408 research outputs found

    Time and space adaptivity for the second-order wave equation

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    The aim of this paper is to show that, for a linear second-order hyperbolic equation discretized by the backward Euler scheme in time and continuous piecewise linear finite elements in space, the adaptation of the time steps can be combined with spatial mesh adaptivity in an optimal way. We derive a priori and a posteriori error estimates which admit, as much as it is possible, the decoupling of the errors committed in the temporal and spatial discretizations

    Some spectral approximation of one-dimensional fourth-order problems

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    Some spectral type collocation method well suited for the approximation of fourth-order systems are proposed. The model problem is the biharmonic equation, in one and two dimensions when the boundary conditions are periodic in one direction. It is proved that the standard Gauss-Lobatto nodes are not the best choice for the collocation points. Then, a new set of nodes related to some generalized Gauss type quadrature formulas is proposed. Also provided is a complete analysis of these formulas including some new issues about the asymptotic behavior of the weights and we apply these results to the analysis of the collocation method

    Coupling finite element and spectral methods: First results

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    A Poisson equation on a rectangular domain is solved by coupling two methods: the domain is divided in two squares, a finite element approximation is used on the first square and a spectral discretization is used on the second one. Two kinds of matching conditions on the interface are presented and compared. In both cases, error estimates are proved

    Variational formulation for a nonlinear elliptic equation in a three-dimensional exterior domain

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    An existence result was obtained for a nonlinear second-order equation in an exterior domain of IR(3). The proof relies on a variational formulation in weighted Sobolev spaces

    Continuity properties of the inf-sup constant for the divergence

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    The inf-sup constant for the divergence, or LBB constant, is explicitly known for only few domains. For other domains, upper and lower estimates are known. If more precise values are required, one can try to compute a numerical approximation. This involves, in general, approximation of the domain and then the computation of a discrete LBB constant that can be obtained from the numerical solution of an eigenvalue problem for the Stokes system. This eigenvalue problem does not fall into a class for which standard results about numerical approximations can be applied. Indeed, many reasonable finite element methods do not yield a convergent approximation. In this article, we show that under fairly weak conditions on the approximation of the domain, the LBB constant is an upper semi-continuous shape functional, and we give more restrictive sufficient conditions for its continuity with respect to the domain. For numerical approximations based on variational formulations of the Stokes eigenvalue problem, we also show upper semi-continuity under weak approximation properties, and we give stronger conditions that are sufficient for convergence of the discrete LBB constant towards the continuous LBB constant. Numerical examples show that our conditions are, while not quite optimal, not very far from necessary

    Single-grid spectral collocation for the Navier-Stokes equations

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    The aim of the paper is to study a collocation spectral method to approximate the Navier-Stokes equations: only one grid is used, which is built from the nodes of a Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formula, either of Legendre or of Chebyshev type. The convergence is proven for the Stokes problem provided with inhomogeneous Dirichlet conditions, then thoroughly analyzed for the Navier-Stokes equations. The practical implementation algorithm is presented, together with numerical results

    A posteriori error analysis of the fully discretized time-dependent Stokes equations

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    The time-dependent Stokes equations in two- or three-dimensional bounded domains are discretized by the backward Euler scheme in time and finite elements in space. The error of this discretization is bounded globally from above and locally from below by the sum of two types of computable error indicators, the first one being linked to the time discretization and the second one to the space discretization

    Finite element discretization of the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions on the pressure

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    We consider the Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations with boundary conditions of Dirichlet type on the velocity on one part of the boundary and involving the pressure on the rest of the boundary. We write the variational formulations of such problems. Next we propose a finite element discretization of them and perform the a priori and a posteriori analysis of the discrete problem. Some numerical experiments are presented in order to justify our strategy.Ministerio de Economía e InnovaciónFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Mortar finite element discretization of the time dependent nonlinear Darcy's equations

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    We consider the non stationary flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in a rigid homogeneous porous medium provided with mixed boundary conditions. Since the medium is nonhomogeneous, its permeability is only piecewise continuous. We are thus led to use the mortar method to handle these discontinuities. We propose a space and time discretization of the full system. We prove optimal a priori error estimates, which confirms the interest of the discretization

    Spectral element discretization of the vorticity, velocity and pressure formulation of the Stokes problem

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    We consider the Stokes problem provided with non standard boundary conditions which involve the normal component of the velocity and the tangential components of the vorticity. We write a variational formulation of this problem with three independent unknowns: the vorticity, the velocity and the pressure. Next we propose a discretization by spectral element methods which relies on this formulation. A detailed numerical analysis leads to optimal error estimates for the three unknowns and numerical experiments confirm the interest of the discretization
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