95 research outputs found

    Busse, Ulrich & Hübler, Axel (2012) Investigations into the Meta-Communicative Lexicon of English

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    Se trata de una reseña de Busse, Ulrich & Hübler, Axel (2012): Investigations into the Meta-Communicative Lexicon of English

    La remodelación urbana de Isbilia a través de la historiografía almohade

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    In this article we point out an annalysis of the mechanisms of statal and dinastic legitimation during the central years of the Almohad Empire, under the rule of caliphs Abu Ya'qub (1163-1184) and Abu Yusuf (1184-1199). From the point of view of the dinastic chronicles of the moment, the rising of the Empire is linked to an idea of public service, in order to ensure the security of the umma [community]. And as an essential part of the official propaganda we can see the urban planning in cities like Ishbilia and Marrakuo, the twin capitals of the State founded by 'Abd al-Mu'min.En este artículo realizamos un análisis de los mecanismos de legitimación estatal y dinástica durante los años centrales del Imperio almohade, bajo los gobiernos de los califas Abu Ya'qub (1163-1184) y Abu Yusuf (1184-1199). Desde el punto de vista de las crónicas dinásticas del momento, el auge del Imperio se relaciona con una idea de servicio público, en orden a asegurar la seguridad de la umma [comunidad]. Y como parte esencial de la propaganda oficial podemos ver el planeamiento urbano en ciudades como Ishbilia y Marrakud, las capitales gemelas del Estado fundado por 'Abd al-Mu'min.Comunicación presentada a: Jornadas Cordobesas de Arqueología Andaluza. Arqueología de Al Andalus: Los palacios islámicos. XI. 2001. Córdob

    El poblamiento rural en Los Alcores durante la Antigüedad tardía (ss. III / VII?): Santa Lucía y Las Majadillas (Alcalá de Guadaíra , Sevilla)

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    Los trabajos arqueológicos realizados en los yacimientos ¿Santa Lucía¿ y ¿Las Majadillas¿ (Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla) arrojan nueva luz sobre los cambios del poblamiento rural durante la Antigüedad Tardía y la época paleoandalusí. Surgen nuevas cuestiones como la visibilidad de las localizaciones arqueológicas y la presencia de ¿cerámicas toscas¿, que nos hablan de una relativamente amplia ocupación del territorio entre los ss. III-VIIArtículo revisado por pare

    La última posesión bizantina en la Península Ibérica: Mesopotamenoi-Mesopotaminoi. Nuevas aportaciones para su identificación

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    La identificación del misterioso término Μεσοποταμηνοὶ que aparece mencionado en la Descriptio Orbis Romani de Jorge de Chipre ha constituido uno de los grandes problemas de la historia de la dominación bizantina en Hispania y el extremo Occidente africano. Por nuestra parte proponemos aquí la identificación de Mesopotamenoi con la actual ciudad de Algeciras y ello en base a la puesta en valor de nuevos datos extraídos de fuentes mal aprovechadas, poco conocidas o totalmente ignoradas por la historiografía española y a su cotejo con la geografía y la hidrografía de la región del estrecho de Gibraltar. Así mismo, intentaremos mostrar como la aparición del topónimo Mesopotamenoi debe de relacionarse con el reforzamiento de la presencia militar bizantina en el estrecho de Gibraltar. Un proceso que culminaría con la fundación del llamado thema Septensiano y que, como señalaremos, ha dejado su huella en la súbita aparición de otros topónimos griegos en el Fretum Gaditanum de los siglos VII-VIII

    Dynamics of Inflammatory and Neurodegenerative Biomarkers after Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT) is a highly efficient treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS), and hence it likely normalizes pathological and/or enhances beneficial processes in MS. The disease pathomechanisms include neuroinflammation, glial cell activation and neuronal damage. We studied biomarkers that in part reflect these, like markers for neuroinflammation (C-X-C motif chemokine ligand (CXCL) 9, CXCL10, CXCL13, and chitinase 3-like 1 (CHI3L1)), glial perturbations (glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and in part CHI3L1), and neurodegeneration (neurofilament light chain (NfL)) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and single-molecule array assay (SIMOA) in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 32 MS patients that underwent aHSCT. We sampled before and at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after aHSCT for serum, as well as before and 24 months after aHSCT for CSF. We found a strong increase of serum CXCL10, NfL and GFAP one month after the transplantation, which normalized one and two years post-aHSCT. CXCL10 was particularly increased in patients that experienced reactivation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, but not those with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) reactivation. Furthermore, patients with CMV reactivation showed increased Th1 phenotype in effector memory CD4+ T cells. Changes of the other serum markers were more subtle with a trend for an increase in serum CXCL9 early post-aHSCT. In CSF, GFAP levels were increased 24 months after aHSCT, which may indicate sustained astroglia activation 24 months post-aHSCT. Other CSF markers remained largely stable. We conclude that MS-related biomarkers indicate neurotoxicity early after aHSCT that normalizes after one year while astrocyte activation appears increased beyond that, and increased serum CXCL10 likely does not reflect inflammation within the central nervous system (CNS) but rather occurs in the context of CMV reactivation or other infections post-aHSCT

    La desconstrucció de l'amor romàntic. Mites, dolor, capitalisme i una història de mentides

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    Vivim envoltats d'un conjunt d'estímuls reproduïts per la societat i potenciats pels productes mediàtics que prescriuen com ha de ser l'amor abans que nosaltres ens l'haguem pogut plantejar, si és que mai ho arribem a fer. Vivim sota unes estructures molt clares que delineen un amor canònic i heteronormatiu que situen a la dona a la posició de l'altre i la fan conviure amb un conjunt de mites que la porten a l'ofec. Cal desmuntar el mite de l'amor romàntic i establir relacions alliberadores que permetin subjectivitats en fuga i relacions simètriques.Vivimos rodeados de un conjunto de estímulos reproducidos por la sociedad y potenciados por los productos mediáticos que prescriben cómo tiene que ser el amor antes de que nosotros nos lo hayamos podido plantear, si es que alguna vez llegamos a hacerlo. Vivimos bajo unas estructuras muy claras que delinean un amor canónico y heteronormativo que sitúan a la mujer a la posición del otro y la hacen convivir con un conjunto de mitos que la llevan al ahogo. Necesitamos desmontar el mito del amor romántico y establecer relaciones liberadoras que permitan subjetividades en fuga y relaciones simétricas.We live surrounded of a pool of stimuluses, reproduced by the society and powered by the media that prescribe how has to be the love, before we had been able to think about it, if that day ever comes. We live under some very clear structures that delineate a canonical love where women stay at the position of the other and has to coexist with a pool of myths and the pressure becomes untenable. It is necessary to disassemble the myth of the romantic love and establish liberating and symmetric relations

    The RhoA transcriptional program in pre-T cells

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    The GTPase RhoA is essential for the development of pre-T cells in the thymus. To investigate the mechanisms used by RhoA to control thymocyte development we have used Affymetrix gene profiling to identify RhoA regulated genes in T cell progenitors. The data show that RhoA plays a specific and essential role in pre-T cells because it is required for the expression of transcription factors of the Egr-1 and AP-1 families that have critical functions in thymocyte development. Loss of RhoA function in T cell progenitors causes a developmental block that pheno-copies the consequence of losing pre-TCR expression in Recombinase gene 2 (Rag2) null mice. Transcriptional profiling reveals both common and unique gene targets for RhoA and the pre-TCR indicating that RhoA participates in the pre-TCR induced transcriptional program but also mediates pre-TCR independent gene transcription

    Las murallas urbanas de Porcuna (Andalucía, España): la poliorcética desde las fuentes escritas y la arqueología en el estudio de la evolución de la ciudad

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    En los últimosse is años(2004-2009)sehan realiza do una veinte nadeinterven ci on e s arq ueológicasurban as e n e l CascoHistór icodePorcuna.la mayoríaintegradaen elprogramade investigació nde ARQV IPO. Sus magníficosresultadosha n permiti docarac -ter izar restos poli o rcét icos conoci dos(Castillo. M uralladela Villa.Puertade Martos.etc.)y descubrirnue vosrestos(Pue rtaMeridio na l. Torre juntoa la Plaz a . etc.). Tamb ié n se haconstatadola existe ncia de una murall a de ÉpocaRo man aRepublican a.de la murall ade la M edin a Med ieval.etc . La conjugación de los estudiosar queológicosy arquitec tó nicoscon lasfuen tes escri-tas.ha ayud ad o aesclarecere l or ige n.evoluc ión. uso yaband on o delasde fen sas. cam bia ndo múl tipleshipót esish istóric as. Losdatossobre la creac ió n delJuzgad o deIgl es ias. el Terrem otode Lisboa ola Gue rraC iv ilso n rese ñables por la luz que hanapo r-tad o en as pec tos deldete rioro oladesapariciónde ele me ntos, hast a ahoradescono cidos. Laaparició ndenuevalegi slaci ón (Ley14/2007,PHA ) Y el nuevo plan eam ient o (CartaArqueo lóg ic ay PG O U) cam b ia la pro tecc ió n dellllO Se le me ntos, queempie zan aconocersey prot eger se . En es taci uda dse estácomenza ndo ae nta bla r un diál ogo entre losrestosde fen siv os y sus habit ant es,hast a2003inex iste nte.Inthe last six ycars(2004- 2009) .twcntyarcbaeo logical urban intcrventionshavebeencarriedout inPo rcun a'sHistoricalU rba nArea, most of w hic hareintegra ted in A RQV IPO rese ar ch gro up.T he irextraord ina ry result shave allowcd usto de fin e and knowne w fortifiedre mai ns(Castle,To w n Walls.MartosG ate. etc.). A not herseriesofne wremains (Northe rnGatc .Towerne xt10theSqua re,and so on) ha sbeenalso discovercd. Besides.it has been discoveredthe existe nceofaRoman Rep ubli canPeriod citywall . a wall fromtheMedieval Medina. etc. Theunionbetweenarchaeolog icalandarchitecturalstud ie s and thea nc ien tliteraryre feren ces. has config urednew documents abouttheoriginocvolu tionanduse and abandonmentofthedefensesystc m, c hanging.therefore.manyhistor icaltheories . T hedataaboutthecreationof the "JuzgadodeIgl esias ". LisbonEarthq uake .or theSpanishCivil War arenot eworthybecau seoftheligh t theyshe don theravagesor disappearanceof. sofarounkn own elements .T heissueofthe ne w Law (Ley14/2007. P HA) a ndthe ne w pla nni ng pro gralll me(Archaeolog ica l plan andPG O U ) cha nged the protectionofthere mai ns,w hic hare nowpro tec te d andknow n, Thisto wn is witnessingno w ad ialogu ebetweenits defen siveremainsandits inhabit an ts. some th ing that was comp lete lyinex iste nt until2003

    Somatic activating mutations in Pik3ca cause sporadic venous malformations in mice and humans.

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    Venous malformations (VMs) are painful and deforming vascular lesions composed of dilated vascular channels, which are present from birth. Mutations in the TEK gene, encoding the tyrosine kinase receptor TIE2, are found in about half of sporadic (nonfamilial) VMs, and the causes of the remaining cases are unknown. Sclerotherapy, widely accepted as first-line treatment, is not fully efficient, and targeted therapy for this disease remains underexplored. We have generated a mouse model that faithfully mirrors human VM through mosaic expression of Pik3ca(H1047R), a constitutively active mutant of the p110α isoform of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), in the embryonic mesoderm. Endothelial expression of Pik3ca(H1047R)resulted in endothelial cell (EC) hyperproliferation, reduction in pericyte coverage of blood vessels, and decreased expression of arteriovenous specification markers. PI3K pathway inhibition with rapamycin normalized EC hyperproliferation and pericyte coverage in postnatal retinas and stimulated VM regression in vivo. In line with the mouse data, we also report the presence of activating PIK3CA mutations in human VMs, mutually exclusive with TEK mutations. Our data demonstrate a causal relationship between activating Pik3ca mutations and the genesis of VMs, provide a genetic model that faithfully mirrors the normal etiology and development of this human disease, and establish the basis for the use of PI3K-targeted therapies in VMs.Postdoctoral fellowships were from EMBO (A LTF 165-2013) to S.D.C, EU Marie Curie (MEIF-CT-2005-010264) to E.T. and EU Marie Curie (PIIF-GA-2009-252846) to I.M.B. M.Z.-T. is supported by the EPSRC Early Career Fellowship of T.L.K. (EP/L006472/1). D.J.S. is a BHF Intermediate Basic Science Research Fellow (FS/15/33/31608). A.L.D is supported by the UK NIHR Joint UCL/University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. V.E.R.P. was supported by the Wellcome Trust (097721/Z/11/Z). R.K.S. is supported by the Wellcome Trust (WT098498), the Medical Research Council (M RC_MC_UU_12012/5). R.G.K. is supported by the NIHR Rare Diseases Translational Research Collaboration. V.W. is supported by the European FPVI Integrated Project ‘Eurostemcell’. M.F.L. and A.B. are supported by the King’s College London and UCL Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre CR-UK and EPSRC, in association with the MRC and DoH (England). W.A.P. is supported by funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia. Work in the laboratory of M.G. is supported by research grants SAF2013-46542-P and SAF2014-59950-P from MICINN (Spain), 2014-SGR-725 from the Catalan Government, the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ (REA grant agreement 317250), the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISC III) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the integrated Project of Excellence no. PIE13/00022 (ONCOPROFILE). Work in the laboratory of B.V. is supported by Cancer Research UK (C23338/A15965) and the UK NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the American Association for the Advancement of Science via http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aad998