360 research outputs found

    Estilo de vida y control metabólico en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Validación por constructo del IMEVID

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    ObjetivoEvaluar la validez de constructo de un instrumento para medir el estilo de vida en los pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (cuestionario IMEVID)DiseñoEstudio observacional transversal comparativoEmplazamientoSeis unidades de medicina familiar (atención primaria)ParticipantesUn total de 412 adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2Mediciones principalesSe aplicó el IMEVID por autoadministración y se midió el índice de masa corporal (IMC), índice cintura/cadera (ICC), hemoglobina glucosilada (HbA1C), colesterol total (CT), triglicéridos (TG), presión arterial (PA) y glucemia en ayunas (GA). El constructo hipotético de prueba fue que las mayores calificaciones totales en el IMEVID (mejor estilo de vida) estarían asociadas a valores menores de estas variables clínicas. Se dividió a los sujetos en tres grupos según su calificación total: grupo uno (< cuartil 25), grupo dos (cuartil 25-75), grupo tres (> cuartil 75) y se buscaron diferencias intergrupo en los valores de los parámetros medidosResultadosCompletaron el estudio 389 sujetos, y un 69,2% eran mujeres. Siete dimensiones del IMEVID tuvieron correlaciones débiles al menos con dos de los ocho parámetros (r, –0,22 a 0,16; p≤0,05). La calificación total se correlacionó con seis de ocho parámetros (r, –0,18 a 0,10; p≤0,05). Los sujetos del grupo tres tuvieron valores menores de IMC, ICC, HbA1C, GA, CT y TGL que los del grupo 1 (p<0,05)ConclusionesEl IMEVID tiene validez de constructo para medir el estilo de vida en los sujetos con diabetes tipo 2. Su calificación total discrimina las características clínicamente relevantesObjectiveTo evaluate construct validity of an instrument to measure lifestyle in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (IMEVID questionnaire)DesignComparative cross-sectional studySettingSix family medicine units (primary care)Patients412 adults with type 2 diabetesMeasurementsThe IMEVID was applied by self-administration and the following metabolic control parameters values were measured: body mass index (BMI), waist/hip index (WHI), hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and the average of fasting plasma glucose in the last three months (FG). The test hypothetic construct was that higher total scores in the IMEVID (better lifestyle) would be associated with lower values in the metabolic control parameters. Three groups of subjects were formed based on the total score: group one (<cuartil 25), group two (among cuartil 25 and 75) and group three (>cuartil 75). Differences on these parameters between groups were researchedResults389 subjects completed the study, 69,2% were women. Seven IMEVID domains had weak correlations at least with two of eight parameters (r between –0.22 and 0.16; P≤.05). The total score had correlation with six of eight parameter (r between –0.18 and 0.10; P≤.05). The group three subjects had lower levels of BMI,WHI, HbA1C, FG,TC and TGL than group one subjects (P≤.05)ConclusionsIMEVID has construct validity to measure the lifestyle in subjects with DM2. Its total score discriminates outstanding clinical characteristics in these patient

    Aceite de oliva y cáncer

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    In the last years, numerous studies have examined the association of dietary fat and cancer. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from n-6 family display a strong promoting effect, this may be partially due to the especially prone to lipid peroxidation of PUFA that leads to formation of aldehydes, which react with DNA bases, forming genotoxic exocyclic etheno(epsilon)-adducts. On the contrary, there are growing evidences that monounsaturated oils, like olive oil, may be associated with a decreased risk of some cancers. However, the epidemiological data do not fully agree with the experimental ones previously published. Minor compounds from (extra virgin) olive oil, mainly phenolics like hydroxytyrosol and tocopherol, are antioxidants and radical scavenging. They can minimize the amount of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by fatty acid peroxidation and in the case of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) the DNA damage can be reduced by a lower lipid peroxidation.Numerosos estudios en los últimos años han determinado la existencia de una asociación entre las grasas procedentes de la dieta y el cáncer. Los ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) de la familia n -6 pueden tener efectos proliferativos y angiogénicos, lo cual se debe en parte a que son especialmente sensibles a la peroxidación lipídica, formándose aldehídos que reaccionan con las bases del ADN y por lo tanto aductos exocíclicos con propiedades genotóxicas. Por el contrario, el consumo de dietas ricas en ácidos grasos monoinsaturados (MUFA) está relacionado con un menor riesgo de distintos tipos de cáncer. Si bien, los datos epidemiológicos no siempre concuerdan con los datos experimentales. Los componentes menores del aceite de oliva (extra virgen), fundamentalmente el hidroxitirosol y tocoferol, son antioxidantes y secuestradores de radicales libres. Pueden minimizar la cantidad de especies reactivas de oxígeno que se generan por la peroxidación lipídica y además los MUFA son menos sensibles a la oxidación, por lo que se reduce el daño del ADN.The authors would like to acknowledge to the Ministry of Education and Science (ECI) of the Spanish Government for supporting this manuscript (grant AGL2001-0584). Beatriz Bermúdez and Sergio López are supported by I3P and FPU fellowships, whereas Yolanda M. Pacheco has an I3P Post-Doctoral contract from ECI.Peer reviewe

    Elaboración de modelos de la distribución de la tórtola europea (Streptopelia turtur L. 1758) en el sureste de la península ibérica

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    The European turtle dove population and breeding range has declined sharply in Spain. This study reanalyses data from the Atlas of Breeding Birds in Alicante (SE Spain), aiming to identify the main variables related to its occurrence and abundance. We used hierarchical partitioning analysis to identify important environmental variables associated with natural vegetation, farming, hydrological web, anthropic presence, climate, and topography. Analysis combining the most explicative variables of each group identified the mixture of pines and scrubland in the semiarid areas and the length of unpaved roads as the most important variables with a positive effect on occurrence, while herbaceous crops and scrublands in dry ombrotype climate areas had the most important negative effect. Abundance was related only to the availability of water points. We discuss the implications of these findings for habitat management in conservation of this species.La población y el área de reproducción de la tórtola europea han disminuido considerablemente en España. En el presente estudio realizamos un nuevo análisis de los datos obtenidos para la elaboración del Atlas de Aves Reproductoras de Alicante (SE de España) con el objetivo de identificar las principales variables relacionadas con la presencia y la abundancia de esta especie. Utilizamos el análisis de partición jerárquica para identificar estas variables ambientales (vegetación natural, agricultura, red hidrológica, presencia antrópica, clima y topografía). El análisis que combinó las variables más explicativas de cada grupo permitió determinar que la mezcla de pinos y matorrales en zonas semiáridas y a lo largo de las carreteras sin asfaltar es la variable que tuvo el mayor efecto positivo en la presencia de la tórtola, mientras que la mezcla de cultivos herbáceos y matorrales en el ombrotipo seco es la que tuvo el mayor efecto negativo. La abundancia solo se relacionó con la disponibilidad de puntos de agua. Se discuten las implicaciones de estos resultados con respecto a la gestión del hábitat para la conservación de esta especie

    Selección del paisaje urbano de la tórtola turca (Streptopelia decaocto) en el este de España

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    The Eurasian collared dove (Streptopelia decaocto) is an invasive species, and its distribution is continuously on the increase. Today its expansion has spread to the American continent. In this study we describe the effects of the urban environment on the Eurasian collared dove in eastern Spain. The abundance and presence of this dove were analyzed in 46 localities using counting points. Overall, 220-point counts were surveyed between autumn 2015 and late-winter 2016. A hierarchical partitioning analysis was used to identify explanatory variables of different types such as resources, climate and urban structure, and human presence, which may influence the presence and abundance of this species. In the case of presence, the number of town inhabitants, parks, mean minimum temperature, exotic vegetation and schools had a positive association, while pedestrian number and restaurants had a negative association. Abundance was positively related to native vegetation, exotic vegetation, and water, while urban area was negatively associated with it. Exotic vegetation was the only variable that has a positive relation to presence and abundance. These results can help to predict the use of urban habitats in potential localities for its invasion.La tórtola turca (Streptopelia decaocto) es una especie invasora y su ámbito de distribución aumenta continuamente. Hoy en día, su expansión incluye el continente americano. En este estudio se describen los efectos que el ambiente urbano tiene sobre la tórtola turca en el este de España. Se muestrearon 46 localidades mediante puntos de conteo. La abundancia de la tórtola turca fue evaluada en 220 puntos de conteo entre otoño de 2015 y finales de invierno 2016. Se utilizó el análisis de partición jerárquica para identificar variables explicativas como recursos, clima y estructura urbana, y presencia humana, que pueden influir en su presencia y abundancia. En el caso de la presencia de la especie, el número de habitantes de la ciudad, parques, temperatura media, vegetación exótica y colegios tuvieron una asociación positiva, mientras que el número de peatones y los restaurantes estuvieron negativamente asociados. La abundancia estuvo positivamente relacionada con la vegetación nativa, vegetación exótica y el agua, mientras que la zona urbana estuvo negativamente asociada. Estos resultados pueden predecir el uso de hábitats urbanos en localidades potenciales para su invasión.This research was partially supported by a PhD grant of the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (E. B-P., grant number ACIF/2018/015)

    Caracterización Mineralógica de Cálculos Salivales y Nasales

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    Dos rinolitos y dos cálculos salivales se han estudiado por diversas técnicas. El análisis por fluorescencia de Rayos-X revela la presencia de Calcio y Fósforo como elementos mayoritarios e impurezas de varios elementos (Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu y Zn). La difracción de rayos-X indica que las especies mineralógicas más frecuentes en los cálculos son fosfato tricálcico y apatitos. Un estudio paralelo por espectroscopia infrarroja entre los cálculos y sus productos calcinados también se ha llevado a cabo.Two rhinoliths and two salivary calculi were studied. X-ray fluorescence analysis reveals the presence of Ca and P as majority elements and several impurities in the specimens (Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, CI, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu & Zn). The X-ray powder patterns of the samples, show mainly tric\acium phosphate hydrate and apatites as mineralogical species. A comparative infrared study between the unheated and calcinated samples is shown

    Caracterización Mineralógica de Cálculos Salivales y Nasales

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    Two rhinoliths and two salivary calculi were studied. X-ray fluorescence analysis reveals the presence of Ca and P as majority elements and several impurities in the specimens (Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, CI, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu and Zn). The X-ray powder patterns of the samples, show mainly tricalcium phosphate hydrate and apatites as mineralogical species. A comparative infrared study between the unheated and calcinated samples is shown.Dos rinolitos y dos cálculos salivales se han estudiado por diversas técnicas. El análisis por fluorescencia de Rayos-X revela la presencia de Calcio y Fósforo como elementos mayoritarios e impurezas de varios elementos (Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu y Zn). La difracción de rayos-X indica que las especies mineralógicas más frecuentes en los cálculos son fosfato tricálcico y apatitos. Un estudio paralelo por espectroscopia infrarroja entre los cálculos y sus productos calcinados también se ha llevado a cabo

    Effect of Oral Nutritional Supplements with Sucromalt and Isomaltulose versus Standard Formula on Glycaemic Index, Entero-Insular Axis Peptides and Subjective Appetite in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Cross-Over Study

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    Oral diabetes-specific nutritional supplements (ONS-D) induce favourable postprandial responses in subjects with type 2 diabetes (DM2), but they have not been correlated yet with incretin release and subjective appetite (SA). This randomised, double-blind, cross-over study compared postprandial e ects of ONS-D with isomaltulose and sucromalt versus standard formula (ET) on glycaemic index (GI), insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and SA in 16 individuals with DM2. After overnight fasting, subjects consumed a portion of supplements containing 25 g of carbohydrates or reference food. Blood samples were collected at baseline and at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min; and SA sensations were assessed by a visual analogue scale on separate days. Glycaemic index values were low for ONS-D and intermediate for ET (p < 0.001). The insulin area under the curve (AUC0–180 min) (p < 0.02) and GIP AUC (p < 0.02) were lower after ONS-D and higher GLP-1 AUC when compared with ET (p < 0.05). Subjective appetite AUC was greater after ET than ONS-D (p < 0.05). Interactions between hormones, hunger, fullness and GI were found, but not within the ratings of SA; isomaltulose and sucromalt may have influenced these factor

    Laboratory Characterization and Astrophysical Detection of Vibrationally Excited States of Vinyl Cyanide in Orion-KL

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    New laboratory data of CH2_2CHCN (vinyl cyanide) in its ground and vibrationally excited states at the microwave to THz domain allow searching for these excited state transitions in the Orion-KL line survey. Frequency-modulated spectrometers combined into a single broadband 50-1900 GHz spectrum provided measurements of CH2_2CHCN covering a spectral range of 18-1893 GHz, whose assignments was confirmed by Stark modulation spectra in the 18-40 GHz region and by ab-initio anharmonic force field calculations. For analyzing the emission lines of CH2_2CHCN species detected in Orion-KL we used the excitation and radiative transfer code (MADEX) at LTE conditions. The rotational transitions of the ground state of this molecule emerge from four cloud components of hot core nature which trace the physical and chemical conditions of high mass star forming regions in the Orion-KL Nebula. The total column density of CH2_2CHCN in the ground state is (3.0±\pm0.9)x1015^{15} cm2^{-2}. We report on the first interstellar detection of transitions in the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad in space, and in the v11=2 and v11=3 states in Orion-KL. The lowest energy vibrationally excited states of vinyl cyanide such as v11=1 (at 328.5 K), v15=1 (at 478.6 K), v11=2 (at 657.8 K), the v10=1/(v11=1,v15=1) dyad (at 806.4/809.9 K), and v11=3 (at 987.9 K) are populated under warm and dense conditions, so they probe the hottest parts of the Orion-KL source. Column density and rotational and vibrational temperatures for CH2_2CHCN in their ground and excited states, as well as for the isotopologues, have been constrained by means of a sample of more than 1000 lines in this survey. Moreover, we present the detection of methyl isocyanide (CH3_3NC) for the first time in Orion-KL and a tentative detection of vinyl isocyanide (CH2_2CHNC) and give column density ratios between the cyanide and isocyanide isomers.Comment: 46 pages, 22 figures, 14 tables, 9 online table