380 research outputs found

    The Phenomenology of Bodily Perception

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    Since this is a colloquium on phenomenological and experimental approaches to cognition I’d like to set up the problem I want to address in terms of two of the different strands that we find in Merleau-Ponty’s thinking about the phenomenology of the body. One of these strands is profoundly insightful. The other one, however, seems to me to be lacking in plausibility - or rather, to put it less confrontationally and more in keeping with the spirit of the colloquium, the second strand seems to stand in the way of there being a certain type of fruitful interaction between phenomenological and experimental approaches to cognition. As far as I can see (and I’m very much open to correction at this point) Merleau- Ponty was of the opinion that they came as a package. What I would like to do in this short presentation is sketch out a line of thought that prises them apart

    Driven Spin-Boson Luttinger Liquids

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    We introduce a lattice model of interacting spins and bosons that leads to Luttinger-liquid physics, and allows for quantitative tests of the theory of bosonization by means of trapped-ion or superconducting-circuit experiments. By using a variational bosonization ansatz, we calculate the power-law decay of spin and boson correlation functions, and study their dependence on a single tunable parameter, namely a bosonic driving. For small drivings, Matrix-Product-States (MPS) numerical methods are shown to be efficient and validate our ansatz. Conversely, even static MPS become inefficient for large-driving regimes, such that the experiment can potentially outperform classical numerics, achieving one of the goals of quantum simulations

    Self-deception and Selectivity: Reply to Jurjako

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    Marko Jurjako’s article “Self-deception and the selectivity problem” (Jurjako 2013) offers a very interesting discussion of intentionalist approaches to self-deception and in particular the selectivity objection to anti-intentionalism raised in Bermúdez 1997 and 2000. This note responds to Jurjako’s claim that intentionalist models of self-deception face their own version of the selectivity problem, offering an account of how intentions are formed that can explain the selectivity of self-deception, even in the “common or garden” cases that Jurjako emphasizes

    Self-deception and Selectivity: Reply to Jurjako

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    Marko Jurjako’s article “Self-deception and the selectivity problem” (Jurjako 2013) offers a very interesting discussion of intentionalist approaches to self-deception and in particular the selectivity objection to anti-intentionalism raised in Bermúdez 1997 and 2000. This note responds to Jurjako’s claim that intentionalist models of self-deception face their own version of the selectivity problem, offering an account of how intentions are formed that can explain the selectivity of self-deception, even in the “common or garden” cases that Jurjako emphasizes

    A multivariable sampled-data model of an automobile driver

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    In this thesis, a multivariable system model of driver performance in the basic driving tasks is presented. The driver model described acts as a serial-process, priority-accessed, time-sharing computer. This model processes the input or output task which currently possesses the highest priority. Input tasks are represented by continuous signals sampled intermittently according to priority laws. Output tasks are modeled as simple analog processes operating on the last few intermittently generated output controls. An individual priority rule is constructed for each input and output task. The performance of the driver in the lateral control task involves a feedforward pattern which is consequence of the fact the driver looks several feet ahead of the pathway. A laboratory analysis of the feedforward aspects of the driver in the single-input single-output lateral control task is described --Abstract, page ii

    Estrategias de enseñanza y el desarrollo de competencias matemática en ángulos formados por dos rectas paralelas cortadas por una recta transversal en estudiante de séptimos grados, turno vespertino, Colegio Público Rubén Darío, Sébaco, Matagalpa, segundo semestre 2016

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    Este trabajo de investigación: Estrategias de enseñanza y el desarrollo de competencias matemática en ángulos formados por dos rectas paralelas cortadas por una recta transversal en estudiante de séptimos grados, turno vespertino, Colegio Público Rubén Darío, con el deseo de presentar estrategias de enseñanza y contribuir a que superen las dificultades de análisis, deducción y aplicación de determinadas estrategias para encontrarle una solución lógica a dichos ejercicios. El objetivo general es analizar las estrategias de enseñanza y el desarrollo de competencias matemática. Se trabajó con una población de 210 estudiantes en séptimos grado, distribuidos cinco secciones en el turno vespertino, de la cual se seleccionó una muestra de 70 estudiantes, se analizaron los datos obtenidos de guías de observación, encuestas y entrevistas. La información se procesó a través de los programas Excel y SPSS. Se concluyó que durante el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de ángulos formados por dos rectas paralelas cortadas por una recta transversal se utilizan algunas estrategias de enseñanza relacionadas al contenido, éstas en su minoría son adaptadas a la vida cotidiana del estudiante. Entre las estrategias de enseñanza aplicadas por los docentes no se demostró analogías e ilustraciones, estrategias fundamentales dentro del proceso de competencias de los estudiantes. Se recomienda al docente la implementación de estrategias de enseñanza que promuevan el desarrollo de competencias matemática, ya que éstas le ayudaran a perfeccionar habilidades y destrezas al resolver ejercicios y problemas de Geometría, principalmente en el contenido de ángulos formados por dos rectas paralelas cortadas por una recta transversa

    Desarrollo productivo, familiar y comunitario desde la unión de campesinos organizados de la cuenca de san Dionisio (UCOSD) en las comunidades el zapote y el carrizal durante el año 2016

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    La presente investigación tiene como tema Desarrollo a Escala Humana, planificación productiva, familiar, comunitaria y escuelas de campo en las comunidades El Zapote y El Carrizal, asociadas a la Unión de Campesinos Organizados de San Dionisio (UCOSD). A partir de la presente problemática presentada por la misma institución (UCOSD), surge la idea de realizar un análisis acerca del desarrollo a escala humana de estas comunidades. En las matrices de necesidades y satisfactores humanos se logra observar que hay satisfactores positivos, de los cuales resaltan la unidad comunitaria y la adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, pero existen satisfactores negativos que obstruye el desarrollo de los socios, tales como la baja producción, la sequía y la falta de financiamiento. Se logró la realización de una matriz de planificación productiva, familiar y comunitaria que servirá de herramienta para que los socios puedan llevar un control más exacto de sus egresos e ingresos; por último se facilitó la sexta escuela de campo en la finca el Cobano, donde se abordó el tema de adaptación al cambio climático Palabras clave: Desarrollo a escala humana, Planificación productiva, familiar y comunitaria, Escuelas de campo, UCOS

    Thermosensitive poloxamer-based injectables as controlled drug release platforms for veterinary use: development and in-vitro evaluation

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    The aim of this work was to explore the potential of combining two different poloxamers (P407 and P188) with κ-carrageenan and sodium chloride for their utilization in the design of thermosensitive injectable depot systems for drug release. These delivery platforms were designed by combination of two different poloxamers (P407 and P188) with κ-carrageenan and sodium chloride. The addition of 10-15% w/w P188 in the poloxamer solution containing 28% w/w P407 allowed optimal gelation temperatures (24-28 °C) and a quick gelation process (30 s). The addition of 0.1% w/w of κ- carrageenan increased 3-fold the gel strength and did not change gelation temperature, compared with P407/P188 (28/15% w/w) alone. On the other hand, sodium chloride increased the gel strength and decreased the gelation temperature as a function of its concentration. In in-vitro release experiments, κ-carrageenan decreased the release rate of progesterone and reduced significantly the gel erosion in 48 h. This study demonstrates that addition of κ-carrageenan and sodium chloride into poloxamers blends can be considered a useful tool to design thermosensitive platforms, if added in suitable amounts. In conclusion, this system offers a promising alternative to development of injectable depot controlled drug release platforms for veterinary use.Fil: Bermudez, Jose Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Salta. Instituto de Investigación Para la Industria Química (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Salta; ArgentinaFil: Grau, Ricardo Jose Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentin