538 research outputs found

    Berkeley Women Economists, Public Policy, and Civic Sensibility

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    Book chapter Berkeley Women Economists, Public Policy, and Civic Sensibility, from Civic and Moral Learning in America, edited by Donald Warren and John Patrick, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. From its formative years to the present, advocates of various persuasions have written and spoken about the country\u27s need for moral and civic education. Responding in part to challenges posed by B. Edward McClellan, this book offers research findings on the ideas, people, and contexts that have influenced the acquisition of moral and civic learning in the America

    Semantic Variation in Online Communities of Practice

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    We introduce a framework for quantifying semantic variation of common words in Communities of Practice and in sets of topic-related communities. We show that while some meaning shifts are shared across related communities, others are community-specific, and therefore independent from the discussed topic. We propose such findings as evidence in favour of sociolinguistic theories of socially-driven semantic variation. Results are evaluated using an independent language modelling task. Furthermore, we investigate extralinguistic features and show that factors such as prominence and dissemination of words are related to semantic variation.Comment: 13 pages, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2017

    The interaction of class and gender in illness narratives

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2008 BSA Publications Ltd.Perspectives on gender and identity that emphasize variability of performance, local context and individual agency have displaced earlier paradigms.These are now perceived to have supported gender stereotypes and language ideologies by emphasizing gender difference and homogeneity within genders. In a secondary analysis of health and illness narratives we explore the interaction of class and gender in individuals' constructions of gendered identity. High social class men perform gender in particularly varied ways and we speculate that this variable repertoire, including the use of what was once termed `women's language', is linked to a capacity to maintain social distinction and authority. Men's performance of conventional masculinity is often threatened by both the experience of illness and being interviewed about personal experience. Lower social class women in particular demonstrate an intensification of a pre-existing informal family and support group culture, marking successful members by awarding them the accolade of being `lovely'.ESR

    Dialect contact and past BE in the English Fens

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    Phoenix from the ashes?: The death, contact and birth of dialects in England

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    Can a teaching university be an entrepreneurial university? Civic entrepreneurship and the formation of a cultural cluster in Ashland, Oregon

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    There has been debate over whether a teaching university can be an entrepreneurial university (Clark, 1998). In a traditional conception of academic entrepreneurship focused on achieving commercial profit, a research base may be a pre-requisite to creating spin-offs. However, if we expand entrepreneurship into a broader conception to map its different forms such as commercial, social, cultural and civic entrepreneurship, it is clear that the answer is positive. In this study, we focus on the Oregon Shakespeare Festival (OSF), which has transformed a small town based on resource extraction, a market center and a rail-hub into a theatre arts and cultural cluster. The convergence of entrepreneurship, triple helix model, cluster and regional innovation theories, exemplified by the Ashland case, has provided a model as instructive as Silicon Valley, to seekers of a general theory and practice of regional innovation and entrepreneurship. The role of Southern Oregon University (SOU) in the inception of a cultural cluster gives rise to a model for education-focused universities to play a significant role in local economic development through civic entrepreneurship

    Gender differences in language acquisition and learning

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    W rozdziale zaprezentowano przegląd badań z zakresu różnic w przyswajaniu języka drugiego i obcego przez kobiety i mężczyzn. Wyniki pierwszych badań w tej dziedzinie wskazywały na przewagę kobiet, uzasadniając ją różnicami biologicznymi oraz poznawczymi między przedstawicielami obydwu płci. Kobiety, u których częściej występuje dominacja lewej półkuli mózgu, przejawiają większe zdolności językowe niż mężczyźni, u których częściej występuje dominacja prawopółkulowa. Również w procesie ewolucji kobiety jako matki lepiej wykształciły sprawności językowe. Późniejsze badania, uwzględniające nowe metody i interpretacje, nie potwierdzają takich różnic między przedstawicielami obydwu płci. Rozdział zawiera opis dwóch badań przeprowadzonych przez Autora. Pierwsze z nich dotyczyło różnic między dziewczętami a chłopcami w wieku licealnym w zakresie stosowania strategii uczenia się, drugie natomiast percepcji obcojęzycznych głosek wśród dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym. Przykładem nowej metodologii stosowanej przy interpretacji różnic między kobietami a mężczyznami w przyswajaniu języka obcego są badania dotyczące nauki czytania w języku obcym przeprowadzone wśród młodzieży szkolnej (w wieku 15 lat). Wykazano w nich, że różnice dotyczą nie samej płci, lecz jej immanentnych cech, np. gustów literackich, stosunku do czytania, korzystania z komputera itp. Cechy te korelują ze skutecznością rozwijania sprawności czytania w języku obcym

    Gender studies: theoretical framework

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    The given article reviews the main theories of the study of gender and discourse. Three points of agreement of the theories analyzed are singled out. Gender duality and performativity are defined as the most widely debated issues. The functional and constructivist approaches to gender differences are revealed. В статті розглядоються основні теорії гендерної лінгвістики, виділяються точки дотику в різноманітних підходах і трактуванях гендеру

    Spartan Daily, September 10, 1999

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    Volume 113, Issue 8https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9437/thumbnail.jp