126 research outputs found

    Models for construction of multivariate dependence

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    In this article we review models for construction of higher-dimensional dependence that have arisen recent years. A multivariate data set, which exhibit complex patterns of dependence, particularly in the tails, can be modelled using a cascade of lower-dimensional copulae. We examine two such models that differ in their construction of the dependency structure, namely the nested Archimedean constructions and the pair-copula constructions (also referred to as vines). The constructions are compared, and estimation- and simulation techniques are examined. The fit of the two constructions is tested on two different four-dimensional data sets; precipitation values and equity returns, using a state of the art copula goodness-of-fit procedure. The nested Archimedean construction is strongly rejected for both our data sets, while the pair-copula construction provides an appropriate fit. Through VaR calculations, we show that the latter does not overfit data, but works very well even out-of-sample

    Evaluering av verktøykasse for jentegruppearbeid: et forebyggende, kjønnsnyansert tiltak for å styrke sosial kompetanse og minske rusforbruk

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    Dette er en evaluering av utprøvingen av Jentegrupper på 8. trinn som rusforebyggende tiltak i skolen. Prosjektet har vært gjennomført i Namsos kommune våren 2009, og er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Namsos kommune og Kompetansesenter RUS – region Midt- Norge. Verktøykassen for jentegrupper er utarbeidet av lærer Mette Brustad, og har vært prøvd ut i 6 klasser ved tre ulike skoler. HiNT, ved vernepleierutdanningen, ble kontaktet høsten 2008 med spørsmål om å evaluere utprøvingen med følgende mål for evalueringen: 1. Kvalitetssikre verktøykassen ved å gjennomføre en grundig evaluering og påse at verktøykassen er brukervennlig for instruktør av Jentegrupper. 2. Kartlegge hvordan jenter opplever å være deltaker i en JentegruppeMNK-rus, Helsedirektoratet og Namsos kommun

    Modelling and Simulation Approaches for Local Energy Community Integrated Distribution Networks

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    Due to the absence of studies of local energy communities (LECs) where the grid is represented, it is very difficult to infer implications of increased LEC integration for the distribution grid as well as for the wider society. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate holistic modelling and simulation approaches of LECs. To conduct a quantifiable assessment of different control architectures, LEC types and market frameworks, a flexible and comprehensive LEC modelling and simulation approach is needed. Modelling LECs and the environment they operate in involves a holistic approach consisting of different layers: market, controller, and grid. The controller layer is relevant both for the overall energy management system of the LEC and the controllers of single components in a LEC. In this paper, the different LEC modelling approaches in the reviewed literature are presented, several multilayered concepts for LECs are proposed, and a case study is presented to illustrate a holistic simulation where the different layers interact.Modelling and Simulation Approaches for Local Energy Community Integrated Distribution NetworkspublishedVersio

    Can mothers’ representations of their infants be improved in primary care? A randomized controlled trial of a parenting intervention using video feedback in a predominantly low- to moderate-risk sample

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    IntroductionMothers’ representations of their infants are important intervention targets because they predict the observed quality of infant–mother interactions. The current study investigated the influence of a video-feedback infant-parent intervention on mothers’ representations of their infants beyond the effect of standard treatment.MethodsData from a naturalistic, randomized controlled trial of 152 predominantly low- to moderate-risk mothers (mean age = 29.7 years) with infants (mean age = 7.3 months) were used. At Well Baby Centers, all families followed the universal program, which was treatment as usual (TAU), whereas half of the families also received the intervention. The Working Model of the Child Interview categories and scales as well as three latent factors generated from a factor analysis were used to assess maternal representations at baseline and follow-up (9–13 months after baseline). A linear mixed model analysis was used to analyze the data.ResultsThere were no differences in representation changes from baseline to follow-up between the control group (TAU) and intervention group. When both groups were combined, there were minor improvements in the mothers’ representations at the follow-up.DiscussionAspects of the intervention, the quality of TAU, and the homogeneity scores of the predominantly low-risk sample may explain the intervention’s lack of effect on mothers’ representations beyond TAU. The supportive services at Norwegian Well Baby Centers as well as the infants’ increasing age putatively contributed to the improved features of the mothers’ representations in the total sample. That standard community care may affect maternal representations has not been shown before. Future research should identify the core components in interventions targeting maternal representations and examine whether those components can be incorporated in primary care. Including measures of mothers’ reflective functioning could broaden our knowledge of representations and their changeability.Clinical trial registrationThis study is registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number registry under the reference number ISRCTN 99793905

    Interviews with Community Healthcare Registered Nurses in Norway: Examination Practices and Clinical Evaluation Processes

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    Abstract Aim This study describes the examination practices and clinical evaluation processes that Registered Nurses in Norway perform in the community healthcare sector. Design A qualitative exploratory design. Methods Twenty interviews were conducted with Registered Nurses employed in the community healthcare sector in Norway. The data were analysed using a thematic analysis. Results We found four major themes: (1) evaluations are embedded in nurses’ daily work, (2) significance of a Registered Nurse's clinical competency, (3) different tasks require various roles and (4) access to resources and equipment. Registered Nurses possess several skills in a range of different examination techniques and clinical evaluation processes in the community healthcare sector. They perform complex assessments in their daily work and must rely on other healthcare professionals, facilities and equipment to provide high-quality care. Ongoing education and training will enable Registered Nurses to complete accurate assessments in their community healthcare practice.publishedVersio

    A systematic review of machine learning techniques related to local energy communities

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    In recent years, digitalisation has rendered machine learning a key tool for improving processes in several sectors, as in the case of electrical power systems. Machine learning algorithms are data-driven models based on statistical learning theory and employed as a tool to exploit the data generated by the power system and its users. Energy communities are emerging as novel organisations for consumers and prosumers in the distribution grid. These communities may operate differently depending on their objectives and the potential service the community wants to offer to the distribution system operator. This paper presents the conceptualisation of a local energy community on the basis of a review of 25 energy community projects. Furthermore, an extensive literature review of machine learning algorithms for local energy community applications was conducted, and these algorithms were categorised according to forecasting, storage optimisation, energy management systems, power stability and quality, security, and energy transactions. The main algorithms reported in the literature were analysed and classified as supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms. The findings demonstrate the manner in which supervised learning can provide accurate models for forecasting tasks. Similarly, reinforcement learning presents interesting capabilities in terms of control-related applications.publishedVersio

    A group intervention for individuals with obesity and comorbid binge eating disorder : results from a feasibility study

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    Purpose: A common challenge among a subgroup of individuals with obesity is binge eating, that exists on a continuum from mild binge eating episodes to severe binge eating disorder (BED). BED is common among bariatric patients and the prevalence of disordered eating and ED in bariatric surgery populations is well known. Conventional treatments and assessment of obesity seldom address the underlying psychological mechanisms of binge eating and subsequent obesity. This study, titled PnP (People need People) is a psychoeducational group pilot intervention for individuals with BED and obesity including patients with previous bariatric surgery. Design, feasibility, and a broad description of the study population is reported. Material and Methods: A total of 42 patients were from an obesity clinic referred to assessment and treatment with PnP in a psychoeducational group setting (3-hour weekly meetings for 10 weeks). Of these, 6 (14.3%) patients had a previous history of bariatric surgery. Feasibility was assessed by tracking attendance, potentially adverse effects and outcome measures including body mass index (BMI), eating disorder pathology, overvaluation of shape and weight, impairment, self-reported childhood difficulties, alexithymia, internalized shame as well as health related quality of life (HRQoL). Results: All 42 patients completed the intervention, with no adverse effects and a high attendance rate with a median attendance of 10 sessions, 95% CI (8.9,9.6) and 0% attrition. Extent of psychosocial impairment due to eating disorder pathology, body dissatisfaction and severity of ED symptoms were high among the patients at baseline. Additionally, self-reported childhood difficulties, alexithymia, and internalized shame were high among the patients and indicate a need to address underlying psychological mechanisms in individuals with BED and comorbid obesity. Improvement of HRQoL and reduction of binge eating between baseline and the end of the intervention was observed with a medium effect Conclusion: This feasibility study supports PnP as a potential group psychoeducational intervention for patients living with BED and comorbid obesity. Assessments of BED and delivery of this intervention may optimize selection of candidates and bariatric outcomes. These preliminary results warrant further investigation via a randomized control trial (RCT) to examine the efficacy and effectiveness of PnP

    Metabolic Changes in Urine during and after Pregnancy in a Large, Multiethnic Population-Based Cohort Study of Gestational Diabetes

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    This study aims to identify novel markers for gestational diabetes (GDM) in the biochemical profile of maternal urine using NMR metabolomics. It also catalogs the general effects of pregnancy and delivery on the urine profile. Urine samples were collected at three time points (visit V1: gestational week 8–20; V2: week 28±2; V3:10–16 weeks post partum) from participants in the STORK Groruddalen program, a prospective, multiethnic cohort study of 823 healthy, pregnant women in Oslo, Norway, and analyzed using 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Metabolites were identified and quantified where possible. PCA, PLS-DA and univariate statistics were applied and found substantial differences between the time points, dominated by a steady increase of urinary lactose concentrations, and an increase during pregnancy and subsequent dramatic reduction of several unidentified NMR signals between 0.5 and 1.1 ppm. Multivariate methods could not reliably identify GDM cases based on the WHO or graded criteria based on IADPSG definitions, indicating that the pattern of urinary metabolites above micromolar concentrations is not influenced strongly and consistently enough by the disease. However, univariate analysis suggests elevated mean citrate concentrations with increasing hyperglycemia. Multivariate classification with respect to ethnic background produced weak but statistically significant models. These results suggest that although NMR-based metabolomics can monitor changes in the urinary excretion profile of pregnant women, it may not be a prudent choice for the study of GDM.The study was supported by grants from the University of Oslo and the Oslo Diabetes Research Centre. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Variation between general practitioners in type 2 diabetes processes of care

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    Aims To explore variation in general practitioners’ (GPs’) performance of six recommended procedures in type 2 diabetes patients <75 years without cardiovascular disease. Methods Cross-sectional study of quality of diabetes care in Norway based on electronic health records from 2014. GPs (clustered in practices) were divided in quintiles based on a composite measure of performance of six processes of care. We fitted a multilevel partial ordinal regression model to identify GP factors associated with being in quintiles with better performance. Results We identified 6015 type 2 diabetes patients from 275 GPs in 77 practices. The GPs performed on average 63.4% of the procedures; on average 46% in the poorest quintile to 81% in the best quintile with a larger range in individual GPs. After adjustments, use of a structured follow-up form was associated with GPs being in upper three quintiles (OR 12.4 (95% CI 2.37–65.1). Routines for reminders were associated with being in a better quintile (OR 2.6 (1.37–4.92). GPs’ age >60 years and heavier workload were associated with poorer performance. Conclusion We found large variations in GPs’ performance of processes of care. Factors reflecting structure and workload were strongly associated with performance.publishedVersio
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