8,807 research outputs found

    Pradinio mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kompulsyvaus interneto naudojimo psicho­socialiniai veiksniai vaikų ir tėvų vertinimu

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    Children’s electronic media use in the form of Internet has increased over the past decades. The activities that children engage using the Internet can lead to experiencing positive as well as negative outcomes. Recent studies have found that excessive time devoted to the Internet use and behavioral narrowing can lead to Internet addiction (Enagandula et al., 2018) or compulsive Internet use (Meerkerk et al., 2009). This phenomenon can be described as a greater risk of developing excessive online habits, which may result in impairments of individual’s activities of daily living as well as relationships with others. Specific characteristics of these associations, however, have been examined only minimally in young children. The goal of this study was to examine the peculiarities of elementary school-aged children’s Internet use in relation to sociodemographic and relationships with others, as well as possible behavioral and emotional difficulties. The sample consisted of 304 parent-child dyads. All children in the study were second or third grade students (mean age 8.47 years, SD = 0.56), 50.3% were boys. Children and parents completed the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS; Meerkerk et al., 2009) and provided information about time spent on the Internet. Parents provided sociodemographic information and completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ; Goodman, 1997), and children answered questions about their relationships with their parents and peers. The results of the study revealed significant gender differences in compulsivity of the Internet use, i.e. the estimates of boys CIUS – both provided by children and their parents – were significantly higher than girls. In overall, there was good agreement between parental and children’s reports on child’s CIUS, however parents reported higher CIUS scores and longer Internet use than children themselves. Regression analysis revealed that children’s CIUS is predicted (a) from the child’s perspective – by longer Internet time together with lower scores of child prosocial behavior, male gender, less advantaged financial situation in the family, and poorer parent-child relationships; (b) from the parent’s perspective – by longer Internet time, male gender, lower scores of child prosocial behavior, higher scores of behavioral and emotional difficulties together with less advantaged financial family status. The findings of the study are discussed in light of evidence-based practice and research.Internetas tapo neatsiejama ne tik suaugusiųjų, bet ir vaikų kasdienio gyvenimo dalimi. Dėl šios priežasties yra intensyviai tyrinėjama, kaip naudojimasis internetu veikia įvairias vaikų funkcionavimo sritis ir kokių sukelia problemų. Šiame straipsnyje aprašyto tyrimo tikslas buvo analizuoti pradinio mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų naudojimosi internetu trukmę bei kompulsyvumo veiksnius vaikų ir jų tėvų vertinimu. Tyrimo dalyvių imtį sudarė 304 vaikų (antros ir trečios klasės mokinių) ir jų tėvų diados. Vaikų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 8,47 metų (SD = 0,56), 50,3 % imties – berniukai. Vaikai ir jų tėvai pildė Kompulsyvaus interneto naudojimo skalę (Meerkerk, van den Eijnden, Vermulst, & Garretsen, 2009), teikė informaciją apie naudojimosi internetu trukmę. Tėvai taip pat pildė Galių ir sunkumų klausimyną (Goodman, 1997) ir teikė informaciją apie vaikų socialinę demografinę aplinką, o vaikai – apie savo santykius su tėvais ir bendraamžiais. Ir vaikų, ir tėvų vertinimu berniukų kompulsyvaus interneto naudojimo įverčiai yra reikšmingai didesni nei mergaičių. Bendrai vaikų ir tėvų nurodytų vaikų kompulsyvaus interneto naudojimo įverčiai reikšmingai susiję, nors tėvai nurodė didesnius vaikų kompulsyvaus interneto naudojimo įverčius ir ilgesnę naudojimosi internetu trukmę negu vaikai. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad pradinio mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų kompulsyvų naudojimąsi internetu: a) vaikų vertinimu, leidžia prognozuoti naudojimosi internetu trukmė, kartu atsižvelgiant į prosocialaus elgesio bei vaiko santykių su tėvais įverčius, šeimos finansinę situaciją bei vaiko lytį; b) tėvų vertinimu, leidžia prognozuoti naudojimosi internetu trukmė, vyriškoji vaiko lytis, mažesni prosocialaus elgesio įverčiai bei didesni elgesio ir emocijų sunkumų įverčiai, kartu atsižvelgiant į šeimos finansinę situaciją. Straipsnyje aptariamos praktinės rekomendacijos ir įžvalgos tolesniems tyrimams

    Changing an Unfavorable Employer Reputation: The Roles of Recruitment Message-Type and Familiarity with Employer

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    An unfavorable employer reputation can impair an organization’s ability to recruit job seekers. The present research employed a four-week longitudinal experimental design to investigate whether recruitment messages can positively change an existing unfavorable employer reputation. Two hundred and twenty-two (222) job seekers rated their perceptions of an organization before and after being randomly assigned to receive a series of high- or low-information recruitment messages. As expected, job seekers receiving high-information messages changed their perceptions more than job seekers who were exposed to low-information messages. In addition, job seekers’ initial familiarity with the employer was negatively related to change in their perceptions of employer reputation. Finally, there was some evidence that job seekers’ familiarity with the employer influenced the impact of different recruitment messages. Implications for research and practice are discussed

    Influence of social and work exchange relationships on organizational citizenship behavior, The

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    Previous studies explain situational antecedents of OCB using social exchange theory. However, the effects of factors such as perceptions of job characteristics on OCB seem to require a different explanatory mechanism. We propose that these effects can be explained through a new exchange relationship that we call work exchange. We develop a theory for the situational antecedents of OCB that includes economic, work, and social exchange relationships. The theory is tested using structural equations.exchange relationship; organizational citizenship behavior; organizational commitment; perceived organizational support; job characteristics;

    Understanding the Effects of Childhood Trauma: Strategies for educators

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    Early childhood adversity has major effects on both long and short-term outcomes for children. This paper identifies the definition and causes of various types of trauma, as well as the implications it has on one’s body, brain, and behavior. Through the research and training provided, educators and various school personnel will gain an understanding of trauma and its effects. Furthermore, they will be equipped with a toolbox of strategies and interventions that can be used for all children, but especially those with a history of trauma. A six-part professional development training with trainer’s notes, accompanied by screening tools for trauma history, includes an assessment to be completed by the training audience upon completion of the trainings

    Exploration, Deconstruction, and Repair of a Distressed MSE Retaining Wall in Saint Paul, Minnesota

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    A 225-ft long, 11-ft high MSE retaining wall was constructed in fall 2008 around the lowest corner of a parking lot at a community college. The wall provided grade separation between the higher parking lot and the green areas below. No geotechnical exploration was performed for the wall, although one had been performed for building additions elsewhere on campus, and density testing was performed periodically during MSE wall construction. The following spring, pavement had subsided up to a foot near two catch basins located several feet behind the retaining wall facing. Cracks in the pavement opened adjacent to the catch basins, allowing water to infiltrate into the wall backfill and thereby circumventing the planned drainage from the parking lot surface into the catch basins. In that area, the retaining wall facing blocks had also settled by several inches. At that point in time, geotechnical consultation was sought, and a subsurface exploration program was performed. The case history discusses the results of the subsurface exploration program, the probable causes of the wall distress and what went wrong, recommendations made for remediation of the wall, observations of a partial deconstruction of approximately half the wall, and reconstruction of the wall

    Corporate Audit Committees and Director’s Liability

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    This thesis covers the creation and function of audit committees and its increasing utilization by companies that consequently increase their dependence on outside directors and the subsequent liability of non-committee board members. The first part of this article gives a general overview of the audit committee with a focus on the scope of its duties, its composition, its way of working, and the possible benefits and hazards for the corporation resulting from the establishment of such a committee. The second part will examine the impact of an audit committee on director’s liability under the federal securities law and state corporation law. This second section focuses on the standards of liability faced by a director of the audit committee compared to those of other board members and the liabilities of non-committee board members when they rely for their business decisions on audit committees\u27 information which later turns out to be wrong

    Erfolgreich vom Studium in den Beruf. Paderborner Diplom-PädagogInnen auf dem Weg in die Berufstätigkeit

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    Im Anschluss an die Absolventlnnentagung der Paderborner Diplompädagogik zu dem Thema \u27Professionelles Handeln in Bildung und Beratung\u27 wurden im Sommer 2001 alle bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt erfassten Absolventinnen bezüglich ihres Übergangs von der Hochschule in das Berufsleben schriftlich befragt, um so erstmals empirisch gesichertes Material über den beruflichen Verbleib der Paderborner Diplom-PädagogInnen zu erhalten. Neben der eigentlichen Übergangsphase wurden hierbei auch die aktuelle berufliche Situation. sowie Kommentare und Anregungen aus der Praxis für eine optimale Gestaltung des Studiums erfasst. Die Erfassung der AbsolventInnen erfolgte ausgehend von einer internen Datenbank über ein Schneeballsystem, um so eine möglichst umfassende Anzahl von AbsolventInnen zu erreichen. Hierbei wurden insgesamt 144 AbsolventInnen angeschrieben, dies entspricht rund 60 % aller AbsolventInnen, die im Zeitraum von 1980 bis 2001 in Paderborn studiert und dort auch ihren Abschluss gemacht haben. Von den zurückgesendeten Fragebögen konnten 98 in die Auswertung mit einbezogen werden, die Rücklaufquote beträgt demnach 68% . Der Fragebogen lehnt sich dabei an den Empfehlungen für die Evaluation von Studiengängen vom HIS (Hochschul-Informations-Systeme Hannover) an und wurde der spezifischen Zielgruppe angepasst. Er umfasst zum größten Teil geschlossene sowie auch eine Reihe offener Fragen. Ergänzend hierzu wurden Leitfadeninterviews geführt, um so die Übergangsphase noch genauer betrachten zu können und einige der Punkte, die durch quantitative Befragungen gezwungenermaßen offen bleiben, klären zu können. Forschungsmethode: empirisch; Befragung. Die Untersuchung bezieht sich auf den Zeitraum 1980 bis 2001. (DIPF/Orig.

    A scaled difference chi-square test statistic for moment structure analysis

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    A family of scaling corrections aimed to improve the chi-square approximation of goodness-of-fit test statistics in small samples, large models, and nonnormal data was proposed in Satorra and Bentler (1994). For structural equations models, Satorra-Bentler's (SB) scaling corrections are available in standard computer software. Often, however, the interest is not on the overall fit of a model, but on a test of the restrictions that a null model say M0{\cal M}_0 implies on a less restricted one M1{\cal M}_1. If T0T_0 and T1T_1 denote the goodness-of-fit test statistics associated to M0{\cal M}_0 and M1{\cal M}_1, respectively, then typically the difference Td=T0T1T_d = T_0 - T_1 is used as a chi-square test statistic with degrees of freedom equal to the difference on the number of independent parameters estimated under the models M0{\cal M}_0 and M1{\cal M}_1. As in the case of the goodness-of-fit test, it is of interest to scale the statistic TdT_d in order to improve its chi-square approximation in realistic, i.e., nonasymptotic and nonnormal, applications. In a recent paper, Satorra (1999) shows that the difference between two Satorra- Bentler scaled test statistics for overall model fit does not yield the correct SB scaled difference test statistic. Satorra developed an expression that permits scaling the difference test statistic, but his formula has some practical limitations, since it requires heavy computations that are not available in standard computer software. The purpose of the present paper is to provide an easy way to compute the scaled difference chi-square statistic from the scaled goodness-of-fit test statistics of models M0{\cal M}_0 and M1{\cal M}_1. A Monte Carlo study is provided to illustrate the performance of the competing statistics.Moment-structures, goodness-of-fit test, chi-square difference test statisitc, chi-square distribution, non-normality