2,679 research outputs found

    A third red supergiant rich cluster in the Scutum-Crux arm

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    Aims. We aim to characterise the properties of a third massive, red supergiant dominated galactic cluster. Methods. To accomplish this we utilised a combination of near/mid-IR photometry and spectroscopy to identify and classify the properties of cluster members, and statistical arguments to determine the mass of the cluster. Results. We found a total of 16 strong candidates for cluster membership, for which formal classification of a subset yields spectral types from K3-M4 Ia and luminosities between log(L/L-circle dot) similar to 4.5-4.8 for an adopted distance of 6 +/- 1 kpc. For an age in the range of 16-20 Myr, the implied mass is 2-4 x 10(4) M-circle dot, making it one of the most massive young clusters in the Galaxy. This discovery supports the hypothesis that a significant burst of star formation occurred at the base of Scutum-Crux arm between 10-20 Myr ago, yielding a stellar complex comprising at least similar to 10(5) M-circle dot of stars (noting that since the cluster identification criteria rely on the presence of RSGs, we suspect that the true stellar yield will be significantly higher). We highlight the apparent absence of X-ray binaries within the star formation complex and finally, given the physical association of at least two pulsars with this region, discuss the implications of this finding for stellar evolution and the production and properties of neutron stars

    IRAS 18357-0604 – an analogue of the galactic yellow hypergiant IRC +10420?

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    Context. Yellow hypergiants represent a short-lived evolutionary episode experienced by massive stars as they transit to and from a red supergiant phase. As such, their properties provide a critical test of stellar evolutionary theory, while recent observations unexpectedly suggest that a subset may explode as Type II supernovae.Aims. The galactic yellow hypergiant IRC +10420 is a cornerstone system for understanding this phase since it is the strongest post-RSG candidate known, has demonstrated real-time evolution across the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram and been subject to extensive mass loss. In this paper we report on the discovery of a twin of IRC +10420 - IRAS 18357-0604.Methods. Optical and near-IR spectroscopy are used to investigate the physical properties of IRAS 18357-0604 and also provide an estimate of its systemic velocity, while near- to mid-IR photometry probes the nature of its circumstellar environment.Results. These observations reveal pronounced spectral similarities between IRAS 18357-0604 and IRC +10420, suggesting comparable temperatures and wind geometries. IR photometric data reveals a similarly dusty circumstellar environment, although historical mass loss appears to have been heavier in IRC +10420. The systemic velocity implies a distance compatible with the red supergiant-dominated complex at the base of the Scutum Crux arm; the resultant luminosity determination is consistent with a physical association but suggests a lower initial mass than inferred for IRC +10420 (≲20 M⊙ versus ~40 M⊙). Evolutionary predictions for the physical properties of supernova progenitors derived from ~18–20 M⊙ stars – or ~12–15 M⊙ stars that have experienced enhanced mass loss as red supergiants – compare favourably with those of IRAS 18357-0604, which in turn appears to be similar to the the progenitor of SN2011dh; it may therefore provide an important insight into the nature of the apparently H-depleted yellow hypergiant progenitors of some Type IIb SNe

    The Role of Nutrition in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: A Systematic Review.

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    INTRODUCTION: Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) is the commonest cause of adult spinal cord impairment worldwide, encompassing chronic compression of the spinal cord, neurological disability and diminished quality of life. Evidence on the contribution of environmental factors is sparse; in particular, the role of nutrition in DCM is unknown. The objective of this review was to assess the effect of nutrition on DCM susceptibility, severity and surgical outcome. METHODS: A systematic review in MEDLINE and Embase was conducted following PRISMA guidelines. Full-text papers in English papers, focussing on cervical myelopathy and nutrition, published before January 2020 were considered eligible. Quality assessments were performed using the GRADE assessment tool. Patient demographics, nutritional factor and DCM outcomes measures were recorded. Relationships between nutritional factors, interventions and disease prognosis were assessed. RESULTS: In total, 5835 papers were identified of which 44 were included in the final analysis. DCM patients with pathological weight pre-operatively were more likely to see poorer improvements post-surgically. These patients experienced poorer physical and mental health improvements from surgery compared to normal weight patients and were more likely to suffer from post-operative complications such as infection, DVT, PE and hospital readmissions. Two trials reporting benefits of nutritional supplements were identified, with 1 suggesting Cerebrolysin to be significant in functional improvement. An unbalanced diet, history of alcohol abuse and malnourishment were associated with poorer post-operative outcome. CONCLUSION: Although the overall strength of recommendation is low, current evidence suggests nutrition may have a significant role in optimising surgical outcome in DCM patients. Although it may have a role in onset and severity of DCM, this is a preliminary suggestion. Further work needs to be done on how nutrition is defined and measured, however, the beneficial results from studies with nutritional interventions suggest nutrition could be a treatment target in DCM.Funding: Dr Benjamin M. Davies is supported by an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship. This report is independent research arising from a Clinician Scientist Award, CS-2015-15-023, supported by the National Institute for Health Research

    Multi-shot Echo Planar Imaging for accelerated Cartesian MR Fingerprinting: An alternative to conventional spiral MR Fingerprinting.

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    PURPOSE: To develop an accelerated Cartesian MRF implementation using a multi-shot EPI sequence for rapid simultaneous quantification of T1 and T2 parameters. METHODS: The proposed Cartesian MRF method involved the acquisition of highly subsampled MR images using a 16-shot EPI readout. A linearly varying flip angle train was used for rapid, simultaneous T1 and T2 quantification. The results were compared to a conventional spiral MRF implementation. The acquisition time per slice was 8s and this method was validated on two different phantoms and three healthy volunteer brains in vivo. RESULTS: Joint T1 and T2 estimations using the 16-shot EPI readout are in good agreement with the spiral implementation using the same acquisition parameters (<4% deviation for T1 and <6% deviation for T2). The T1 and T2 values also agree with the conventional values previously reported in the literature. The visual qualities of fine brain structures in the multi-parametric maps generated by multi-shot EPI-MRF and Spiral-MRF implementations were comparable. CONCLUSION: The multi-shot EPI-MRF method generated accurate quantitative multi-parametric maps similar to conventional Spiral-MRF. This multi-shot approach achieved considerable k-space subsampling and comparatively short TRs in a similar manner to spirals and therefore provides an alternative for performing MRF using an accelerated Cartesian readout; thereby increasing the potential usability of MRF.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission H2020 Framework Programme (H2020- MSCAITN- 2014), number 642685 MacSeNet, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) platform Compressed Quantitative MRI grant, number EP/M019802/1 and the Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe) award, number SRPe PECRE1718/ 17

    Another cluster of red supergiants close to RSGC1

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    Recent studies have revealed massive star clusters in a region of the Milky Way close to the tip of the Long Bar. These clusters are heavily obscured and are characterised by a population of red supergiants. We analyse a previously unreported concentration of bright red stars ~16' away from the cluster RSGC1. We utilised near IR photometry to identify candidate red supergiants and then K-band spectroscopy of a sample to characterise their properties. We find a compact clump of eight red supergiants and five other candidates at some distance, one of which is spectroscopically confirmed as a red supergiant. These objects must form an open cluster, which we name Alicante 8. Because of the high reddening and strong field contamination, the cluster sequence is not clearly seen in 2MASS or UKIDSS near-IR photometry. From the analysis of the red supergiants, we infer an extinction AKS=1.9A_{K_{{\rm S}}}=1.9 and an age close to 20 Myr. Though this cluster is smaller than the three known previously, its properties still suggest a mass in excess of 10 000 M_{\sun}. Its discovery corroborates the hypothesis that star formation in this region has happened on a wide scale between ~10 and ~20 Myr ago.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Figure 1 degraded and changed to B&W, Figure 2 degraded to meet size requirement

    VdBH 222: a starburst cluster in the inner Milky Way

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    Context. It has been suggested that the compact open cluster VdBH 222 is a young massive distant object.Aims. We set out to characterise VdBH 222 using a comprehensive set of multi-wavelength observations.Methods.We obtained multi-band optical (UBVR) and near-infrared (JHKS) photometry of the cluster field, as well as multi-object and long-slit optical spectroscopy for a large sample of stars in the field. We applied classical photometric analysis, as well as more sophisticated methods using the CHORIZOS code, to determine the reddening to the cluster. We then plotted dereddened HR diagrams and determined cluster parameters via isochrone fitting.Results. We have identified a large population of luminous supergiants confirmed as cluster members via radial velocity measurements. We find nine red supergiants (plus one other candidate) and two yellow supergiants. We also identify a large population of OB stars. Ten of them are bright enough to be blue supergiants. The cluster lies behind ≈7.5 mag of extinction for the preferred value of RV = 2.9. Isochrone fitting allows for a narrow range of ages between 12 and 16 Ma. The cluster radial velocity is compatible with distances of ~6 and ~10 kpc. The shorter distance is inconsistent with the age range and Galactic structure. The longer distance implies an age ≈ 12 Ma and a location not far from the position where some Galactic models place the far end of the Galactic bar.Conclusions. VdBH 222 is a young massive cluster with a likely mass >20 000 M⊙. Its population of massive evolved stars is comparable to that of large associations, such as Per OB1. Its location in the inner Galaxy, presumably close to the end of the Galactic bar, adds to the increasing evidence for vigorous star formation in the inner regions of the Milky Way

    Inhibition of CCL3 abrogated precursor cell fusion and bone erosions in human osteoclast cultures and murine collagen-induced arthritis

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    Objective Macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha (CCL3) is a chemokine that regulates macrophage trafficking to the inflamed joint. The agonistic effect of CCL3 on osteolytic lesions in patients with multiple myeloma is recognized; however, its role in skeletal damage during inflammatory arthritis has not been established. The aim of the study was to explore the role of osteoclast-associated CCL3 upon bone resorption, and to test its pharmacological blockade for protecting against bone pathology during inflammatory arthritis. Methods CCL3 production was studied during osteoclast differentiation from osteoclast precursor cells: human CD14-positive mononuclear cells. Mice with CIA were treated with an anti-CCL3 antibody. The effect of CCL3 blockade through mAb was studied through osteoclast number, cytokine production and bone resorption on ivory disks, and in vivo through CIA progression (clinical score, paw diameter, synovial inflammation and bone damage). Results Over time, CCL3 increased in parallel with the number of osteoclasts in culture. Anti-CCL3 treatment achieved a concentration-dependent inhibition of osteoclast fusion and reduced pit formation on ivory disks (P ⩽ 0.05). In CIA, anti-CCL3 treatment reduced joint damage and significantly decreased multinucleated tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive osteoclasts and erosions in the wrists (P < 0.05) and elbows (P < 0.05), while also reducing joint erosions in the hind (P < 0.01) and fore paws (P < 0.01) as confirmed by X-ray. Conclusion Inhibition of osteoclast-associated CCL3 reduced osteoclast formation and function whilst attenuating arthritis-associated bone loss and controlling development of erosion in murine joints, thus uncoupling bone damage from inflammation. Our findings may help future innovations for the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory arthritis

    Low-temperature tapered-fiber probing of diamond NV ensembles coupled to GaP microcavities

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    In this work we present a platform for testing the device performance of a cavity-emitter system, using an ensemble of emitters and a tapered optical fiber. This method provides high-contrast spectra of the cavity modes, selective detection of emitters coupled to the cavity, and an estimate of the device performance in the single- emitter case. Using nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond and a GaP optical microcavity, we are able to tune the cavity onto the NV resonance at 10 K, couple the cavity-coupled emission to a tapered fiber, and measure the fiber-coupled NV spontaneous emission decay. Theoretically we show that the fiber-coupled average Purcell factor is 2-3 times greater than that of free-space collection; although due to ensemble averaging it is still a factor of 3 less than the Purcell factor of a single, ideally placed center.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Flowering Date of Taxonomic Families Predicts Phenological Sensitivity to Temperature: Implications for Forecasting the Effects of Climate Change on Unstudied Taxa

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    Premise of the study: Numerous long-term studies in seasonal habitats have tracked interannual variation in fi rst fl owering date (FFD) in relation to climate, documenting the effect of warming on the FFD of many species. Despite these efforts, long-term phenological observations are still lacking for many species. If we could forecast responses based on taxonomic affi nity, however, then we could leverage existing data to predict the climate-related phenological shifts of many taxa not yet studied; Methods: We examined phenological time series of 1226 species occurrences (1031 unique species in 119 families) across seven sites in North America and England to determine whether family membership (or family mean FFD) predicts the sensitivity of FFD to standardized interannual changes in temperature and precipitation during seasonal periods before fl owering and whether families differ signifi cantly in the direction of their phenological shifts; Key results: Patterns observed among species within and across sites are mirrored among family means across sites; earlyfl owering families advance their FFD in response to warming more than late-fl owering families. By contrast, we found no consistent relationships among taxa between mean FFD and sensitivity to precipitation as measured here; Conclusions: Family membership can be used to identify taxa of high and low sensitivity to temperature within the seasonal, temperate zone plant communities analyzed here. The high sensitivity of early-fl owering families (and the absence of earlyfl owering families not sensitive to temperature) may refl ect plasticity in fl owering time, which may be adaptive in environments where early-season conditions are highly variable among years