37 research outputs found

    Tolerance of allogromiid Foraminifera to severely elevated carbon dioxide concentrations : implications to future ecosystem functioning and paleoceanographic interpretations

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global and Planetary Change 65 (2009): 107-114, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2008.10.013.Increases in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in the atmosphere will significantly affect a wide variety of terrestrial fauna and flora. Because of tight atmospheric-oceanic coupling, shallow-water marine species are also expected to be affected by increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. One proposed way to slow increases in atmospheric pCO2 is to sequester CO2 in the deep sea. Thus, over the next few centuries marine species will be exposed to changing seawater chemistry caused by ocean-atmospheric exchange and/or deep-ocean sequestration. This initial case study on one allogromiid foraminiferal species (Allogromia laticollaris) was conducted to begin to ascertain the effect of elevated pCO2 on benthic Foraminifera, which are a major meiofaunal constituent of shallow- and deep-water marine communities. Cultures of this thecate foraminiferan protist were used for 10-14-day experiments. Experimental treatments were executed in an incubator that controlled CO2 (15 000; 30 000; 60 000; 90 000; 200 000 ppm), temperature and humidity; atmospheric controls (i.e., ~375 ppm CO2) were executed simultaneously. Although the experimental elevated pCO2 values are far above foreseeable surface water pCO2, they were selected to represent the spectrum of conditions expected for the benthos if deep-sea CO2 sequestration becomes a reality. Survival was assessed in two independent ways: pseudopodial presence/absence and measurement of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is an indicator of cellular energy. Substantial proportions of A. laticollaris populations survived 200 000 ppm CO2 although the mean of the median [ATP] of survivors was statistically lower for this treatment than for that of atmospheric control specimens. After individuals that had been incubated in 200 000 ppm CO2 for 12 days were transferred to atmospheric conditions for ~24 hours, the [ATP] of live specimens (survivors) approximated those of the comparable atmospheric control treatment. Incubation in 200 000 ppm CO2 also resulted in reproduction by some individuals. Results suggest that certain Foraminifera are able to tolerate deep-sea CO2 sequestration and perhaps thrive as a result of elevated pCO2 that is predicted for the next few centuries, in a high-pCO2 world. Thus, allogromiid foraminiferal “blooms” may result from climate change. Furthermore, because allogromiids consume a variety of prey, it is likely that they will be major players in ecosystem dynamics of future coastal sedimentary environments.This work was funded by US Department of Energy grant # DE-FG02-03ER63696 (to J. Kennett and J. Bernhard), NSF OCE-0725966, and the WHOI Summer Student Fellow Program, which is funded by NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates Program grant #OCE-0139423

    Muon radiography to visualise individual fuel rods in sealed casks

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    Cosmic-ray muons can be used for the non-destructive imaging of spent nuclear fuel in sealed dry storage casks. The scattering data of the muons after traversing provides information on the thereby penetrated materials. Based on these properties, we investigate and discuss the theoretical feasibility of detecting single missing fuel rods in a sealed cask for the first time. We perform simulations of a vertically standing generic cask model loaded with fuel assemblies from a pressurized water reactor and muon detectors placed above and below the cask. By analysing the scattering angles and applying a significance ratio based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic we conclude that missing rods can be reliably identified in a reasonable measuring time period depending on their position in the assembly and cask, and on the angular acceptance criterion of the primary, incoming muons

    Multiband Wavelet Age Modeling for a similar to 293 m (similar to 600 kyr) Sediment Core From Chew Bahir Basin, Southern Ethiopian Rift

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    The use of cyclostratigraphy to reconstruct the timing of deposition of lacustrine deposits requires sophisticated tuning techniques that can accommodate continuous long-term changes in sedimentation rates. However, most tuning methods use stationary filters that are unable to take into account such long-term variations in accumulation rates. To overcome this problem we present herein a new multiband wavelet age modeling (MUBAWA) technique that is particularly suitable for such situations and demonstrate its use on a 293 m composite core from the Chew Bahir basin, southern Ethiopian rift. In contrast to traditional tuning methods, which use a single, defined bandpass filter, the new method uses an adaptive bandpass filter that adapts to changes in continuous spatial frequency evolution paths in a wavelet power spectrum, within which the wavelength varies considerably along the length of the core due to continuous changes in long-term sedimentation rates. We first applied the MUBAWA technique to a synthetic data set before then using it to establish an age model for the approximately 293 m long composite core from the Chew Bahir basin. For this we used the 2nd principal component of color reflectance values from the sediment, which showed distinct cycles with wavelengths of 10-15 and of similar to 40 m that were probably a result of the influence of orbital cycles. We used six independent 40Ar/39Ar ages from volcanic ash layers within the core to determine an approximate spatial frequency range for the orbital signal. Our results demonstrate that the new wavelet-based age modeling technique can significantly increase the accuracy of tuned age models

    Medical gas plasma augments bladder cancer cell toxicity in preclinical models and patient-derived tumor tissues

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    Introduction: Medical gas plasma therapy has been successfully applied to several types of cancer in preclinical models. First palliative tumor patients suffering from advanced head and neck cancer benefited from this novel therapeutic modality. The gas plasma-induced biological effects of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) generated in the plasma gas phase result in oxidation-induced lethal damage to tumor cells. Objectives: This study aimed to verify these anti-tumor effects of gas plasma exposure on urinary bladder cancer. Methods: 2D cell culture models, 3D tumor spheroids, 3D vascularized tumors grown on the chicken chorion-allantois-membrane (CAM) in ovo, and patient-derived primary cancer tissue gas plasma-treated ex vivo were used. Results: Gas plasma treatment led to oxidation, growth retardation, motility inhibition, and cell death in 2D and 3D tumor models. A marked decline in tumor growth was also observed in the tumors grown in ovo. In addition, results of gas plasma treatment on primary urothelial carcinoma tissues ex vivo highlighted the selective tumor-toxic effects as non-malignant tissue exposed to gas plasma was less affected. Whole-transcriptome gene expression analysis revealed downregulation of tumor-promoting fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) accompanied by upregulation of apoptosis-inducing factor 2 (AIFm2), which plays a central role in caspase-independent cell death signaling. Conclusion: Gas plasma treatment induced cytotoxicity in patient-derived cancer tissue and slowed tumor growth in an organoid model of urinary bladder carcinoma, along with less severe effects in non-malignant tissues. Studies on the potential clinical benefits of this local and safe ROS therapy are awaited

    Northern Hemisphere Glaciation, African climate and human evolution

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    The hypothesis of a connection between the onset (or intensification) of Northern Hemisphere Glaciation, the stepwise increase in African aridity (and climate variability), and an important mammalian (including hominin) species turnover is a textbook example of the initiation of a scientific idea and its propagation in science. It is, however, also an example of the persistent popularity of a hypothesis despite mounting evidence against it. A critical review of key publications on the topic and statistical re-analysis of key records of global ice volume and African climate leads to three conclusions: (1) The Northern Hemisphere Glaciation was a gradual process occurring between similar to 3.5 and 2.5 Ma, not a single event at similar to 2.8 Ma or at any other time. (2) A consistent stepwise (+/-0.2 Ma) transition toward greater aridity in Africa at similar to 2.8 Ma does not exist; instead, there are regionally different, gradual transitions partly in connection with the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation, but above all with the establishment of the tropical Walker Circulation after similar to 2 Ma. (3) Mammalian (including hominin) species turnovers at this time also appear to have been gradual, rather than stepwise. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Interplay between Calcite, Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, and Intracrystalline Organics in Sea Urchin Skeletal Elements

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    Biomineralization processes in living organisms result in the formation of skeletal elements with complex ultrastructures. Although the formation pathways in sea urchin larvae are relatively well known, the interrelation between calcite, amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), and intracrystalline organics in adult sea urchin biominerals is less clear. Here, we study this interplay in the spines and test plates of the Paracentrotus lividus sea urchins. Thermogravimetric analysis coupled with differential scanning calorimetry or mass spectrometry measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance technique, and high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction show that pristine spines and test plates are composed of Mg-rich calcite and comprise about 1.2 to 1.6 wt % organics, 10 wt % of anhydrous ACC and less than 0.2 wt % of water. Anhydrous ACC originates from incomplete crystallization of a precursor ACC phase during biomineralization and is associated with intracrystalline organics at the molecular level. Molecular interactions at organic/inorganic interfaces cause calcite lattice distortions of the tensile type. The latter are amplified during ACC crystallization and finally disappear after heat-assisted destruction of organic molecules. Converting the measured lattice distortions (strains) into internal stress components, we follow stress evolution upon annealing and find that complete crystallization of ACC leads to the isotropy of residual stresses in all investigated skeletal parts. These results allow us to speculate that organic macromolecules are preferentially attached to different crystallographic planes in the pristine test and spine samples

    Interplay between Calcite, Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, and Intracrystalline Organics in Sea Urchin Skeletal Elements

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    Biomineralization processes in living organisms result in the formation of skeletal elements with complex ultrastructures. Although the formation pathways in sea urchin larvae are relatively well known, the interrelation between calcite, amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), and intracrystalline organics in adult sea urchin biominerals is less clear. Here, we study this interplay in the spines and test plates of the Paracentrotus lividus sea urchins. Thermogravimetric analysis coupled with differential scanning calorimetry or mass spectrometry measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance technique, and high-resolution powder X-ray diffraction show that pristine spines and test plates are composed of Mg-rich calcite and comprise about 1.2 to 1.6 wt % organics, 10 wt % of anhydrous ACC and less than 0.2 wt % of water. Anhydrous ACC originates from incomplete crystallization of a precursor ACC phase during biomineralization and is associated with intracrystalline organics at the molecular level. Molecular interactions at organic/inorganic interfaces cause calcite lattice distortions of the tensile type. The latter are amplified during ACC crystallization and finally disappear after heat-assisted destruction of organic molecules. Converting the measured lattice distortions (strains) into internal stress components, we follow stress evolution upon annealing and find that complete crystallization of ACC leads to the isotropy of residual stresses in all investigated skeletal parts. These results allow us to speculate that organic macromolecules are preferentially attached to different crystallographic planes in the pristine test and spine samples