44 research outputs found

    Abstracts from the 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications

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    This work was supported by a restricted research grant of Bayer AG

    The Origin of a “Zebra” Chromosome in Wheat Suggests Nonhomologous Recombination as a Novel Mechanism for New Chromosome Evolution and Step Changes in Chromosome Number

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    An alloplasmic wheat line, TA5536, with the “zebra” chromosome z5A was isolated from an Elymus trachycaulus/Triticum aestivum backcross derivative. This chromosome was named “zebra” because of its striped genomic in situ hybridization pattern. Its origin was traced to nonhomologous chromosome 5A of wheat and 1Ht of Elymus; four chromatin segments were derived from chromosome 1Ht and five chromatin segments including the centromere from 5A. In this study, our objective was to determine the mechanism of origin of chromosome z5A, whether by nonhomologous recombination or by multiple translocation events. Different crossing schemes were used to recover recombinants containing various Elymus chromatin segments of the z5A chromosome. In addition, one z5AL telocentric chromosome and three z5AL isochromosomes were recovered. The dissection of the Elymus segments into different stocks allowed us to determine the chromosomal origin of the different chromosome fragments on the basis of the order of the RFLP markers employed and suggested that the zebra chromosome originated from nonhomologous recombination. We present a model of possible mechanism(s) of chromosome evolution and step changes in chromosome number applicable to a wide range of organisms

    A Molecular-Cytogenetic Method for Locating Genes to Pericentromeric Regions Facilitates a Genomewide Comparison of Synteny Between the Centromeric Regions of Wheat and Rice

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    Centromeres, because of their repeat structure and lack of sequence conservation, are difficult to assemble and compare across organisms. It was recently discovered that rice centromeres often contain genes. This suggested a method for studying centromere homologies between wheat and rice chromosomes by mapping rice centromeric genes onto wheat aneuploid stocks. Three of the seven cDNA clones of centromeric genes from rice centromere 8 (Cen8), 6729.t09, 6729.t10, and 6730.t11 which lie in the Cen8 kinetochore region, and three wheat ESTs, BJ301191, BJ305475, and BJ280500, with similarity to sequences of rice centromeric genes, were mapped to the centromeric regions of the wheat group-7 (W7) chromosomes. A possible pericentric inversion in chromosome 7D was detected. Genomewide comparison of wheat ESTs that mapped to centromeric regions against rice genome sequences revealed high conservation and a one-to-one correspondence of centromeric regions between wheat and rice chromosome pairs W1-R5, W2-R7, W3-R1, W5-R12, W6-R2, and W7-R8. The W4 centromere may share homology with R3 only or with R3 + R11. Wheat ESTs that mapped to the pericentromeric region of the group-5 long arm anchored to the rice BACs located in the recently duplicated region at the distal ends of the short arms of rice chromosomes 11 and 12. A pericentric inversion specific to the rice lineage was detected. The depicted framework provides a working model for further studies on the structure and evolution of cereal chromosome centromeres

    Development and characterization of a compensating wheat-Thinopyrum intermedium Robertsonian translocation with Sr44 resistance to stem rust (Ug99)

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    Citation: Liu, W., Danilova, T. V., Rouse, M. N., Bowden, R. L., Friebe, B., Gill, B. S., & Pumphrey, M. O. (2013). Development and characterization of a compensating wheatThinopyrum intermedium Robertsonian translocation with Sr44 resistance to stem rust (Ug99). Retrieved from http://krex.ksu.eduThe emergence of the highly virulent Ug99 race complex of the stem rust fungus (Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks. & Henn.) threatens wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production worldwide. One of the effective genes against the Ug99 race complex is Sr44, which was derived from Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey and mapped to the short arm of 7J (designated 7J#1S) present in the noncompensating T7DS-7J#1L∙7J#1S translocation. Noncompensating wheat-alien translocations are known to cause genomic duplications and deficiencies leading to poor agronomic performance, precluding their direct use in wheat improvement. The present study was initiated to produce compensating wheat-Th. intermedium Robertsonian translocations (RobTs) with Sr44 resistance. One compensating RobT was identified consisting of the wheat 7DL arm translocated to the Th. intermedium 7J#1S arm resulting in T7DL∙7J#1S. The T7DL∙7J#1S stock was designated as TA5657. The 7DL∙7J#1S stock carries Sr44 and has resistance to the Ug99 race complex. This compensating RobT with Sr44 resistance may be useful in wheat improvement. In addition, we identified an unnamed stem rust resistance gene located on the 7J#1L arm that confers resistance not only to Ug99, but also to race TRTTF, which is virulent to Sr44. However, the action of the second gene can be modified by the presence of suppressors in the recipient wheat cultivars