124 research outputs found

    On the best constant in {G}affney inequality

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    We discuss the value of the best constant in Gaffney inequality namely \lVert \nabla \omega \rVert_{L^{2}}^{2}\leq C\left( \lVert d\omega\rVert_{L^{2}}^{2}+\lVert \delta\omega\rVert_{L^{2}% }^{2}+\lVert \omega\rVert_{L^{2}}^{2}\right) when either ν∧ω=0\nu\wedge\omega=0 or ν ⌟ ω=0\nu\,\lrcorner\,\omega=0 on $\partial\Omega.

    On convexity properties of homogeneous functions of degree one

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    We provide an explicit example of a function that is homogeneous of degree one, rank-one convex, but not conve

    Existence of solutions for some implicit partial differential equations and applications to variational integrals involving quasi-affine functions

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    We discuss some existence theorems for partial differential inclusions, subject to Dirichlet boundary conditions, of the form where Φ is a quasi-affine function and so, in particular, for Φ(Du) = det Du. We then apply it to minimization problems of the for

    On the equation det ∇u=f{{\rm det}\,\nabla{u}=f} with no sign hypothesis

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    We prove existence of u∈Ck(Ω‾;Rn){u\in C^{k}(\overline{\Omega};\mathbb{R}^{n})} satisfying {det∇u(x)=f(x) x∈Ωu(x)=xx∈∂Ω\left\{\begin{array}{ll} det\nabla u(x) =f(x) \, x\in \Omega\\ u(x) =x \quad\quad\quad\quad x\in\partial\Omega\end{array}\right. where k≥1 is an integer, Ω{\Omega} is a bounded smooth domain and f∈Ck(Ω‾){f\in C^{k}(\overline{\Omega}) } satisfies ∫Ωf(x)dx=measΩ\int\limits_{\Omega}f(x) dx={\rm meas} \Omega with no sign hypothesis on

    On convexity properties of homogeneous functions of degree one

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