. It is shown that magnetic field takes off the spectrum degeneration with respect to the magnetic quantum number and deforms electron wave functions. The field stronger effects on the spherically-symmetric states, especially if the electron is localized in outer potential well. It is theoretically confirmed that under the influence of magnetic field the quasi-particle can essentially change its location tunneling through nanoscale potential barrier. That phenomenon would appear in optical properties of nanostructure.Досліджено вплив магнітного поля на енергетичний спектр та локалізацію електрона в багатошаровій сферичній квантовій точці на прикладі наносистеми CdSe/ZnS/CdSe/ZnS. Розрахунки виконані в рамках наближення ефективних мас та моделі прямокутних потенціальних бар’єрів методом розкладу хвильових функцій квазічастинки за повним набором хвильових функцій, отриманих як точний розв’язок рівняння Шредінгера для електрона в наносистемі за відсутності магнітного поля. Показано, що магнітне поле знімає виродження енергетичного спектра за магнітним квантовим числом та деформує хвильові функції електрона. Причому, вплив на сферично-симетричні стани квазічастинки найбільший, особливо якщо електрон локалізований у зовнішній потенціальній ямі. Показано, що під впливом магнітного поля, квазічастинка може суттєво змінювати свою локалізацію внаслідок тунелювання крізь малопотужний потенціальний бар’єр, що розділяє потенціальні ями

    On knowledge and aesthetics: some learning experiences for a possible high school

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    El presente trabajo reporta parte de dos procesos de indagación sobre dos experiencias educativas: una escuela secundaria de la ciudad de Santa Fe y una propuesta lúdico–pedagógica dependiente del Ministerio de Innovación y Cultura de la Provincia de Santa Fe. Se consideran relevantes de ser estudiadas por los modos, disposiciones y decisiones que van desplegando con el sentido de habilitar prácticas de formación amplias. Ambas permiten pensar en la escuela secundaria desde recorridos inéditos que convocan sensibilidades, estéticas y saberes en procesos de subjetivación. Los dos estudios se sostienen en una perspectiva cualitativa en tanto se proponen comprender e interpretar la complejidad de sus objetos, antes que confirmar presupuestos y pretender explicaciones totalizantes. El artículo procura describir parte de la riqueza que implicaron estos recorridos. Para ello, una primera parte presenta el encuadre general y común que los vincula. Una segunda, describe particularidades, interrogantes y referentes categoriales centrales, así como los rasgos relevantes reportados en cada trabajo empírico. Finalmente, se comparten reflexiones construidas al calor de ambas experiencias de estudio, las que se proponen como posibles direcciones otras para la escuela secundaria.This paper reports part of two processes of inquiry about two educational experiences: a high school in the city of Santa Fe and a pedagogical proposal of the Ministry of Innovation and Culture of the Province of Santa Fe. They are considered relevant to be studied by the modes, dispositions and decisions that are deploying with the sense of enabling broad training practices. Both suggest the possibility of thinking in high school from unpublished tours that sensitivities, aesthetics and knowledge in processes of subjectivation. The two studies were held in a qualitative perspective as they intend to understand and interpret the complexity of their objects, rather than confirm budgets and claim totalizing. The article attempts to describe part of the wealth implied by these routes. To do this, the first part presents general and common frame which links them. A second one, describes particularities, questions and central categorical referents, as well as the relevant features reported in each empirical work. Finally, reflections built in the heat of both study experiences are shared, which are proposed as possible directions for the secondary school

    The number of integer polynomials whose discriminants are divided by a large prime power

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    Сформулирована теорема о верхней оценке количества целочисленных полиномов с ограничением на дискриминанты


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    For any sufficiently large positive integer Q≥Q0(n)we prove that there exist complex circles K1, K2 є C of radii r1 and r2, max(r1, r2)&lt;c1(n)Q -1/4 , c1&gt;c01(n), containing no algebraic numbers αєK1, βєK2 with heights bounded by Q, max(H(α), H(β))≤Q. We also show that if the radii of the circles K1 and K2 obey the condition min(r1, r2) &gt;c2 (n)Q -1/4, c2&gt;c02(n), then the number of algebraic numbers lying in these circles is bounded from below by c3(n)Q5r12r22.Полученные в сообщении результаты связаны с распределением алгебраических чисел большой высоты QєN в кругах малых радиусов ri=Q−γ , γ≥0 В работе доказано, что при любом Q≥Q0(n) в C существуют круги K1и K2 радиусов r1 и r2, max(r1, r2)&lt;c1(n)Q -1/4 , c1&gt;c01(n), в которых нет алгебраических чисел αєK1, βєK2, max(H(α), H(β))≤Q. Если же радиусы кругов удовлетворяют условию min(r1, r2) &gt;c2 (n)Q -1/4, c2&gt;c02(n), то количество алгебраических чисел в кругах K1 и K2 не менее, чем c3(n)Q5r12r22