2,763 research outputs found

    Used food oils: physical-chemical indicators of quality degradation

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    Comunicação apresentada em 11th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology “Food science and technology in achanging world” FOODBALT 2017 Conference Proceedings. Jelgava, LLUUsed food oil (UFO), designated as frying oil, is a residue. Degradation by reuse or during storage, may occur by contacting, chemical, enzymatic and microbiological pathways, but oxidation is a major concern of the industry, as it affects sensory and nutritional quality of edible oils, with potentially toxic compounds formation. In Portugal, UFO's main destination still is the sewerage system, an environmental problem and waste of raw material, which can be re-qualified for non-food uses. However, quality control applied to UFO's, often results into expensive analysis inappropriate for small laboratories and catering industry. This project, developed with the Musketeers Group Portugal co-promotion (2012-2016), aimed to identify low-cost physicochemical parameters for further implementation as UFO's Quality Degradation Indicators (QDI) indicating defects quickly and accurately. UFO's analysis was tested on the use, for industrial frying, and by degradation induced in the laboratory (frying and heat stability tests) by applying following parameters: moisture, water activity (a(w)), total acidity, peroxide index, iodine index, colour (CIE, CIE Lab), UV absorbency, total polar compounds and microbiological indicators. Internal procedures (ESAS) were validated, redefining working ranges and test conditions, as standards procedures did not provide reliable results for the entire life cycle of oils, whose profile changes with time and reuse. Results demonstrate significant differences with quick response parameters as Total Acidity, Peroxide Index and CIE Lab colour, outlined as QDI's. Moisture, aw and CIE Lab colour proved to be inadequate for this purpose. Iodine Index and UV Absorbency are more complex and time-consuming and were profiled as reference methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Arisco” un robot social con capacidad de interaccion, motivacion y aprendizaje

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    ResumenEn este artículo se describe la arquitectura del robot social “Arisco” con especial atención a su sistemas de interacción, motivación, planificación y aprendizaje. Arisco es una cabeza mecatrónica con capacidad de interacción y que incluye: gran expresividad mediante gesticulación, reconocimiento y síntesis de voz, seguimiento visual, extracción de información de internet, y sistema de aprendizaje y motivación

    High thermal neutron flux effects on structural and macroscopic properties of alkali-borosilicate glasses used as neutron guide substrate

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    The behaviour of four alkali-borosilicate glasses under homogeneous thermal neutron irradiation has been studied. These materials are used for the manufacturing of neutron guides which are installed in most facilities as devices to transport neutrons from intense sources such as nuclear reactors or spallation sources up to scientific instruments. Several experimental techniques such as Raman, NMR, SANS and STEM have been employed in order to understand the rather different macroscopic behaviour under irradiation of materials that belong to a same glass family. The results have shown that the remarkable glass shrinking observed for neutron doses below 0.5 · 10 18 n/cm 2 critically depends upon the presence of domains where silicate and borate network do not mix

    Estructura poblacional del Podenco Andaluz

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    En nuestro país los libros genealógicos caninos están gestionados por la Real Sociedad de Razas Caninas en España, quien delega su mantenimiento y control en las distintas asociaciones de criadores afiliadas. En el caso de la raza Podenco Andaluz, la gestión del libro genealógico es especialmente compleja debido al aislamiento reproductivo entre las distintas variedades existentes que obliga el actual patrón racial. En el presente estudio analizamos la estructura genética de la población del Podenco Andaluz basándonos en los registros genealógicos de los cinco últimos años donde indagamos en los ratios por sexo, ratios por tallas, ratios por edades dentro de talla; su evolución durante este tiempo y su proyección el futuro. Asimismo, profundizamos en una análisis de los niveles de consanguinidad individuales de los ejemplares inscritos, así como del nivel de endogamia media de la población

    Single-molecule kinetic energy of condensed normal deuterium

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    8 págs.; 9 figs.; 1 tab.Inelastic scattering of 300-meV neutrons allows the study of the liquid (T=20 and 30 K, saturated vapor pressure) and solid (T=4.2 K, saturated vapor pressure) phases of the normal deuterium mixture (2/3 o-D2+1/3 p -D2) in the region of momentum transfer where a single-molecule response is expected. The spectra are analyzed within the impulse approximation and assuming Gaussian momentum distributions for the translation of the molecules. For the solid, the estimated value of the single-molecule average kinetic energy does not compare unfavorably with those obtained scaling experimental results in parahydrogen solids. In the liquid state, substantial departures seem to exist from the classical liquid behavior, even if up to second-order quantum corrections are taken into account. ©1996 American Physical SocietyThis research has been made possible in part by the Spanish DGICYT through Grant No. PB92-0015.Peer Reviewe

    Physic-chemical study of the marismeña cattle breed meat in different fattening systems

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    Marismeña cattle breed is a feral population included in a pre-zootechnic agro-ecosystem, the Doñana protected area. In spite of these characteristics so exclusives, the absence of characterization of their products difficults the finding of a way of commercialization differentiated of the typical commerce, adding value to product by way of a differentiated quality. The preliminary results of a meat physic-chemical study are presented. Seventeen animals of the breed have been studied reared in two different systems of fattening: its natural context and a commercial fattening station. Meat shown significant differences between the management systems for the results of the chemical analysis and colour at 24 hours posmortem. Animals belonging to the extensive system shown meat low in fat, with a high percentage of humidity, and colour with lower tone of red (p<0.01) and yellow (p<0.001), when compared with intensive animals. Results demonstrated a differentiation between both systems, together with some arguments to differentiate the products of this breed in the market.El bovino Marismeño es una entidad racial asilvestrada incluida en un sistema agroecológico prezootécnico, el Espacio Natural de Doñana que no encuentra una vía de comercialización adecuada que la diferencie de lo típicamente comercial, y, por tanto, agregue valor para competir mediante una calidad diferenciada. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados preliminares del estudio físico-químico de la carne. Se han estudiado 17 animales de la raza en dos sistemas de terminación diferentes, su entorno natural (extensivo) y un cebadero comercial (intensivo). La carne mostró diferencias significativas entre los sistemas de producción para los resultados de los análisis químicos y el color a las 24 horas postmortem. Los animales del sistema extensivo mostraron carnes magras, con un alto porcentaje de humedad, y una coloración con menores intensidades de rojo (p<0,01) y amarillo (p<0,001), comparada con los animales del intensivo. Los resultados demuestran una diferenciación entre ambos sistemas, a la vez que se hallan algunas características que conducen a la diferenciación del producto de esta raza bovina en el mercado

    Caracterización mecánica de pistas deportivas fabricadas con materiales procedentes de neumáticos fuera de uso (NFU)

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.The European Framework Directive 2008/98/EC on waste established as priority reuse and recycling before other recovery alternatives. In this normative reference, one the main waste flows identified are the end-of-life tyres, as a material whose mechanical properties could provide advantage in the construction of new structures. This paper presents the mechanical characterization of a layer made with shredded tires out of use, inside a section of a sportive track which included a sand layer. The use of the shredded tires out of use provides special features related with elasticity and damping to the sportive surface. In order to do that, a new test based on UNE-14809 was designed. A number of tests were performed using different configuration of sand and shredded tires. From the results obtained, a numerical model was implemented in FEA software

    First results in the study of the morphology present status of the andalusian black cattle breed

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    Andalusian Black cattle breed is in danger of extinction alter to go out of the border of the disappearance. Moreover, the present situation of the Spanish farming, its belonging to the Iberian Black branch, producing a high pressure from other related breeds with a better productive potentiality. Studies for the breed conservation have begun, among them, the morphological study. By the moment 3 different farms without known influences from other breeds and 24 adult females have been recorded for 14 quantitative morphological traits, and some qualitative such as front profile and coat colour. Studied individuals presented few morphological variation and it put the breed near of the breed morphological pattern updating.La raza Negra Andaluza se encuentra en peligro de extinción tras haber estado al borde de la desaparición. Además de la actual situación de la ganadería española, a lo anterior ha contribuido su pertenencia al tronco Negro Ibérico, y la gran presión que razas con un potencial más desarrollado han ejercido sobre ésta. Se han comenzado los estudios necesarios para la conservación de este recurso genético, entre ellos, el estudio morfológico. Hasta el momento se han estudiado 3 ganaderías diferentes sin influencia genética de otras razas y un total de 24 hembras adultas en las que se han tomado 14 medidas morfológicas. Además se han observado variables cualitativas, como el perfil y la capa. Los individuos estudiados presentan poca variación morfológica entre ellos y, por tanto, acercan a la actualización del patrón morfológico de la raza

    Inteligência artificial em sistemas de justiça: uma percepção baseada no Brasil

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    O Dr. Paulo Henrique de Souza. Bermejo responde questões sobre inteligência artificial em sistemas de justiça a partir de uma perspectiva brasileira.

    Characterisation of Palmera sheep breed

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    The Palmera sheep breed is officially registered in the Spanish Breeds Catalogue in 1997, as autoctonus breed with a special protection. The census in 1996 was not above 150 animals (82 females, 6 males and 60 animals under 12 months). In order to the census we can affirm the critical situation of the breed in serious extinction danger. In this study we try to define its racial patron serving as a base for its recuperation and conservation. A sample of 64 adult animals (60 females and 4 males) was studied, describing its morphology and faneroptic characters an studying its zoometric parameters.La raza Palmera queda recogida oficialmente en el Catálogo de Razas Españolas en el año 1997, como raza autóctona de protección especial. El censo no superaba en 1996 los 150 ejemplares (82 hembras reproductoras, 6 machos y 60 animales menores de 12 meses). Atendiendo al censo podemos afirmar que la raza atraviesa por una situación crítica, estando en grave peligro de extinción. Con este trabajo se pretende definir el patrón racial, que sirva de base para la recuperación y conservación de esta raza ovina. Fueron analizados 64 animales adultos, 60 hembras y 4 machos, describiendo su morfología y faneróptica y estudiando su características zoométricas