10,849 research outputs found

    Contact urticaria to giraffe hair

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    Background: Immediate-type hypersensitivity to animal proteins is a common problem in people occupationally exposed to animals. Methods: A 19-year-old female working as a voluntary zookeeper in her off-time suffered from hives on her forearms following contact to the fur of a giraffe. For diagnostic evaluation, skin prick tests, assessment of specific serum IgE antibodies, and basophil activation tests were performed. Results: Skin prick tests with a standard series of common aeroallergens were positive for various pollens. Prick testing with native materials was positive for extracts of hair from two different giraffe subspecies in the patient, but not in control subjects. By CAP-FEIA, no specific serum IgE antibodies to dander of a large variety of animals were found in the patient. In the basophil activation test, expression of the activation marker CD63 was induced by extract of giraffe hair on the cells from the patient, but not on those from unaffected controls. Conclusions: This patient suffers from an `exotic' immediate-type contact allergy to giraffe hair. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Hemodynamic and inotropic effects of endothelin-1 in vivo

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    Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is known to have strong vasoactive properties. Contradictory results have been reported with regard to its inotropic effects. This study examined the dose-dependent (500, 1000, 2500, 5000 and 10,000 ng ET-1/kg vs. NaCl controls) hemodynamic and inotropic effects of ET-1 in 53 open-chest rats during and after a 7-min infusion. Besides measurements in the intact circulation the myocardial function was examined by isovolumic registrations independent of peripheral vascular effects. A transient ET-1 induced (500, 1000, 2500, 5000 ng ET-1/kg) decrease of the left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and the mean aortic pressure (AoPmean) was followed by a dose-related rise of these pressures (LVSP: -1%, -1%, +8%, +16% vs. preinfusion values; AoPmean: -11%, +9%, +39%, +52%). Heart rate (HR) was not influenced by ET-1. Due to the dose-dependent decrease of the stroke volume (SV) the cardiac output (CO) was reduced (CO: -8%, -23%, -40%, -50%). After an initial vasodilatation ET-1 elevates the total peripheral resistance (TPR: -1%, +49%, +139%, +215%) dose-dependently. 10,000 ng ET-1/kg was a lethal dose resulting in cardiac failure within minutes (low output). Since the maximum of the isovolumic LVSP (peak LVSP) and the corresponding dP/dtmax (peak dP/dtmax) were unchanged under ET-1, the isovolumic measurements do not indicate a positive inotropic effect of ET-1 in vivo in contrast to published results of in vitro experiments. It may be possible that a direct positive inotropic effect of ET-1 observed in in vitro studies is counterbalanced in vivo by an indirect negative inotropic effect due to the coronary-constrictive effect of ET-1

    Modeling the connection between ultraviolet and infrared galaxy populations across cosmic times

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    Using a phenomenological approach, we self-consistently model the redshift evolution of the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) luminosity functions across cosmic time, as well as a range of observed IR properties of UV-selected galaxy population. This model is an extension of the 2SFM (2 star-formation modes) formalism, which is based on the observed "main-sequence" of star-forming galaxies, i.e. a strong correlation between their stellar mass and their star formation rate (SFR), and a secondary population of starbursts with an excess of star formation. The balance between the UV light from young, massive stars and the dust-reprocessed IR emission is modeled following the empirical relation between the attenuation (IRX for IR excess hereafter) and the stellar mass, assuming a scatter of 0.4\,dex around this relation. We obtain a good overall agreement with the measurements of the IR luminosity function up to z~3 and the UV luminosity functions up to z~6, and show that a scatter on the IRX-M relation is mandatory to reproduce these observables. We also naturally reproduce the observed, flat relation between the mean IRX and the UV luminosity at LUV>109.5 L⊙. Finally, we perform predictions of the UV properties and detectability of IR-selected samples and the vice versa, and discuss the results in the context of the UV-rest-frame and sub-millimeter surveys of the next decade

    Population Dynamics and Community Composition of Ammonia Oxidizers in Salt Marshes after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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    The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico had significant effects on microbial communities in the Gulf, but impacts on nitrifying communities in adjacent salt marshes have not been investigated. We studied persistent effects of oil on ammonia-oxidizing archaeal (AOA) and bacterial (AOB) communities and their relationship to nitrification rates and soil properties in Louisiana marshes impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Soils were collected at oiled and unoiled sites from Louisiana coastal marshes in July 2012, 2 years after the spill, and analyzed for community differences based on ammonia monooxygenase genes (amoA). Terminal Restriction Fragment Polymorphism and DNA sequence analyses revealed significantly different AOA and AOB communities between the three regions, but few differences were found between oiled and unoiled sites. Community composition of nitrifiers was best explained by differences in soil moisture and nitrogen content. Despite the lack of significant oil effects on overall community composition, we identified differences in correlations of individual populations with potential nitrification rates between oiled and unoiled sites that help explain previously published correlation patterns. Our results suggest that exposure to oil, even 2 years post-spill, led to subtle changes in population dynamics. How, or if, these changes may impact ecosystem function in the marshes, however, remains uncertain

    Maximal regularity for non-autonomous evolution equations

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    We consider the maximal regularity problem for non-autonomous evolution equations of the form u(t)+A(t)u(t)=f(t)u(t) + A(t) u(t) = f(t) with initial data u(0)=u_0u(0) = u\_0 . Each operator A(t)A(t) is associated with a sesquilinear form a(t;,)a(t; *, *) on a Hilbert space HH . We assume that these forms all have the same domain and satisfy some regularity assumption with respect to t (e.g., piecewise α\alpha-H{\"o}lder continuous for some \alpha\textgreater{} 1/2). We prove maximal Lp-regularity for all initial values in the real-interpolation space (H,D(A(0)))_1/p,p(H, D(A(0)))\_{1/p,p} . The particular case where p=2p = 2 improves previously known results and gives a positive answer to a question of J.L. Lions [11] on the set of allowed initial data u_0u\_0 .Comment: 19 pages. To appear in Math. An

    Nonlinear Ionic Conductivity of Thin Solid Electrolyte Samples: Comparison between Theory and Experiment

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    Nonlinear conductivity effects are studied experimentally and theoretically for thin samples of disordered ionic conductors. Following previous work in this field the {\it experimental nonlinear conductivity} of sodium ion conducting glasses is analyzed in terms of apparent hopping distances. Values up to 43 \AA are obtained. Due to higher-order harmonic current density detection, any undesired effects arising from Joule heating can be excluded. Additionally, the influence of temperature and sample thickness on the nonlinearity is explored. From the {\it theoretical side} the nonlinear conductivity in a disordered hopping model is analyzed numerically. For the 1D case the nonlinearity can be even handled analytically. Surprisingly, for this model the apparent hopping distance scales with the system size. This result shows that in general the nonlinear conductivity cannot be interpreted in terms of apparent hopping distances. Possible extensions of the model are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetotransport of lanthanum doped RuSr2GdCu2O8 - the role of gadolinium

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    Strongly underdoped RuSr_1.9La_0.1GdCu_2O_8 has been comprehensively studied by dc magnetization, microwave measurements, magnetoresistivity and Hall resistivity in fields up to 9 T and temperatures down to 1.75 K. Electron doping by La reduces the hole concentration in the CuO2 planes and completely suppresses superconductivity. Microwave absorption, dc resistivity and ordinary Hall effect data indicate that the carrier concentration is reduced and a semiconductor-like temperature dependence is observed. Two magnetic ordering transitions are observed. The ruthenium sublattice orders antiferromagnetically at 155 K for low applied magnetic field and the gadolinium sublattice antiferromagnetically orders at 2.8 K. The magnetoresistivity exhibits a complicated temperature dependence due to the combination of the two magnetic orderings and spin fluctuations. It is shown that the ruthenium magnetism influences the conductivity in the RuO2 layers while the gadolinium magnetism influences the conductivity in the CuO2 layers. The magnetoresistivity is isotropic above 4 K, but it becomes anisotropic when gadolinium orders antiferromagnetically.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal

    Optical response of ferromagnetic YTiO_3 studied by spectral ellipsometry

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    We have studied the temperature dependence of spectroscopic ellipsometry spectra of an electrically insulating, nearly stoichiometric YTiO_3 single crystal with ferromagnetic Curie temperature T_C = 30 K. The optical response exhibits a weak but noticeable anisotropy. Using a classical dispersion analysis, we identify three low-energy optical bands at 2.0, 2.9, and 3.7 eV. Although the optical conductivity spectra are only weakly temperature dependent below 300 K, we are able to distinguish high- and low-temperature regimes with a distinct crossover point around 100 K. The low-temperature regime in the optical response coincides with the temperature range in which significant deviations from Curie-Weiss mean field behavior are observed in the magnetization. Using an analysis based on a simple superexchange model, the spectral weight rearrangement can be attributed to intersite d_i^1d_j^1 \longrightarrow d_i^2d_j^0 optical transitions. In particular, Kramers-Kronig consistent changes in optical spectra around 2.9 eV can be associated with the high-spin-state (^3T_1) optical transition. This indicates that other mechanisms, such as weakly dipole-allowed p-d transitions and/or exciton-polaron excitations, can contribute significantly to the optical band at 2 eV. The recorded optical spectral weight gain of 2.9 eV optical band is significantly suppressed and anisotropic, which we associate with complex spin-orbit-lattice phenomena near ferromagnetic ordering temperature in YTiO_3

    Основные факторы воздействия ферросплавного производства на атмосферу

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    На основных этапах технологического процесса получения ферросилиция образуются вредные выбросы, которыми являются колошниковые газы, шлаки и пыль. В открытых электропечах образуются газы, в которых содержится большое количество пыли и оксида углерода (до 80 % по объему). При этом оксид углерода смешивается с кислородом воздуха и сгорает с образованием диоксида углерода. В данной работе представлен количественный анализ пыле-газовых выбросов из открытой печи при получении ферросилиция и их содержание в атмосферном воздухе санитарно-защитной зоны предприятия «Юргинские ферросплавы».At the main stages of the technological process of obtaining ferrosilicon, harmful emissions are generated, which are blast-furnace gases, slags and dust. In open electric furnaces gases are formed, which contain a large amount of dust and carbon monoxide (up to 80% by volume). At the same time, carbon monoxide mixes with air oxygen and burns to form carbon dioxide. In this paper, a quantitative analysis of dust-gas emissions from an open furnace during the production of ferrosilicon and their content in the atmospheric air of the sanitary protection zone of the OAO Yurginsky Ferroalloys OJSC is presented