26 research outputs found

    Turismo Social Sénior: caracterização do perfil e preferências do idoso institucionalizado na região do Alentejo

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    O turismo sénior tem vindo, nas últimas décadas, a ser indicado como um novo paradigma determinante para o bem-estar e felicidade do idoso, contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida e estado de saúde, física e psicológica. Pelo crescimento exponencial do envelhecimento da população, principalmente nos países desenvolvidos, as Organizações de Economia Social têm como desafio desenvolver respostas alternativas, que se adaptem a um novo perfil do idoso. Este trabalho, enquadrado no projeto VOLTO JÁ, pretende caracterizar o perfil dos idosos institucionalizados em Estrutura Residencial para Idosos (ERPI) e Centros de Dia, na região do Alentejo, e verificar a disponibilidade para participar em programas de turismo social sénior. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário aplicados a idosos institucionalizados em oito ERPI e Centros de Dia, na região do Alentejo, Portugal (Alter do Chão, Castelo de Vide, Odemira, Alcáçovas, Grândola, Golegã, Almeirim e Chamusca). Participaram voluntariamente 134 idosos institucionalizados, com idade igual ou superior a 55 anos, sem comprometimento ao nível da função cognitiva. Os resultados incluem o perfil do idoso, os seus desejos futuros relacionados com o turismo social e a sua disponibilidade para participar em programas de turismo social sénior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Do children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) present implicit learning (IL) deficits? Evidence from an Artificial Grammar Learning (AGL) paradigm

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    Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is a neurodevelopmental disorder involving language deficits in the absence of other associated condition [1]. The aetiology of SLI is hotly debated, ranging from representational deficits in grammar to impairments in the cognitive processes that underlie language acquisition. Recent research, suggests that SLI difficulties may arise from implicit learning (IL) deficits, i.e. impairments in the cognitive mechanisms that allow children to extract the structural regularities present in the input and to generalize it to new contexts [2]. IL studies have been conducted mainly with adults and unimpaired children using the Serial Reaction Time Task (SRTT). The few studies conducted with language impaired children produced inconsistent results [3]. Since performance of this task involves a motor component that seems to be also impaired in SLI, it is critical to conduct studies using other tasks and paradigms

    Volto Já:um modelo de negócio na área do turismo social de intercâmbio sénior

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    Apresenta-se o modelo de negócio do PROJETO VOLTO JÁ, cujo objetivo geral consiste na operacionalização de um programa de intercâmbio social sénior, entre organizações de economia social, procurando promover experiências turísticas aos idosos. O modelo de negócio proposto baseia-se na partilha de recursos como forma de potenciar a proposta de valor acrescentado. O VOLTO JÁ desenvolve um conjunto de ações com impacto direto na mobilidade e inclusão social dos idosos, enquadrando-se nas abordagens conceptuais do turismo social e do turismo para todos. Esta investigação apresenta um processo de recolha de dados com duas fases. Na primeira fase, foi aplicado um questionário a uma amostra de 134 indivíduos seniores institucionalizados, de 8 instituições na região do Alentejo, para caraterizar o perfil dos idosos e os interesses associados à prática de turismo. Na segunda fase, realizaram-se dois focus groups junto de uma amostra de 6 diretores técnicos de Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social, de modo a perceber as condições e a disponibilidade de participação dos seniores. Os resultados serão utilizados para desenvolver uma plataforma web para disponibilizar/comercializar, a baixo custo, as ofertas ao nível de pacotes turísticos de turismo social, num trabalho concertado com os agentes da oferta turística.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Care4Value:measuring value in health in integrated continuous care units

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    Objective: To develop a digital platform for optimizing data collection processes with medical scales and monitoring data for measuring value in health. Method: Using an investigative intervention methodology, a platform was developed including qualitative and quantitative approaches in three phases: focal groups were conducted by a multidisciplinary team of investigators and healthcare providers at the pilot study site, an Integrated Continuous Care Unit (UCCI); data from a sample of 21 UCCI users was analyzed as a pre-test to classify different levels of complexity; UCCI financial data and operational costs were collected and analyzed during the 21 users stay at the UCCI. The platform’s iteractive and incremental development allowed for the collection of as a form of improvement. Results: The platform includes three modules: a mobile application; a dashboard; and an import module. Data collected on the platform are centralized and shown on the dashboard. Data are collected using a mobile application and/or an import module to input data from existing medical systems. Conclusion: The mobile application is ready to be used by healthcare providers and caregivers. The dashboard shows users’ clinical follow-up and health gain data for monitoring.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Care4Value: medición del valor en salud en Unidades de Cuidados Continuos Integrados

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    Objetivo: Desenvolver uma plataforma digital para a otimização do processo de coleta de dados de escalas clínicas e monitoramento desses dados com vista à medição do valor em saúde. Métodos: Por meio de uma metodologia de investigação-ação, o desenvolvimento da plataforma incluiu abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas, em três fases: grupos focais com uma equipe multidisciplinar de investigadores e profi ssionais de saúde da UCCI do estudo-piloto; análise dos dados clínicos em formato de pré-teste de uma amostra de 21 usuários da UCCI para categorizar diferentes graus de complexidade; e, análise de informação fi nanceira, aos custos operacionais da UCCI, relativa ao momento de permanência dos mesmos 21 usuários. O desenvolvimento iterativo e incremental da plataforma permitiu coletar feedback dos usuários como forma de melhoria. Resultados: A plataforma inclui 3 módulos: aplicativo móvel; dashboard; e módulo de importação. A plataforma centraliza os dados coletados e disponibiliza-os por meio de um dashboard. Os dados são coletados por aplicativo móvel e/ou por um módulo de importação que consome dados de sistemas clínicos existentes. Conclusão: O aplicativo móvel está apto a ser utilizado por profi ssionais de saúde e cuidadores, e o dashboard apresenta informações de acompanhamento clínico dos usuários e monitoramento dos seus ganhos em saúde.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Volto Já - Programa de Intercâmbio Sénior:Projeto na Área do Turismo Social Sénior

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    O Volto Já pretende operacionalizar um programa de cooperação entre organizações de Economia Social que promova o intercâmbio de seniores institucionalizados, proporcionando lhes experiências culturais, turísticas e artísticas. Os seus principais objetivos são: (i) fomentar o envelhecimento ativo e melhorar a qualidade de vida (bem estar, satisfação com a vida, felicidade, etc.) dos seniores institucionalizados; (ii) desenvolver um modelo de negócio de turismo social dirigido aos seniores institucionalizados em lares ou centros de dia, na região do Alentejo; (iii) desenvolver uma plataforma informática que permita às instituições de Economia Social aderir ao programa de intercâmbio sénior, divulgar as experiências socioculturais oferecidas e estabelecer parcerias que efetivem o intercâmbio. A participação no Volto Já permite aos seniores: (a) terem acesso a experiências turísticas e culturais de elevada qualidade, demasiado dispendiosas se adquiridas individualmente; (b) expandirem o seu círculo social; (c) combaterem o isolamento social; (d) contactarem com a cultura e as tradições de outras regiões do país; (e) promoverem a estimulação cognitiva; (f) melhorarem a sua qualidade de vida; (g) contribuírem para práticas de consumo sustentáveis. Para as instituições de Economia Social, participar no projeto permite-lhes: (a) acederem a uma oferta de serviços diferenciada a baixo custo; (b) expandirem a sua rede de parceiros; (c) melhorarem o reconhecimento social; (d) fortalecerem a ligação à academia; (e) inovarem socialmente; (f) aumentarem o seu capital reputacional. O projeto é suportado por uma equipa multidisciplinar do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém e do Instituto Politécnico de Beja, com a colaboração da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém. Os outputs previstos são: (a) diversas parcerias entre a academia e as instituições de Economia Social; (b) um modelo de negócio de turismo social sénior; (c) realizar uma prova de conceito/teste piloto; (d) uma plataforma informática para dinamização do modelo de negócio; (e) uma conferência internacional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of social tourism in the satisfaction of elderly customers: The case of the Volto Já Project

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    Purpose: This research seeks to capture the perceived value given by the elderly to participation in social tourism programmes, and the link between the social tourism experience and their satisfaction as customers of social welfare services. It aims to: 1) study the interviewees’ perceptions of the specificities of the programmes; and 2) understand the relationship between the participation in social tourism activities and elderly customers’ satisfaction. Method: To this end, we used the Volto Já Project as the main source of information since it is a research project that implements a social business model through a network of Social Economy institutions where it promotes a senior exchange programme. Data is collected on the feedback from participants in the Volto Já Project’s social tourism activities. The study follows a qualitative design with data collected in semi-structured interviews. The sample is composed of 23 elderly people (14 females, 9 males, average age of 79). Content analysis procedures were used to examine the interviews. Findings: There is some evidence that participation in social tourism activities increases the users’ satisfaction with the organization as welfare service customers, although this satisfaction depends on corporate image. On the other hand, the satisfaction of participants in the Volta Já project was also influenced by factors other than this experience. Originality/value: This study allowed us to evaluate the experience of the social tourism programme and its effects on customers’ satisfaction with the organisation. The insights provided by this feedback bring novel topics to this evaluation, enriching both the current work and future studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social value creation:The example of the Volto Já project

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to present the formulation process of the business model of the senior social exchange program – the Volto Já project – as a process of enhancing an innovative value proposition for social value creation. The Volto Já project intends to develop a senior social exchange programme for institutionalised seniors in the Alentejo region. Design/methodology/approach: The framework integrates Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas and Kim and Mauborgne’s Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS), using Utility Map and Four Actions Framework tools (Erase-Raise-Reduce-Create). In this process, relevant stakeholders participated in sequential focus group sessions (social economy institutions’ managers, seniors’ assistants, social workers, academics, seniors). The optimization of the model was possible after the very first exchange programs, which allow us to adjust it with practical insights. Findings: Social innovation drivers and their strategic relevance were highlighted. The value proposition, embodied in the Volto Já Business Canvas, reflected two fundamental ideas: mobility and social tourism to seniors. The customization of cultural and touristic activities, considering the senior profile, was identified in two perspectives: i) to value and to foster heritage; ii) to promote active ageing. The key success factor is based on the sharing resources, supported by a network of partners of Social Economy entities, reinforced by an ICT platform. Originality/value: This work contributes to the business model formulation process in social projects by the integration of tools of different frameworks, in a new approach.N/

    A financial theory perspective of the metrics employed to measure value in the “Value in Healthcare” methodologies

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    Background: Value in healthcare is becoming an important paradigm in the drafting of health policies, the management of healthcare institutions, the financing of healthcare provision, and the choice of technologies in healthcare delivery. Several different metrics have been proposed and are currently used by academics and practitioners in this field. Summary: There are many challenges, both ethical and methodological, in the attempt to measure value in healthcare. One arises from the close relationship between health and life. Although it is generally regarded that human life should not be subject to monetary valuation, several human activities, namely work, are currently valued. This allows for the valuation of health as it impacts on these human activities. Other challenges are measuring health benefits and costs. Several metrics have been proposed in the literature and are used in practice. The purpose of this paper is to appraise, from the perspective of modern financial theory, several metrics used for determining value in healthcare. Key Messages: Most metrics used to determine value in healthcare do not reflect the concept of value used in modern financial theory. They rely mostly on accounting concepts such as costs, not in a prospective cash-flow perspective. Some adjustments need to be made to bring them into step with the financial theory of value.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How to measure the impact of participation in the Volto Já project on the seniors’ quality of life?

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    Purpose: One of the aims of the Volto Já project (Oliveira et al., 2019) is to improve the quality of life of elderly people and active ageing (e.g., increasing well-being, life-satisfaction, happiness, between others). This research aims to explore the ways how that quality of life can be measured in the context of the aforementioned project. Design/methodology/approach: For measuring the impact in the quality of life of the seniors’ through the participation in the Volto Já project we used the following measures: (a) quality of life (Power, 2003), (b) satisfaction with life (Diener, 1985), (c) single item of happiness, (d) emotional well-being (European Social Survey, cited by Michaelson et al., 2009). As the control variables used: (a) the Katz index of independence in activities of daily living (Katz, 1963; Katz et al., 1070), and (b) satisfaction with the Volto Já activities. The measures were applied twice to seniors: before and after participating in the Volto Já activities. Findings: The impact of participation in the Volto Já project on the seniors’ quality of life will be measured by comparing the results of the above measures before and after participating in the Volto Já activities. It is aimed to measure the value of participating in such activities, namely assessing if there are benefits for the senior’s life. Originality/value: Measure is fundamental to better understand and manage the impact that the participation of seniors in touristic activities can have in their life and in variables that influence their quality of life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio