135 research outputs found

    The towns of the Popocateptl Volcano. Territorial symbolism, cultural identity and vernacular architecture

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    [EN] This paper addresses the relationship between identity and territory from a cultural geography perspective. The case of study is the Popocatépetl Volcano settlements in central Mexico. Natural and social features that have determined the traditional local building and urban spacial solutions are considered. The theoretical approach is based on hermeneutics theories, namely, the symbolic-cultural appropriation of the territory, based on the meaning and symbolism underlying the cultural identity of the communities’ territorial ways of life. It is supported by the results of field research carried out over three years in two towns where university students and local people joined. According to Giménez, whose theory is fundamental for this study, the territories hold a symbolism for the peoples and their history, from which it follows that in rural areas spatial decisions respond mainly to cultural factors. The meaning that ancestral territories comprise for ethnic and mestizo groups, as well as their attachment explains the conception of being places of anchoring collective memory, in the author terms. The latter will be explained through the local vernacular constructive solutions of the volcano towns, their streets and trails, the complementary spaces and elements of daily community life such as orchards and barns. This paper does not overlook the current matter and issues that have arisen after several governmental policies, that together with real estate and cement companies, have disrupted local quality of life, people values and their idiosyncrasies. The cultural development of these towns took centuries to achieve; the mastery of the trades from the knowledge of the materials, among others. Three decades have sufficed for the globalization interests disguised as progress, to make local people let go their ancestral knowledge on how to build their dwellings and how to solve their public spaces. All these is in detriment of the natural resources leading to a loss of balance between human space and nature.Aguilar Prieto, B. (2022). The towns of the Popocateptl Volcano. Territorial symbolism, cultural identity and vernacular architecture. En Proceedings HERITAGE 2022 - International Conference on Vernacular Heritage: Culture, People and Sustainability. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 721-727. https://doi.org/10.4995/HERITAGE2022.2022.1424472172

    Presence of Anti-Toxocara canis antibodies in sheep

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    Toxocariasis is one of the most commonly reported helminth zoonotic infections throughout the world. Its main etiologic agent is the Toxocara canis nematode, and less frequently Toxocara cati, whose final hosts are the dog and cat respectively [6, 9, and 11]. It is acquired through the ingestion of embryonated eggs exposed to infected soil, geophagy, poorly washed hands, onychophagy, as well as the ingestion of vegetables with animal feces and larvae encysted in the tissue of paratenic hosts (various animals) [2,3,14]. These animals host hipobiotic larvae in the liver and other tissues, which can be transmitted to humans trough the ingestion of raw or undercooked meat [1, 4]. However there is little information available on the prevalence of T. canis infection in humans trough paratenic hosts such as horses, sheep, birds, etc. [13]. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of T. canis antibodies in sheep of Ayapango, Mexico State, Mexico


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    Toxocariasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by the nematode Toxocara canis, and less frequently Toxocara cati, whose final hosts are the dog and cat respectively. It is acquired by the ingestion of embryonated parasite eggs; the ingestion of meat from animals carrying cystic larvae plays a central role in this disease. However there is little information available on the prevalence of T. canis infection in humans trough paratenic hosts such as horses, sheep, birds, etc. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of T. canis antibodies in sheep of Ayapango, Mexico State, Mexico

    Nueva Gestión Pública y Arreglo Organizacional en el Gobierno Municipal de Texcoco

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    Registra el efecto del discurso de la Nueva Gestión Pública en el arreglo organizacional del municipio de Texcoco, Estado de México.Artículo publicado en la Revista Gestión y Estrategia, Departamento de Administración de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Azcapotzalc


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    Este artículo explica brevemente los procesos históricos que configuraron el territorio de la comunidad de Vila do Aventureiro, que se reivindica como caiçara. Posteriormente, se describe la sucesión de diferentes políticas de conservación, así como el papel de estas políticas en el intento de despojar del territorio a esta comunidad tradicional. También se analizan los cambios en la actividad económica de la comunidad provocados por las políticas de conservación implementadas en el territorio. Finalmente, se presenta una etnografía de la pesca caiçara con la intención de argumentar la resignificación que la población ha de Aventureiro ha asignado esta identidad para defender su territorio

    Trazar la trayectoria hacia el otro mundo: La buena muerte de una jefa tradicional cucapá

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    This article analyzes the conception of good and bad death among contemporary cucapás in Baja California, Mexico. Through virtual ethnography, the case surrounding the death of Dona Inocência González Sáiz, the last Cucapá cacique, is exposed. The mourning ritual elaborated by the family members to trace the path to the other world is described. Based on this case, the idea of reversing a bad death to a good one is explored, through which the chief's relatives created and re-signified a place of memory to claim their ancestral past..Este artículo aborda y analiza la concepción de la buena y la mala muerte entre los cucapás contemporáneos de Baja California, México. A través de la evidencia etnográfica virtual, se expone el caso específico de la muerte de la señora Inocencia González Sáiz, última jefa tradicional cucapá. Se describe el ritual de luto elaborado por sus deudos para trazar su trayectoria hacia el otro mundo. A partir de este caso, se explora la idea de la reversión de una mala a una buena muerte, con la que los familiares de la jefa tradicional crearon y resignificaron un lugar de memoria con el objetivo de reivindicar su pasado ancestral

    Nueva gestión pública y arreglo organizacional en el gobierno municipal de Texcoco

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    Este artículo aborda de dos maneras, cuestiones relativas a la incidencia de la NGP en el arreglo organizacional, de manera general, considera que la gran difusión que han adquirido los diferentes enfoques emergentes, como la propia NGP, no se ha acompañado de la investigación suficiente para valorar el efecto real que puede causar en la Administración pública actuante; de manera particular, se aproxima a esta discusión a través de información empírica recabada en ocasión de un trabajo de investigación, enfocado en el periodo 2006-2009 del gobierno municipal en Texcoco, Estado de México. En el marco conceptual se describe el perfil de la NGP, así como dos de sus principales herramientas, la Gestión Estratégica y la Gestión de Calidad, las cuales son tratadas como variables independientes; después, se atiende el AO, como variable dependiente, formando el concepto a partir de las contribuciones de la TO.This article approach matters on the npm influence about the organizational arrangement in two different ways: in a general way the article considers that the big sonority by the different emerging approaches such as npm have not be accompanied by sufficient research to value their real effects on the acting Public Administration; in a particular way, this discussion is near across the empirical information gathered during a research project focused on the period 2006-2009 in the municipal government in Texcoco, Estado de Mexico. In the conceptual framework the profile of the npm is described, as well as two of its main tools, Strategic Management and Quality Management, which are treated as independent variables, then the OT is attended as a dependent variable, forming the concept due to the OT contributions

    Estudio-diagnóstico de fachadas de edificios catalogados de Alicante mediante termografía

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    La termografía y el estudio de edificaciones de gran antigüedad y que forman parte de la tradición constructiva de Alicante han sido dos de los objetivos principales en la redacción del presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Cabe destacar la oportunidad de proponer una rehabilitación energética acorde a los resultados obtenidos en los termogramas que eviten el consumo masivo de energía y que permiten aplicar los conocimientos que se han ido adquiriendo a lo largo de los años durante el estudio del Grado en Arquitectura Técnica

    Ubiquitin plays an atypical role in GPCR-induced p38 MAP kinase activation on endosomes.

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    Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) for thrombin and promotes inflammatory responses through multiple pathways including p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. The mechanisms that govern PAR1-induced p38 activation remain unclear. Here, we define an atypical ubiquitin-dependent pathway for p38 activation used by PAR1 that regulates endothelial barrier permeability. Activated PAR1 K63-linked ubiquitination is mediated by the NEDD4-2 E3 ubiquitin ligase and initiated recruitment of transforming growth factor-β-activated protein kinase-1 binding protein-2 (TAB2). The ubiquitin-binding domain of TAB2 was essential for recruitment to PAR1-containing endosomes. TAB2 associated with TAB1, which induced p38 activation independent of MKK3 and MKK6. The P2Y1 purinergic GPCR also stimulated p38 activation via NEDD4-2-mediated ubiquitination and TAB1-TAB2. TAB1-TAB2-dependent p38 activation was critical for PAR1-promoted endothelial barrier permeability in vitro, and p38 signaling was required for PAR1-induced vascular leakage in vivo. These studies define an atypical ubiquitin-mediated signaling pathway used by a subset of GPCRs that regulates endosomal p38 signaling and endothelial barrier disruption