299 research outputs found

    Charles Robert (Bob) Schuster: 1930–2011

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/86951/1/j.1360-0443.2011.03480.x.pd

    Українська ікона як символ культурного єднання

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    У статті висвітлено самобутні риси українського іконопису ХІV–ХVIII ст.The original features of the XIV–XVIII cent. Ukrainian icon-painting are elucidated in the article

    Обрядове печиво в українській традиційній культурі

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    В Україні з давніх часів обрядове печиво використовували в багатьох обрядах народного календаря та сімейного циклу

    Слов’янські та неслов’янські казкові антропоніми Українських Карпат

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    Антропоніми, вивченням яких займається ономастика, широко побутують у літературі та фольклорі, несуть у собі історичне, соціальне и емоційне навантаження, відображають традиції того чи іншого народу. В українських і угорських казках Українських Карпат герої загалом наділені власними іменами, адже казка є героє-центричною. Особливий інтерес становлять так звані промовисті імена, що мають певне семантичне, смислове наповнення, яке реалізується в ході сюжету казки.Антропонимы, изучением которых занимается ономастика, широко функционируют в литературе и фольклоре, несут в себе большой исторический, социальный и эмоциональный заряд, отражают традиции того или иного народа. В украинских и венгерских сказках Украинских Карпат герои большей частью имеют имена собственные, ведь сказка является героецентричной. Особенный интерес вызывают так называемые выразительные имена, имеющие определенное семантическое, эмоциональное наполнение, реализующееся в ходе сюжета сказки.Antroponyms, studied by onomastics, widely function in the literature and folklore, and carry in itself a large historical, social and emotional charge, reflect traditions of one or another people. In the Ukrainian and Hungarian fairy tales of Ukrainian Carpathians them mostly have heroes of works, in fact Fairy tale is hero-centric. The special interest is caused by so called semantic names which have the certain semantic, meaning, emotional filling that are realized during the plot of fairy-tale

    Ariel - Volume 2 Number 3

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    Editors Delvyn C. Case, Jr. Paul M. Fernhoff News Editors Richard Bonanno Daniel B. Gould Robin A. Edwards Lay-Out Editor Carol Dolinskas Sports Editor James J. Nocon Contributing Editors Michael J. Blecker Lin Sey Edwards Jack Guralnik W. Cherry Light Features Editor Steven A. Ager Donald A. Bergman Stephen P. Flynn Business Manager Nick Greg

    History, College of Medicine: 1959-1968. Chapter 2: College Administration

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    Prepared for the Centennial of The Ohio State University

    Modification of pharmacokinetic and abuse-related effects of cocaine by human-derived cocaine hydrolase in monkeys

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    Although substantial research effort has focused on developing pharmacological treatments for cocaine abuse, no effective medications have been developed. Recent studies show that enzymes that metabolize cocaine in the periphery, forestalling its entry into the brain, can prevent cocaine toxicity and its behavioral effects in rodents. Here we report on effects of one such enzyme (Albu- CocH) on the pharmacokinetic and behavioral effects of cocaine in squirrel monkeys. Albu-CocH was developed from successive mutations of human butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and has 1000- fold greater catalytic activity against cocaine than naturally occurring BChE. Pharmacokinetic studies showed that Albu-CocH (5 mg/kg) had a half-life of 56.6 hours in squirrel monkeys. In these studies, plasma levels of cocaine following i.v. 1 mg/kg cocaine were reduced two hours after administration of Albu-CocH, whereas plasma levels of the cocaine metabolite ecgonine methyl ester were increased. These effects were still evident 72 hrs following Albu-CocH administration. In behavioral experiments in monkeys, pretreatment with 5 mg/kg Albu-CocH dramatically decreased self-administration of a reinforcing dose of i.v. cocaine (30 μg/kg/ injection) for over 24 hours. Pretreatment with 5 mg/kg Albu-CocH also attenuated the reinstatement of extinguished cocaine self-administration by an i.v. priming injection of cocaine (0.1 or 0.3 mg/kg) and, in separate studies, attenuated the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine. The ability of Albu-CocH to attenuate the abuse-related effects of cocaine in squirrel monkeys indicates that further investigation of BChE mutants as potential treatment for cocaine abuse and toxicity is warranted.This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Drug Abuse

    Solving the Hierarchy Problem without Supersymmetry or Extra Dimensions: An Alternative Approach

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    In this paper, we propose a possible new approach towards solving the gauge hierarchy problem without supersymmetry and without extra spacetime dimensions. This approach relies on the finiteness of string theory and the conjectured stability of certain non-supersymmetric string vacua. One crucial ingredient in this approach is the idea of ``misaligned supersymmetry'', which explains how string theories may be finite even without exhibiting spacetime supersymmetry. This approach towards solving the gauge hierarchy problem is therefore complementary to recent proposals involving both large and small extra spacetime dimensions. This approach may also give a new perspective towards simultaneously solving the cosmological constant problem.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure