28,269 research outputs found

    Fatigue testing of low-cost fiberglass composite wind turbine blade materials

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    The static and fatigue behavior of transverse filament tape (TFT) fiberglass/epoxy and TFT/polyester composites was established by the testing of specimens cut from panels fabricated by a filament winding process used for the construction of large experimental wind turbine blades

    Quantum computers can search arbitrarily large databases by a single query

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    This paper shows that a quantum mechanical algorithm that can query information relating to multiple items of the database, can search a database in a single query (a query is defined as any question to the database to which the database has to return a (YES/NO) answer). A classical algorithm will be limited to the information theoretic bound of at least O(log N) queries (which it would achieve by using a binary search).Comment: Several enhancements to the original pape

    Calcium-sensing receptor activation increases cell-cell adhesion and ß-cell function

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    Background/Aims: The extracellular calcium-sensing receptor (CaR) is expressed in pancreatic β-cells where it is thought to facilitate cell-to-cell communication and augment insulin secretion. However, it is unknown how CaR activation improves β-cell function. Methods: Immunocytochemistry and western blotting confirmed the expression of CaR in MIN6 β-cell line. The calcimimetic R568 (1µM) was used to increase the affinity of the CaR and specifically activate the receptor at a physiologically appropriate extracellular calcium concentration. Incorporation of 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was used to measure cell proliferation, whilst changes in non-nutrient-evoked cytosolic calcium were assessed using fura-2-microfluorimetry. AFM-single-cell-force spectroscopy related CaR-evoked changes in epithelial (E)-cadherin expression to improved functional tethering between coupled cells. Results: Activation of the CaR over 48hr doubled the expression of E-cadherin (206±41%) and increased L-type voltage-dependent calcium channel expression by 70% compared to control. These changes produced a 30% increase in cell-cell tethering and elevated the basal-to-peak amplitude of ATP (50µM) and tolbutamide (100µM)-evoked changes in cytosolic calcium. Activation of the receptor also increased PD98059 (1-100µM) and SU1498 (1-100µM)-dependent β-cell proliferation. Conclusion: Our data suggest that activation of the CaR increases E-cadherin mediated functional tethering between β-cells and increases expression of L-type VDCC and secretagogue-evoked changes in [Ca2+]i. These findings could explain how local changes in calcium, co-released with insulin, activate the CaR on neighbouring cells to help ensure efficient and appropriate secretory function

    Purification and characterization of a calmodulin-dependent protein kinase that is highly concentrated in brain

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    A calcium and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase has been purified from rat brain. It was monitored during the purification by its ability to phosphorylate the synaptic vesicle-associated protein, synapsin I. A 300-fold purification was sufficient to produce kinase that is 90-95% pure as determined by scans of stained sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels and has a specific activity of 2.9 mumol of 32P transferred per min/mg of protein. Thus, the kinase is a relatively abundant brain enzyme, perhaps comprising as much as 0.3% of the total brain protein. The Stokes radius (95 A) and sedimentation coefficient (16.4 S) of the kinase indicate a holoenzyme molecular weight of approximately 650,000. The holoenzyme is composed of three subunits as judged by their co-migration with kinase activity during the purification steps and co-precipitation with kinase activity by a specific anti-kinase monoclonal antibody. The three subunits have molecular weights of 50,000, 58,000, and 60,000, and have been termed alpha, beta', and beta, respectively. The alpha- and beta-subunits are distinct peptides, however, beta' may have been generated from beta by proteolysis. All three of these subunits bind calmodulin in the presence of calcium and are autophosphorylated under conditions in which the kinase is active. The subunits are present in a ratio of about 3 alpha-subunits to 1 beta/beta'-subunit. We therefore postulate that the 650,000-Da holoenzyme consists of approximately 9 alpha-subunits and 3 beta/beta'-subunits. The abundance of this calmodulin-dependent protein kinase indicates that its activation is likely to be an important biochemical response to increases in calcium ion concentration in neuronal tissue

    The Banjo Rag

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    A large banjo with the title inside the circle part, surrounded by an island scene in the backgroundhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/13685/thumbnail.jp

    A classical analogue of entanglement

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    We show that quantum entanglement has a very close classical analogue, namely secret classical correlations. The fundamental analogy stems from the behavior of quantum entanglement under local operations and classical communication and the behavior of secret correlations under local operations and public communication. A large number of derived analogies follow. In particular teleportation is analogous to the one-time-pad, the concept of ``pure state'' exists in the classical domain, entanglement concentration and dilution are essentially classical secrecy protocols, and single copy entanglement manipulations have such a close classical analog that the majorization results are reproduced in the classical setting. This analogy allows one to import questions from the quantum domain into the classical one, and vice-versa, helping to get a better understanding of both. Also, by identifying classical aspects of quantum entanglement it allows one to identify those aspects of entanglement which are uniquely quantum mechanical.Comment: 13 pages, references update

    Simple Proof of Security of the BB84 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol

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    We prove the security of the 1984 protocol of Bennett and Brassard (BB84) for quantum key distribution. We first give a key distribution protocol based on entanglement purification, which can be proven secure using methods from Lo and Chau's proof of security for a similar protocol. We then show that the security of this protocol implies the security of BB84. The entanglement-purification based protocol uses Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) codes, and properties of these codes are used to remove the use of quantum computation from the Lo-Chau protocol.Comment: 5 pages, Latex, minor changes to improve clarity and fix typo

    Comparing primary prevention with secondary prevention to explain decreasing Coronary Heart Disease death rates in Ireland, 1985-2000.

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate whether primary prevention might be more favourable than secondary prevention (risk factor reduction in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD)). METHODS: The cell-based IMPACT CHD mortality model was used to integrate data for Ireland describing CHD patient numbers, uptake of specific treatments, trends in major cardiovascular risk factors, and the mortality benefits of these specific risk factor changes in CHD patients and in healthy people without recognised CHD. RESULTS: Between 1985 and 2000, approximately 2,530 fewer deaths were attributable to reductions in the three major risk factors in Ireland. Overall smoking prevalence declined by 14% between 1985 and 2000, resulting in about 685 fewer deaths (minimum estimate 330, maximum estimate 1,285) attributable to smoking cessation: about 275 in healthy people and 410 in known CHD patients. Population total cholesterol concentrations fell by 4.6%, resulting in approximately 1,300 (minimum estimate 1,115, maximum estimate 1,660) fewer deaths attributable to dietary changes(1,185 in healthy people and 115 in CHD patients) plus 305 fewer deaths attributable to statin treatment (45 in people without CHD and 260 in CHD patients). Mean population diastolic blood pressure fell by 7.2%, resulting in approximately 170 (minimum estimate 105, maximum estimate 300) fewer deaths attributable to secular falls in blood pressure (140 in healthy people and 30 in CHD patients), plus approximately 70 fewer deaths attributable to antihypertensive treatments in people without CHD. Of all the deaths attributable to risk factor falls, some 1,715 (68%) occurred in people without recognized CHD and 815(32%) in CHD patients. CONCLUSION: Compared with secondary prevention, primary prevention achieved a two-fold larger reduction in CHD deaths. Future national CHD policies should therefore prioritize nationwide interventions to promote healthy diets and reduce smoking

    Cryogenic thermal control technology summaries

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    A summarization and categorization is presented of the pertinent literature associated with cryogenic thermal control technology having potential application to in-orbit fluid transfer systems and/or associated space storage. Initially, a literature search was conducted to obtain pertinent documents for review. Reports determined to be of primary significance were summarized in detail. Each summary, where applicable, consists of; (1) report identification, (2) objective(s) of the work, (3) description of pertinent work performed, (4)major results, and (5) comments of the reviewer (GD/C). Specific areas covered are; (1) multilayer insulation of storage tanks with and without vacuum jacketing, (2) other insulation such as foams, shadow shields, microspheres, honeycomb, vent cooling and composites, (3) vacuum jacketed and composite fluid lines, and (4) low conductive tank supports and insulation penetrations. Reports which were reviewed and not summarized, along with reasons for not summarizing, are also listed

    A Measure of Stregth of an Unextendible Product Basis

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    A notion of strength of an unextendible product basis is introduced and a quantitative measure for it is suggested with a view to providing an indirect measure for the bound entanglement of formation of the bound entangled mixed state associated with an unextendible product basis.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 1 figure, remarks, criticisms welcom
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