67 research outputs found

    Neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid and clothianidin affect differently neural Kenyon cell death in the cockroach Periplaneta americana

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    The intracellular toxicity of the neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid and clothianidin was studied on cockroach Periplaneta americana Kenyon cells using the trypan blue exclusion test and the adenylate kinase (AK) detection reagent. To evaluate cytotoxicity. Kenyon cells were exposed to different concentrations (1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 mu M) of both imidacloprid and clothianidin at different delays (1, 3, 5, 8 and 24 h). Our data show that both imidacloprid and clothianidin decreased cell viability, with a more pronounced effect following imidacloprid exposure. Indeed, a significant decrease of cell viability was observed for 50 and 100 mu M imidacloprid at 8 and 24 h, with trypan blue exclusion test. Study of the AK activity revealed that 50 and 100 mu M imidacloprid induced an increase of AK activity, except for 50 mu M at 24 h whereas at the same concentrations, clothianidin induced a transient effect at 5 and 8 h. According to previous studies showing that imidacloprid was a partial agonist and clothianidin a full agonist of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, we demonstrated that both imidacloprid and clothianidin were also able to induce distinct intracellular toxic effects

    Modification des récepteurs cholinergiques de type nicotinique par des doses sublétales d'imidaclopride chez la blatte Periplaneta americana

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    Les insecticides néonicotinoïdes sont une classe d\u27insecticides utilisée pour contrôler les insectes ravageurs de cultures. Ces molécules miment l\u27effet de l\u27acétylcholine (ACh) en agissant comme des agonistes des récepteurs cholinergiques de type nicotinique (nAChRs) au niveau du système nerveux central des insectes. Suite à l\u27utilisation des néonicotinoïdes ces dernières années, des phénomènes de résistance ont été révélés chez beaucoup d\u27espèces. Ces phénomènes menacent d\u27une part l\u27agriculture et d\u27autre part la santé publique. Afin de comprendre les facteurs impliqués dans les phénomènes de résistance aux néonicotinoïdes, nous avons étudié les mécanismes d\u27adaptation développés suite à une exposition chronique à des doses sublétales de néonicotinoïde. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié la toxicité d\u27une molécule néonicotinoïde (l\u27imidaclopride) chez la blatte Periplaneta americana . Ensuite, l\u27effet d\u27une exposition chronique à une dose sublétale d\u27imidaclopride a été exploré sur neurones DUM (Dorsal Unpaired Median) de la blatte grâce à la technique électrophysiologique de patch - clamp, dans des conditions de potentiel imposé. Les premiers résultats obtenus montrent que cette exposition chronique peut modifier le profil pharmacologique des nAChRs au niveau des neurones DUM. En effet, une diminution de la sensibilité à l\u27imidaclopride des nAChRs a été mise en évidence. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons montré en PCR quantitative que la diminution de la sensibilité des nAChRs pourrait avoir un lien avec une modification du niveau d\u27expression des différentes sous – unités qui composent ces récepteurs

    Étude des variables internes de succès des bibliothèques publiques au Québec

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    Effectiveness of plyometric exercises to improve muscular strength and digital achievement for students in shot put

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    To identify the effectiveness of plyometric exercises to improve muscular strength and achievement in shot put event by students (20-22 years old). The researchers used an experimental method; the sample was formed by students belonging to the institute of physical education & sports, University of Mostaganem (Algeria). Thus it was the application of the experimental method was applied on a sample of third-year students (males) of 45 students divided into two groups, first control group of 22 students and an experimental group of 23 students. While the tests used were (strength test, achievement test). After the treatment of the results by statistical means, and through these results it have been reached several conclusions of them, plyometric Exercises to develop muscular strength and achievement in shot put [discussion significant difference (*p≤0.05)]. And best improve of the experimental sample based on plyometric exercises compared to the control sample, which rely more on the technical side only in shot put event

    Cost Effective Cloud Storage Interoperability Between Public Cloud Platforms

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    With recent advancement in technology, cloud storage became cheaper enabling organizations around the world to store more data on the cloud (texts, images, videos, databases etc.), whereas it’s for a backup, archiving or just storing data streams. New digital laws and regulation (eg. General Data Protection Regulation) require these organizations to change their way of processing or handling data, which results usually in a change of cloud providers or adoption of hybrid architecture or multi-cloud one. With the amount of data stored increasing year after year, it becomes difficult for these organizations to change cloud platforms or cloud provider and migrate their data without thinking about the technical complexity, the time and the huge cost it may incur. This article discusses the data migration and interoperability issues between cloud platforms; the proposed approach provides a simple cost-effective migration that would help organizations save time and money in this process based on a  hybrid ontology approach for the brokerage of data transfers.. Keywords-Cloud Computing; Storage; Security; data; migration; cost optimization

    The reality and prospects of the tourism industry in Algeria

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                   تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تحديد ماهية الصناعة السياحية وأهم استراتيجيات التي انتهجتها الجزائر في سبيل تطوير الصناعة السياحية، وقد تم الاعتماد على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي ، قد اعتمدت الجزائر عدة استراتيجيات سياحية سعت للوصول اليها في آفاق 2030 إلا أن صناعة السياحية في الجزائر تعاني مشاكل عديدة وأكبر دليل هو مساهمتها في الناتج المحلي الإجمالي الذي لم يتجاوز 02 %  رغم توفر كل المقومات التي تتمتع بها وخلصت الدراسة الى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها أن لابد من انتهاج الجزائر استراتيجيات أكثر فاعلية من أجل تطوير الصناعة السياحية بها.This study aims to determine the nature of the tourism industry and the most important strategies adopted by Algeria in order to develop the tourism industry. It is its contribution to the GDP, which did not exceed 20% despite the availability of all the ingredients it enjoys. The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which is that Algeria must adopt more effective strategies in order to develop its tourism industr

    Application-based authentication on an inter-VM traffic in a Cloud environment

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    Cloud Computing (CC) is an innovative computing model in which resources are provided as a service over the Internet, on an as-needed basis. It is a large-scale distributed computing paradigm that is driven by economies of scale, in which a pool of abstracted, virtualized, dynamically-scalable, managed computing power, storage, platforms, and services are delivered on demand to external customers over the Internet. Since cloud is often enabled by virtualization and share a common attribute, that is, the allocation of resources, applications, and even OSs, adequate safeguards and security measures are essential. In fact, Virtualization creates new targets for intrusion due to the complexity of access and difficulty in monitoring all interconnection points between systems, applications, and data sets. This raises many questions about the appropriate infrastructure, processes, and strategy for enacting detection and response to intrusion in a Cloud environment. Hence, without strict controls put in place within the Cloud, guests could violate and bypass security policies, intercept unauthorized client data, and initiate or become the target of security attacks. This article shines the light on the issues of security within Cloud Computing, especially inter-VM traffic visibility. In addition, the paper lays the proposition of an Application Based Security (ABS) approach in order to enforce an application-based authentication between VMs, through various security mechanisms, filtering, structures, and policies


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    Physical education teachers should purposefully accept the fact that they are the role models in developing individual and group characteristics. In addition, teachers should structure competitive activities to maximize the participation of all students. In this regard, teaching physical education is an exciting experience. It is important that we teach more than just knowledge, skills, and strategies like cooperative strategy and other. From this perspective, the teacher must model the desired outcome in the same way he demonstrates the critical elements of a kids' athletics. The aim of this experimental study is to determine the effect of the practice of the cooperation strategy with a new concept of Kids' Athletics; their contribution towards the improvement of teaching conditions in lessons of Physical Education and Sports in middle School; and the improvement of sports performance among students of the middle School in long jump (m), shot put (m), sprint 50 m (s), and endurance racing 1000 m (s). Thus, this study is one of the very best practices that promote a higher level of participation among all students in physical education. It is designed to give children the pleasure of playing athletics. It helps them to embark on sprinting, endurance running, jumping, and throwing. Two groups of girls (aged 11 ± 0.65 years) participated in this study. The students were divided into experimental and control group (n=24). The results according to the research variables is characterized by significant differences (*p≤0.05). Consequently, teacher’s use of the cooperative learning techniques in physical education will encourage a higher level of participation among many students in the activities of the kids' athletics. Therefore, this will improve the physical performance of students and their relationships better than the traditional teaching method using a command style (Mosston & Ashworth, 2002)

    Integrated through-silicon-via-based inductor design in buck converter for improved efficiency

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    Introduction. Through-silicon-via (TSV) is one of the most important components of 3D integrated circuits. Similar to two-dimensional circuits, the performance evaluation of 3D circuits depends on both the quality factor and inductance. Therefore, accurate TSV-inductor modeling is required for the design and analysis of 3D integrated circuits. Aim. This work proposes the equivalent circuit model of the TSV-inductor to derive the relations that determine both the quality factor and the inductance by Y-parameters. Methods. The model developed was simulated using MATLAB software, and it was used to evaluate the effect of redistribution lines width, TSV radius, and the number of turns on inductance and quality factor. Additionally, a comparative study was presented between TSV-based inductors and conventional inductors (i.e., spiral and racetrack inductors). Results. These studies show that replacing conventional inductors with TSV-inductors improved the quality factor by 64 % compared to a spiral inductor and 60 % compared to a racetrack inductor. Furthermore, the area of the TSV-inductor was reduced up to 1.2 mm². Using a PSIM simulator, the application of an integrated TSV-inductor in a buck converter was studied, and the simulation gave very good results in 3D integration compared to 2D integration. Moreover, the simulation results demonstrated that using a TSV-inductor in a buck converter could increase its efficiency by up to 15 % and 6 % compared to spiral and racetrack inductors, respectively.Вступ. Наскрізне з’єднання кремнію (TSV) є одним з найважливіших компонентів тривимірних інтегральних схем. Подібно до двовимірних схем, оцінка продуктивності тривимірних схем залежить як від добротності, так і від індуктивності. Тому для проєктування та аналізу тривимірних інтегральних схем необхідне точне моделювання TSV-індуктора. Мета. У цій роботі пропонується еквівалентна модель схеми TSV-індуктора для виведення співвідношень, що визначають як добротність, так і індуктивність за Y-параметрами. Методи. Розроблена модель була змодельована з використанням програмного забезпечення MATLAB та використана для оцінки впливу ширини ліній перерозподілу, радіусу TSV та кількості витків на індуктивність та добротність. Крім того, було представлено порівняльне дослідження між індукторами на основі TSV та звичайними індукторами (тобто спіральними та індукторами типу бігова доріжка). Результати. Ці дослідження показують, що заміна звичайних індукторів на TSV-індуктори покращила добротність на 64 % порівняно зі спіральним індуктором і на 60 % порівняно з індуктором типу бігова доріжка. Крім того, площа TSV-індуктора була зменшена до 1,2 мм². За допомогою симулятора PSIM було вивчено застосування вбудованого дроселя TSV в знижувальному перетворювачі, і моделювання дало дуже хороші результати при 3D-інтеграції порівняно з 2D-інтеграцією. Більш того, результати моделювання показали, що використання TSV-індуктора в понижувальному перетворювачі дозволяє підвищити його ефективність до 15% та 6 % порівняно зі спіральними індукторами та індукторами типу бігова доріжка відповідно