247 research outputs found

    Posición del juzgador ante una defectuosa imputación: ¿declarara la nulidad o la absolución?

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    El presente escrito encuentra su justificación en investigar o conocer el desarrollo jurisprudencial frente a este tema, y la posición de la Corte Suprema de Justicia como órgano de cierre de la jurisdicción ordinaria, e identificar los principios aplicables al caso, con el objeto de llegar a una conclusión de aplicabilidad al problema.This paper is justified by research or know the legal development jurisprudential address this issue of Supreme Court closed-body-ordinary jurisdiction, and identify the principles applicable to the case, in order to reach a solution to this problem

    On the discrete-time integral sliding mode control

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    A new discrete-time integral sliding mode control (DISMC) scheme is proposed for sampled-data systems. The new control scheme is characterized by a discrete-time integral switching surface which inherits the desired properties of the continuous-time integral switching surface, such as full order sliding manifold with eigenvalue assignment, and elimination of the reaching phase. In particular, comparing with existing discrete-time sliding mode control, the new scheme is able to achieve more precise tracking performance. It will be shown in this work that, the new control scheme achieves O(T2) steadystate error for state regulation with the widely adopted delaybased disturbance estimation. Another desirable feature is, the proposed DISMC prevents the generation of overlarge control actions, which are usually inevitable due to the deadbeat poles of a reduced order sliding manifold designed for sampled-data systems. Both the theoretical analysis and illustrative example demonstrate the validity of the proposed scheme

    Uso de imágenes de satélite para el análisis y seguimiento de los recursos hídricos disponibles en países en vía de desarrollo. Aplicación al lago Chad-África

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    El principal objetivo del estudio piloto sobre el lago Chad realizado por el JRC-IES era determinar la viabilidad de los datos de observación de la Tierra para la caracterización y seguimiento de superficies acuáticas y vegetación colindante. En este trabajo se plantea el desarrollo de una metodología que permita la validación de los primeros resultados. En el caso analizado se procesó una serie temporal de imágenes (1998-2009) de la que se trataron, para cada año y para cada estación (período húmedo – período seco), dos imágenes NDWI y NDVI del satélite SPOT-VEGETATION. A partir de este antecedente, se pretende profundizar en el análisis multi-temporal y espacial, utilizando la serie temporal completa de la que se dispone, así como otros sensores de baja-media resolución (ENVISATMERIS, ASAR, MSG y MODIS). El objetivo principal será establecer modelos de comportamiento-predicción y desarrollar un trabajo de campo que permita validar los resultados obtenidos. A largo plazo, se pretende la contribución en el desarrollo de una metodología que permita el seguimiento de la evolución espacio-temporal de cuerpos de agua con características similares en otras regiones en desarrollo. La metodología deberá tener en cuenta la limitación de recursos (económicos, humanos y materiales) en estos países, de forma que la transferencia tecnológica pueda realizarse sin dificultades.The main purpose of the JRC-IES pilot study was to assess the viability of Earth observation data for water surfaces and adjoining vegetation characterization and monitoring at Lake Chad. In this paper, we present a methodology aimed to validate their results. In the previous JRC-IES study, a time-series of satellite imagery (1998-2009) was analyzed, of which two SPOTVEGETATION NDWI and NDVI images, corresponding to wet-dry season, were processed by year. It is planned in this paper to go further on the multi-temporal analysis, using the complete available timeseries imagery as well as additional low-medium resolution products (ENVISAT-MERIS, ASAR, MSG and MODIS). The main objective is to develop behaviour-prediction models as well as a fieldwork that make the results validation possible. In the long term, it is expected to contribute to the development of a methodology that enables monitoring spatio-temporal evolution of water surfaces with similar patterns in other developing regions. This methodology would consider the resources limitation (economic, human and material resources) in these countries, so that technology transfer can take place there without any difficulties

    Producción Más Limpia: una revisión de aspectos generales

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    Este artículo presenta una revisión de aspectos básicos de la Producción Más Limpia (PML) como estrategia ambiental preventiva, la cual se integra a los procesos productivos con el fin de hacerlos más eficientes ambientalmente en cuanto a la utilización de recursos y materias primas, entre otros. Se mencionan aspectos generales en cuanto al impacto ambiental en Colombia enfocado en los sistemas productivos, origen y evolución general del concepto, así como definición, aspectos generales, beneficios y dificultades para su implementación. De manera general, se concluye que la PML es una estrategia que puede contribuir en la disminución del impacto ambiental generado por los diferentes sistemas productivos; sin embargo, es necesario realizar actividades que permitan impulsar su difusión y conocimiento por parte de los diferentes actores involucrados, así como resaltar los beneficios sociales, ambientales y económicos que su aplicación podría generar. Palabras clave: impacto ambiental, producción más limpia, sistemas productivos, sistemas de gestión ambiental

    Dificultades de aprendizaje en torno a la periodicidad de los elementos químicos : la visión de profesores e investigadores en educación química

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    En esta comunicación se analizan cuáles son algunas de las dificultades más importantes en el estudio del tema de la clasificación periódica de los elementos por alumnos de Secundaria. Para ello se recogen las opiniones de una muestra de profesores de Química y de Didáctica de las Ciencias. Como técnicas de recogida de información se utilizan cuestionarios escritos y entrevistas individuales semiestructuradas. La información resultante es analizada a partir de un conjunto de dimensiones, que nos permiten sistematizar y visualizar distintas fuentes de dificultad y diferentes razones que pueden obstaculizar el aprendizaje de los alumnos en este ámbito

    Analysis of the Colombian Diaspora in Mexico: History, Statistics and Causalities Review

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    Resumen Este trabajo se enfoca en analizar la naturaleza de la migración colombiana hacia México durante los últimos 30 años. Mediante la exposición de cifras y evoluciones estadísticas se pretende construir un análisis cualitativo y argumentativo de la situación migratoria de los colombianos en México. Metodológicamente, la revisión de líneas de progresión estadísticas en cifras absolutas de población residente, de flujos migratorios de salida, y de otros elementos estadísticos pertinentes como método de identificación de tendencias migratorias, al igual que la revisión de la historia migratoria de México para la identificación del inicio y evolución de la migración colombiana en este país, buscan ser elementos que permitan al lector aproximarse y reflexionar sobre las diversas dimensiones del fenómeno en cuestión.Abstract This paper focuses on analyzing the nature of Colombian migration to Mexico in the last 30 years. In presenting figures and statistical evolutions, we intend to carry out a qualitative and argumentative analysis of the migratory situation of Colombians in Mexico. Methodologically, we reviewed lines of statistical progression in absolute numbers of resident population, migratory outflows and other relevant statistical elements to identify migratory trends and explored the migratory history of Mexico to determine the beginning and evolution of Colombian migration in this country. These elements will allow the reader to approach to and reflect on the various dimensions of the phenomenon concerned

    COMPARACIÓN DE ESTRATEGIAS TERAPÉUTICAS PARA EL CONTROL DE LA TENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y LA ANGINA DE PECHO EN PACIENTES CON HIPERTENSIÓN ARTERIAL Y CARDIOPATÍA ISQUÉMICA CRÓNICA EN LA PROVINCIA DE VILLA CLARA. APÉNDICE DEL ESTUDIO INVEST / Comparison of therapeutic strategies for the control of blood pressure and angina in patients with hypertension and chronic ischemic heart disease in the province of Villa Clara. Appendix of INVEST study

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    Background and Objectives: The treatment of hypertension and its complications are a worldwide problem. In our country nearly 25 % of the population over 15 years old is hypertensive, and this figure nearly doubles in those over 60. This research aims to compare two treatment strategies for controlling hypertension in outpatients with chronic coronary ischemic syndrome. Method: A total of 150 patients was included, 73 were randomized to receive calcium antagonist and non-calcium antagonist respectively, as 4 patients were subsequently excluded. Each was asked to sign consent, underwent clinical examination and a 12-lead, conventional electrocardiogram. Blood pressure and episodes of angina were evaluated at 6 months and one year. All variables were entered into a database and statistical analysis was performed using Student's t and Chi square. Results: The mean age was 61,5 years. Women and white skin color were predominant. At 12 months of treatment, blood pressure normalized in more than 80 % of patients without significant differences between the two treatment strategies. Over 75 % of patients in both groups controlled the angina episodes and more than 85 % said the quality of life was good. Conclusions: Control of blood pressure and angina was achieved and there were no significant differences between the two treatment strategies

    Epigenetic and phenotypic responses to experimental climate change of native and invasive Carpobrotus edulis

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    Despite the recent discoveries on how DNA methylation could help plants to adapt to changing environments, the relationship between epigenetics and climate change or invasion in new areas is still poorly known. Here, we investigated, through a field experiment, how the new expected climate scenarios for Southern Europe, i.e., increased temperature and decreased rainfall, might affect global DNA methylation in relation to phenotypic variation in individuals of clonal plant, Carpobrotus edulis, from its native (Southern African) and invaded (northwestern Iberian Peninsula) area. Our results showed that changes in temperature and rainfall induced phenotypic but not global DNA methylation differences among plants, and the climatic effects were similar for plants coming from the native or invaded areas. The individuals from the Iberian Peninsula showed higher levels of global methylation than their native counterparts from South Africa. We also observed differences between natives and invasive phenotypes in traits related to the pattern of biomass partitioning and to the strategies for water uptake and use and found an epigenetic contribution to phenotypic changes in some leaf traits, especially on the nitrogen isotopic composition. We conclude that the increased temperature and decreased rainfall projected for Southern Europe during the course of the twenty-first century may foster phenotypic changes in C. edulis, possibly endowing this species with a higher ability to successful cope the rapid environmental shifts. The epigenetic and phenotypic divergence that we observed between native and invasive plants suggests an intraspecific functional variation during the process of invasion. This result could indicate that phenotypic plasticity and global DNA methylation are related to the colonization of new habitats. Our findings reinforce the importance of epigenetic plasticity on rapid adaptation of invasive clonal plantsFunding for this study was provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF; grant Ref. CGL2013-48885-C2-2-R and Ref. CGL2017-87294-C3-1P awarded to RR) and by the Autonomous Government of Galicia (grant ref. I2CB awarded to MS)S

    Problema de agencia entre socios y administradores, manejo de los conflictos de interés como parte del deber de lealtad

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    En el presente trabajo se pretende realizar una revisión acerca del problema de agencia más común en el derecho societario colombiano, los conflictos de interés que se suscitan entre socios y administradores. El estudio sobre el tema busca identificar las situaciones que originan el problema, discutir los efectos generados a partir del problema de agencia y adicionalmente establecer un nexo entre el deber de lealtad de los administradores en la actividad societaria, y el manejo de los conflictos de interés que se generan en su desarrollo. Finalmente buscamos exponer la situación, las soluciones, los incentivos y desincentivos que promueven actuar por interés personal versus el interés de las sociedades y sus socios, tema fundamental en el contexto del problema planteado.In the present work we intend to make a review about the most common agency problem in Colombian corporate law, the conflicts of interest that arise between partners and administrators. The study on the subject seeks to identify the situations that give rise to the problem, to discuss the effects generated from the agency problem and also to establish a link between the duty of loyalty of managers in the corporate activity and the management of conflicts of interes. Finally, we seek to expose the situation, solutions, incentives and disincentives that promote acting for personal interest versus the interest of societies and their partners, a fundamental issue in the context of the problem raised.Especialista en Derecho ComercialEspecializació

    The importance of organizational variables in treatment time for patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction improve delays in STEMI

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    Background: The time between arrival at the emergency department (ED) and balloon (D2B) in STEMI is one of the best indicators of the quality of care. Our aim is to describe treatment times and evaluate the causes of delay. Methods: This is an observational retrospective study, including all consecutive STEMI code patients ≥18 years old treated in the ED from 2013 to 2016.All the patients were stratified into two groups: delayed group with D2B > 70 min and non-delayed ≤70. The primary variable was D2B time. Findings: In total 327 patients were included, stratified according to their D2B as follows: 166 (67·48%) in the delayed group and 80 (32·52%) in the non-delayed group. The delayed group was older (p = 0·005), with more females (p = 0·060) and more atypical electrocardiogram (ECG) STEMI signs or symptoms (p = 0·058) (p = 0·087). Predictors of shorter D2B time were: typical STEMI ECG signs and short training sessions for nurses on identifying STEMI patients. Interpretation: There are delays particularly in specific groups with atypical clinical presentations. Short training sessions aimed at emergency nurses correlate with shorter delay. This suggests that continuing training for emergency nurses, along with organizational strategies, can contribute to increasing the quality of care. Clinical trial number: NCT0433338