5,162 research outputs found

    Energetic proton spectra in the 11 June 1991 solar flare

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    The June 11, 1991 gamma-ray flare seen by the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO) displays several features that make it a dynamic and rich event. It is a member of a class of long duration gamma-ray events with both 2.223 MeV and greater than 8 MeV emission for hours after the impulsive phase. It also contains an inter-phase between the impulsive and extended phases that presents a challenge to the standard gamma-ray line (GRL) flare picture. This phase has strong 2.223 MeV emission and relatively weak 4.44 MeV emission indicative of a very hard parent proton spectrum. However, this would indicate emission greater than 8 MeV, which is absent from this period. We present the application of new spectroscopy techniques to this phase of the flare in order to present a reasonable explanation for this seemly inconsistent picture

    Relationship between tumour PTEN/Akt/COX-2 expression, inflammatory response and survival in patients with colorectal cancer

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    In patients with colorectal cancer (CRC), local and systemic inflammatory responses have been extensively reported to associate with cancer survival. However, the specific signalling pathways responsible for inflammatory responses are not clear. The PTEN/Akt pathway is a plausible candidate as it may play a role in mediating inflammation via COX-2, and has been associated with cancer progression. This study therefore examined the relationship between tumour PTEN/Akt/COX-2 expression, inflammatory responses and survival in CRC patients using a tissue microarray. In 201 CRC patients, activation of tumour-specific PTEN/Akt significantly associated with poorer CSS (12.0yrs v 7.3yrs, P=0.032), poorer differentiation (P=0.032), venous invasion (P=0.008) and peritoneal involvement (P=0.004). Patients were stratified for peri-nuclear expression of COX-2 to examine associations with inflammatory responses. In patients with absent peri-nuclear COX-2 expression, activation of tumour-specific PTEN/Akt significantly associated with poorer CSS (11.9yrs v 5.4yrs, P=0.001), poorer differentiation (P=0.018), venous invasion (P=0.003) and peritoneal involvement (P=0.001). However, no associations were seen with either the local or systemic inflammatory responses. In CRC patients, tumour-specific PTEN/Akt pathway activation was significantly associated with poorer CSS, particularly when peri-nuclear COX-2 expression was absent. However, activation of the PTEN/Akt pathway appears not to be responsible for the regulation of inflammatory responses

    Perceptual and performance consequences of flight in virtual worlds

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    There are two primary purposes for head-mounted systems in aeronautical settings. One is for helmet-mounted sights and teleoperated (head-slaved) weapons systems. Bennett, Johnson, Perrone, and Phatak (1988) evaluated head tracking performance during passive and controlled flight. In that study, comparisons were also made of head tracking performance in sterile and relatively complex virtual worlds. That study confirmed the robustness of head tracking performance across a wide variety of visual scenes. A second use of virtual world displays is for aircraft control. Aircraft controllability using head-mounted, panel-mounted, or simulated out-the-window scenes has been systematically examined. Those studies reported the range of rotorcraft flight tasks in which head-mounted virtual worlds provided some advantages. Two studies will be reported that examine the perceptual/performance effects of virtual worlds. The first examines head tracking performance with roll-stabilized versus non-roll stabilized virtual worlds. The purpose of the study was to (1) examine display strategies used in current display systems and (2) study the adaptability of observers to estimated glide slope angles using head-slaved versus head-stabilized imagery. The purpose of this study was to examine the usefulness of wide field-of-regards during final approaches to a runway

    Gamma ray measurements of the 1991 November 15 solar flare

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    The 1991 November 15 X1.5 flare was a well observed solar event. Comprehensive data from ground-based observatories and spacecraft provide the basis for a contextual interpretation of gamma-ray spectra from the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (CGRO). In particular, spectral, spatial, and temporal data at several energies are necessary to understand the particle dynamics and the acceleration mechanism(s) within this flare. X-ray images, radio, Ca XIX data and magnetograms provide morphological information on the acceleration region [4,5], while gamma-ray spectral data provide information on the parent ion spectrum. Furthermore, time profiles in hard X-rays and gamma-rays provide valuable information on temporal characteristics of the energetic particles. We report the results of our analysis of the evolution of this flare as a function of energy (∼25 keV–2.5 MeV) and time. These results, together with other high energy data (e.g. from experiments on Yohkoh, Ulysses, and PVO) may assist in identifying and understanding the acceleration mechanism(s) taking place in this event

    Tides and Overtides in Long Island Sound

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    Using observations obtained by acoustic Doppler profilers and coastal water level recorders, we describe the vertical and horizontal structure of the currents and sea level due to the principal tidal constituents in Long Island Sound, a shallow estuary in southern New England. As expected, the observations reveal that M2 is the dominant constituent in both sea surface and velocity at all depths and sites. We also find evidence that the vertical structure of the M2 tidal current ellipse parameters vary with the seasonal evolution of vertical stratification at some sites. By comparing our estimates of the vertical structure of the M2 amplitudes to model predictions, we demonstrate that both uniform and vertically variable, time invariant eddy viscosities are not consistent with our measurements in the Sound. The current records from the western Sound contain significant overtides at the M4 and M6 frequencies with amplitudes and phases that are independent of depth. Though the M4 amplitude decreases to the west in proportion to M2, the M6 amplifies. Since the dynamics that generate overtides also produce tidal residuals, this provides a sensitive diagnostic of the performances of numerical circulation models. We demonstrate that the observed along-Sound structure of the amplitude of the M4 and M6 overtides is only qualitatively consistent with the predictions of a nonlinear, laterally averaged layer model forced by a mean flow and sea level at the boundaries. Since neither the vertical structure of the principal tidal constituent nor the pattern of horizontal variation of the largest overtides can be explained using well established models, we conclude that they are fundamentally inadequate and should no longer be used for more than a basic qualitative understanding, and even then should be used with caution. We provide comprehensive tables of the tidal current parameters to facilitate the critical evaluation of future models of the circulation in the Sound

    Does metabolic reprogramming underpin age-associated changes in T cell phenotype and function?

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    T cells are required for an effective adaptive immune response. The principal function of T cells is to promote efficient removal of foreign material by identifying and mounting a specific response to nonself. A decline in T cell function in aging is thought to contribute to reduced response to infection and vaccination and an increase in autoimmunity. This may in part be due to the age-related decrease in naïve CD4+ T cells and increase in antigen-experienced CD4+ T cells, loss of redox homeostasis, and impaired metabolic switching. Switching between subsets is triggered by the integration of extracellular signals sensed through surface receptors and the activation of discrete intracellular metabolic pathways. This article explores how metabolic programming and loss of redox homeostasis during aging may contribute to age-associated changes in T cell phenotype and function. © 2014 Elsevier Inc

    COMPTEL gamma-ray observations of the C4 solar flare on 20 January 2000

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    The “Pre-SMM” (Vestrand and Miller 1998) picture of gamma-ray line (GRL) flares was that they are relatively rare events. This picture was quickly put in question with the launch of the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM). Over 100 GRL flares were seen with sizes ranging from very large GOES class events (X12) down to moderately small events (M2). It was argued by some (Bai 1986) that this was still consistent with the idea that GRL events are rare. Others, however, argued the opposite (Vestrand 1988; Cliver, Crosby and Dennis 1994), stating that the lower end of this distribution was just a function of SMM’s sensitivity. They stated that the launch of the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO) would in fact continue this distribution to show even smaller GRL flares. In response to a BACODINE cosmic gamma-ray burst alert, COMPtonTELescope on the CGRO recorded gamma rays above 1 MeV from the C4 flare at 0221 UT 20 January 2000. This event, though at the limits of COMPTEL’s sensitivity, clearly shows a nuclear line excess above the continuum. Using new spectroscopy techniques we were able to resolve individual lines. This has allowed us to make a basic comparison of this event with the GRL flare distribution from SMM and also compare this flare with a well-observed large GRL flare seen by OSSE

    X- and gamma-ray observations of the 15 November 1991 Solar Flare

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    This work expands the current understanding of the 15 November 1991 Solar Flare. The flare was a well observed event in radio to gamma-rays and is the first flare to be extensively studied with the benefit of detailed soft and hard X-ray images. In this work, we add data from all four instruments on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. Using these data we determined that the accelerated electron spectrum above 170 keV is best fit with a power law with a spectral index of −4.6, while the accelerated proton spectrum above 0.6 MeV is fit with a power law of spectral index −4.5. From this we computed lower limits for the energy content of these particles of∼1023 ergs (electrons) and ∼1027 ergs (ions above 0.6 MeV). These particles do not have enough energy to produce the white-light emission observed from this event. We computed a time constant of 26+20−15 s for the 2.223 MeV neutron capture line, which is consistent at the 2σ level with the lowest values of ∼70 s found for other flares. The mechanism for this short capture time may be better understood after analyses of high energy EGRET data that show potential evidence for pion emission near ∼100 MeV

    Case Notes

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