272 research outputs found

    Apokalyptische Gestalt oder „Feind Russlands“? Napoleon in russischen Karikaturen zu Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts

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    This article is devoted to “sacralized” imaginations of Napoleon and his army as enemies as they appear in Russian caricatures of 1812. It consists of three parts: the first one deals with the images of the “holy war,” Napoleon, and France in Russian official political manifestos and Church sermons from the beginning of the 19th century. The second part examines West European “demonic” images of the French Emperor. Finally, the third part explores whether Russian caricature interpreted the war of 1812 as an event in the history of Christian salvation. The analysis suggests that Russian caricaturists mostly ignored the “demonized” images of Napoleon and his army. They predominantly concentrated on depicting heroic fights of the common people with the French invaders. The reasons for this astonishing lack of Napoleon-Antichrist-images can be explained by both a new interest in „the Russian people“ and old traditions of the Russian Orthodox iconography which did not provide frightening devil images either

    Sociocultural sustainability as a category of sociological analysis

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    The article analyzes main approaches to the study of the sustainability concept in mathematics, psychology, economics, political science, philosophy and sociology. The term sociocultural sustainability is viewed as a state characterized by intergenerational constant and consistent reproduction of main features of culture of the society.В статье анализируются основные подходы к изучению понятия устойчивости с различных научных сторон. Проводится анализ понятия устойчивости в математике, психологии, экономики, политологии, философии и социологии. Подробно рассматривается термин социокультурная устойчивость как состояние, характеризуемое постоянным и последовательным воспроизводством основных черт культуры общества из поколения в поколение

    The use of doxorubicine at low doses for elevation of LAK-activity toward explants and cells of MC-rhabdomyosarcoma and В16 melanoma resistant to doxorubicin

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    Aim: To study the influence of doxorubicin at low doses on antitumor action of activated (LAK) and non-activated lymphocytes from lymph nodes toward tumor cells of mice bearing doxorubicin-resistant and doxorubicin-sensitive transplantable MC-rhabdomyosarcoma and B16 melanoma. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on BALB/c mice bearing MC-rhabdomyosarcoma and С57BL/6 mice bearing В16 melanoma. Explants, tumor cells and lymphocytes were cultivated in diffusion chambers, filters were stained with hematoxylin by Karachi, and morphology of preparations was examined. Results: At the day 7 of tumor growth in mice bearing resistant MC-rhabdomyosarcoma, non-activated lymphocytes pretreated with low-dose doxorubicin possess the highest antitumor activity, and in mice bearing doxorubicin-resistant B16 melanoma the highest antitumor activity was detected for lymphocytes after combined cultivation with IL-2 and doxorubicin. At the day 14 of tumor growth, LAK obtained from lymphocytes pretreated with doxorubicin possess the highest cytotoxic activity toward resistant tumor cells both of MC-rhabdomyosarcoma and B16 melanoma. There was no such effect in the case of sensitive tumors. Conclusion: To elevate antitumor activity of LAK toward MC-rhabdomyosarcoma and B16 melanoma cells, low doses of doxorubicin could be used at certain conditions of LAK generation.Цель: изучить влияние малых доз доксорубицина на противоопухолевое действие активированных (ЛАК) и неактивированных лимфоцитов лимфатических узлов по отношению к опухолевым клеткам мышей с резистентными и чувствительными к доксорубицину перевивной МХ-рабдомиосаркомой и меланомой В16. Материалы и методы: исследования проведены на мышах линии BALB/c с МХ-рабдомиосаркомой и С57BL/6 c меланомой В16. Эксплантаты, опухолевые клетки и лимфоциты культивировали в диффузионных камерах и окраской фильтров гематоксилином по Караччи. Исследовали морфологическую картину полученных препаратов с учетом критериев роста опухоли. Результаты: сопоставление результатов противоопухолевой активности активированных и неактивированных лимфоцитов, полученных в различных условиях, показало следующее. На 7-е сутки у мышей з резистентной МХ-рабдомиосаркомой наибольшей противоопухолевой активностью обладали неактивированные лимфоциты, предварительно обработанные малыми дозами докорубицина, а у мышей з резистентной меланомой В16 — лимфоциты после сочетанного культивирования с ИЛ-2 и доксорубицином. На 14-е сутки роста опухоли наибольшей цитотоксической активностью обладали ЛАК, полученные из лимфоцитов, предварительно обработанных доксорубицином, в отношении резистентных опухолевых клеток как перевивной МХ-рабдомиосаркомы, так и меланомы В16. Относительно чувствительных клеток указанных опухолей такой эффект не отмечался. Выводы: для усиления противоопухолевой активности ЛАК по отношению к клеткам МХ-рабдомиосаркомы и меланомы В16, резистентных к доксорубицину, могут быть использованы малые дозы доксорубицина при соблюдении определенных условий получения ЛАК

    „Jako niepokonanym murem, bronicie ziemię ruską”: Temat przedmurza w nowożytnych kronikach ukraińskich

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    The article examines the major forms and shifts in the development of antemurale christianitatis rhetoric in the 17th – to mid-18th-century Ukrainian chronicles. The question of why and in which form the Ukrainian chroniclers did or did not use the image of the bulwark of Christianity remains the key issue. The chapter is divided into two parts: the first one deals with the bastion images in Ukrainian chronicles as a response to the European and Polish-Lithuanian bastion rhetoric; the second one is devoted to the descriptions of fortified cities and monasteries as Christian ramparts (mainly, Bratslav, Kamianets’-Podils’kyi, L’viv, and Uman’, monasteries in Mezhyhiria and Trakhtemyriv) in chronicles.Celem artykułu jest badanie głównych form oraz zmian w rozwoju tematyki antemurale christianitatis w latopisach ukraińskich od końca XVII do połowy XVIII w. Główne zadanie badawcze to odpowiedź na pytanie, dlaczego i w jaki sposób kronikarze sięgali po retorykę przedmurza. Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza dotyczy tematu „ukraińskiego przedmurza”, którego pojawienie się było rezultatem obecności tego motywu w europejskiej, a zwłaszcza polsko-litewskiej literaturze i sztuce omawianego okresu. Druga część jest poświęcona opisowi ufortyfikowanych miast oraz klasztorów, które były ukazywane jako symbole przedmurza w kronikach ukraińskich (Bracław, Kamieniec Podolski, Lwów, Humań, Międzygórski Monaster Przemienienia Pańskiego oraz Monaster Zaśnięcia Matki Bożej w Trechtymirowie)

    Expression of E-cadherin in drug resistant human breast cancer cells and their sensitivity to lymphokine-activated lymphocytes action

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    Aim: To analyze the correlation between the elevated sensitivity of drug resistant breast cancer cells to the action of lymphokine-activated lymphocytes (LAK) and expression of E-cadherin and other marker proteins by cancer cells and lymphocytes. Methods: Breast tumor explants were cultured with autologous lymphocytes in double diffusion chambers. The results were evaluated by morphological criteria of explants growth. Expression level of proteins on tumor cells was analyzed using immunohistochemical method on paraffin embedded sections, and by indirect immunofluorescence — on lymphocytes. Results: Significant decrease of E-cadherin expression and significant increase of nuclear antigen of proliferating cells expression have been detected on drug resistant malignant human breast tumor (DRHBT) cells compared with drug sensitive breast tumor (DSHBT) cells. Autologous LAK possessed the highest antitumor activity against DRHBT cells that was associated with high expression level of soybean lectin receptor. Conclusion: Malignant drug resistant tumors are characterized by reverse relation between E-cadherin expression level and their proliferative activity. Marked antitumor action of LAK against these tumors is associated with high expression level of soybean lectin receptor on the lymphocytes

    Efficacy of different immunotherapy approaches toward treatment of doxorubicin-resistant and doxorubicinsensitive transplantable rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Aim: To evaluate the efficacy of different variants of immunotherapy, namely, adoptive LAK-therapy, vaccine therapy and their combination in vivo using transplantable murine MC-rhabdomyosarcoma resistant and sensitive to doxorubicin (Dox). Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on BALB/c mice bearing Dox-sensitive and Dox-resistant transplantable murine MC-rhabdomyosarcoma. LAK-therapy (using lymphocytes from lymph nodes of syngenic mice) was performed starting from day 7 after tumor cell transplantation for 5 days; LAK (3 x 106 cells in 0.2 ml medium) were injected in the region of tumor. The vaccine prepared on the base of tumor cell glycopeptides was administered intraperitoneally at the volume of 0.2 ml before or after tumor transplantation. Efficacy of immunotherapy was evaluated by tumor growth inhibition and life span of animals. Results: By the indexes of tumor growth inhibition and average life span, for animals bearing Dox-sensitive tumors vaccine therapy was the most effective, whilst adoptive LAK-therapy was the most effective for mice bearing Dox-resistant tumors. All applied variants of therapy — adoptive LAK-therapy, vaccine therapy and their combination were effective for treatment of mice bearing Dox-sensitive and Dox-resistant transplantable murine MC-rhabdomyosarcoma. Conclusion: The obtained data demonstrated that Dox-sensitive and Dox-resistant tumors differ by the sensitivity to different types of immunotherapy.Цель: изучить влияние различных видов иммунотерапии, а именно адоптивной ЛАК-терапии, вакцинотерапии, а также их комбинации, дать оценку их эффективности в условиях перевивной МХ-рабдомиосаркомы мышей, резистентной и чувствительной к доксорубицину. Материалы и методы: исследования проведены на мышах линии BALB/c с чувствительной и резистентной к доксорубицину перевивной МХ-рабдомиосаркомой. ЛАК-терапию (лимфоцитами лимфатических узлов сингенных мышей) проводили начиная с 7 сут после перевивки опухолевых клеток на протяжении 5 дней; ЛАК вводили в область опухоли в количестве 3 млн в 0,2 мл среды. Вакцину, полученную на основе гликопептидов опухолевых клеток, вводили мышам интраперитонеально в объеме 0,2 мл по двум схемам: до перевивки и после перевивки опухоли. Влияние иммунотерапии оценивали по проценту торможения роста опухоли и выживаемости животных. Результаты: данные проведенной иммунотерапии свидетельствуют, что у мышей с чувствительной к доксорубицину опухолью наиболее эффективна вакцинотерапия, а при резистентной опухоли — адоптивная ЛАК-терапия, что подтверждалось наибольшей протяженностью жизни и наиболее выраженным торможением роста опухоли у животных этой группы. Кроме того, сравнительный анализ результатов применения ЛАК-терапии, вакцинотерапии и их сочетания показал, что все ее виды эффективны у мышей как с чувствительной, так и резистентной к доксорубицину МХ-рабдомиосаркомой. Выводы: полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что резистентные и чувствительные к доксорубицину опухоли отличаются чувствительностью к различным видам иммунотерапии, что, по всей вероятности, объясняется различными механизмами их действия


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    Abstract. Gender studies represent an intensively developing field of knowledge. Gender means a set ofconcepts and norms of behavior, usually associated with persons of male and female gender. Gender issues are at the center of a new interdisciplinary field of human sciences, called “gender studies”. The main concept of the categorical apparatus of this direction is “gender” (sociocultural sex), which involves the study of male and female behavior, thinking, and communication. Gender has an all-pervasive ability, which determines its arrangement in the collective and individual consciousness. Phraseological units are a vivid example of the embodiment in the language of characterological features of the worldview of representatives of a particular linguistic community and the means of historical translation of the cultural attitudes of the native speaker of a language. Being stereotypes of the people's consciousness, they serve as a valuable source of information about the people's perceptions, behavior and attitude to this or that phenomenon of culture and represent a fragment of the language picture of the world. This article, firstly, seeks to outline the main steps that gender studies have taken in the field of Tatar and English phraseology. Secondly, it shows the general criteria of selecting gender-specific phraseological units from lexicographic sources. Thirdly, it analyses gender-specific phraseological units nominating a male person in the Tatar and English languages in the comparative aspect.Keywords: gender marked phraseology, phraseological unit, male gender, Tatar, English, comparative study

    Photo-Induced Oxidative Stress Impairs Mitochondrial Metabolism in Neurons and Astrocytes

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    Photodynamic therapy is selective destruction of cells stained with a photosensitizer upon irradiation with light at a specific wavelength in the presence of oxygen. Cell death upon photodynamic treatment is known to occur mainly due to free radical production and subsequent development of oxidative stress. During photodynamic therapy of brain tumors, healthy cells are also damaged; considering this, it is important to investigate the effect of the treatment on normal neurons and glia. We employed live-cell imaging technique to investigate the cellular mechanism of photodynamic action of radachlorin (200 nM) on neurons and astrocytes in primary rat cell culture. We found that the photodynamic effect of radachlorin increases production of reactive oxygen species measured by dihydroethidium and significantly decrease mitochondrial membrane potential. Mitochondrial depolarization was independent of opening of mitochondrial permeability transition pore and was insensitive to blocker of this pore cyclosporine A. However, irradiation of cells with radachlorin dramatically decreased NADH autofluorescence and also reduced mitochondrial NADH pool suggesting inhibition of mitochondrial respiration by limitation of substrate. This effect could be prevented by inhibition of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) with DPQ. Thus, irradiation of neurons and astrocytes in the presence of radachlorin leads to activation of PARP and decrease in NADH that leads to mitochondrial dysfunction

    “True Faith” and Salvation

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    The article deals with the polemic writings and preachings of two prominent early modern Ruthenian Uniate Church leaders, Ipatii Potii and Meletii Smotryts´kyi, and their resonance among the Eastern‑rite believers of the time. The key issues are the notions of sin, repentance, and forgiveness (i.e., problems involved in the concept of soteriology, the ways of salvation). The main related problem is how these concepts fitted into the general theological discourse around the Brest Union of 1596. The article consists of three parts. It starts with biographical overviews of the two Church hierarchs, followed by an analysis of their views on soteriological perspectives. The article closes on an excursus on the reflection of these concepts in early modern Ruthenian testaments. The study demonstrates that the idea of Church unity was not totally foreign to some Eastern‑rite believers. However, most of the testators (nobility, clergy and burghers) did not share the soteriological views of Potii and Smotryts´kyi in their interpretations of Papal primacy. Other common pillars of Potii’s and Smotryts´kyi’s visions of the “true faith”—the concept of satisfaction, the differentiation of mortal and venial sins, etc.—were even less important in the eyes of the testators.Cet article traite des polémiques et des prédications d’Ipatij Potij et de Meletij Smotryc´kyi, deux leaders de l’Église uniate ruthène à ses débuts, et de leur résonnance parmi les croyants de rite oriental de l’époque. Les questions essentielles sont les notions de péché, de repentir et de pardon (soit les problèmes inclus dans le concept de la sotériologie, les voies du salut), le principal problème connexe étant de savoir comment ces concepts s’ajustaient au discours théologique général autour de l’Union de Brest de 1596. L’article s’articule en trois parties. Après une présentation biographique générale des deux hiérarques de l’Église, il se poursuit par une analyse de leurs vues sur les perspectives sotériologiques et se termine par un excursus sur l’image que revêtent ces concepts dans les premiers témoignages ruthènes. L’étude montre que l’idée de l’unité de l’Église n’était pas étrangère à quelques croyants de rite oriental. Cependant, la plupart des testateurs (noblesse, clergé et bourgeois) ne partageaient pas les vues sotériologiques de Potij et de Smotryc´kyi dans leurs interprétations de la primauté papale. Certains autres piliers communs des visions de la « juste foi » de Potij et Smotryc´kyi, tels le concept de satisfaction, la distinction entre péché mortel et péché véniel, etc., étaient encore moins importants aux yeux des testateurs

    2-D electron system in the RF-discharge plasma. Part II. similarity of TDES in a solid and in the RF discharge

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    Comparison studies have been carried out into structural and physical peculiarities of the two-dimensional electron system (TDES) in solids and the RF plasma. The observed similarity points to possible workability and usefulness of advances in scientific and applied investigations in solids for improving the efficiency of RF plasma heating.Проведено порівняльний аналіз структурних та фізичних особливостей ДЕС у дослідженнях твердих тіл та ВЧ-плазми. Їх аналогічність вказує на можливість та корисність використання наукових та прикладних досліджень у твердих тілах для підвищення ефективності ВЧ-нагріву плазми.Проведен сравнительный анализ структурных и физических особенностей ДЭС в исследованиях твердых тел и ВЧ-плазмы. Их аналогичность указывает на возможность и полезность использования научных и прикладных достижений в твердых телах для повышения эффективности ВЧ-нагрева плазмы