12 research outputs found
Nonthermal processing of milk
Low frequency ultrasound at different intensities (24 kHz, 400 W, 120 [mu]m) plus heat (63 C) was used to inactivate Listeria innocua in milk; the most intense treatment was useful to pasteurization standards in shorter times. Inactivation kinetics did not follow a first order model; Weibullian and four parameters model better fitted survivor curves. Composition and physicochemical parameters of milk changed after sonication, but are still within reported ranges for processed milk; e.g., protein content remained at 3%. Butter fat content was shown to be an important hurdle in cell inactivation with ultrasound, as lower fat content resulted in faster and higher inactivation. Microscopy studies performed with Transmission (TEM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed that cell inactivation with ultrasound is caused by disruption of the cell membrane, pore formation and break-down of cells. With SEM fat globules showed smaller size (<1[mu]m) after sonication, producing a whiter milk color and a more homogenized and stable product matrix. Yogurt was processed with thermo-sonicated milk, showing more compact structure with minor syneresis problems; microwave energy was successfully used as a catalyst during long-term sample preparation for SEM, reducing the required time. Pulsed electric fields (PEF) was used to inactivate spores of Bacillus cereus in milk; processing conditions ranged from 0 to 240 pulses (2.5 [mu]s), 20 to 40 kV/cm; room temperature to 65 C; recirculation/refrigeration systems and nisin (10 and 50 IU/ml) were used selectively to reduce spore load in whole and skim milk. Spores showed resistance to temperature, PEF and the presence of antimicrobials. After 40 kV/cm, 65 C, 140 pulses (2.5 [mu]s) 3.5 log reduction of spores were achieved. During processing, electrode fouling was observed to generate arcing problems because of the presence of milk deposits and bubble formation; the milk layer in the electrode was composed mainly of protein, significantly reducing this milk component. Studies in strawberry flavored milk and model systems using PEF were conducted to study the stability of coloring agent Allura Red. HPLC showed the behavior of this dye, which has better stability when combined with other additives and it is present in high concentrations in model systems
A case of subretinal tubercular abscess presenting as disc edema
We report a case of ocular tuberculosis (TB) which initially presented with disc edema and was mistaken for optic neuritis. With no definite pathology being identified, the patient was treated on the lines of optic neuritis with intravenous (IV) steroid with beneficial effect. Ocular TB was suspected when he presented later with a subretinal abscess. Based on positive Mantoux, QuantiFERON TB gold results and radiographic findings, a diagnosis of subretinal abscess of presumed tubercular etiology was made. The patient was successfully treated with anti-tubercular therapy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of ocular TB presenting as disc edema followed by subretinal abscess
A first approach to the lichen flora of Guinea-Bissau
Twenty lichen taxa are reported as new from Guinea-Bissau; one is new to continental Africa, seven are reported for the first time from western Africa and one is described here as new to science, namely Pertusaria guineabissauensis, which has eight hyaline, smooth-walled ascospore per ascus and contains stictic acid
New data on Sculptolumina japonica (Physciaceae)
Sculptolumina japonica (Tuck.) Marbach, a species growing on lignum, bark or decaying plants and hitherto known from subtropical and tropical areas and one locality in North America, is now reported from Europe (northern Portugal) and the Canary Islands (La Gomera). This species has been found to possess filiform conidia. As a consequence we propose to amend the genus Sculptolumina to accommodate species that have long filiform conidia in addition to hymenial oil droplets and ascospores with internal wall thickenings. New chemical data are reported for S. japonica, the world distribution of this species is mapped and illustrations of the ascospores and conidia are provided
Tratados de artes figurativas [Recurso electrónico]
PC 486; 8 Mb de memoria RAM, recomendado 16 MB; MS-DOS 6.0 y Microsoft Windows 3.1 o superior; Espacio libre en disco local superior a 10 Mb; Monitor VGA, recomendado SVGA, resolución 800x600, 256 colores; Lector de CD-ROM local o en red.Tít. tomado de la etiquetaArce y Cacho, Celedonio Nicolás De: Conversaciones sobre la escultura: compendio historico, teorico y practico de ella... En Pamplona: Por Joseph Longas, 1786. -- Arfe y Villafañe, Juan: Qvilatador de la plata, oro, y piedras. Impresso en Valladolid: por Alonso y Diego Fernandez de Cordoua, 1572. -- Arfe y Villafañe, Juan: De varia commensvracion para la escvltvra, y Architectura. En Sevilla: En la imprenta de Andrea Pescioni y Iuan de Leon, 1585. -- Arteaga, Esteban De: Investigaciones filosoficas sobre la belleza ideal, considerada como objeto de todas las artes de imitación. En Madrid: Por don Antonio de Sancha, 1789. -- [Butrón, Juan De]: Epístola dirigida al rey solicitando protección para la Academia. [S. l.]: [s. n.], [s. d.]. -- Butrón, Juan De: Discvrsos apologeticos en qve se defiende la ingenvidad del arte de la pintvra... En Madrid: Por Luis Sánchez, 1626. -- Cabrera, Claudio Antonio De: Ivizio de artes y sciencias. En Madrid: por Iulian de Paredes, 1655. -- Carducho, Vincencio: Dialogo de la pintvra sv defensa, origen, essencia, definicion, modos y diferencias. [En Madrid]: Impresso con licencia por Francisco Martínez, 1633. -- Caveda, José: Memorias para la Historia de la Real Academia de San Fernando... [2 vol.]. Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta de Manuel Tello), 1867. -- Ceán Bermúdez, Juan Agustín: Diccionario historico de los mas ilustres profesores de Bellas Artes en España [6 vol.]. Madrid: Real Academia de San Fernando, 1800. -- Ceán Bermúdez, Juan Agustín: Ocios de Don Juan Agustín Cean-Bermudez sobre Bellas Artes: (hasta ahora ineditos). Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta de Berenguillo), 1870. -- Copia de los pareceres, y censvras de los reverendissimos padres maestros... En Madrid: Por la vivda de Alonso Martin, 1632. -- Elogios al Palacio Real del Bven Retiro. En Madrid: En la Imprenta del Reyno, 1635. -- Esquivel, Antonio María: Tratado de anatomía pictórica... Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprentra de Don Francisco Andrés y Compañía), 1848. -- Estatutos de la Real Academia de San Fernando. En Madrid: En Casa de D. Gabriel Ramírez, 1757.
-- Galofre, José: El artista en Italia y demas paises de Europa... Madrid: Monier (Imprenta de L. García), 1851. -- García De La Huerta, Pedro: Comentarios de la pintura encáustica del pincel. En Madrid: En la Imprenta Real, 1795. -- Giner, Hermenegildo: Teoría del arte e historia de las artes bellas en la antigüedad. Baeza: Imp. y lib. de la Comisión general de libros, 1873. -- Giner, Hermenegildo: Filosofía y arte. Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta de M. Minuesa de los Ríos), 1878. -- Guevara, Felipe De: Comentarios de la pintura. Madrid: Por don Gerónimo Ortega, hijos de Ibarra y compañia, 1788. -- Gutiérrez De Los Ríos, Gaspar: Noticia general para la estimación de artes... En Madrid: Por Pedro Madrigal, 1600. -- Haes, Carlos De: De la pintura de paisaje antigua y moderna... [S. l.]: [s. n.], [s. d.]. (**) -- Interian De Ayala, Juan: El pintor christiano, y erudito, ó tratado de los errores... [2 vol.]. Madrid: Por D. Joachín Ibarra, 1782. -- Madrazo, Pedro De: Catálogo de los cuadros del Real Museo de Pintura y Escultura de S.M.Madrid: [s. n.] (Oficina deAguado, Impresor de Cámara), 1843. -- Manjarres y De Bofarull, José De: Teoría é Historia de las Bellas Artes... Barcelona: Librería de Joaquín Verdaguer, 1859. -- Martínez, Francisco: Introduccion al conocimiento de las Bellas Artes o Diccionario manual de Pintura, Escultura, Arquitectura, Grabado, etc. Madrid: Por la Viuda de Escribano, 1788. -- Martínez, Juseppe: Discursos practicables del nobilísimo arte de la pintura... Madrid: Real Academia de San Fernando, 1866. -- Mendoza, Francisco De: Manual del pintor de historia... Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta de T. Fontanet), 1870. -- Mengs, Antonio Rafael: Obras de D. Antonio Rafael Mengs, primer pintor de camara del rey. En Madrid: Por don Joseph Nicolas de Azara, 1780. -- Moreno De Tejada, Juan: Excelencias del pincel y del buril... Madrid: En la Imprenta de Sancha, 1804. -- Pacheco, Francisco: Arte de la pintvra, sv antigvedad y grandezas. En Sevilla: Por Simón Faxardo, impressor de libros, a la Cerrajeria, 1649. -- Palomino De Castro y Velasco, Antonio: El museo pictorico y escala
optica [3 vol.]. EnMadrid: Por LucasAntonio de Bedmar, Impresor del Reyno, 1715. -- Pi y Margall, Francisco: Historia de la Pintura en España... Madrid: [s. n.] (Imprenta à cargo de Manini hermanos), 1851. -- Rejón De Silva, Diego Antonio: La Pintura: Poema didactico en tres cantos. En Segovia: Por Don Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, 1786. -- Tebano, Parraiso: Arcadia pictórica en sueño, alegoría ó poema prosaico sobre la teórica y práctica de la pintura. Madrid: Por Don Antonio de Sancha, 1789