339 research outputs found

    Characterization and expression analysis of microRNAs during embryonic development of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)

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    Masteroppgave i marin økologi - Universitetet i Nordland, 2015Sperra for utlån til 2018-06-2

    Effective marine protected areas require a sea change in compliance management

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    [Extract] Conservationists continue to put forth international milestone goals for preserving the world’s oceans (e.g. 30%; World Parks Congress, 2014) while assuming that this protection will be effective. However, most of the world’s “protected” oceans are plagued with persistent poaching problems and inadequate management capacity that render these reserves ineffective (Kelleher et al., 1995; Mora et al., 2006; Gill et al., 2017). Although the term marine protected area can encompass a range of protections, I focus here on no-take marine reserves (NTMRs), and define effectiveness as the ability to reduce or eliminate fishing mortality within their boundaries. There is no doubt that NTMRs can deliver substantial outcomes when effectively managed to ensure high compliance (Graham et al., 2011; Edgar et al., 2014; Cinner et al., 2016; Gill et al., 2017), but this is more often the exception, rather than the rule. For instance, my colleagues and I recently demonstrated that poaching by recreational fishers in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP) is significant, and regularly occurs in areas previously thought to be among the best protected (Bergseth et al. 2017)

    Effectiveness of interventions to shift drivers of roving banditry and reduce illegal fishing by Vietnamese blue boats

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    Illegal fishing via roving banditry, or fishing illegally in other countries’ territorial waters, continues to threaten the security, sustainability, and biodiversity of global marine resources. Yet, little is known about the behavioral drivers of banditry, and whether interventions can shift these. We address this critical knowledge gap by quantitatively surveying 82 fishers in two known port havens (Da Nang and Sa Ky, central Vietnam) for roving banditry by Vietnamese “blue boats,” before and after interventions aimed at reducing illegal fishing. We present three key findings: (1) displacement from the South China Sea and degraded local resources were primary behavioral drivers, (2) interventions increased perceptions of risk and shame if apprehended, and (3) the source of bail money (i.e., family vs. business) was highly predictive of whether fishers saw punishment as an adequate deterrent to illegal fishing. Lastly, we discuss the implications of these findings for regional policy and management strategies

    Оптимізація виробничої програми підприємств методом математичного моделювання

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    oating is one of the innovative approaches used to improve the wear resistance and load-carrying capacity of surfaces in rolling-sliding contact, such as gears and rolling element bearings. In this study, the tribological performance of standard gear material (16MnCr5) and two kinds of powder metallurgy (PM) gear material (Distaloy AQ + 0.2% C and Astoloy 85Mo +0.2% C) with and without tribofilms formed by a pre-treatment were evaluated. Specimens treated with the pre-treatment and the substrate is subjected to pin-on-disc tests under boundary lubrication conditions. The friction and wear performance of the two different PM gear materials with the pre-treatment formed tribo-film were compared to RS-RS (16MnCr5 material disc and pin combination) for reference. It was found that the pre-treatment lowers the friction coefficient and enhances the wear resistance of pins because of the tribo-film formed. The tribo-film caused good running-in due to the existing of  and Fe and W oxides. Mo-Mo (Astoloy 85Mo + 0.2% C material disc and pin combination) and Mo-RS (Astoloy 85Mo + 0.2% C disc and 16MnCr5 pin combination) showed statistically significant higher wear resistance.QC 20160523</p

    Towards real time automated early gear failure detection

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    The ability to stop a gear fatigue test before catastrophic failure has many advantages. However, today, a widely accepted approach is not available. This case study applies a vibration-based condition monitoring methodology to detect early gear failures. The gear studied takes part in an all-wheel-drive drivetrain system. Vibration signals from four run-to-failure fatigue tests at two constant torque-speed combinations were used as input to time-synchronous averaging and autoregression model generation. The applied methodology shows promising results for early failure detection, and the process is feasible for implementation in an automated environment. Real time analysis is also possible since the autoregression model generates a healthy state TSA signal during the early testing stages. However, the time to failure detection varies with operating conditions, with low sensitivity at high-speed and low-torque conditions

    Moelv by: Er Moelv en attraktiv handelsplass

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    Bachelor i Service Management 2012Temaet for min bacheloroppgave er Moelv som handelsplass. Etter 3 år på Høgskolen i Hedmark, Campus Rena, studieretningen service management i tillegg til at jeg har bodd i Moelv snart i 20 år så jeg muligheten for å skrive om Moelv som handelsplass. I forkant av publiseringen var jeg litt usikker på hvor interessant dette var for andre enn brukere av Moelv. Interessen har vært bra, og jeg har fått mange gode tilbakemeldinger for mitt engasjement og valg av oppgave. Jeg ønsket å se på folks handlemønstre, eventuell handelslekkasje, hva kundene er fornøyd med og hva de savner. Ut fra dette vil jeg videre finne konkurrenter og mulige årsaker til at befolkningen i Moelv handler andre steder. På bakgrunn av dette ble min problemstilling: Er Moelv en attraktiv handelsplass? Teorien jeg har brukt er knyttet til merkevarebygging av ett sted, kundeaktiviteter, forbrukeradferd og identifisering av konkurrenter. For å få svar på forskningsproblemet mitt utarbeidet jeg en spørreundersøkelse som jeg formidlet ut til noen av byens befolkning og tettstedene rundt. Her fikk jeg inn 402 svar som viste seg å gi grunnlag for å besvare problemstilling på en tilfredsstillende måte og det er godt nok grunnlag for min bachelor oppgave våren 2012. På bakgrunn av resultatene kom jeg frem til at mange er generelt sett fornøyd med Moelv som handelsplass. De ønsker imidlertid et bredere utvalg i enkelte butikker. Dagligvareutvalget er godt dekket og handelslekkasjen er dermed størst på klær, spesielt dame og ungdomsklær. Jeg kom frem til at: Majoriteten synes Moelv er en trivelig by med mange hyggelige mennesker Enkelte er dårlig på service, og bør få muligheten til å lære av de som er bedre. Det er viktig å ta vare på Moelv patriotene som bidrar til å bygge et positivt omdømme for Moelv. Skape nysgjerrighet om Moelv for å få flere tilreisende hit og flere gjennomreisende til å stoppe her. Beholde gratis parkerin

    Understanding the perceived conservation benefits of shark-marine tourism in the Global South

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    Shark and ray populations are declining due to the expansion of both target and non-target fisheries. Shark-marine tourism (SMT) has been advocated as a conservation approach to reduce pressure on shark populations by increasing their non-consumptive value and providing a potential livelihood option. However, diversification via tourism can create complex issues relating to the environment, policy, and local well-being. Additionally, little is known about the ecological or socio-economic effectiveness of shark-based marine tourism operations. This study explores how SMT programs may contribute to shark conservation by exploring practitioner perceptions of SMT and (a) its desired outcomes, success, and factors facilitating success; (b) how those outcomes were measured; (c) its effectiveness as a conservation tool; and (d) how alternative livelihoods or social engagement programs supported positive conservation gains. Semi-structured interviews (n = 15) were conducted with tourism operators and non-governmental organization (NGO) staff. NGOs measured success through population/impact studies or economic valuations of tourism, while operators cited conservation gains or skills training as success indicators. Project effectiveness was either unmeasured or inactively pursued due to insufficient capacity or resources. Tourism effectiveness is perceived to be highly dependent upon the local contexts and increases with active stakeholder engagement. Social and human capital enhancement was viewed as an important mechanism to increase tourism’s benefits beyond species protection. This study demonstrates that conservation requires a shift from a species-focus to one that engages effectively with those reliant on elasmobranch resources. Furthermore, it highlights the potential of SMT to generate innovative opportunities for improving elasmobranch conservation

    Sikkerhet i sensornettverk : hvordan innføring av sikkerhet i trådløse sensornettverk påvirker strømforbruket, funksjonaliteten og levetiden til sensornodene.

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    Abstract This master thesis presents the effect that security has on a sensor network. A wireless sensor network is composed of a magnitude of sensors that together form a sensor network through self- organizing and self- configuring capabilities. A sensor node is small unit that functions as a transformer which converts physical signals into electrical signals. The sensor unit itself is composed of a sensor, a processor, a transceiver and a power supply like a battery. This battery is a small sized battery, so it is important to optimize all the components and software, so that the sensor nodes consume as little power as possible. Introducing security in a system which has so many restrictions as a sensor network is very challenging. All these challenges rules out the use of asymmetric encryption techniques, which make symmetric encryption techniques more relevant for a sensor network. This report gives an overall description of the sensor network technology. We present security techniques that can be suitable for a sensor network. Additionally we look at the degree of security that we can obtain with the different security techniques. It is important that security is chosen carefully, so that the cost associated the particular security techniques don’t drastically degrade the lifetime of a sensor node. Then we are going to illustrate the problems that arise when security is to be introduced in a sensor network. Further we have studied the overhead associated with known symmetric techniques, and also how this overhead effects the packet growth, throughput, transmission time, and how this effects the power consumption. The power consumption has been calculated through several scenarios, where we investigated how the lifetime of the sensor nodes will degrade when different security overhead is introduced into the data packet, and also how the node density can effect the power consumption in the sensor network. We have also tested how a sensor network operates at different load, and we have calculated metrics like power consumption, end to end delay, and average throughput in the sensor network. All these results have been obtain through simulations with the use of NS-2 network simulator and Sensorsim, and the results shows that our suggestion for a security framework can be implemented in a sensor network

    Countering avoidance strategies used by fishers to avoid detection during illegal fishing

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    Non-compliers typically avoid detection by authorities, benefiting from increased catch and income. While detection-avoidance strategies (e.g., secret compartments to hide illegal catch) are commonly used in the nature conservation context, they remain largely unstudied. We address this knowledge gap in three sections. First, we introduce and hypothesize the likelihood of non-compliers adopting detection-avoidance strategies in the broader conservation context. Second, we identify and categorize detection-avoidance strategies used by small-scale fishers. Third, we provide recommendations for countering detection-avoidance strategies (i.e., countermeasures). Because countermeasures are context-specific, they should be informed through systematic processes such as the intelligence cycle. If used properly, enforcement activities and countermeasures can help build voluntary compliance, particularly through procedural justice, or acting in a way that users perceive as fair and just