164 research outputs found

    A system of axiomatic set theory. Part III. Infinity and enumerability. Analysis

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    The foundation of analysis does not require the full generality of set theory but can be accomplished within a more restricted frame. Just as for number theory we need not introduce a set of all finite ordinals but only a class of all finite ordinals, all sets which occur being finite, so likewise for analysis we need not have a set of all real numbers but only a class of them, and the sets with which we have to deal are either finite or enumerable. We begin with the definitions of infinity and enumerability and with some consideration of these concepts on the basis of the axioms I—III, IV, V a, V b, which, as we shall see later, are sufficient for general set theory. Let us recall that the axioms I—III and V a suffice for establishing number theory, in particular for the iteration theorem, and for the theorems on finitenes

    A system of axiomatic set theory. Part IV. General set theory

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    Our task in the treatment of general set theory will be to give a survey for the purpose of characterizing the different stages and the principal theorems with respect to their axiomatic requirements from the point of view of our system of axioms. The delimitation of "general set theory” which we have in view differs from that of Fraenkel's general set theory, and also from that of "standard logic” as understood by most logicians. It is adapted rather to the tendency of von Neumann's system of set theory—the von Neumann system having been the first in which the possibility appeared of separating the assumptions which are required for the conceptual formations from those which lead to the Cantor hierarchy of powers. Thus our intention is to obtain general set theory without use of the axioms V d, V c, VI. It will also be desirable to separate those proofs which can be made without the axiom of choice, and in doing this we shall have to use the axiom V*—i.e., the theorem of replacement taken as an axiom. From V*, as we saw in §4, we can immediately derive V a and V b as theorems, and also the theorem that a function whose domain is represented by a set is itself represented by a functional set; and on the other hand V* was found to be derivable from V a and V b in combination with the axiom of choice. (These statements on deducibility are of course all on the basis of the axioms I-III.

    A system of axiomatic set theory. Part V. General set theory (continued)

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    We have still to consider the extension of the methods of number theory to infinite ordinals—or to transfinite numbers as they may also, as usual, be called. The means for establishing number theory are, as we know, recursive definition, complete induction, and the "principle of the least number.” The last of these applies to arbitrary ordinals as well as to finite ordinals, since every nonempty class of ordinals has a lowest element. Hence immediately results also the following generalization of complete induction, called transfinite induction: If A is a class of ordinals such that (1) ΟηA, and (2) αηA → αâ€ČηA, and (3) for every limiting number l, (x)(xΔl → xηA) → lηA, then every ordinal belongs to

    A system of axiomatic set theory - Part VII

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    The reader of Part VI will have noticed that among the set-theoretic models considered there some models were missing which were announced in Part II for certain proofs of independence. These models will be supplied now. Mainly two models have to be constructed: one with the property that there exists a set which is its own only element, and another in which the axioms I-III and VII, but not Va, are satisfied. In either case we need not satisfy the axiom of infinity. Thereby it becomes possible to set up the models on the basis of only I-III, and either VII or Va, a basis from which number theory can be obtained as we saw in Part II. On both these bases the Π0-system of Part VI, which satisfies the axioms I-V and VII, but not VI, can be constructed, as we stated there. An isomorphic model can also be obtained on that basis, by first setting up number theory as in Part II, and then proceeding as Ackermann did. Let us recall the main points of this procedure. For the sake of clarity in the discussion of this and the subsequent models, it will be necessary to distinguish precisely between the concepts which are relative to the basic set-theoretic system, and those which are relative to the model to be define

    Takeuti's Well-Ordering Proof: Finitistically Fine?

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    If it could be shown that one of Gentzen's consistency proofs for pure number theory could be shown to be finitistically acceptable, an important part of Hilbert's program would be vindicated. This paper focuses on whether the transfinite induction on ordinal notations needed for Gentzen's second proof can be finitistically justified. In particular, the focus is on Takeuti's purportedly finitistically acceptable proof of the well-ordering of ordinal notations in Cantor normal form. The paper begins with a historically informed discussion of finitism and its limits, before introducing Gentzen and Takeuti's respective proofs. The rest of the paper is dedicated to investigating the finitistic acceptability of Takeuti's proof, including a small but important fix to that proof. That discussion strongly suggests that there is a philosophically interesting finitist standpoint that Takeuti's proof, and therefore Gentzen's proof, conforms to

    Takeuti's Well-Ordering Proof: Finitistically Fine?

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    If it could be shown that one of Gentzen's consistency proofs for pure number theory could be shown to be finitistically acceptable, an important part of Hilbert's program would be vindicated. This paper focuses on whether the transfinite induction on ordinal notations needed for Gentzen's second proof can be finitistically justified. In particular, the focus is on Takeuti's purportedly finitistically acceptable proof of the well-ordering of ordinal notations in Cantor normal form. The paper begins with a historically informed discussion of finitism and its limits, before introducing Gentzen and Takeuti's respective proofs. The rest of the paper is dedicated to investigating the finitistic acceptability of Takeuti's proof, including a small but important fix to that proof. That discussion strongly suggests that there is a philosophically interesting finitist standpoint that Takeuti's proof, and therefore Gentzen's proof, conforms to

    Comparing the consequences of natural selection, adaptive phenotypic plasticity, and matching habitat choice for phenotype-environment matching, population genetic structure, and reproductive isolation in meta-populations

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    Organisms commonly experience significant spatiotemporal variation in their environments. In response to such heterogeneity, different mechanisms may act that enhance ecological performance locally. However, depending on the nature of the mechanism involved, the consequences for populations may differ greatly. Building on a previous model that investigated the conditions under which different adaptive mechanisms (co)evolve, this study compares the ecological and evolutionary population consequences of three very different responses to environmental heterogeneity: matching habitat choice (directed gene flow), adaptive plasticity (associated with random gene flow), and divergent natural selection. Using individual-based simulations, we show that matching habitat choice can have a greater adaptive potential than plasticity or natural selection: it allows for local adaptation while protecting genetic polymorphism despite global mating or strong environmental changes. Our simulations further reveal that increasing environmental fluctuations and unpredictability generally favor the emergence of specialist genotypes but that matching habitat choice is better at preventing local maladaptation by individuals. This confirms that matching habitat choice can speed up the genetic divergence among populations, cause indirect assortative mating via spatial clustering, and hence even facilitate sympatric speciation. This study highlights the potential importance of directed dispersal in local adaptation and speciation, stresses the difficulty of deriving its operation from nonexperimental observational data alone, and helps define a set of ecological conditions which should favor its emergence and subsequent detection in nature

    Action to protect the independence and integrity of global health research

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    Storeng KT, Abimbola S, Balabanova D, et al. Action to protect the independence and integrity of global health research. BMJ GLOBAL HEALTH. 2019;4(3): e001746
