654 research outputs found

    Ethical Leadership: Descriptive Literature Review of the Diverse Influence and Development of Ethics upon Public Sector and Military Leaders, Followers, and Organizations

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    Literature reviews are a significant tool for examining the breadth and depth of a selected body of literature. Although there are many types of literature reviews, ranging from narrative to meta-analysis, this article uses a descriptive review. Descriptive reviews are extremely useful for examining a body of literature, highlighting key areas of interest, particularly as it addresses a specific research question, or is directed toward a particular purpose. This article utilizes a descriptive review of ethical public leadership, both in civilian and military organizations, particularly focusing on two critical areas of interest: theme identification and issue development. Four key themes were identified: leadership trust, organizational environment, relationship between employee and workplace attitudes, and ethical competence. Our review elicited several key issues reflected in the ethical public leadership literature: leader behavior relationship, employee or follower behavior, education, development, and training, and organizational awareness. In addition, four corollary issues emerged: influence of military leadership behavior, geographic distribution of study populations, distinct array of leadership positions, and methodological diversity. Our primary conclusion is that ethical public leadership research, particularly focusing on our four key issue areas, is present in all public organizations, civilian or military, crosses organizational, cultural, and geographic boundaries, and utilizes multiple types of methodologies. In summary, while we recognize limitations to our review, and point out key areas for future research, we contend public leadership is and should continue to be a fertile and significant area for ethics research and development

    Deeds and Consequences: Ethical Issues in a Welfare-to-Work Program

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    This paper explores the impact of a lack of sensitivity to the ethical issues that surfaced in a specific welfare-to-work program on participants’ perceptions, self-esteem, and motivation. Ethical issues in three areas were identified and discussed: (a) professionalism and accountability, (b) participant and provider relationships, and (c) shared responsibilities

    The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Whistle-Blowing: The Moderating Effects of Job Security and Affective Commitment

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    The present study examines the positive impact of ethical leadership on whistleblowing. The study further investigates the role of job security and affective commitment as moderators on the relationship between ethical leadership and whistleblowing. This study examined the fundamental moderating mechanism, which is unique because no such mechanism has been investigated in previous research. A cross-sectional representative sample of 285 Federal Government employees from various Ministries/Divisions and the Benazir Income Support Programme, a corporate body and a renowned social safety net under the Federal Government of Pakistan, was collected. Of the 285 questionnaires, only 241 were deemed useable and were analyzed. A statistical analysis was carried out through correlation, descriptive, and moderated regression analysis. The results supported the first three hypotheses that ethical leadership and whistleblowing had a positive relationship. Furthermore, job security moderated the positive relationship between ethical leadership and whistleblowing, such that the relationship is stronger for employees with high job security and weaker for employees with low job security. Affective commitment also moderated the relationship directly meaning that the relationship is stronger when the affective commitment is strong and weaker when it is weak. Discussion, implications, limitations, and future directions have been suggested in accordance with the results of the study

    Public research and industrial innovations in Germany

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    This paper deals with the effects of publicly funded research at universities, polytechnics and federal research labs on industrial innovations in Germany. We discuss the characteristics of companies that benefit from the findings of public research institutions. In questioning 2,300 companies we found that less than one tenth of product or process innovating firms introduced innovations between 1993 and 1995 that would not have been developed without public research. These new products amount to approximately 5 percent of all new product sales. Regressions show that firms? own R&D support the ability to absorb the findings of public research and turn them into innovations. Contrary to the widely held opinion that proximity to public research institutions does promote collaboration between firms and public research and increase the amount of received knowledge spillovers, we found no higher probability of publicly supported innovations for firms in Germany that are located near universities or polytechnics. -- Wie viele industrielle Innovationen bringt die öffentliche Forschung hervor? Die vorliegende Untersuchung versucht, diese Frage zu beantworten und damit die wirtschaftliche Rechtfertigung für Finanzierung und Durchführung von natur- und ingenieurwissenschaftlicher Forschung in öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen empirisch zu überprüfen. Hierfür wurden rund 2.300 Unternehmen in der vierten Innovationserhebung von ZEW und infas im Jahr 1996 gefragt, ob sich unter ihren zwischen 1993 und 1995 eingeführten Innovationen neue Produkte und Prozesse befanden, die ohne die neueren Forschungsergebnisse von Hochschulen und anderen öffentlichen finanzierten Forschungseinrichtungen nicht oder nur mit zeitlicher Verzögerung von mehr als einem Jahr aufgenommen worden wären. Knapp 9 % der Unternehmen mit Innovationen in dem betrachteten Zeitraum bejahten diese Frage. Mit den Produkten, die nur mit Hilfe der öffentlichen Forschung zustande kamen, wurden 1995 allerdings weniger als 5 % des gesamten Umsatzes mit neuen Produkten gemacht. Der Technologietransfer von den öffentlichen Forschungseinrichtungen wird dabei entscheidend von den eigenen FuE-Aktivitäten der Unternehmen begünstigt. Sie sind nötig um die wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse im Unternehmen in marktgerechte Innovationen umzusetzen. Dagegen wirkt sich die räumliche Nähe zu Forschungseinrichtungen, die unter dem Stichwort regionale High-Tech-Agglomerationen diskutiert wird, nicht auf den Technologietransfer aus.technology transfer,industrial innovation,knowledge spillovers


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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C12H6N2O3S, the central heterocyclic ring is oriented at dihedral angles of 3.25 (6) and 2.28 (7)° with respect to the benzene and pyridine rings, respectively. The dihedral angle between the benzene and pyridine rings is 5.53 (7)°. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into chains

    Performance Management and its Impact on Public Sectors’ Effectiveness (a Study in Afghanistan)

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    The main purpose of this study is to clarify the impact of performance management in the public sector. Public sectors are the core entities in a country that play vital roles in order to provide services to the public and bring comfort to them. Therefore, it is important to understand whether public sectors can be effective for the general public or not. In order for the public sector to be effective performance management must be put in place. As Afghanistan is a country with high bureaucracy in its public sectors, therefore, there was a need for research to be conducted in the field of Performance management to find out the factors which lead to weak performance in the public sectors. The result of the study shows that some factors like favoritism, conflict of interest, and appointing inexperienced employees with irrelevant educational backgrounds to operational and managerial positions can lead to weak performance in public sectors

    Synthesis and Characterization of New Thioxanthone Derivatives

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    This work comprises the synthesis of new thioxanthone derivatives containing C-substituted thioxanthone. To obtain these derivatives, the o-mercapto benzoic acid was chosen as the starting material, which was reacted with dry benzene in sulfuric acid (98 %) to produce the thioxanthone (1). The 2,7-(disulfonyl phosphine imine) thioxanthone (4-8) were prepared from reaction of compound (1) with chlorosulfonic acid gave 2,7-(disulfonyl chloride) thioxanthone (2). Treatment of (2) with sodium azide to produce 2,7-(disulfonyl azide) thioxanthone (3). Condensation of (3) with phosphorus compounds afforded compounds (4-8). The 2,7-(disulfonamide) thioxanthone (9-21) was obtained when compound (2) condensed with different aromatic amines, it gave the expected amides (9-21)

    Psychological contract breaches and organizational cynicism at hotels

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    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the impacts of psychological contract breaches experienced at hotels on the formation of organizational cynicism. Within this framework, the study is towards employees working at different departments and levels. 222 employees have participated in the research, and the data are analyzed with a MannWhitney U Test, Kruskal Wallis Test and Spearman correlations test. In the study, employees have a perception of psychological contract breach and have developed some cynical attitudes towards the hotel. Also it is found that the cognitive dimension of cynicism has an almost strong relationship with the perception of a psychological contract breach. It was determined that the affective dimension of cynicism had a weak relationship with the behavioral dimension and again an almost strong relationship with the perception of a psychological contract breach. Finally, a weak relationship is seen between the behavioral dimension of cynicism and the perception of a psychological contract breach. The present study states the relationship between the former concepts at hotels and provides a starting point for further research in organizational behavior not only at hotels but also at other service sectors. An important point emphasizing the need for the study is that the study is the first study to put forward the relationship between the concepts of psychological contract breach and cynicism within the national scope

    Incorporación de la gestión del riesgo de desastres a la educación gerencial: el caso de Mona School of Business & Management

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a background to and guide for mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management (DRM) into higher education and training institutions in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), with the aim of increasing awareness and understanding of the complexity of DRM issues in business and management, based on their general and specific vulnerabilities. SIDS are considered a special category within the discussion on DRM, given a number of vulnerabilities generally and specifically. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the business impact of disasters in such settings. It is proposed that one major route to improving this situation is through the educational and training institutions, which play a major role in shaping thinking and practices in such settings.El propósito de este artículo es proveer un contexto y guiar en la incorporación de la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres (GRD) en las instituciones de educación superior y de formación en los Pequeños Estados Insulares en Desarrollo (PEID) con el propósito de aumentar el nivel de consciencia y comprensión sobre la complejidad de los asuntos relacionados con GRD en los negocios y la administración, teniendo como base vulnerabilidades generales y específicas. LOS PEID son considerados una categoría especial dentro de la discusión sobre GRD debido a la cantidad de vulnerabilidades generales y específicas con las que cuentan. Se propone que una de las principales rutas para mejorar esta situación es a través de las instituciones educativas y de formación, quienes desempeñan un papel importante en la conformación del pensamiento y las prácticas de aquellos entornos