99 research outputs found

    Gastroschisis : ultrasonography for fetal weight estimation and prediction of perinatal outcomes

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    Orientadores: Cleisson Fábio Andrioli Peralta, Ricardo BariniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: Introdução: A literatura é controversa sobre o papel de parâmetros ultrassonográficos pré-natais na predição do risco de morbidade e mortalidade perinatais nos casos de gastrosquise. O peso ao nascimento é descrito como um importante fator prognóstico e estudos relatam que fórmulas ultrassonográficas criadas especificamente para esses casos apresentam melhor desempenho na estimativa do peso fetal, mas não há consenso sobre qual a melhor. Objetivos: Avaliar o papel de parâmetros ultrassonográficos pré-natais na predição de desfechos perinatais em casos de gastrosquise. Criar uma nova fórmula ultrassonográfica para estimativa de peso fetal que não utilize medidas abdominais e compará-la à outras fórmulas com parâmetros ultrassonográficos bidimensionais (US2D) e tridimensionais (US3D) quando aplicadas em fetos com gastrosquise. Métodos: Para avaliar o desempenho de parâmetros ultrassonográficos pré-natais na predição de desfechos perinatais foi realizado um estudo de coorte retrospectiva envolvendo fetos com o diagnóstico de gastrosquise isolada. Para criar e validar a nova fórmula US2D foram utilizados dados referentes à gestantes e fetos normais coletados em um estudo prévio publicado pelo nosso grupo. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo transversal envolvendo fetos com gastrosquise, para comparar a nova fórmula US2D com diferentes fórmulas US2D e US3D já publicadas. Os sujeitos foram selecionados entre aqueles acompanhados na Divisão de Obstetrícia do CAISM / UNICAMP. O tamanho da amostra foi estimado em 56 pacientes para avaliar o desempenho de parâmetros ultrassonográficos pré-natais na predição de desfechos perinatais e 27 pacientes para comparar as fórmulas de estimativa de peso fetal. Os dados maternos, gestacionais e pós-natais foram descritos como freqüências relativas e absolutas, média ± desvio padrão (DP), mediana e limites. A normalidade dos dados contínuos foi testada utilizando-se o teste de Kolmogorov¿Smirnov. Testes t de amostras independentes e testes de qui-quadrado foram utilizados na comparação de dados contínuos e categóricos, respectivamente. Análises de regressão polinominal até o terceiro grau foram consideradas para criar a nova fórmula US2D de estimativa do peso fetal sem medidas abdominais. Cálculo do erro percentual médio ± DP, testes t unilaterais, testes t de amostras pareadas com correção de Bonferroni e testes de variância para amostras pareadas foram usados para avaliar e comparar a acurácia e precisão das fórmulas. A associação entre dados contínuos foi testada utilizando-se os coeficientes de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e regressão logística univariada, conforme indicado. Valores de p < 0,05 foram considerados significativos. Resultados: Foram incluídos 44 casos de fetos com gastrosquise para avaliar a predição de desfechos perinatais por meio de parâmetros ultrassonográficos pré-natais. A presença de dilatação de alças intestinais intra-abdominais (DAI) fetais aumentou o risco de complicacões intestinais pós-natais e a presença de restrição de crescimento fetal (RCF) diminuiu o risco deste mesmo desfecho. Nenhum outro parâmetro ultrassonográfico pré-natal pode significativamente predizer os desfechos perinatais avaliados. Foram usados os dados referentes aos mesmos grupos de 150 fetos normais e 60 fetos normais do estudo prévio para respectivamente criar e validar a nova fórmula US2D, que foi a seguinte: peso fetal estimado (PFE) = 623.324 + 0.165 x DBP x CC x CF2 (DP: 12,25%). Na comparação entre as fórmulas US2D e entre as fórmulas US2D e US3D, foram utilizados 44 e 28 fetos com gastrosquise isolada, respectivamente. O melhor desempenho na estimativa do peso de fetos com gastrosquise foi obtido com o modelo US2D proposto por Siemer e colaboradores. Conclusões: Em fetos com gastrosquise o achado de DAI múltipla associa-se a complicações intestinais pós-natais e a presença de RCF possui um efeito protetor para este mesmo desfecho. A nova fórmula US2D sem medidas abdominais não melhorou a estimativa do peso ao nascimento dos fetos com gastrosquise da nossa população em relação às outras fórmulas US2D e US3D avaliadas. Na nossa amostra de pacientes com gastrosquise o modelo S2D de Siemer e colaboradores apresentou o melhor desempenho na estimativa de pesoAbstract: Background: The role of prenatal ultrasonographic parameters for the predicition of perinatal outcomes in fetuses with gastroschisis is still controversial. Birthweight is described as a prognostic factor and some studies report that ultrasonographic formulas especifically created for these cases have a better performance for fetal weight estimation, but there is no consensus about which is the best one. Objectives: To evaluate prenatal ultrasonographic parameters as predictors of adverse perinatal outcomes in fetuses with gastroschisis. To create a new birthweight predicting ultrasonographic model without abdominal measurements and compare this new formula with other two-dimensional (2DUS) and three-dimensional (3DUS) fetalweight predicting models already published when aplied to fetuses with gastroschisis. Methods: To evaluate the performance of prenatal ultrasonographic parameters as predictors of perinatal outcomes in fetuses with gastroschisis a retrospective cohort study was done. To create and validate the new 2DUS formula the same data from normal fetuses colected in a previous study of our group was used. A retrospective cross-sectional study encompassing fetuses with gastroschisis was carried out to compare the new 2DUS formula with other 2DUS and 3DUS formulas already published. The patients were selected among those followed at the Division of Obstetrics of the Center for Integral Assistance to Women¿s Health of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). The sample size was estimated in 56 patients to evaluate prenatal ultrasonographic predictors and perinatal outcomes and 27 patients to compare the fetal weigth estimating formulas. Maternal, pregnancy and postnatal data were described as absolute and percentual frequencies, mean ± standard deviation (SD), median and range. Continuous data were tested for their normal distribution using the Kolmogorov¿Smirnov test. Independent samples t tests and chi-square tests were used in the assessment of continuous and categorical variables, when appropriate. Polynomial stepwise regression analyses up to the third order were considered to generate a new 2DUS weight-predicting model without abdominal measurements. Calculation of the mean percentage error ± SD, one-sample t tests, paired samples t-tests with Bonferroni adjustment and correlated variance tests for paired samples were used to compare the performances of the formulas. The potential association between continuous data was tested by means of Pearson or Spearman¿s Correlation Coefficient and univariate logistic regression, as indicated. A two-tailed p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Forty-four fetuses were included to evaluate the ultrasonographic prental parameters as predictors of perinatal outcomes. The presence of fetal multiple intra-abdominal bowel dilation (IBD) was associated with increased incidence of intestinal complications and the presence of fetal growth restriction (FGR) had a protective effect over this outcome. No other prenatal ultrasographic parameter could significantly predict the perinatal outcomes evaluated. It was used the same data from our previous study on 150 normal fetuses and 60 normal fetuses to respectively generate and validate the new 2DUS formula, that was: estimated fetal weight = 623.324 + 0.165 x BPD x HC x FDL2 (SD: 12.25). In the comparison between the 2DUS formulas and between the 2DUS and 3DUS formulas it was included 44 and 28 fetuses, respectively. The best performance for weight prediction in fetuses with gastroschisis was achieved using the model created by Siemer et al. Conclusions: In fetuses with gastroschisis the findings of multiple IBD increases the risk of postnatal bowel complications and the presence of FGR decreases the risk of this outcome. The new 2DUS formula without abdominal measurements did not improve fetal weight estimation in fetuses with gastroschisis of our population when compared to other 2DUS and 3DUS formulas evaluated. The 2DUS weight estimating model of Siemer et al had the best performance for this purposeDoutoradoSaúde Materna e PerinatalDoutor em Ciências da Saúd

    Fetal Hemodynamic Parameters in Low Risk Pregnancies: Doppler Velocimetry of Uterine, Umbilical, and Middle Cerebral Artery

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    Objective. To elaborate curves of longitudinal reference intervals of pulsatility index (PI) and systolic velocity (SV) for uterine (UtA), umbilical (UA), and middle cerebral arteries (MCA), in low risk pregnancies. Methods. Doppler velocimetric measurements of PI and SV from 63 low risk pregnant women between 16 and 41 weeks of gestational age. Means (±SD) for intervals of gestational age and percentiles 5, 50, and 95 were calculated for each parameter. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) were also estimated for assessing intra- and intervariability of measurements. Results. Mean PI of UtA showed decreasing values during pregnancy, but no regular pattern was identified for mean SV. For UA, PI decreased and SV increased along gestation. MCA presented PI increasing values until 32–35 weeks. SV showed higher levels with increasing gestation. High ICC values indicated good reproducibility. Conclusions. Reference intervals for the assessment of SV and PI of UtA, UA, and MCA were established. These reference intervals showed how a normal pregnancy is expected to progress regarding these Doppler velocimetric parameters and are useful to follow high risk pregnancies. The comparison between results using different curves may provide insights about the best patterns to be used

    PINNs for the time-domain Maxwell equations - Preliminary results

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    International audienceThe Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) corresponds to a machinelearning strategy to approximate the solution of partialdifferential equations by in- cluding the residual PDE in the lossfunction. In a previous work, we found that adding physicalcoefficients as predictor variables in a PINN for boundary layerlinear problems improves the accuracy of the approximation when com-paring it with the approximate solution obtained from PINNs that useonly spatio-temporal inputs. This work explores this same strategyfor the time-dependent Maxwell linear equations in case electric andmagnetic fields present highly oscillatory behavior. Extensivenumerical experiments assess this strategy by simulating electromagneticfields in heterogeneous media with high permittivity variabilityin small spatiotemporal regions of the domai

    Tracheal occlusion for fetuses with severe isolated left-sided diaphragmatic hernia: a nonrandomized controlled experimental study

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    PURPOSE: To compare postnatal survival to hospital discharge of fetuses with severe isolated left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia, who underwent tracheal occlusion, with that of nonrandomized contemporaneous controls. METHODS: Experimental nonrandomized controlled study, performed from April 2007 to September 2011. Fetuses with severe isolated left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia with liver herniation into the chest and lung area-to-head circumference ratio <1.0, who underwent tracheal occlusion (study group) or expectant management (non-randomized contemporaneous controls), were compared in terms of lung area-to-head circumference ratio and observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio (observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio) at the time of diagnosis, gestational age at birth, and survival to hospital discharge. Modifications in lung area-to-head circumference ratio and o/e lung area-to-head circumference ratio after tracheal occlusion were also analyzed. Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney's or Wilcoxon's tests were used for the comparisons. RESULTS: There were no significant differences between the Study Group (TO=28) and Controls (n=13) in terms of the lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p=0.709) and the observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p=0.5) at the time of diagnosis and gestational age at birth (p=0.146). The survival to hospital discharge was higher (p=0.012) in the tracheal occlusion group (10/28=35.7%) than in controls (0/13=0.0%). There was a significant increase in lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p<0.001) and observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio (p<0.001) between the diagnosis of the congenital diaphragmatic hernia [lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 0.80 (0.40-0.94); observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 27.0 (15.3-45.0)], and the day before retrieval of the balloon [lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 1.2 (0.50-1.80); observed/expected lung area-to-head circumference ratio: 40.0 (17.5-60.0)]. CONCLUSIONS: There was a significant improvement in the survival rate to hospital discharge of fetuses with severe isolated left-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia, who underwent tracheal occlusion in comparison to nonrandomized contemporaneous controls.OBJETIVO: Comparar a sobrevida pós-natal de fetos com hérnia diafragmática congênita esquerda grave isolada, os quais foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal, com a de controles não randomizados contemporâneos. MÉTODOS: Estudo experimental não randomizado e controlado, conduzido de abril de 2007 a setembro de 2011. Fetos portadores de hérnia diafragmática congênita esquerda isolada com herniação hepática e relação pulmão/cabeça <1,0, que foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal (grupo de estudo) ou conduta expectante (controles não randomizados contemporâneos), foram comparados quanto à relação pulmão/cabeça e ao observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça no diagnóstico, à idade gestacional por ocasião do parto e sobrevida neonatal com alta do berçário. A evolução da relação pulmão/cabeça e do observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça depois da oclusão traqueal foi descrita. Testes de Fisher, Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon foram usados na análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças significativas entre o grupo de estudo (n=28) e o Controle (n=13) quanto à relação pulmão/cabeça (p=0,7) e ao observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça (p=0,5), no momento do diagnóstico, nem à idade gestacional no parto (p=0,146). A sobrevida com alta do berçário foi maior (p=0,012) no grupo da oclusão traqueal (10/28=35,7%) do que no Grupo Controle (0/13=0,0%). Houve aumento da relação pulmão/cabeça (p<0,001) e do observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça (p<0,001) entre o momento do diagnóstico da hérnia diafragmática congênita [relação pulmão/cabeça: 0,8 (0,4-0,9); observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça: 27,0 (15,3-45,0)] e um dia antes da retirada do balão traqueal [relação pulmão/cabeça: 1,2 (0,5-1,8); observado/esperado da relação pulmão/cabeça: 40,0 (17,5-60,0)]. CONCLUSÕES: Houve melhora significativa na sobrevida pós-natal com alta do berçário de fetos com hérnia diafragmática congênita esquerda isolada grave, que foram submetidos à oclusão traqueal em relação a controles não randomizados contemporâneos.38138

    Longitudinal reference intervals of maternal-fetal Doppler parameters

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    PURPOSE: To create longitudinal reference intervals for pulsatility index (PI) of the umbilical (UA), middle cerebral (MCA), uterine (UtA) arteries and ductus venosus (DV) in a Brazilian cohort. METHODS: A longitudinal observational study performed from February 2010 to May 2012. Low risk pregnancies were scanned fortnightly from 18 to 40 weeks for the measurements of PI of the UA, MCA, DV and UtA. Linear mixed models were used for the elaboration of longitudinal reference intervals (5th, 50th and 95th percentiles) of these measurements. PI obtained for the placental and abdominal portions of the umbilical artery were compared by the t-test for independent samples. Two-sided p values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: A total of 164 patients underwent 1,242 scans. There was significant decrease in PI values of all vessels studied with gestational age (GA). From the 18th to the 40th week of pregnancy, the median PI values of UA (abdominal and placental ends of the cord), MCA, DV and the mean PI of the UtA ranged from 1.19 to 0.74, 1.33 to 0.78, 1.56 to 1.39, 0.58 to 0.41, and 0.98 to 0.66, respectively. The following equations were obtained for the prediction of the medians: PI-UA=1.5602786 - (0.020623 x GA); Logarithm of the PI-MCA=0.8149111 - (0.004168 x GA) - [0.02543 x (GA - 28.7756)²]; Logarithm of the PI-DV=-0.26691- (0.015414 x GA); PI-UtA = 1.2362403 - (0.014392 x GA). There was a significant difference between the PI-UA obtained at the abdominal and placental ends of the umbilical cord (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Longitudinal reference intervals for the main gestational Doppler parameters were obtained in a Brazilian cohort. These intervals could be more adequate for the follow-up of maternal-fetal hemodynamic modifications in normal and abnormal pregnancies, a fact that still requires further validation.OBJETIVO: Criar intervalos de referência longitudinais para os valores de índices de pulsatilidade (IP) dos fluxos nas artérias umbilicais (AU), cerebral média (ACM) e uterinas (AUt) e IP venoso do fluxo no ducto venoso (DV) com uma amostra da população brasileira. MÉTODOS: Estudo observacional longitudinal realizado de fevereiro de 2010 a maio de 2012. Gestantes de baixo risco foram submetidas a exames ultrassonográficos quinzenais da 18ª a 40ª semana para obtenção dos IP das AU, AUt, ACM e IP venoso do DV. Modelos lineares mistos foram usados para elaboração de intervalos de referência longitudinais (percentis 5, 50 e 95) dos IP dos vasos mencionados. Os IP das porções placentária e abdominal do cordão umbilical foram comparados por meio do teste t de amostras independentes. Valores de p bilaterais menores do que 0,05 foram considerados significativos. RESULTADOS: Cento e sessenta e quatro gestantes foram submetidas a 1.242 exames ultrassonográficos. Houve redução significativa nos valores de todos esses parâmetros com o avançar da IG. Entre a 18ª e a 40ª semana de gravidez, as medianas de IP da AU (porções abdominal e placentária do cordão), da ACM, do DV e do IP médio das AUt variaram de 1,19 a 0,74; 1,33 a 0,78; 1,56 a 1,39; 0,58 a 0,41; e 0,98 a 0,66, respectivamente. As equações obtidas para predição das medianas foram: IP-AU=1,5602786 - (0,020623 x IG); Logaritmo do IP-ACM=0,8149111 - (0,004168 x IG) - [0,002543 x (IG - 28,7756)²]; Logaritmo do IP-DV=-0,26691- (0,015414 x IG); IP-AUt=1,2362403 - (0,014392 x IG). Houve diferença significativa entre os IP-AU obtidos nas extremidades placentária e abdominal fetal (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Foram estabelecidos intervalos de referência longitudinais dos parâmetros doplervelocimétricos gestacionais mais importantes em uma amostra da população brasileira. Estes podem ser mais adequados para o acompanhamento das modificações hemodinâmicas materno-fetais em gestações normais ou não, o que ainda requer validação futura.333

    Laser ablation of placental vessels for treatment of severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome: experience from an university center in Brazil

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    PURPOSE: to describe the results of laser ablation of placental vessels for the treatment of severe twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome in an university center in Brazil. METHODS: retrospective observational study of patients treated at UNICAMP from 2007 to 2009. Laser ablation of placental vessels was performed in cases of severe twin-twin transfusion syndrome (Quintero stages II, III and IV) diagnosed before 26 complete weeks of gestation. The main variables evaluated in this series were gestational age at delivery, survival (discharge from the nursery) of at least one twin and neurological damage in survivors. Logistic regression was used to investigate the influence of cervical length, gestational age and stage of the disease (before the surgery) on the occurrence of delivery/abortion and fetal death after the intervention, and the influence on severe preterm birth and survival. RESULTS: in the whole series, at least one twin survived in 63.3% of cases (19/30). Among patients who did not have delivery/abortion after surgery, the survival of at least one twin was 82.6% (19/23). In this subgroup (n=23), mean gestational age in delivery was 31.9 weeks and neurological damage was identified in one neonate (1/31; 3.2%). Cervix length influenced the occurrence of delivery/abortion after surgery (p-value=0.008). Among seven patients (7/30; 23.3%) who carried this complication, five (5/7; 71.4%) had cervix length lower than 15 mm. Among the 23 patients who did not have delivery/abortion as a result of the surgery, the highest stages of the disease (III and IV) increased the risk of delivery prior to 32 complete weeks of gestation (p-value=0.025) and decreased the chance of survival of both twins (p-value=0.026). CONCLUSIONS: the results are similar to those available in the literature. In our series, the main factors associated with poorer results were short cervix (lower than 15 mm) and the highest stages of the disease (III and IV) at the time of the treatment.OBJETIVO: descrever os resultados do tratamento da síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal grave com a ablação vascular placentária a laser em um centro universitário do Brasil. MÉTODOS: estudo observacional retrospectivo que incluiu pacientes tratadas na Universidade Estadual de Campinas entre 2007 e 2009. A ablação vascular placentária foi realizada em casos de transfusão feto-fetal grave (estágios II, III e IV de Quintero) diagnosticados até a 26ª semana de gravidez. As principais variáveis avaliadas foram a idade gestacional no parto, a sobrevida (alta do berçário) de pelo menos um gêmeo e o comprometimento neurológico nos sobreviventes. Regressão logística foi utilizada para investigar a influência do comprimento do colo uterino, da idade gestacional e do estágio da doença (antes da cirurgia) sobre o parto/abortamento e o óbito fetal após a intervenção, sobre o parto pré-termo extremo e a sobrevida. RESULTADOS: em toda a amostra, pelo menos uma criança sobreviveu em 63,3% dos casos (19/30). Entre as gestantes que não tiveram parto/abortamento após à cirurgia, a sobrevida de pelo menos um gêmeo foi 82,6% (19/23). Nesse subgrupo (n=23), a idade gestacional média no parto foi 31,9 semanas e o comprometimento neurológico ocorreu em um neonato (1/31; 3,2%). O comprimento do colo uterino influenciou na ocorrência de parto/abortamento após a cirurgia (valor de p=0,008). Entre sete pacientes (7/30; 23,3%) que apresentaram essa complicação, cinco (5/7; 71,4%) tinham medidas do colo uterino menores do que 15 mm. Entre as 23 gestantes que não tiveram parto/abortamento após a cirurgia, os estágios mais avançados da doença (III e IV) aumentaram o risco de parto antes de 32 semanas (valor de p=0,025) e diminuíram a chance de sobrevida de ambas as crianças (valor de p=0,026). CONCLUSÕES: os resultados são semelhantes aos descritos na literatura. Na presente amostra, os principais fatores associados a piores resultados foram o colo uterino curto (menor do que 15 mm) e os estágios mais avançados da doença (III e IV) no momento em que o tratamento foi realizado.21422

    Natural history of monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies with and without twin-twin transfusion syndrome

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    PURPOSE: to evaluate the evolution of monochorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancies with and without the twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), followed up in an expectant way. METHODS: retrospective study in which the pregnancies with and without TTTS and with mild (Quintero's stage I) and severe (Quintero's stages II, III, IV and V) disease manifestations were compared according to extreme preterm delivery, neurological impairment and the twins' nursery discharge. The extreme preterm twins who had had TTTS, or not, were compared whether they had or not neurological impairment. The &#967;2 or Fisher's exact test were used. RESULTS: among 149 monochorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancies, 15 presented TTTS, 11 (11/15 - 73.3%) in the severe form and 4 (4/15 - 26.7%) at stage I. The extreme preterm delivery was more frequent (p<0.001) in the cases with the disease (11/15 - 73.3%) than in the cases without it (25/134 - 18.7%), and more common (p=0.033) in severe (10/11 - 91.1%) than in mild cases (1/4 - 25.0%). Neurological impairment in at least one twin was more frequent in cases with (5/8 - 62.5%) than in cases without (9/134 - 6.7%) the disease (p<0.001). Nursery discharge of at least one twin was more common (p<0.001) in cases without (132/134 - 98.5%) than in cases with the disease (8/15 - 53.0%). Neurological impairment in at least one of the twins was more frequent (p=0.04) in the severe (5/5 - 100%) than in the mild (1/4 - 25%) form of the disease. Nursery discharge of both twins was more common (p=0.004) at stage I (4/4 - 100%), than in the severe form of the disease (1/11 - 9.0%). Among the 47 extreme preterm twins, the neurological impairment was more frequent (p=0.001) among the ones who had (6/6 - 100%), than among those who did not have TTTS (11/41 - 26.8%). CONCLUSIONS: cases with twin-twin transfusion syndrome, followed up in an expectant way have bad perinatal prognosis, with high neonatal mortality and high rates of neurological arrest among the survivors.OBJETIVO: avaliar a evolução de gestações gemelares monocoriônicas diamnióticas com e sem síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal (STFF), acompanhadas de forma expectante. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo no qual as gestações sem e com STFF e com as formas leve (estágio I de Quintero) e grave (estágios II, III, IV e V de Quintero) da doença foram comparadas quanto a parto pré-termo extremo, comprometimento neurológico e alta dos gêmeos do berçário. Os gêmeos pré-termo extremo que tiveram ou não STFF foram comparados quanto à ocorrência de comprometimento neurológico. Foram utilizados os testes do &#967;2 ou exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: quinze entre 149 gestações gemelares monocoriônicas diamnióticas apresentaram STFF, 11 (11/15-73,3%) na forma grave e 4 (4/15-26,7%) no estágio I. O parto pré-termo extremo foi mais frequente (p<0,001) nos casos com (11/15 - 73,3%) do que sem a doença (25/134 - 18,7%) e mais comum (p=0,033) em casos graves (10/11 - 91,1%) do que leves (1/4 - 25,0%). O comprometimento neurológico de pelo menos um gêmeo foi mais frequente nos casos com (5/8=62,5%) do que sem (9/134=6,7%) a doença (p<0,001). A alta do berçário de pelo menos um gêmeo foi mais comum (p<0,001) nos casos sem a doença (132/134=98,5% versus 8/15=53,0%). O dano neurológico em pelo menos um gêmeo foi mais frequente (p=0,04) na forma grave (5/5=100%) do que leve (1/4=25%) da doença. A alta de ambos os gêmeos do berçário foi mais comum (p=0,004) no estágio I (4/4=100%) do que na doença grave (1/11=9,0%). Entre os 47 gêmeos pré-termo extremo, o dano neurológico foi mais frequente (p=0,001) naqueles que tiveram (6/6-100%) do que entre os que não tiveram STFF (11/41-26,8%). CONCLUSÕES: casos com transfusão feto-fetal acompanhados de forma expectante têm prognóstico perinatal ruim, com elevada mortalidade neonatal e altos índices de comprometimento neurológico entre as sobreviventes.27327

    Fetal Hemodynamic Parameters in Low Risk Pregnancies: Doppler Velocimetry of Uterine, Umbilical, and Middle Cerebral Artery

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    Objective. To elaborate curves of longitudinal reference intervals of pulsatility index (PI) and systolic velocity (SV) for uterine (UtA), umbilical (UA), and middle cerebral arteries (MCA), in low risk pregnancies. Methods. Doppler velocimetric measurements of PI and SV from 63 low risk pregnant women between 16 and 41 weeks of gestational age. Means (±SD) for intervals of gestational age and percentiles 5, 50, and 95 were calculated for each parameter. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) were also estimated for assessing intra-and intervariability of measurements. Results. Mean PI of UtA showed decreasing values during pregnancy, but no regular pattern was identified for mean SV. For UA, PI decreased and SV increased along gestation. MCA presented PI increasing values until 32-35 weeks. SV showed higher levels with increasing gestation. High ICC values indicated good reproducibility. Conclusions. Reference intervals for the assessment of SV and PI of UtA, UA, and MCA were established. These reference intervals showed how a normal pregnancy is expected to progress regarding these Doppler velocimetric parameters and are useful to follow high risk pregnancies. The comparison between results using different curves may provide insights about the best patterns to be used

    Antenatal magnetic resonance imaging versus ultrasound for predicting neonatal macrosomia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Fetal macrosomia is associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. OBJECTIVES: To compare the accuracy of antenatal two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound, three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in predicting fetal macrosomia at birth. SEARCH STRATEGY: Medline (1966-2013), Embase, the Cochrane Library and Web of Knowledge. SELECTION CRITERIA: Cohort or diagnostic accuracy studies of women with a singleton pregnancy, who had third-trimester imaging to predict macrosomia (>4000 g, >4500 g or >90th or >95th centile). DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two reviewers screened studies, performed data extraction and assessed methodological quality. The bivariate model was used to obtain summary sensitivities, specificities and likelihood ratios. MAIN RESULTS: Fifty-eight studies (34 367 pregnant women) were included. Most were poorly reported. Only one study assessed 3D ultrasound volumetry. For predicting birthweight >4000 g or >90th centile, the summary sensitivity for 2D ultrasound (Hadlock) estimated fetal weight (EFW) >90th centile or >4000 g (29 studies) was 0.56 (95% CI 0.49-0.61), 2D ultrasound abdominal circumference (AC) >35 cm (four studies) was 0.80 (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.69-0.87) and MRI EFW (three studies) was 0.93 (95% CI 0.76-0.98). The summary specificities were 0.92 (95% CI 0.90-0.94), 0.86 (95% CI 0.74-0.93) and 0.95 (95% CI 0.92-0.97), respectively. CONCLUSION: There is insufficient evidence to conclude that MRI EFW is more sensitive than 2D ultrasound AC (which is more sensitive than 2D EFW); although it was more specific. Further primary research is required before recommending MRI EFW for use in clinical practice

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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